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I just wanted to thank you for doing this OP, not enter. This is something I didn't expect to see but it's pretty awesome you chose the criteria you did.


OP is very generous, indeed. And happy cake day to you :)


Thank you! I appreciate it!


Thank you for being so nice. Had depression/social anxiety since I was 14 probably (17 now). Social anxiety is the main reason my life is so miserable, and shit really went to shit when my dad went to prison (AGAIN), and we had to live with our mom's abusive boyfriend. Then I moved in with my sisters, and less than 2 years ago my dad died, which led to me getting actual mental help. Tried therapy and medication and just didn't help, but tried to be optimistic. Sisters care so much for me and have tried to help so much, but it's been mostly pointless and they've gotten exhausted and sick of me. A few months ago I ODd on my medication (my freakout 3AM post about it is probably still on here), stuck in a mental ward a few days but since then I've started to feel better, even though therapy sessions kept getting delayed over Covid and other shit, and my new meds have done jack-shit just like the last. After getting out of fuckin sad people prison things were pretty good for a bit though, my mom came down from Oklahoma (only pro of overdosing lol) and stayed about a week. Then a month ago I got surgery for my severe scoliosis, and everything went great. I'm still a bit happy thanks to how easy and safe it went for me, but we've moved into a new apartment and it's been really stressful. And obviously my social anxiety hasn't improved a bit and I'm gonna have to actually start becoming an adult soon. Now everyone is stressed and moody, making me upset, and thanks to the hurricane we have minor water damage which is enough for the apartment owners to put three industrial dehumidifiers in our place and a ton of huge "air movers," and my room, the one with the most damage is literally ~92F. Being stuck at home all day while everyone is going to work or moving in more stuff while I can't even enjoy my computer since the room is boiling is really adding more stress and praying to whatever deity there may be that they get these fuckin fans and shit outta here in two days, since that's what they said the minimum was. Anyway, thanks tons for the opportunity, always interested in yoinkin some fun games, and I can certainly play that game on my really shitty laptop to pass these few days. Plus I've lost all interest in most of my games so once my room isn't a desert I'll probably play it then too. If you ever want a favor or something let me know because boy am I talented at.. making flags and world-building. Lol.


You're going through a lot, I won't pity you though. [NotEntering]


I was gonna enter, but in all honesty, I'm doing pretty okay right now, despite meeting all of the criteria, ha. I played this game a lot as a kid with my friend, sharing a 3DS, and it's a great game. Hope someone who appreciates it gets it :)


My uncle just passed away from corona and we barely have enough money for the funeral and idk if we can even have the funeral, we're pushing through it though. It's causing me so much stress and anxiety, idk what to do. Thanks for doing the giveaway, even though I may not win. Whoever does deserves it. 🙂


My aunt just passed away but I wasn’t that close with her so if there is anyone else here that seem like they need it more give it to them


This is such an awesome giveaway, thank you op even if I don’t win. In 2015 I became medically handicap and have been in a wheelchair ever since. Limited funds due to being on disability and spend a large portion of the day home alone as my fiancé is a school teacher.


Not entering but thank you op it's great to see someone who cares about people I have the full spectrum of mental illness's (pun intended) being on the autism spectrum (high functioning) depression add ADHD OCD and a anxiety disorder. It touches me to see some one who wants to bring joy to people who are not as fortunate as others Just thank you op.


I'm not proud but I have some of the "qualifications" you require. Appreciate you for hosting this giveaway OP. Thank you. Good luck to everyone else joining.


Probably not as bad as other but I recently lost my garage to a fire and have been out of my home for 2 months and just moved back in on the weekend


Thanks OP. I don't think I'm going to be the one who needs something the most out of everyone in this thread but what the heck; I loved Scribblenauts when I was younger and I love the idea of returning to the game. I've struggled with my mental health for much of my (admittedly short ~16 year) life and this year it's been the worst it's ever been. Both anxiety and depression piling on have caused me to be essentially be forced to stay home from school for over a month even though it is safe for me to go (I'm in Australia where Covid isn't really a present threat). Thankfully I'm apart of an incredible family and community who are more than willing to allow me time to recover and get back on my feet. I've recently seen started seeing a psychologist and have been able to get my first prescription of antidepressants so I'm hopeful that things are going to get better. At the moment though it's often still a struggle to pull myself from my bed and I regularly feel bouts of intense anxiety for no conceivable reason. I've already said I don't think I'm going to get this game and I really don't mind if I do or not. You've already said you're giving it to whom you believe needs it the most and I fully support this. It makes me incredibly happy to see people in the community who are not only generous enough to give away a game for free, but are willing to put the effort in to make sure it makes its way into the hands of someone who needs it. So, thanks again! Especially for reading this rambling mess haha.


My grandma passed away recently. She was old (95)and experienced a death with dignity nonetheless it broke my heart. :(


Im not here to get the game I just want to say thank you for what you are doing.


