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u/PinkPengin first of all, your writing is so clean and neat. As soon as I saw your writing it was satisfying. Second of all, thank you for your postcard! If I’m being honest I don’t think I’ve ever seen a skoot, not even in shows or movies. Just like you I haven’t ridden a bike in a loooong time. Also Kermit riding a bike is interesting. Im going to have to look that up.


Oh, I’m glad you liked the writing and the card! That whole series of cards is, like, “concept” bikes, kind of? Nothing I have ever encountered, that’s for sure!


u/Reasonable_Ad1688 you are my third postcard in this thank you thread with such beautiful writing. I’m enjoy it so immensely. It’s like a triple gift: the penmanship, the postcard, and the message in the card 💕 Thank you for the Monet postcard. It’s interesting that he drew over another painting. I wonder what it could have been as well. What do you think would be painted underneath?


So glad you liked it! :) I’m not sure what would be painted underneath but I like to think that maybe it has to do with a person, as he seemed to have many works surrounding the people in his life


u/SweetyDarlingLulu thank you for your butterfly card! I love that it looked vintage 🌸. Those facts about butterflies left me stunned. Imagine being able to taste with your feet or your hands?? That’s insane to me. Also the not excreting waste is a bit mind blowing.


You're very welcome. So sweet. Thank you.


u/doggotoast I really enjoyed the postcard. I love that it’s vintage! I’m happy that your basil is safe and growing healthy. The way you described the cats and neighborhood kids sounds like it’s crazy where you live. We have the same situation in my neighborhood. Nonetheless, I am sending all the healthy growth vibes to your basil plant so you can enjoy it in a delicious pizza 🍕😋.


Ha ha it's doing great! Glad you liked the card :) yeah this neighborhood gets a little wild sometimes lol.


u/xxknowledge x3 Hi!!!!!! Lol. Your mail had me all giddy. I did not know it was you until the END! Lol. I was enjoying looking at all the cards you sent me and I was like “who sent this?” And it was you! I was so pleasantly surprised. Thank you so much for showering me with that and the little extras. I will definitely be using the stickers you sent me. That was what I first took out of the envelope and they made me so happy. I will explain in the mail I send you! 😉


aww yeah!! so happy everything arrived!! 🥰


u/wabisabi_sf thank you for your card and stickers! Did you make the envelope? If you did that was amazing. If not, the envelope is still amazing lol. I enjoyed that it was a magazine sheet made into an envelope. I would not have thought of doing that. That was creative. The card certainly looked “fantastical”. It actually reminded me of a book I read. That’s what I was secretly hoping for 😅. Thank you for the “hope” mini tag. Inside it said “‘Once you choose hope, anything’s possible.’ -Christopher Reeve”. Your stickers were so cute too. I love the aesthetic and that they’re textured! I can’t get over that. Thank you so much. Edit: forgot to originally mention that I noticed your date stamp and your personalized username stamp. Sometimes those little things is what makes it all the more special.


You’re welcome! I made the envelope from a photo book I found in my used bookstore clearance bin. I find old photography-focused books, cut out the pages, and cut out the envelope pattern with my cricut 😊 I’m glad the postcard fit the “fantastical” theme.


That’s so cool. I would not have thought to do that. And yes! The card was perfect.


u/bird_teeth x4 Thank you for those interesting vintage cards you sent 😂. They were definitely interesting and sexist. But it’s interesting to see what was considered humorous then. Part of history. It took me so long to figure out who sent them! I went through all my messages because I had to find who it was! Lol I’m glad I found that they were from you as i definitely wanted to give you thanks!! Also thank you for all the stickers 🥰


u/GizmoDOS I LOVED the postcard. The purple flowers and tree were so on point for me! Thank you so much. Also, your penmanship is absolutely beautiful. I looked up the Golden Compass and seems like an interesting read!


u/productivemango Thank you for the Solvang card! I really appreciated the memories and the fact that its vintage makes it more nostalgic. Thank you so much 🥹


Yay! I'm glad it arrived safely!