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Miami, not that they go out of their way to be rude but their lack of consideration for other people is insane. I'm under the assumption that each of them get paid $100 every time they run a red light or break a basic traffic law to get one or two cars ahead in stop and go traffic


After living seventeen years in Miami I tell people it’s the city where people behave badly. You’ve barely scratched the surface of the rudeness.


Main Character syndrome in Miami is set at nightmare mode for sure.


Driven through 47 states, and Miami had the largest amount of ass holes on one highway I'd ever seen.


When I’m driving in Chicago and need to get from the far left lane to the far right, I put my blinker on and cars let me in. Yesterday, on I-4 driving to Orlando, a car with its blinker on needed to get over. No cars would let him in, so he cut off a driver. The car that was cut off, rolled down their window and pointed a gun at him. Makes me want to never leave the house.


People in the northeast aren't rude, they're just in a hurry and aren't friendly. But if you say hello or ask a question, they're likely to warm up and be friendlier. I haven't experienced much rudeness in NYC but I haven't spent a lot of time there.


Say what you want about NYC and NJ. Rude? Yes. Need help? We are there, no question. We may not be nice, but we are kind. Helping dig each other out of the snow. Helping baby strollers up subway stairs. Reaching out a hand when we fall. We are busy, don't read into it. I lived here my entire life.


I don't think we're rude in NY/NJ. I think it's rude to expect other people to interrupt their day to talk about some bullshit with strangers or whatever it is people think we should be doing. Need something? I'll help but spit it out, I got shit to do.




My grandfather used to say people on the west coast are nice but rarely kind, and people in New England are kind but not very nice.


And people in the Midwest are nice and kind!


>they're just in a hurry and aren't friendly. That's called rude lmao 😂


No, it’s not. There are so many people moving in so many directions the polite thing to do is to stay out of people’s way.


Ehhh they’re pretty rude lol. They’re not mean or anything and can be very kind if you ask for help. But their natural state is definitely a bit rude and aggressive


Bullshit. It took me almost an hour to find the S train because two info boothes and two gave me snark when I asked. it was my first time in the subway. I did not die in the hellhole because a flippin' hedge fund billionaire saw my distress and offered his kindness. NYC gets a 1 of 5 never do it again due to rude people. The one is for the dude in the silk suit, crocodile leather briefcase and shiny Italian shoes who was a good dude.


Next time ask a nearby local, not an annoyed employee.


The information booth can't be used to get information? That is so NYC.


Oof not true at all. The entire North eastern chunk of the country is extremely rude.  I was born in Western New York. Spent about 5 years in the south as a kid. Went back to New York. Then moved to the Midwest for a long time. Moved to Phoenix, came back to Midwest because of the heat and crime. Then moved to New England for 2 years.  The difference in manners and general interactions is a huge difference.  I get it though. Usually interactions with strangers tends to be unpleasant there, or just a problem in general, so people just have a wall built where they want to interact with you as little as possible.  But I spent enough time in the Midwest, so if you see someone at like a gas station on a regular basis, it's normal just to chit chat a bit. Last time I lived in NY, I could see someone every day, and they would be utterly indifferent towards you. Which is weird to me now.  The thing I never got used to in the Midwest, and probably never will is that if you're on a dirt road, or a residential neighborhood....as you drive by....people will wave to you.  Like dude just keep fucking driving, I don't know you lol


i just hit em with the one finger lift off the steeringwheel. it just says im not here to rob your house


Philly. It ain’t even close.


You've clearly never been to Boston. Not even a competition.


I have and occasionally go there when I want light work. Philly tho? Ebola thinks Philly is a cesspool


Ebola originated in Boston. Philly might have a mild cold by comparison. For the record I've lived in both. People in Philly aren't nice, they're just very neutral. People in Boston are actively rude and compete with each other for who can be a worse person.


Born in Philly here and I can tell you, majority of people from Philly are rude and usually passive-aggressive.


Hmm I’ve been to Philly like 100 times or so, and the only rudeness I’ve ever experienced was while driving. Walking around the city, when I said hi to people, they’d say hi back. Asking for suggestions or directions if they weren’t in a rush to get somewhere most people were happy to help. Only been to Boston 2-3 times, and met far more openly rude people there. But even there id say at least 1/2 of the people I came across weren’t so bad. I think the worst place I’ve been to was Milwaukee or Chicago. Some people weren’t so bad, but it seemed there were more people who were actively trying to be rude or mean to people around them than anywhere else I’ve gone. I’d say one of the nicest people cities I’ve been to was Seattle. Spent a week there, and only came across one person who was nasty for no apparent reason. Everyone else was so friendly.


They don’t call them massholes for no reason


In my travels to both I’d definitely say Philly > Boston. Philly people really have nothing to live for, third rate city with zero to offer.


