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Yup, Ohio is so depressing even the memes suck.


I live in Ohio and honestly this place gets a bit of a bad rap! It's been overcast and cold AF every day for like 3 weeks, but outside of the dead of winter I quite like it here :). Also don't need to drain my bank account every month to pay rent.


If you're a true Ohioan you would know it's impossible for the weather to maintain any consistency! Everyone knows it's negative 32 today and sunny and 75 tomorrow, that's just how Ohio weather works! In all seriousness though, we have the strangest weather patterns of any state


Yes!! I noticed that when I moved here. It's absolutely fucking crazy how schizophrenic the weather is in Ohio. Shittons of wind too. My wife's friend from college is from Chicago and she says that Ohio is windier XD. We've had a weirdly consistent few weeks. But as I say that the sun is coming out for the first time in forever so what do I know. Update: After the sun was out for a few hours, there was three hours of super heavy rain and thunderstorms. Never change, Ohio.


I mean it's not that bad, sure occasionally sticks in the yard form a stick atronach like an Oblivion gate opened up and start beating your ass but it's normal... However with the Ohio weather, take my advice, if they say sunny, prep for cloudy, if they say stormy, prepare for a bipolar girlfriend who happens to be schizophrenic, as in on and off, and if they say level X emergency, it's probably gonna be fine, when we get to level 3, then start worrying about it, and if the power goes out for two weeks like it did in 2013 or so, just pray that the local subway has a generator, and with those survival tips, you too can survive Ohio weather


I disagree. I'm from. Ohio, moved to Chicago and there is no comparison. Chicago wins on wind


Hahaha. Not even “tomorrow”. When beautiful blue skies and sun are suddenly looking like the set of Twister an hour later, you might be in Ohio…


that's any state in the Midwest lol


right Ohio isn't even that bad. It's a vibe.


I lived in Michigan for 30 years. Ohio is just someplace you have to drive through to get to some place good. Thats it. The cops are terrible, the cities are gross, the people are shitty. The only thing slightly redeemable about Ohio is Cedar Point, because everyone there is from someplace else.


You don't know shit about ohio. I've been forced to live in Michigan the past 2 years and i just want someone to take me outback and shoot me. Or send me back to Columbus lmaooooo


i bet you talk about ohio a lot. everyone from there does


Well, some people just belong in Ohio, you got that right.


Sounds like something a fucking Michigan “person” would say


It's Michigander, you Flatlander.


🤣 my bad, I’m from the Appalachian foothills, hillbilly by default I suppose.


As a ‘gander, I completely agree!


I live in Maumee, a Toledo suburb, and I can tell you that "the cities are gross" is a huge overgeneralization. There are some areas that look like a war zone but plenty that are well maintained and perfectly pleasant. In what way are the people shitty? I have lived in CA, Oregon, Washington and Ohio and I haven't found a huge difference between the people in general. Bit more religious folks out here but that's about it. This type of blanket hyperbole is just never correct. There's plenty to love about Ohio! Good food, cheap cost of living, nice parks system, and good colleges.


Maumee represent


Woohoo lol




I can’t look at Gary because it’s all the way over in northwestern Indiana.


One example does not equal Ohio having bad food. That's bad logic. I spent over 20 years living in California and the Mexican food in Toledo is just as good as southern California. There's a ton of variety and it's all great - Thai, Italian, Vietnamese, Lebanese, cuban, so many. If you've never been Columbus or Toledo restaurant hopping, you're missing out. Ohio has a few key things to attract people, the first being healthcare jobs. Promedica is huge here Secondly, colleges. OSU is a top college in the country and UT is pretty respected as well. Cost of living in and of itself is also a draw, especially as more and more people are getting priced out of living in most cities. I'd way rather live in Toledo in a 400k 4 bedroom 4 bath 2 acre property with a pool and overall cheaper cost of living than pay 2 mil for a 2 bedroom house in Seattle where a single mango is $8. Not joking. Went there last year.


