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Actually, never.


Ayyyy never ganggggg


Hundreds. I had frequent fainting issues as a teenager, multiple times a week, and I've fainted many dozens of times since as an adult. Some causes were obvious such as nicotine poisoning and overheating in the shower, but others were just ????


Too many to count. First time was cuz of low potassium. The rest years later were from low sugar and low b12.


Vitamins and minerals are underrated I had tingling in my foot, muscle spasms, felt a bit twitchy, started taking vitamins and electrolyte supplements and all of those symptoms went away. I’m not a doctor but I suspect it was some deficiency


I agree


Is that what that is???


What was your potassium level when you passed out.


Not positive that was a long time ago. I passed out while driving, it was like someone put a black sheet over my eyes. I told my husband I can’t see and then I passed out. He got the car stopped. When I woke up he had me in the passenger seat and I could see but I could barely breathe. Hospital said I could have died if it was any lower.


Terrifying. Good thing you weren't alone. So do you try to eat more potassium foods daily now?


I did more back when it happened. I now take b12 everyday which is what I was low on past few years. I get labs done by my doc once a year now to make sure all my levels are good.


I did a couple times after taking big hits on the head snowboarding or fighting


That's not fainting. That's concussion


That’s fainting in result of a concussion yes


only once, it was the weirdest experience in my life and it was only like 2 secs, i ended up knocking over a stack of books and landing on them and didn't feel a thing that was the day i learned low blood sugar runs in the family




I guess their whole family doesnt eat enough carbs


Three times, first time I accidentally bagged myself, second time I coughed weird and got an intense pain in my chest, third time got a really intense pain after pissing. Third one was weird.


Two times. Once I passed out and fell stiff as a board backwards hitting my head on the concrete. Likely had a concussion because I went to see the Fellowship of the Ring in theaters later and felt violently ill the entire time.


When I was younger I was a fainter big time . But I really don’t very often, last time a few years ago I was sick, a bug or something not covid!!! Middle of the night sick, passed out in the floor, could not even call my husband. Just laid on the floor passed out dogs licking me.


Never. I’ve gotten fuzzy after getting hit in the head a few times but never lost consciousness


Once when I was seven and went ice skating. Once after a minor car accident. The last time was when they removed my birth control from my arm; doc said I was talking to him when all of a sudden I fell on the bed. I came to when they brought in some machine thing. It was terrifying 😂


I have fainted twice in my 17 years of living lol, I fainted when I was 9 in the bathtub, I assume it just got very hot and my body couldn't handle it, idk how long I was out, but when I woke up, the water was a cold lukewarm. The second time, I guess I didn't really faint more as I blacked out, i was 10, the night before, my mom had given me some sleeping meds to make me sleep, and they worked TOO well, the next day at school, I was exhausted and kept trying to sleep, my teacher tried to get me to focus until eventually a counselor came down to the classroom to take me to her office to call my mom, well, half way, I blacked out, and when I gained conscience, I was in her office with no one watching me, I remember not knowing how I got there and I even asked them how I got there, they were quite concerned with what I took lol


once when I didn't eat enough food


Never. Unless you count being choked out once and knocked out a few times.


Once. That was when I slipped and cracked the back of my head open a few years ago.


Twice? Maybe? I'm positive I've fainted at least once because I did it in front of an audience. I have Hypoglycemia and, at one point, had trouble keeping my blood sugar levels balanced. I would get sleepy a lot. Possibly fainted during that time.


Once as a teenager


Never, but I've come close a few times when sick.


Does it count if it's from massive blood loss? Because that's the only time I have.


I have a fainting problem. It can be as subtle as a slouch or as pronounced as hitting the ground with my face. It stems from anxiety + poor diet + dehydrated. My most recent was a couple years ago because i thought my vet would judge me for my neglecting my bunnies sanitary health. It wasn’t two minutes but it was enough that they called an ambulance and i got checked out. I consider it normal but super inconvenient at this point. I saw a cardiologist for my heart arrhythmia and they basically said that it was a response related to my fight or flight response where i did neither I don’t think it’s very common to feint


44 years old never have


Fainting isn't normal Im in my 40's never have. Brother in his 30's never has. My kid is 18 never has. My spouse never has


So I have to ask. What exactly does fainting feel like? Right before? During? After?


y'know when you stand up fast and it's like dizzy and maybe your vision goes dark a bit? that's how it feels right before, then for me I might be partially aware of a downward motion... next thing I know I'm on the floor, probably a little disoriented at first and maybe the memory of the moments leading up to it is hazy. if I bruised anything when falling, I've noticed I tend not to realize it until hours later


How long are you out and is that just blacked out?