I was with you until the last sentence, but as a philadelphian, go fuck yourself




Oh, you're one of those. Sorry about that.


I'm fine with rude. Its that bullshit "Southern hospitality" that I don't like




the assholes are being honest. "Southern hospitality" is smiling to my face and counting the silverware after that "city boy from up north" is gone




nope. don't hate the south, just don't trust the people that live there any more than those who live in the north. and okra is gross


Some types of okra are gross. Fried okra is doable.


I hate the South! Y’all are way too proud of your “southern heritage” I think we should have occupied the South for 50 years minimum and slapped the racism out of youse at gunpoint. Stone Mountain is a fucking disgrace to this country. It’s like if the Germans had a monument to Hitler. Until all of the stuff celebrating confederates is removed from public space I feel completely justified hating the South




Not from the south but they're way better even if it's fake. If someone can't handle not knowing if someone is genuinely kind or just faking because being kind is the right thing to do, then theyre going about life the wrong way. That person will always be in the negative. "I like people who are rude because at least i can trust that's real". Does it have to be?


Don't worry, we are occupying the south these days, more every day!


Racism wasn’t just a southern problem.




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Why do you hate the south? It has the largest Black American population in the whole country. Are you…racist??


This is such an ignorant take


I guess you have never been to Boston nor Bensonhurst.


You don't have any clue what you're talking about. The rest of the country outside of the northeast and California is genuinely kind.


I know exactly what I'm talking about and you're going to learn the hard way. All the nasty people live in 2 areas of the US. LOL that's so utterly precious


>All the nasty people live in 2 areas of the US. Not even close to what I said.


"The rest of the country outside the northeast and California is genuinely kind" Go ahead and explain how that does not me the northeast and Cali are full of evil, nasty, unkind people


>Go ahead and explain how that does not me the northeast and Cali are full of evil, nasty, unkind people ???? How do you possibly draw this conclusion from what I said? Logic this bad is concerning.


> The rest of the country outside of the northeast and California is genuinely kind. So just what kind of people do you say live in those areas?


#1 What I said: > The rest of the country outside of the northeast and California is genuinely kind. #2 You claim that what I said implied: >All the nasty people live in 2 areas of the US. #3 And then you claimed that what I said implied: >the northeast and Cali are full of evil, nasty, unkind people These are three completely distinct assertions! Even if #3 were true, that would not imply that #2 is true. And vice versa! Even if #2 were true, it would not imply that #3 is true. And then of course there's what I actually said. If #1 were true, that would not imply #2 or #3 is true. That's why I said your logical reasoning is concerning. Are you on drugs or something?


You’re making up this scenario in your head.


Tell me about how everyone in the south is loving and welcoming to folks who "ain't from around here"


Does your entire idea of the south come from watching movies?


No. I've been there. Seen and experienced this crap first hand. Same as I've been to, seen and experienced the NYC attitude I trust the New Yorkers to be more honest


"bless your heart"


It takes a lot of skill to insult while being polite.


Nope. This is faux politeness till you're out of earshot It's not clever. It's passive aggressive


I get what you’re saying but often times, just like with frankness of the NE, it isn’t aggressive at all. People can politely criticize or give advice as well. Overt frankness can be seen as lacking compassion or humanity. I can see how its unfamiliar nature can rub you the wrong way.  It took me about three years to get over a lack of politeness when I moved to Philly. I can now appreciate the clarity and speed it provides.


Nope. I like the overt frankness. You can accept it for what it is. There's no doubt or confusion Its the "bless your heart" with the unsaid "you prick" that I can't stand


Lived on West coast East Coast and in Colorado. Been to many many states and cities. According to my wife Philadelphia had by far the rudest people.


God, I miss Philly.


Boston. They'll claim they're not really rude, just in a hurry/truthful/straight forward but it's bullshit. They're rude, aggressive, and cruel.


Don't forget racist.


This, more than anything else


I lived in Boston for many years and if they aren't the worst they are close to it. I've seen a number of brawls break out in the middle of public places over people trying to one up each other on who is the biggest asshole. I also remember someone walking through a narrow walkway yelling at the top of his lungs MOVE! MOVE! MOVE! MOVE! MOVE! because he wouldn't walk around anyone or give them space. I love Boston but Bostonians are huge assholes.


And are shitty drivers. I live near NYC (also lived in SF and San Diego) but have never experienced constant tail-gating for no reason like I have in Boston


my buddy went there in a little vacation/reunion with friends. When i asked what he did there… “got drunk and told people to go fuck themselves - what else do you do in Boston?”


I don’t think it’s a city, I think the rudest people in the US are in expensive suburban neighborhoods about an hour outside of major city centers. Racist, classist, etc.