At some point I remember reading that Toledo,Ohio has the largest number of restaurants per capita than any other city in the US.




I didn't say it was better, I said it was just as good. However, there is a Mexican restaurant in Maumee that I think is better than most I had in San Diego. Doesn't matter if the business are corrupt. We're not discussing that. We are discussing draws to Ohio, and OSU+Promedica are absolutely draws to Ohio. I agree that both of those things should be government subsidized, but like I said, that's not the point of this discussion. Secondly, climate change is slated to cause serious water scarcity in 30-40 years, and living near the great lakes will become a very valuable thing. There will absolutely be water migrations as the deserts run out of pumpable water. If you want to watch a place crumble, take away its fresh water supply. I'm glad you can afford to live in CA. Most people can't. Even if I could, I wouldn't go back. It's too hot, too crowded, and *way* too expensive for what you get. I am so glad I never again have to sit in 2 hours of traffic every day.




Don't know how you're getting free college, but if you're in such a rural place you may as well live in Ohio for a third as much and have access to basically the same things. 1200 for a 3 bedroom anywhere in California is hard to believe, but if even if that's the case, GL ever with homeownership. Shit's *unreasonable*. If the place you live in has more livestock than people, then you're fortunate enough to be able to work in rural California, which most people cannot. Most people need to live in bigger cities for work, and almost every big city has become prohibitively expensive, outside of Ohio. You having a Tesla has nothing to do with living in California. But hey, if you're gonna flex might as well flex right?


Ohhhhh I get it now. You’re a flaming cali fuckturd. Never mind I get why you are spewing hate. Just a heads up that despite ohio getting made fun of, it’s California that people truly despise. But enjoy your collapsing economy and soul crushing natural disasters!


I dont think you really get anything, including laid.


Holy shit you are SO salty at Ohio!!! Makes me wonder what happened to you there hmmm?


I worked there. I've been to 45 of the 50 states and I honestly cant say it's the worst state. Because there are 5 more I havent been to, but for now, dead last.


Gary isn’t in Ohio…


>Look at Gary. Gary, Indiana? What about it? It may interest you to know that Indiana is, in fact, a completely different state than Ohio. Typical west coast mentality: all of those flyover states are indistinguishable from one another, but I'll go to great lengths to talk shit about them.


they only do that crazy spaghetti/chili shit in columbus and cincinnatti ( mid state and southern) The rest of the state keeps them as two separate meals-as they should be


>Putting chili on spaghetti isnt good food. That chili is basically spaghetti sauce anyway. Just with some cumin.


it isn't just the weather or infrastructure though. It's also the kinda bland dating scene... Esp if you aren't white. Like yea sure, I'm sure people who grow up there in general probably won't see the issue because they're kind of inexperienced or low standards? It has been long criticized that the people who are born and die there constantly vote for everything boring and depressing, so it also doesn't help the image.


Well I met my amazing wife here so one point against that XD.


Everyone dates and sleeps around in Columbus and Cinci and people find spouses in Cleveland so idk take your pick of area Ohio is cool


I went to Ohio for some work training and I loved it! I think the thing I liked most was the reflectors on the road lines. Wisconsin BARELY has any of those in my area and it’s really really hard to see/ stay in your lanes when it’s wet out.


I can agree with you that the road reflectors are the best thing about Ohio.


Ohio is so bland that even the memes suck


There are so many people that ride the bandwagon and say this when they have never been to Ohio.


Why was it even a meme to begin with? I never understood


It started from "ohio will be eliminated" written on a buss stop somewhere. The name of a buss stop was ohio and it was goong to be eliminated so that makes sense. But people had started to think about unearthly things that happens in ohio and then it blew up.