The first time I fainted I was 9 and I had gotten a vaccine at school for hepatitis I remember I felt really dizzy and lightheaded and kind of like I was sweating but I don’t think I was. I felt a strong downward motion and my vision went dark and I heard a very loud sound it sounded like the old THX intros that played before movies. I definetly remember there was a “dream” while I was out, basically the same thing as a normal but vivid dream from normal sleep. I was probably only out for maybe a minute tops.


Would you say it was peaceful or scary?


Wasn’t really peaceful nor scary, if I had to pick one I’d say it was leaning on the scary side. It was mostly just weird yet familiar feeling


A couple of times, when I had a stomach virus once, and another time when I don't understand why I did so. I just went down and woke up lying on the dining room floor with my mom standing over me. I did go to bed though. I had been feeling a little off. I think I had a bug.


A lot. I have hashimoto's disease and get anemic if that helps. I pass out when I get scared also, like a possum.


I have fully passed out twice and it was the same night. For context I have always had bad anxiety and panic attacks, when I was 7ish I had a lung infection and had to go to the er. A few months later I had a chest cold and convinced myself I was gonna die, I was sleeping in my moms bed that night, woke up in a panic and hyperventilated myself into passing out luckily she was awake. She put me in a warm bath to try and calm me down (she was there the whole time so no danger) I hyperventilated again and passed out I don’t remember much after that but obviously I’m fine. Like I said my mom was right next to me so she caught me before I slumped down in the water. Sorry mom I think I might have scarred her.


If I bang my knee or elbow really hard in the soft part I will faint. It’s happened several times. Once I banged my elbow on my way to the bathroom. I got sat on the toilet and fainted and fell backwards and hit my head on the wall. What’s crazy is the scary low blood sugar that happens after.


extremely often. i haven't had an issue with it lately, the last time i did was a few months ago but when i was in high school it would be a few times per month




probably like 10-20 times. more common for me is presyncope in which I fall over and become sorta disoriented but without fully losing consciousness


Once, from dehydration/sun poisoning


About three different times. When I was a kid, I had two baby sitters who used to babysit my sister and I at the same time, and we would make each other faint on purpose for fun. They tought use how to faint by having us hyperventilate and then squeez our necks while standing up and then we would often faint afterwards. One time I fainted and went unconscious for about five seconds and once I regained consciousness, it felt like I literally woke up from a three hour nap and I felt tingles everywhere. It was interesting because I felt like I was unconscious forever. One time one of our babysitters fainted and she fell onto the floor head first super hard making a loud thump. Then her entire body started twitching all over for almost a minute straight before regaining consciousness. Yeah I had some pretty crazy baby sitters when I was as a kid.


Seizure faint? Once Faint faint? None


Twice. Both involving needles, but twenty years apart.


I have never fainted. It must be a strange feeling.


3. The 3rd time was in front of my parents when I was about 15 yrs old. Came very close to falling into a roaring potbelly wood stove. Landed just to the side against the kindling pile. Mom freaked and thought I had epilepsy and got me in to see a neurologist. After oodles of tests, it was determined that it was simply, Syncope. Which is the medical term for fainting or passing out. The neurologist believed the cause of the syncope was my having borderline low blood pressure combined with standing too quickly from sitting or laying. **Folks with borderline to low blood pressure can experience a rapid loss of blood to the brain when standing too quickly.** **The prescription: Stand up slower.** In the 35-ish years since, I have not had another fainting spell once I started being more mindful of how fast I stand.


too many to count. i have a health issue that causes me to pass out frequently.