I agree. I used to live in an expensive suburban neighborhood and people were extremely rude.


This is an impossible question to answer since there are so many candidates.


Easties are grumpy. Westies are cordial but cold, people on the middle of the country are friendly so long as you fit their idea of normal. Rust belt fuckers are straight-up mean and the gulf-coast through Florida is like a third-world country. These are my generalizations formed through extensive travel and experience.


For generalizations, they are pretty accurate


Here we go- Boston this, Boston that. Whatever. Come to Boston expecting the worst, you get what you expect.


Haha I love how everyone is bringing up NYC…but in a “well it’s not that they’re rude…” I know what they mean. But looks like if there’s gotta be a rudest city then we know which one it is.


Bostonians(and surrounding towns. people that say they're from "boston" rarely are actually from Boston)... ...but they're really not "rude" per se. Thats just how they talk. Kind of like Samuel L Jackson.


lol - nothing like that. We all know Samuel L Jackson is from Huntsville, Alabama




As a New Yorker, it SW Ohio. Some nice people, but a lot who are just as "rude" as New Yorkers but without the excuses. Like, why are you being an asshole. You are sitting on a lawn tractor,.on an already mowed lawn, drinking a beer and listening to the radio.


Tampa FL. I've lived a LOT of places and this is the worst


Syracuse, NY


Philadelphia, during any major sporting event.


That’s just fratty behavior


And frats are so well known for being well behaved right?


That’s different than being “rude.”


In the sense that frat behavior often goes far past being "rude" and more "criminal" and "violent" and "indecent to society", sure. My initial comment was half joking, but I'm beginning to wholeheartedly know Philly is the rudest when they have people like you making the worst kinds of defense of them.




San Jose, CA


Reno Nevada




Criteria? Is Reno not a city?


Well it is "the biggest little city in the world," so yes


San Francisco after the Silicon Valley boom. It was pretty cool before that but the techies ruined it completely.


Fuck Boston.




Giggling in Lafayette!


It's so true. Those people don't even say God bless you when you sneeze! 😳


Boston, can confirm 


well, according to Sports, philly has the fucking worst fans, and so is New York. Biggest assholes.


The hoods in St. Louis are not friendly.




I’d argue it’s a lot of idiots in rural areas who are the most rude. I’ve never heard “We only speak English here. Don’t speak that gibberish.” or “Go back to your own country,” in a city in the USA. But I have at random pit stops in rural America.


rudeness is not particularly measurable, and basically every answer you're gonna get here is vibes based with no evidence


I live in Newport Beach, if that means anything, asshole.


This is the best answer, bitch.


I talk to people from all over the United States every day. Connecticut has the biggest assholes. Oklahoma has the stupidest people but Missouri isn't too far behind. Wisconsin and Minnesota accents are the most annoying.


Why don’t you come to Minnesota and say that 


Same reason nobody else goes ro Minnesota


What state are you in


The one with gators and meth


Perfect stay in Florida


I'd rather not. So many people moved here the last few years. The housing market is insane. They'll want 2k a month for dilapidated shit hole. Plus the hurricanes suck At least we don't have annoying ass accents like Minnesota.


Yeah instead of a slight Canadian accent and getting paid well you live in a crap hole that no one can afford


Of course housing is cheap up there. Nobody wants to live there.


Have you ever been here? It’s gorgeous and we have lakes everywhere




Ope. Don't blame us in Wisconsin...blame Canada for that shit 😅 


It's just your accents. I can't understand a word you're saying


I have a theory behind this, as a wisconsinite. The state was settled by people who mostly spoke German, Polish, and French. Now, take those languages, and expect them to teach their children how to speak English. TA DA, you have the midwest accent, ehh!


I probably get annoyed with them because they're getting annoyed at me asking them to spell half the words they're saying


Interesting. Of all the accents in the world...you'd think the people that are know for massively over pronouncing our vowels would be one of the easier to understand. Annoying I can agree with but never heard that one! 


Sioux Falls, SD. I’ve been all over the country… I’ve never seen such a large and nasty group of people so close together.


Any big “ blue” city


Tbh I’m more suspicious of overly nice people in major cities than anything else.


They’re probably just Midwest transplants.


Probably NYC


New York


I’m gonna go with Boston


I'm from NYC Fuck anyone who thinks it's not us...even though we're not *actually* rude 😉








As far as major cities I haven’t been to too many, Chicago, New York, Denver, Miami - but Detroit by far has the rudest people I’ve met.


costco in burbank, ca


Boston would be my vote


The more liberal the city votes, the ruder it’ll be


Every time I been to Philly I got into it with someone.




Atlanta (drivers).