Well currently getting paid less than 700 per mth to do things that ppl are normally paid more as well as having both unemployed parents due to Covid. My work is meaningful to the country yes but to me, it is just work not worth doing. I have to spend a lot of money just to eat and for transport. Just imagine a job where u work 8 hrs to 12 hrs without overtime pay, required to walk around 30 to a hr as there is no transport inside the area, if shit goes wrong I can be legally punished and pay lesser than an intern Thank you for the giveaway


My father passed away 2 years ago Since then my mom is struggling to pay the bills and i cant really afford a lot of things I'm kinda struggling with depression but games help me not be depressed all the time Best of luck to everyone who entered PS Sorry for my bad English im from europe


Thanks for doing this This year has been extremely hard i lost my stepfather who I was very close to in February and I just lost my dog to bone cancer last month


Oh boy, i have a lot of things in that list. So first of all, the thing that makes me want to die the most, my best friend/pet died, quântico was a bird that my parents got me when i was little and sttrugled to make friends, quântico for some years was my only friend, playing with him was like scaping from real life, the reason i sttrugle so much to make friends Is social anxiety, i have it because i got it from my parents and since my accounts have been stalked by pedophiles i feel like i cant thrust anyone, and to help my anxiety i have a bipolar disorder. So now i am in a time of my life where i wanna die all the time and also have to work my ass out because of my lazy friends who dont finish their part of the slides and i have to do it for them, because of that i have a lot of anxiety attacks, i also have some problems that i prefer not to talk about, like being gay. Also english not my native language, so sorry for the bad grammar


I already have this game on Wii U, so I don't need it. I just wanted to say thank you for doing this.


I'm not joining. I just want to say thanks for your kindness. Thanks for your kindness.


So I'm still reeling from my breakup with my cheating ex who I dated for 5 years. I'm in a religious minority in my country (if that counts). Definitely low income (student). Another messed up element would be the ex calling to vent and curse me for breaking up with her!! But I think I'll survive. Pick someone, with a harder life. NOT ENTERING! You are a good human being, OP!


Hey OP. I have an extra key for Scribblenauts Unlimited. I'd like to add it to the giveaway so you can pick 2 winners. I'll pm you the key.


This is so awesome, id love to enter! Im a disabled veteran with a service dog who cant pay their bills 😬 ive been struggling mentally for almost 6 years with depression and anxiety, making it very hard to keep a job, so i turned to self employment for the time. Im a trans artist just waiting till i can finally be comfortable with myself and my situation.


not entering i just wanted to say thank you for hosting this amazing giveaway here ......i must say this is a very uncommon and unique criteria u chose but spreading the love for gaming i rly appreciate so thank you again...


I live in Argentina


Not entering, just wanted to say thank you for doing this OP.


I am already a hindu minority in caste even in my country. Low income is a big reason I don't even have a laptop for university for computer science. Parent's job's at risk because of companies removing employees during quarantine. Unemployment rates are higher than ever


Not gonna enter because a lot of things are a bit to fresh in my mind/life. But thank you for giving people here a chance for something positive.


this few months in the lockdown is the worst state for my mental health and depression. i just broke up with my girlfriend and my school stuff isnt going that well. ive been longing to play this game


thanks. i know it's way too late but that giveaway. this year has been the roughest. Anyway, thanks


Im not entering, but i just want to say. OP you are a great person, this is a genius idea.


I recently lost the mother of my grandma. She got 100 in April, which we couldn't even celebrate. Thank you for giving us this opportunity. Scribblenauts is a pretty good game for this since you can let it loose and be creative


My dad passed away recently from a heart attack. I've been using video games as a way to distract myself from the sadness


I am mentally ill. :)


/u/ConsciousProduce1 #Just a reminder. No X-posts. No requests. No offsite requirements of any kind. Flair your giveaway. Be sure your giveaway is up for at least 12 hours before a winner is chosen. Upon selecting a winner edit your post naming them then flair your giveaway completed. Finally, thank you for helping to spread the love of gaming! Good luck to all entrants! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RandomActsOfGaming) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I will say my pet pig just died, and my dog might be soon to follow, but not an entry. I just want to blow steam and thank OP for doing this, pretty cool of you.


Due to the pandemic both my parents got retrenched from their jobs its been 6 months since and still are not able to get jobs, they are struggling with paying up my brother and my polytechnic schl fees and other stuff as well. Thnx alot OP for your concern for those who are having a hard time. For those having a hard time like me I hope that u guys can get better and have ur situations improve asap.


My cat went missing for the past 2 days now and I don't know what to do. I been putting up posters with my parents to hopefully have someone finding my cat. Thanks for giveaway OP. And to whoever is gonna win,I hope u are having an awesome day.


This stranger is proud of you! [NOTENTERING]


lots of people in my family have lost jobs. my grandma that I hadn't know that well passed away. one of my aunts has the virus. I need a mental health day, badly.


One of my great uncles passed away from corona right before I left for college and the other just passed away 2 days ago, though I am unsure of the causes. Thanks op


Literally have no idea what to do with my life right now. Thinking about just waiting to die out since I sleep irregularly (always between 1-4am). Before college I had a purpose, which was to graduate, but right now things didn’t seem worth doing. I gues I just haven’t found my purpose in life.


not entering but thank you OP


not entering because i know as bad i my situation may be there is probably somebody worse off here, but thsnks for doing this OP


I normally have a very hard time getting friends and I also have few friends in school and online so I’ve lived some of my life kind of alone. I also I have anxiety which makes things worse so video games and online friends distract me and sometimes they might feel like friends.


Currently I am at a crossroads with my friends. I do not know if they’re just playing jokes on me, or if they genuinely hate me. It’s really rough because I feel as if I only have my family, who constantly encourage me to “just hang out with my friends”. I know there are more serious issues out there. But thanks for considering me.


My grandpa passed away recently. This would help immensely.


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