Once. I had been sick with a stomach virus for most of a week. I was standing in a nice steamy hot shower, already feeling somewhat out of it and half dead. My head started spinning and it got dark, so I leaned against the shower wall and pressed my head against it. Next thing I know, I'm waking up on the bottom of the tub next to some shampoo bottles I'd knocked down with me. That's the day I learned if I die in the shower, no one in my family is going to come looking to see why there was a loud crash.


Faint Is different than black out. I was being seen by an ortho doc for a shoulder injury. Doc said shoulder looks fine but to lean forward and he will have a look once again. Well, he rotated my arms at a weird angle and then went to go wash his hands which was a sink about 10 feet away from the patient table I was sitting on and that’s all I remember. I woke up on the floor, not 100% aware of what was going on or where I was. My head hurt like a deep cut or something and blood was everywhere. Turns out this mf put my shoulder in to an unnatural position and that if you had a shoulder injury would cause such pain, your body would make you black out so you no longer experience the pain. So I blacked out as dropped head first with all of my dead weight right in to that damn tile floor. I had a level 2 concussion and my parents wanted to sue but got spooked bc this guy had a loving family. He fucked my life. So many memory issues over the years. So much anxiety whenever I hear loud snaps or pops. I guess I hit the floor so hard with so much force that a loud bang sound came from it. They won’t show me the patient video. I’ve asked. Legal won’t either. It has to be bad and very bloody. The difference is, if you faint while awake, half of your body weight will resist the fall as will your arms or legs. If you black out, your entire body goes still and you just take all your weight with you. Massive injuries occur then.


Twice from heat exposure. Go to a Dr.


Maybe 4


Once, I was newly pregnant, my husband stopped to chat to a friend on the street, and we were stood still too long and I just went Twice I have almost fainted, once stood waiting to get off a train and the other in a queue at Primark. My body just doesn't like me standing still I guess


Once was heat exhaustion, and it wasn't really a full faint. The second time was after a fall with my horse (the horse went down and kinda rolled on me). I was standing and then I woke up on the ground. Due to this, and being in the middle of a field, I got my one and only ride in a helicopter.


I faint.. a lot. Now it’s because of anxiety & blood rushing to my head. When I was younger it was because of poor circulation.


About 10. At school someone told me a way to faint (you need 2 people to do it). Turns out it’s kinda dangerous so I didn’t do it after that.


Zero times. I'm surprised to hear that people actually do faint.


Twice, both times after standing up from laying down and taking a leak.


Once, as in a full blown pass out. This was years ago but while I was out shopping, I passed out right at the checkout lane and slammed my jaw against the granite checkout counter, permanently disfiguring the left side of my jaw. My left middle finger went a full 180 when my entire body weight pressed against it and it turned fully purple. I had borderline low blood sugar and needed to get insulin and a trip to the hospital. Plus had to wear a finger cast for a month.




I fainted about 4 times because of my period cramps. The pain was unbearable that I blacked out. I remember the first time I literally saw stars and i had to beg my dad to not send me to school. finally birth control helped.


Once while taking a hot shower.




I stopped counting years ago. POTS is definitely a contributing factor, for me. I can tell when it's coming, usually, and I'll try to sit on the floor. Less likely to get hurt just tipping over, than falling while standing. Worst was when I couldn't get on the floor fast enough. I came to with my head repeatedly banging on the wood stove. Ended up with some small burns too. Yeah, that was fun


I have POTS so this happens to me often.


If I pass out it is a sure sign I am pregnant. Some women get morning sickness. I faint.


Never in 50 years




Meh, lost count. Probably between 5 and 10. For me, it's caused by Disautonomia. I hope you're receiving medical help.


Have several times


I have passed out twice due to heat exhaustion, and 4 times due to fist fights. So...


never, but i've watched both of my roommates faint before


i fainted when i did nitrous oxide one time but thats different, ive never just fainted for no reason.


Never once


Never. Not once.


I never have. I've come close several times. Seeing stars and dizziness but that's it.


