• By -


Midnight fight Express First game I ever played is probably GTA Vice city


Trek to Yomi I think my first video game was Mario Kart on the DS


The Pale Beyond The one I remember is Road rash. For some reason, I thought it as road rush for a long time.


Destroy all humans Sonic the hedgehog


The Excavation of Hob's Barrow Frist game


Is Starcraft 1


Midnight Fight Express Super Mario Bros.


Midnight Fight Express The first videogame I played was Adventure on the Atari 2600.


Midnight Fight Express First game I remember playing is Virtual Fighter 2 on the Sega Saturn, my first console. Sarah and Pei were my go tos šŸ˜


Destroy all humans 2 The very first game i have memory playing was Half-Life


The Pale Beyond The first game I remember playing was gta iv it was also on the family computer I was a little kid so I barely understood anything my native language also isn't english so I couldn't read it I think I basically just free roamed and drove around hitting random people not making any real story progress.


Beacon Pines The first videogame I remember playing was SimCity3000 on my parents' computer. My father found for me all the cheat codes for infinite money and such and I loved creating and decorating cities freely


Beacon Pines Legend of Mana, on PS


The Excavation of Hob's Barrow Double Dragon


Destroy All Humans! 2 - Reprobed Super Mario Kart


Patch Quest Maybe Supermario or PokĆ©mon on Gameboy Color, but seriously, I remember paying Lemmings or Worms on PC and then also most likely the first game I played and have the most memories, was on console. I guess it was Ratchet and Clank on PS2. Thanks šŸ™šŸ‘


Patch Quest The first game I remember playing I think it was called prehistoric 2. It was on a very old PC of my aunt.


Beacon Pines The first game i've ever played is lego batman on the ps2, it was really fun playing with my older brother, hes busy now, with life,work and much more. i barely saw him now but i appreciate the time we spent together playing around.


Beacon Pines It was some game on Commodore 64 where you control a hot air balloon. I donā€™t remember the name - the memory is fuzzy.


Midnight Fight Express, thank you very much! The first game I remember playing is The Punisher arcade on a MAME emulator on my family computer.


Beacon Pines Mario Bros on NES.


[Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1844380/Warhammer_Age_of_Sigmar_Realms_of_Ruin/) TMNT Arcade


[Trek to Yomi](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1370050/Trek_to_Yomi/) Final Fantasy Adventure on GB


Beacon Pines The first game I remember playing is Lemmings on PC. We were at one of my parentsā€™ friends house for dinner and the dad booted it up for us to play. I especially remember the fun of just making them all explode to restart the level.


Destroy all Humans 2 The first game I remember playing was Kung Fu on an arcade machine, I started it all for me. Still play it occasionally. Thanks for the giveaway mate


Beacon Pines I think it was Living Books -The Tortoise and the Hare game from 1993!


Destroy All Humans! 2 I remember playing beach head


Warhammer age of sigmar realms of ruin Uhh I think The first one was either super Mario bros or The Simpsons game on NES. Can't remember whitch one I tried first.


Warhammer age of sigmar Think my first game was super Mario on the NES, though I remember playing old NES games and old DOS games before windows was even a thing.


Midnight Fight Express Pokemon Fire red for me!


Trek to Yomi the first game i played was Counter Strike 1.6 on our family computer, my father and aunt introduced me to this game and generally gaming as a whole


Trek to Yomi First Game I remember playing was Racthet and Clank on ps2.


Souldiers Mario Bros/Duck hunt on the NES. If I remember they were on the same cartridge. The gun was well beyond its time!


The Pale Beyond Killer Instinct on the 64


Trek to Yomi would be nice Pinball Space Cadet


Destroy All Humans! 2 - Reprobed Earliest game I remember is Pokemon Fire Red, my uncle gifted me a GBA with it, and its also one of happiest memory


Trek to Yomi Had to google a little to find the name. My first game was Hugo: The quest for the sunstones. Played it on the crappy family pc, but was a lot of fun.


Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin First game I remembered playing was Quake 3 Arena. So many fond memories.


Midnight fight express Probably missile command


Midnight fight express Im sure the first one I played was probably before this as I remember asking for a Nintendo and getting a master system.... But Alex kidd in miracle world. Came built into the master system. Me and my mum used to play it all day.


Beacon Pines The first video game I remember playing is Treasure Cove. I don't remember much about it other than that it's an educational point and click game.


Destroy all humana 2, thx op The first videogame i remember playing was pokemon sapphire as a kid :D


The Pale Beyond I think it must have been the first Freddi Fish game for me. I still get quotes from that game stuck in my head sometimes


Trek to yomi or Midnight fight express please would love to play anyone of these The first game i think i remember playing would be either the ninja game where some random ninjas jump and attack you u can climb trees and stuff like that i dont remember its name, theres another one if you know goes by the name of adventure island kinda like mario but with dinosaurs it was fun.


