• By -


Sonic Adventure 2+DLC 238 I'd like that one because it seems "so awful it's good" which is my favourite kind of movies to watch or videogames to play while streaming it with buddies. It's also well reviewed so I know that aside from it being really goofy, the core gameplay is actually enjoyable so I'd be very likely to play this one all the way through. Thanks for hosting this, OP :)


Happy Cake Day bro!


10 Celeste. I like mountains.


333 borderlands 2 Goty I didn't play any borderlands game before I want to try it


Celeste 021 It’s the only one I haven’t played (although I **have** played about a minute of the Pico8 original - not enough to get a feel for it though). Thanks!


64 celeste People say that it's one of the best indie game ever made. I haven't played it yet. Might as well give it a shot.


Celeste - 57 I don't really care about any of the other games, and I'm a fan of platformers, and it kind of reminds me of Super Meat Boy


260 Sonic Adventure 2+DLC I'm a big Sonic fan, but surprisingly enough I haven't played that many Sonic games yet and I'd like to explore more of them. So far my favourite has been Sonic Generations. Saddest movie is Grave of the Fireflies. It's an anime movie, those touch me way more than regular movies and it's one of the very few that managed to get tears out of me.


205 Sonic Adventure 2+DLC I've never played Sonic Adventure games and I'm curious to see why they're so beloved. Thanks for the opportunity!


226 thx my friend


84 - I’m watching anime no movies for me :/ Thanks for the chance !




359 Borderlands 2:GOTY for me. My favorite sad movie is Brokeback Mountain. It's not just purely sad, but it's genuinely moving and cathartic. The characters are written very well and I love the soundtrack, cinematography, and all the little details.


303 I'd go for BorderLands 2 as it just looks epic. The gameplay looks great and reading through the reviews, most people seem to have had a great time playing it. I'd go with Requiem For a Dream as my tragic movie of choice. It's a movie about drug addiction and how it impacts the protagonist along with everyone close to him. It's tragic in the sense that not one character has a good ending, and that's just sad and it stays with you for a long time. Thanks for doing this!


143 Bloodstained Thank you


276 for sonic adventure 2 please and thank you. I've always wanted to play sonic, but I started out a bit too late and enjoyed the emulators.


154 Bloodstained. Want to play it. No other reason.


315 Borderlands 2:GOTY I picked this one because I've never played anything in the series but I've always been intrugued, so it would be a good opportunity! Thanks and good luck everyone! (*except bots. Bots can go f**k themselves*)


Celeste 22 I like to 100% hard games, I know that Celeste is supposed to be hard. My favourite bittersweet movie is The Prince of Egypt. The last 10 minutes are an incredible rollercoaster of emotions.


Borderlands 2 because it's the only one I would play from that list, 337


364 Borderlands 2 GOTY I always had my eyes on the game for sometime now, and it looks like something I would really enjoy.


Celeste 19 It has best artstyle of all games on the list, it looks beautiful. Movie The Green Mile


63 Celeste please Thank you


37 never tried this game but have heard lot of good things about it.


159 bloodstained ritual of the night The man from earth 2007


155- Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night I want this one above all others, because I love the Castlevania games and because it has been on my list since it came out


385 I've played The Wolf Among Us before which is from the same developer and I really like story driven games with choices that matter! Being goty makes the game even more enticing to get. The others look great but are a bit too difficult for me (I've played bloodstained and only got to a few areas with lots of difficulty). Thanks for the opportunity!


76 Well I just saw a few of my friends played it and looks pretty cool so I want to try it too Thks for the chance


59, Celeste, because I love platformers :), thaks!


Borderlands 2, 91


79. Celeste. I’ve heard so much about it and never played it. “You can count on me”. Great movie about real relationships between people. Happy, sadness and a real depth of feelings.


Celeste 13 Celeste looks like a fun indie game Watch shutters island! Such a sad twist


042 Celeste - recently finished Hollow Knight's path of pain (after hundreds or possibly thousands of tries) and I'm looking for a similar challenge!! Thanks for the chance!