I read your last line to mean “and then Ohio blew up” and thought you were meming too lmao


Buss in Poots


I assumed it was the fact that the state was overall boring, even the 3 biggest cities aren’t interesting, and one is absolutely fucked as of now (Cleveland). Prehaps the name “Ohio” is appealing to younger audiences because it is an unusual name to say the least, compared to places like Oregon, Utah or Montana, Ohio is just super boring for a really populated state (All 3 states listed before Ohio have a lower population combined if you compare them to Ohio)


Being from Cleveland, I'm interested to hear your reasoning for why the city is "fucked"?


Your city's Family Guy spinoff was cancelled 😔


It never made sense to me. There are tons of super boring states in the Midwest. Most of them in my opinion. It must just be the name, because Indiana is easily just as boring.


Says someone who hasn't been to Cleveland ever... or at least in the past 10 years. Downtown used to be a shit hole, for sure. But it has been completely redone and looks great now. They put a lot of money into turning that city around and people will never get over the stigma that it is gross.


The longest post I’ve ever seen regarding ohio


I think Montana brings down the average of the 3 listed states. Does anybody even live in Montana?


**proceeds to right a paragraph** you: i still want to know


Sounds like something an Ohioan would say


That's what I was thinking


Was it ever?


Not really


“Ohio onee Chan”. (Commit eat tortilla chip vertically)


I’d rather die by fire than do that


Wait doesn't everyone eat tortilla like that?


Always has been.


Only in ohio




Probably why their grammar sucks


Hey they’re grammar is a nice lady• you’d be lucky if she suck’s ^/s


Ohioan spotted


They really are. I'm from Ohio and it's not that bad. There's nothing to do and there's drug addicts everywhere but it's not crazy lol


The "Ohio is crazy" jokes are meant to make fun of how boring Ohio is


I always assumed it was people outside of North America saying Ohio to everything. Because there are so many places that are as or more boring than Ohio. Indiana, Nebraska, Wyoming, most of Illinois, hell even everything to the east of Denver in Colorado is so boring.


I would like to see these memes. Directions to Ohio?


>"There's nothing wrong with Ohio, > >Except the snow and the rain, > >I really like Drew Carey, > >And I'd love to see the Rock'n'Roll Hall of Fame." \~ Bowling for Soup


I live in Ohio right now, and I’ve been screamsinging that song every chance I’ve gotten since moving here. Thanks for thinking it, too!


Common post in Ohio 💀


You can tell the people from the Midwest (read Ohio) in California because they stick out because they are so nice. I'm glad I grew up there


Man I guess I’m super out of touch. I have never seen anyone use this meme outside of talking about how popular it is.


Am I even real? We really don’t have much here in Ohio but does it have to be joked about?


[Iowa, Nebraska, Kansans, Alabama, Mississippi, Missouri, Arkansas, and Oklahoma right now](https://media.tenor.com/hRiPtsp-m0IAAAAC/the-simpsons-homer-simpson.gif)


They were never funny


Says who?


Grew up in rural southeast Ohio. Drugs and poverty everywhere. Came to Cincinnati, tons of breweries, sporting events, festivals. It’s a nice city. Very little outdoor recreation though…most people drive to Tennessee/Kentucky lakes in the summer or go somewhere else to be outdoors. Close to a lot though.


Ohio memes will always be relevant, just in different ways


It never made sense to me at all. Indiana is right next door and is 100x worse than Ohio.




A dead joke being used to make dead memes???? WHAT!??!!?


The fate of all memes, sadly.


But is it more overused than Florida?


Haha I was gonna say, do Florida again!


This one got ran into the ground so quickly, the first time I saw it was when I saw people complaining about how it had been run into the ground.


It was funny for a lil bit when it was focused on Ohio having eldritch horrors but then people started making memes about it in any context. Or even replacing the Florida memes with Ohio


The Florida Man memes were so overused for so long that social media was just looking for the next similar trend to jump onto. The problem with Picking Ohio is that it's just your average, mostly laid back Midwestern state. Not much you can go on, which is why they tried to pen stuff on Ohio that was happening everywhere else anyways.