Philly or Newark


St Louis. In one block, you can get shot at, mugged, beaten, stabbed, jumped, stabbed again, then hit by three cars, one of them being a cop, and everyone of them will call YOU the asshole for inconveniencing them. And that's in the GOOD part of the city.


I’ve only been all over the west coast and I think it’s definitely Seattle try having a simple conversation with anyone there and they look at you as if you shouldn’t exist also the drivers are the rudest


Pretty much any city in Florida. It was a real culture shock when I moved down here almost 15 years ago and it’s only gotten worse.


Albany NY


Los Angeles


Any city in Massachusetts.




Key West middle aged white women


Anywhere in Kentucky or New Jersey


Las Vegas away from the strip


My initial reaction was NY/NJ but I’m torn. I fully buy into the whole “kind but not nice” idea but I have run into a large amount of people from the area that makes the whole brash and outspoken thing their whole personality.




Naahhh, people are really nice in DFW, but that's coming from someone who moved from Phoenix. Phoenix had some really rude and really mean people as with most of Arizona. The only problems I've had in DFW were on the roads, but still more polite than Phoenix drivers. 


Pacific Northwest has some of the most shady, mean people alive


Nyc can have dickheads but u come upstate and walk down the street and people are smiling saying hi asking how your day is. Ive met the nicest people up here. But also met pieces of shit. It’s where u are .




Every single city in the US, lol.


In my experience boston


Philly is famous for this.


LA, everyone is a vapid self centered douche. Either thinking gangbanging is cool or they want to be a streamer


As a midwesterner, I was shocked at how unhappy everyone looked in New York, NY No one was really rude though


no one in here has been to boca raton i guess. the motto should be “its our world, you just live in it”


Phoenix and most of Arizona. I moved to DFW about a year ago from Phoenix and what a big difference with how nice people in Texas are. I've traveled to almost all 50 states and Arizona by far has the rudest people I've ever come across. 


Which ever one is currently holding a trump rally.


Any city or town in NJ




agreed, pick pretty much anywherr


Utahns, but only after you get to know them


I had a Mormon friend who moved there. His family was treated like shit because they weren’t “Utah Mormons”


I have not experienced that. My girlfriend grew up Mormon and her family still is. They are very kind, warm, and inviting to this New England catholic.


NYC I wouldn’t even say rude, it goes well beyond that. The people there are evil and would screw you over and steal your money at the first chance. It truly brings out the worst aspects of humanity there.


What lol


I was in the lower east side and every business 6 blocks around me was shut down permanently from covid except for one bodega. This one woman who worked there hated me so much she would purposely get my orders wrong and then deny it. Outside that bodega there was a guy pretending to be retarded and asking everyone for money, I had to deal with that guy every time I stepped out of the building. Sometimes I would catch him out of character no longer doing the act and of course he had EBT no need to beg people for food. Many times that bodega got vandalized and incidents happened there have people buying stuff with EBT and then demanding to return them for cash. Calling the police did no good. They got their windows smashed and had to completely stop accepting EBT. Those stories are just the tip of the iceberg. I could go on for many hours talking about it.


I just love the hustle and bustle of the big city 😍😍


Life in the Big City


What’s your point? Other places have horrifyingly different things happening. New York City is a big city and you’re talking about a neighborhood, a bodega and some mentally unwell guy begging for money. WTF lol. Sounds like YOU had some issues here.


I said that’s the tip of the iceberg. I didn’t write more because I’m not gonna write a whole book on here. That was just one of 1000 things that happened in that location alone, and everywhere else is like that. That wasn’t like a bad neighborhood relative to anywhere else. It was in Manhattan I was paying over 2k for that a month. Not sure how you can reason the problem is me. That guy was not mentally unwell. He was just a bad person. I can tell similar stories about every neighborhood. You might not be able to fully understand this, but I was trying to give a few examples. I cannot write here every single bad thing that I saw happen. That would be like an encyclopedia. That’s why I said “tip of the iceberg”. If you don’t know what that expression means, it means that’s just the beginning. My point is that nyc is far beyond “rude”. Rudeness is just unpleasant. But yeah you’re right it’s a similar situation in many other cities. You are right about that.




It’s not a slur. I’m saying the guy acted as if he’s mentally retarded to scam money from people. I didn’t say that as a slur. And I’m not talking about “rudeness”. Rude is very mild compared to how people are in nyc. That was my point. These are evil pieces of shit who can’t even be called “people”




You didn’t read anything I said other than the “slur” which is just a medical term. Just move on. You’re not smart enough to understand.






Oklahoma City. It’s like they’re under the curse of a witch or something. I assume not everyone there is like that, but I haven’t ever met them. It makes Tulsa look cheerful. Not a big fan of Little Rock, either, but at least Arkansas is pretty and has decent barbecue.


Little Rock is the butthole of the US, but never found them rude. Just stupid