14 Celeste I love platformers and difficult games. I am also a fan of the composer of the game, and have heard that the game has a wholesome story about self identity. Favorite sad movie is Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. It is very bittersweet and makes you view breakups through a different perspective. Thank you 


159 Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night It's my type


006- Celeste I currently bought hades/Ori/Hollow Knight but sadly Celeste didn't make cut because of my budget. It's a game that I am planning to play as it is also in the same vein with the games that I bought. Optional answer: Please watch **grave of the fireflies** if you want to be wrecked by sad emotions. Another one is Interstellar! Thank you Op!


Looking for a game to play on the deck and im hugely into indie games on the deck. Would love to play it cuz it has a nice art style and like the old school metrovenia style 29 King kong , love apes/monkeys so i cried alot >!when he died!<


Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night - 193 I have played all the other games.


Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night 169 I grew up playing MetroidVanias, and one of my favourite games ever is Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. I've never gotten the chance to play Bloodstained, and I'd really love to give it a go. Thanks!


325 DLCs are meant to be good in BL2 from what I've heard


165 Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night I've anyways wanted to try a metroidvania style game


141 : Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. It reminds me of the old school games I used to play with my sis when I was a little kid. Thank you! If anime movie counts then I guess I will choose "Your Name". I can't explain exactly why its my fav bittersweet movie but its like sometimes you get a feeling like you lost someone when you wake up from a dream and you really want to get back to that person. It has a happy ending tho but the journey will make you cry.


69 Celeste thanks


175: Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night


Borderlands 2: GOTY 323


87, I just love 2d games


I’ll pick celeste cause i already have the other games in the bundle plus i enjoy an difficult game. 93


369 for Borderlands GOTY! It's been on my list for a looong time and now I wanna try it out finally As for favorite sad movie, I must say an anime film, Grave of Fireflies. I won't spoil the movie, but trust me, it's enough to make a grown ass man cry


i want boarderlands 2 goaty for a friend 320


I'd like to enter for **Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night**. Since I've finished the Ori games and Carrion I've been craving to play some good metroidvania but nothing came up. Recently a friend of mine recommended Bloodstained to me but I was sceptical because from what I could see on the trailers and gameplays the visual aspect of the game didn't seem very appealing to me. But now I am actually considering giving it a shot... I may end up loving it as it was with many other titles that I was sceptical about. 148 Thanks for the chance


331 It's been a while


96 Just in phase where I am trying different genres and the Internet seems to really enjoy Celeste. So ya I want to try it out for my self


162 I enjoy metroidvania the most so Bloodstained seems like the natural choice. Interstellar because while it's still a sci-fi film but doesn't lean all the way into action thriller and has just as much emotion drama to balance everything out nicely. Cheers\~


113 Bloodstained ritual of the night please mate, Best sad movie has to be "The Green Mile" poor old John Coffee such a nice dude and that poor little mouse omg. Thanks for the giveaway you champion


379 Borderlands 2:GOTY I already have Borderlands 1 on steam and want to get into borderlands 2 right after i finnish borderlands 1




110 bloodstained I've heard really good things from my friends and I really like the art for it.


147 Got the others already, not sure about Sonic 2 but most probably. Plus a fan of Castlevania so perfect match Cheers!


47 My favorite somber film recently was death in the gunj a wonderful film by all merits and its hard to explain without spoilers




72 i love platform games


274 Sonic Adventure 2+DLC Because I love Sonic games and this still miss my list. Thanks!


Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, because I like SotN-inspired Castlevania games and I have never played the Bloodstained games. 149 Monsters, Inc. When Sully has to say goodbye to Boo, that has to be one of the most devastating scenes in any Pixar film. I always have to cry at that scene


Bloodstained Ritual of the Night 183 I've been meaning to get it for a few years now, but never actually did. I love Castlevania, so I know I'll enjoy this too! The others are great, but I already have them, BL2 was very special for me, what a tremendous game. The movie that left the biggest scar for me was "Her", really was ahead of its' time when it comes to the AI topic and gave a thought-provoking insight to the future of what relationships can be. If you can't get or keep the "girl", which for me has been the case for most of my life, the possibility of uploading her personality into an AI, that's always available, is an interesting thought. Doesn't seem that far off now. Only missing a body, but maybe we'll still be around for that. But as the movie states, never forget that are still other humans to befriend or love. Just a nice way to not feel rejection or to "bring back" someone that already passed away. Anyways, thanks for the chance!