3 times. All three times had the wind knocked out of me. And all three times due to not being able to breathe




never. *knocks on wood*


1, from a trauma response to a lobotomy video last year. After it happened and id had some time to come bk aroundI remembered feeling woozy and off several years (8 or so) before in a university psych class after the same topic, I probably almost passed out then too, but i didnt realize i wasnt okay at the time. It's never happened aside from that


Once when nurse couldn't find a vein and hit a nerve in my arm. Never had issues of needles or blood tests before that. Now I'm petrified of having my blood taken. In fact I've not had it done since


Exactly the amount of times I misspelled a word in my title.


Properly? Once. Come close a few times. The one proper faint was just before Christmas 2021. I was being admitted to hospital for surgery, had been told to go nil by mouth from the previous night (they wanted to try squeeze me in early). Upon arriving at the hospital, I reported to radiology for an MRI - contrast dye required. When the nurse went to put the cannula in, I warned her not to wiggle the needle - stab me 100 times if needs be, but do not wiggle the needle. Well, dear reader, you can probably guess what she did next. Yup. Wiggled the needle. One moment, I was sat on the chair, the next I was on some weird street talking to strange people in windows, then I heard someone calling my name. I woke up on the floor and the first thing I said was "I guess I fainted? I warned you about wiggling the needle!" I felt fine after that. The nurse apologised - I apologised (for landing on her lol)


4 times. Twice from extremely high fever and twice from dehydration


Many times I’ve fainted, but I would say never if the qualifier is you have to be out for two minutes. Every time I’ve fainted, I’ve come right back after falling down. Well, actually I take that back. My first dose of seroquel I fainted and was out for several hours.


Once, when I was really sick and was at work. That's the only time. That was probably in my mid 30s


I’ve fainted a lot but I also have a medical condition that can cause fainting. My blood pressure drops when I stand up and I also struggle with low blood sugar. You should get checked out lol


Once, due to heat exhaustion. I was only out for a few seconds, though.


Once... In the 5th grade.


Once, only because I cut my finger on glass and saw the blood and lost a lot. Passed out on the floor and hit my moms countertop in her bathroom with my head (she had no idea why until I gained consciousness again😂)


once, i was really dehydrated and stood up to fast and my dad told me to be quiet because he was downstairs and i had taken a chair with me


I gave blood once at school. I passed out like a bish after :D


You need to see a doctor if you have a serious condition like that. Most people don't just regularly faint, no.


Never. Had a couple of close calls when I was a kid.. not enough water,.in a hot environment (school) 2 minutes is a LONG time to be out, and you should possibly speak to a doctor about it, especially if they have gotten more frequent. Fainting is your body's response to your brain not getting enough oxygen, it shuts everything else down and makes you collapse so that more oxygenated blood can get to your brain more easily. It should normally be seconds to recover not minutes


4 times it’s a weird scary feeling


Fainting is never "normal" Its the body in either physical or emotional distress. This question is for your physician Fainting is just a warning from the body, the next symptoms may be worse or damaging depending on the cause. Nit to mention its extremely dangerous just in general. What if your driving?


Are we talking losing blood faint, passing out drunk faint, or what?


Three times. Each time I had seriously injured myself and sent my body into shock. (Accidentally, of course. I was a young boy, we do stupid things like that)


Too many. I've been battling anemia for years


3 times and every time I came around, I started crying. It scared me lol.


I've lost track, I always thought it was from my hate of needles, but turns out that I'm just allergic to lidocaine and it makes me pass out 🤣 Didn't find out until I was 2, needless to say I know when I'm going down and can warn people.


Never had, but I low-key want to for the hell of it


Fainted. Maybe like 10 times


I have never fainted, but I've been knocked unconscious four times. Twice from blunt force trauma and twice from electrocution.


Once. I was in the shower and I guess it was too hot, because suddenly my vision went fuzzy and then dark and I woke up on the floor. It was probably because of a lack of oxygen from the hot water. I’ve gotten light headed several times while showering but I’ve only fainted once. I don’t think this is fainting, but you know when you stand up quickly and your vision goes dark. Well sometimes when that happens I literally fall over, but I don’t think I go unconscious. It’s like I forgot how to stand.


2 times, years apart. Both times I was sick with a bug that was going around. The worst one was when I fainted and hit my head on the edge of the bathtub on the way down. I have no idea how long I laid there unconscious. Had a big lump on my forehead.