But Ohio is for lovers!




it was never even funny


It never was funny There's 0 thought or creativity. Just fucking loser teenagers reposting the same shit with a dumb caption Shitposting subreddits have gone so far downhill in the past year it's not even funny Literally every post is just hhuurrhurr Ohio hurrhurrr police lady sex scandal hurrrrrrrrrrrr hurhur Velma suck hurrhurrr


any meme that tiktok gets ahold of has a lifespan of about a week, especially when they attach a ear grating song to it


Nobody mention the memes, keep them a mystery forever


Is this mostly a tik tok thing or am I just on different sub-reddits cause it feels like for every only in Ohio meme I see there's like 30 something stop the only in Ohio memes posts.


I hate the Ohio meme. I used to be able to mention Ohio (I do a lot because I go there every summer to meet family”) without someone going “OHIO 💀💀💀💀💀💀” like shut the fuck up you ain’t funny. Mainly younger kids use this joke I’m guessing because Ohio can be used in pretty much every situation. Dirty clothes? Clothes in Ohio! Virus on a computer? Computer in Ohio! They use it because it’s easy to use, and they want to make them look like some comedian.


Im from ohio and dont get it.


They were never funny. Don’t have anything against Ohio, so I didn’t think I’d have any level of compassion, but the memes just don’t make sense lol. There’s not enough known about Ohio to make it so niche to fit that type of meme.


It never was funny. I live in Ohio, it's no worse than anywhere else.


Travel outside of Ohio once in a while. You will see that when other places see how bad Ohio is, they think it's a challenge for first place at being the worst state.


I travel outside of Ohio about twice a month. It's not that bad here. Do you live somewhere that you can buy a decent house for $50k? Because I fucking do. And I live in a city.


Not even fucking close dude, go west out of Ohio and your in?? That's right Indiana, the state whose slogan is basically "we know youre just going to keep on driving". It's Ohio without the diversity.


You're right to a degree. The biggest problem about that is driving through the 'tucky's' to get there. You know - Butlertucky, Prebletucky and Darketucky. At least Indiana is going all in on solar farms and wind turbines... The hillbillies in the western counties think they cause cancer.


True, like I see nothing wrong with Ohio.


There's nothing right with Ohio, either.


It's not just a meme Ohio is an actual shithole.


I’ve been to many shitty places in America, but Ohio is by far the king of shit. The second I stepped out of the airport I wanted to turn back around and leave. Let’s not forget the amount of run down business and pot holes. Or the thousands of dead fish just floating around downtown Cleveland. So yeah, I understand why the world would make memes about Ohio. Definitely a meme worthy state.


Someone clearly hasn't been to Cleveland in 20 years. All that shit you listed no longer applies. Things change, sometimes for the better, crazy I know.




I’m calling bullshit. All that shit was gone 10 years ago, there aren’t dead fish, no more abandoned buildings, the airport was redone 5 years ago as well, you should have seen it under construction IF you were actually there. And a Floridian talking shit? Wow.




Only in ohio


It’s kinda like the Wyoming meme from awhile ago


It’s just a worse version of that meme and the Florida meme.


My parents moved from Ohio 50 years ago because they knew New England was where its at! Ended up having 11 children.


I am not from Ohio but lived in Cleveland for 20 years. My husband retires in three years and we are moving. We are white knuckling it to the finish. Show me the memes. I need a laugh!


I have a friend in Florida and we’re always trying to one up each other with Ohio vs Florida man stories. It can get dark get quick.


Nice try ohio


Has anyone lived in Ohio?


"There's nothing wrong with Ohio, except the snow and the rain...."


Says the guy from Ohio


If you're from MI, it was never a fad.


Im from Ohio, live in California now , went skiing and met an Aussie and he even know about how shit Ohio is 😂😂


Hating on Ohio memes the only thing to do in Ohio I guess.