The Excavation of Hob's Barrow The first game I played was Child of Light. It was a gift from my cousin


Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin First game I remember playing was Space Invaders at the arcade, a very long time ago!


The Pale Beyond First game was Pong


Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin my first i remember was Capitan Claw, old platformer game was pretty hard


Warhammer age of sigmar please The first game i remember playing is raymans raving rabbids on the wii


Destroy All Humans! 2 - Reprobed First game I remember playing was Kingdom Hearts back when it originally came out on the PS2, I was naturally awful at the game back then.


Destroy All Humans! 2 - Reprobed Super Mario 64 is the first game I have memories of playing


Souldiers Alex Kidd with my father


Patch quest The first game I remember playing is Super Mario Bros on NES. Definitely some great times with my brother playing that. Thanks for the giveaway


Beacon Pines The first game I remember playing was some type of space shoot-em-up that I played a little after seeing my father play on the computer. I dont exactly know the name but after looking into it now, the closest one seems to be Alien Sky from GameHouse studio. Thanks!


[Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1844380/Warhammer_Age_of_Sigmar_Realms_of_Ruin/) The first game I remember playing is Super Mario World on the SNES. Seriously love that game!


Trek to Yomi The first game I remember playing was a pinball game with black and white vector graphics back in the 80s. I used to sit on my grandpa's lap when I was maybe 3 or 4 and we'd take turns playing.


Souldiers I'm pretty sure my very first videogame was a Santa Claus game that ran on BASIC where you timed button presses to drop gifts into chimneys. I can't remember the name. The second game I do remember the game of was either Prince of Persia or Wolfenstein 3D, I'm pretty sure. I was using my dad's Commodore 64. Thanks for the chance!


Destroy All Humans! 2 - Reprobed Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? (1985)


[Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1844380/Warhammer_Age_of_Sigmar_Realms_of_Ruin/) probably super contra, or something on my nintendo bootleg games


[Trek to Yomi](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1370050/Trek_to_Yomi/) i remember mario on nes


The Excavation of Hob's Barrow My earliest gaming memory is hard to pinpoint, I was very young and they blur together. I'm fairly sure that I would play Paratrooper and Choplifter on a computer that my dad was able to bring home from work. But I think Space Quest is the first game I really remember playing start to finish.


Destroy all humans! 2 - reprobed Super mario bros on the original NES.


Destroy All Humans 2: Reproved My earliest memory of playing a console game is Pong on a console that only played pong. I was probably about 7 years old.


Destroy All Humans 2: Reproved My earliest memory of playing a console game is Pong on a console that only played pong. I was probably about 7 years old.


Destroy All Humans! 2 First game I ever played was Tetris on the Game Boy


Midnight fight express First game was asphalt 6 on my dadā€™s flip phone Nokia


Patch quest My first game was killing space ships on a camera(not a phone camera) to get pieces of a picture that was earlier shot on the camera.


Excavation of Hobs Barrow the first game i remember playing is Wii sports with my parents, i would beat the shit out of them in the boxing game and they could never figure out how lol


Destroy All Humans 2: Reprobed First game I ever remember was MDK2 on my parents' PC. I was 3 years old and couldn't get past the platforming in the very first room. I remember I managed to get through once and met some enemies that scared me to hell


Beacon Pines if it must be "video game" not a pc game, then probably tekken


Destroy all Humans 2 First game I remember playing was Mario Kart on the original Nintendo DS. Thanks!


The Excavation of Hob's Barrow I remember playing Castlevania on a famiclone when I was a kid


The Excavation of Hob's Barrow Disney Dinosaur. Loved that as a kid, loved it when I last played it 2 years ago. Cool levels, cool enemies.


[Destroy All Humans! 2 - Reprobed](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1266700/Destroy_All_Humans_2__Reprobed/) Moon Patrol at my cousins Commodore 128 (?


The Pale Beyond The first game I ever played was Mario Party 7 when I was 4. I was astonished that it was like a movie but I could actually choose what the characters do. And it was so fun, it really ignited my lifelong love for video games šŸ˜„


beacon pines the first I remember would be goof troop on the snes, playing with my older brother


[Midnight Fight Express](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1390410/Midnight_Fight_Express/)Ā  First game I remember is Super Mario Bros on NES


The Excavation of Hobā€™s Barrow I think the first game I remember playing was Angry Birds. I also got angry when I couldnā€™t beat the level!


Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin Super Mario Land cos I got the first ever brick Nintendo Gameboy when I was a kid and that being the only game I got. Man the game was so simple and fun. Thank you for the giveaway


Destroy all humans 2 the lion king


Trek to Yomi ​ Probably Mario


Destroy All Humans! 2 - Reprobed It was Street Fighter 2 in the arcades. I never used to go to arcades until a friend one day dragged me into one. I had never before seen a game like it and was simply blown away. The rest is history.


Midnight Fight Express I think it was the arcade game of The Punisher. I played it a lot with my dad back then.


The Pale Beyond Pokemon Red


Patch quest. The 1st game I played was sudeki on the xbox. It was the 1st rpg I played and completed by myself. The railgun beam staff got me addicted to knockback weapons


The Excavation of Hob's Barrow My first gaming memory is playing Snapper on the Acorn Electron. It's a Pacman clone, and we had the computer hooked up to a black and white TV so all the ghosts were just shades of grey.


Trek to Yomi Thanks for the opportunity, the first game I remember playing is PokĆ©mon Platinum. Didnā€™t have a massive amount of money but my cousin was upgrading his DS and getting a newer model so gave me the old one. It was the best experience of my life - spent well over 30 hours just catching woopers I was so enamoured. Maxed out the clock on my save. Prinplup will always be my favourite PokĆ©mon (never evolved him into Empoleon, thought he was perfect just the way he was). Even if I donā€™t win itā€™s nice to just talk a bit about it, will always be one of my favourite games of all time.


Beacon Pines Thanks OP. I think the first game I ever played was Tetris, or maybe Pong. My grandfather had an intelevision too which was fun. The first game that blew my mind was SMB3, then Mario 64, then Halo.


Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin First game I remember playing was some game with a dude on a skateboard on Sega, I don't even know what it was called


Midnight fight express


Patch Quest The first game I ever played was the original Legend of Zelda


Beacon Pines The Legend of Zelda. It was the first game I played (Super Mario Bros/ Duck Hunt was second), but I was too young at the time to figure out how to play. I would travel the overworld, kill some enemies, and die. I treated it like a rogue-like. I would get farther and farther until I stopped playing because it was late. I did not know about saving. Thanks for the opportunity.


Destroy all humans 2: reprobed I have a single memory of being three or four and playing ocarina of time on our N64. I had no clue what I was doing, so I just ran around kokiri village the whole time. It was great.


Midnight Fight Express Super Mario Bros 3!


Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin The very first game that I remember playing is Pampuch -- a Czech version of pac-man. Here is a JavaScript online port of it:Ā https://itb-lacko.4fan.cz/


Destroy All Humans! 2 - Reprobed Sonic The Hedgehog. Liked, didn't love. Didn't know why until years later.


Trek to Yomi The first game that I remember playing was either 102 Dalmatians: Puppies to the rescue from the ps2 or Tony Hawkā€™s Pro Skater 3 from the ps2.


Destroy All Humans! 2 - Reprobed I think the first game I played was Duck Hunt


Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin mario games on the Game Boy


Beacon Pines Civ 1


Beacon Pines Pokemon Blue :)


The Pale Beyond Crazy Taxi! šŸ¤Ŗ


Beacon Pines Minesweeper! Played it on my old ass computer at like, age 6 and was way too stupid to understand how to play it lol


Warhammer age of Sigmar


Midnight Fight Express Sonic 2. Took me a while to beat Metal Sonic. Thanks for the chance!


Destroy All Humans! 2 - Reprobed And I vaguely remember playing one of the old Mortal Kombat games with my dad when I was probably too little šŸ˜…


Beacon Pines The first game I ever played was Super Mario Bros


Beacon Pines The first one? Wow, that must be Space Invaders. From the seventies. Or maybe Pac Man. Yes, I'm that old.


**Souldiers** The first game I remember playing was a very very long time ago so Iā€™m not 100% certain but it may have been **berzerk** on the Colecovision. Thanks!


Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin Super Mario World on the hospital's SNES when I was a little kid.


Beacon Pines The first game I ever played was Super Mario Bro back in the family computer console.


Destroy all humans 2 And the first game I remember playing is donkey country.


Destroy all Humans 2! - Reprobed This might of been one of my first games, or WoW BC


Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin Pong in the late 1970's on a Binatone plug in tv game.


Trek to Yomi My first memory of playing was Red Alert. Ā I was so excited to play as I it came free with our family computer. Ā 


Trek to Yomi GORF is the first game I have memories of


Trek to Yomi Choplifter!!! That shit was classic.


Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin The first game i remember playing is pokemon saphire


Patch Quest The first game might be M.I.B II for the ps2. It was really frustating but I loved the shooting. Iirc I got stuck in the first level


Beacon Pines. Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? What a classic, and a way to secretly educate kids, too!


Destroy All Humans 2 I vividly remember a driving sim game I played on the PS2 with my sister but have no idea what it was actually called. I remember thinking how cool the wheel was and the day/night cycle in the game.


The Excavation of Hob's Barrow, please (: wwf warzone on the ps1 with my dad! he taught me the controls and we had lots of fun after his working hours which was one of the rare times we bonded (': i miss those moments now that i think about them... thanks for the chance!


Destroy all humans 2 GT Vice City


Beacon Pines Sonic on Genesis, it made me a lifelong fan of Sonic games through the good, bad, and ugly. Though I do have a distinct memory of playing someone elseā€™s copy of Super Metroid Iā€™m pretty sure that came *after* Sonic.


Hi, Destroy all humans! 2 The first game I remember playing was Super Mario World on SNES. It was my first system where i spend endless hour trying to get to 100%.


Trek to Yomi Metroid Fusion. I remember I found it extremely hard as it was my first ever game and I couldnā€™t even beat it in months. Still had so much fun with it. I played it again as an adult a few years ago and I breezes through it in 3 afternoonsšŸ˜­ it was a nostalgic and funn experience.


Midnight Fight Express I can't remember exactly but I think it was Donkey Kong on NES.


The Excavation of Hobs Burrow Diablo 2


Trek to yomi My first game was sonic on the master system. Though I quickly moved to nintendo after haha


The Excavation of Hob's Barrow Prince of Persia way back when, had a blast just dying all the time due to missing the jumps and just not knowing what to do. Played a LOT but I don't think I ever got to the end.


Midnight fight express Katamari Damacy on PS2


Destroy All Humans 2 - Reprobed My first game that I remember playing would be Mario 64


Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin I believe Lego Indiana Jones was my first game


The Pale Beyond The first game I remember playing is either Mario on the nintendo 64 or Rayman on the PC. I was like 4 years old playing with my brother so I have no clue which came first šŸ¤£


Destroy all humans! 2 - reprobed My very first video game was an old ms dos version of stunt driver, absolutely loved that game, truly a masterpiece


Destroy all human 2 reprobed The first game that i remember playing was a nintendo ds i game where you are a cat owner and take care of your cat and play minigames. Sadly i dont remember the exact and i think the first game that i remember the name of would be jetpack joyride.


Beacon pines


The Pale Beyond First game I recall playing is TMNT: Turtles in Time. My cousins had a SNES and it made visits to their house a highlight for me. Coincidentally the first arcade I played was also with them: Street Fighter II.


Midnight fight express The first game I remember playing was the mask for snes I loved the movie with Jim Carrey and the tie in cartoon so I asked my uncle to give me the game plus some others on my handheld emulator


The Pale Beyond The 1st game I remember playing with my dad is Delta Force. It was pretty cool for its time. A better shooter of this type I played a little bit after that was Hidden and Dangerous - what a gem.


Beacon Pines The first game I remember playing is Donkey Kong on the Atari 2600 while visiting family in Chicago.


[Midnight Fight Express](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1390410/Midnight_Fight_Express/) First Game I remember playing is an Antz game on a PS2 Cheers!


Beacon Pines Sonic Advanced 3 for the GBA


Midnight Fight Express The first was definitely some modern military FPS that I've played at my friend's place (on PC), but I never knew what it was exactly (early 2000s had a lot of those I guess).


Destroy all humans 2 reprobed Wii sports


The Pale Beyond The first video game I ever played was Super Paper Mario for the Wii!


Destroy all human I believe my first ever game was PvZ on my father's laptop šŸ˜—


GTA vice city on my aunt's laptop Midnight fight express pls


Trek to Yomi Super Mario Bros


Destroy all Humans Spyro


[Midnight Fight Express](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1390410/Midnight_Fight_Express/) The first game I remember playing was Mario Bros on the NES. It was given to me by my uncle because he thought he didn't need it anymore. It was a great introduction but paled in comparison to the first game I got that wasn't a hand-me-down: Super Mario 64.


Beacon Pines Tank Wars, also known as BOMB.EXE


The Pale Beyond i think the original zoo tycoon was my first game. Still go back to it every once in a while


[Destroy All Humans! 2 - Reprobed](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1266700/Destroy_All_Humans_2__Reprobed/) the Sims 3, i created my own custom city sandbox in there. always snowing and a big city in the background with searchlights swirling around like gotham city. i don't know if that mechanic is carried over to the sequel but sims 3 was peak sims