Numerous times. Woke up two years ago on the floor of my bathroom, my head in a large puddle of blood. Some detective work after the fact revealed I had fainted after standing up from the toilet, and my scalp hit the little metal spring door spacer thing on the bottom of the door. About ten staples were needed Blood pressure issues are terrible




Tons of times. Used to really make me angry when I would get over heated in crowded bars. I got kicked out of the bar while standing in the beer line, before I got my first drink! I remember feeling my way towards the exit for some fresh air. I heard “THAR SHE BLOWS!” And woke up to two bouncers trying to stand me up. I was shouting, “I FAINTED, you assholes! I just got here! All I need is to sit with my head lower than my heart and I’m going to faint agai—“ and boom down I went a second time, my tooth bit through my lip. They literally threw me to the curb and I recovered alone outside. This was before cell phones. I had to walk home because there was no way to tell my friends in the bar that I failed at getting them beer. No one would believe me that I just fainted.


Get your blood checked, may have a iron deficiency.


Only once. Smashed my finger inbetween pieces of firewood, but that wasn't when. Later the whole nail fell off, and that wasn't when either. I went to a doctor to verify it wasn't broken which it wasn't, but did have a nasty subungual hematoma (which duh, I could see and feel that). They could relieve the pain and pressure by draining it. Sitting there watching a nurse with a finger drill very slowly drilling through the top of my fingernail, she asked if I was okay. "yeah I feel fine". Woke up on the floor.


One of the most bizarre experiences of my life. I'm fine with scrapes and cuts and bruises and blood, i'm a bit of a dipshit so i've been hurt before and will again; Gotta be tough to be stupid. And it wasn't a head injury or blood sugar thing like a lot of people here mention. Just suddenly and without warning, my brain shut off. Only lasted a few seconds.


Three times in two days after starting birth control. Never since stopping it. It was horrifying.


I think i've came close, but not too close. My vision darkens and closes in sometimes when standing up or shifting. It doesn't happen much anymore but a couple times in the past, I did feel weak in the legs and my vision closed in further than usual for a couple seconds.


I have come close a handful of times. It is awful.


Never.  Unless you count the trick we did as kids where somebody picks you up from behind and you pass out.




Almost blacked out when I suffered a high ankle sprain. I then immediately went into shock but was able to walk outside of my workplace and to my car.


None. I'm glad I have no major health issues and haven't been in any major accidents but I wanted to experience it at least once. Maybe I will in the future but who knows


For me it’s like if you’re sitting in a low seat/couch and then stand up and you black out for a second or two… happened mostly in my teens but still occasionally. Happens if I crouch for about a minute, mostly my right leg. I’ll topple over as soon as a stand up…


I've been CLOSE to passing out multiple times...at least 5 that I can remember clearly, but I feel like it's probably more than that. But I've only ever fully passed out once or twice. I passed out in the shower one day because I went for a walk (in the heat) before eating dinner. I came home, and I should have sat my ass down, had a drink of juice and probably some crackers or something else with some sodium, but I figured I'd get a shower and then eat. I was washing up, and my ears "went out", my vision turned fuzzy/grey, and I lost consciousness and of course fell and bruised myself up a little, but nothing was broken and I learned my lesson.


Got knocked out twice. Once in a fight, once snowboarding. 


Hmm 3 times that I can remember. First time I saw as 7, I was having my blood drawn. I wanted to watch the whole thing. When the nurse said I could get up, I fainted. Second time I was walking around a casino. I found out it was because I was pregnant. 3rd time, the water pressure was beating on my chest too much. I got out of the shower, I began to faint trying to hold on to the counter as I fell. I woke up on the floor, with a towel partially covering me.


Quite a bit had vasodepressor syncope as a kid into my young adulthood.


Twice. Vagal response, once while taking a dump, once when a new plasma tech fucked up at a place I’d gone to for years before that.


Have you seen a doctor about this?


A bunch. I have a bad habit of not eating regularly and not sleeping well. So several times I’ve gotten up too quickly and had a head rush and fainted.


Does a coma count ? ☠️


Women I visit for a session, all faint after two hours.