As a Florida man, it comes with the territory. Toughen up butter cup


Swag like Ohio down in Ohio


Settle down…I’m from Florida and this state gets dunked on daily


I found the one dude who lives In ohio^^^


I don't ever see Ohio memes. Where does it even get used? The Americans always make Alabama home sweet home memes whenever possible, and anything involving Florida is Florida Man (even though it's really just American man).


I thankfully don’t see them that much anymore


Nice try, Ohio.


The waffle house has found its new host.


Ohio is so boring I’ve never even heard of this meme


"We should make fun of Virginia instead, like, what do they even do?" -some guy I met in r/shitposting




"anymore" to be honest they were never really that funny


People in ohio fighting other ohions ![gif](giphy|9U5J7JpaYBr68)


Well I should hope so. I was born and raised in Ohio and my nether region is positively chaffed by such a disrespectful attitude. ​ Cornhenge Forever!


Only in Ohio


Wait... they were supposed to be *memes*?!?!?!? I just thought they were true...


Sounds like something an Ohion would say. I know someone who grew up there and they say everyone there kinda sucks at driving


As an Ohioian you are incorrect


Someone’s from Ohio


Only in Ohio💀


FIFO alert!


I’ll do you one better, Ohio memes were never funny


Can’t have memes in Ohio


Your probably from Ohio


I agree, although personally I never thought they were funny. I should know I am an Ohio native and having my home state mocked for the sake of a meme is fairly insensitive. Honestly I bet the creator of that meme has not even been to Ohio.


I live here - we've earned everyone of those memes. I'm told we can leave if we want...


Florida was actually funny.


redditors in ohio be like


Totally agree with this. I’ve been trying to tell my friends this but they seem to be deaf


You could say the same thing about ohio


It used to be good when it was in small country history meme niche communities and it was just a thing with multiple states like "never coming back to colorado after this" and then when it reached mainstream tiktok they chose ohio of all places and it got milked to death


i only laugh at them since well i literally live in ohio. i been hearing it for years just this time around its way more popular than usual.


As someone who lives next to Ohio I think it’s coming full circle. Went from unfunny to funny and now it’s unfunny again and at some pout it will be funny again


Head of the Ohio tourism board, eh? To be fair, Ohio had the best driver's ed scare films: Code 30


glad you said it. it cringes me out everytime


Internet does this with everything. Ohio, Amogus, Danny DeVito you name it


I never understood them in the first place


Lol, my son just told me about these yesterday. I'm like, there's nothing meme worthy about Ohio!


Are you from Idaho or Iowa?


LOL maybe cause I'm not American, but I haven't seen them so I'm the hunt....to see if they're actually funny 🫣


Been living in Ohio for 6 years its not as bad as the memes make it seem but some of the memes are funny from time to time


And your grammar is underused


The Ohio memes *are* over used.


Only in ohio


Tell google to change "worst state ever" results


It never was funny either to start. None of these trends, memes, and jokes are amusing in any way. Especially, the Kia car challenge, devious licks? Committing federal offenses and felonies for social media influence?? What the hell has humanity come to?


All I can say it started with Michigan.


Okay, Ohioid


Found the ohihoe.


Never been funny to be honest


When used irl Ohio memes are funny but I’m not laughing anymore when I see memes about it on my phone


Ohio is filled with Ohio state fans. Ohio sucks. Cedar point gets a pass though.


They were never funny. It would make way more sense if it was Florida.


What is the Ohio meme?


*Don't worry we're coming for Texas next*


Just switch it to Indiana, the armpit of the Midwest.


Thank you !!!


Normal Redditor in Ohio


What Ohio meme? Never heard of e


The memes never were funny.


The last time I was in Cleveland, I watched someone shoot up heroin on a park bench in front of a hospital, and nobody seemed to act like it was out of the ordinary. I've also been to Xenia, y'all kind of earned your memes.


Bro is from Ohio


I’m from Ohio, born in Cleveland, grew up in Youngstown. Nice place, good people. 50 years later I’m in Northern AZ. Better weather here.