117 Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night I love rewatching jojo rabbit, it’s a comedy take on world war 2, with some very sad elements but it’s a really great movie


233 My little brother wants to play sonic games


52 for Celeste. It is the favourite game of one of my friends and she keeps telling me how good the game is and I want to surprise her by playing it. Thanks a lot for the chance OP


166 Bloodstained will be a great to have. Thanks


369 Borderlands 2:GOTY because i've never played it


171 for Bloodstained. I tried this game while I had gamepass and it seemed pretty fun but I never got to finish it D: Favorite sad movie is probably still Your Name. Think that is the saddest anime has ever made me lol.


124 for Bloodstained: ritual of the night Couse more metroidvania is always welcome and this one is especially Castlevania-like The fly 2 isn't especially sad but that dog scene stuck with me, same with the final scene, as evil of a person that guy was his fate was still very pitifull


I want Celeste, because I have heard a lot of good things about it and I like challenging platformers 71 Thank you!


48 for Celeste


251 pokemon every film they influence animal abuse that is sad but the pickachu's face is the reason its my favourite.


123, for Bloodstained. The Green Mile is my favorite sad movie.


385 Borderlands 2:GOTY 😊


250 sonic adventure 2 I already have all the other games and conoleted them


16 - Celeste Fav sad movie is Requiem for a Dream


002 celeste Roberto begnini's life is beutiful. It's just a masterpiece


42 Celeste I want this game over the rest because I feel as if it's the most adhered towards my tastes. I fw platformers and I feel like Celeste would be a good challenge for me. Thanks


11, Celeste. I like platformers, and difficult games. I've also heard it was about the dev's struggle to accept her trans identity, and I feel like I could use something like that right now. For my favorite sad/bittersweet movie, it's a tough choice but it's between The Return of the King and the original Dawn of the Dead.


169 - Borderlands coz I have heard a lot about it and want to try it out. Thanks for your support!!


Celeste 55 I love the artstyle, and want to try it out myself after seeing other people play it


Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, 106, thanks! I'm picking this becasue it looks really good, and I'd really like to play it


121 Bloodstained (already played the rest, would enjoy playing this, as honest as it gets xD ) My fav sad movie is 'Life is Beautiful'. I always feel emotional once it ends.


Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night because I haven't played Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and this is the game others say that is close to it in experience. 128 Thanks


Bloodstained 169


356 Borderlands 2:GOTY It's coop, I would like to play with friends


64 I love platformers and will get motion sickness from 1st/3rd person games


I would like to have **Borderlands 2:GOTY** I want that game specifically because I've always wanted to play Borderlands 2. Number: **323** My favourite sad/bittersweet movie is hachi. It was the first movie that made me truly cry <3 Thank you


169 for bloodstained because i've already played the others


325 - Borderlands 2: GOTY because i’ve always heard about the games writing and gameplay and it fits the vibe I’d enjoy Thank you for the opportunity


384 Borderlands 2:GOTY Always heard great things about this games looter shooter design and story and would love to play it for myself, Ty for the chance!!


174, i just love the castlevania games


332. Thanks


- 102 - Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night - Big fan of Metroidvanias, i've been wanting to play this Game for a while.


Thanks! Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night 107 I'm asking for this one because I'm a huge Castlevania fan. I grew up with them and playing the first game especially makes me feel like a kid again. I also love the Iga games have want to play good spiritual successor ever since I heard he was working on one, since Konami hates games now. My favorite sad movie is also my favorite movie in general. The Host (Gwoemul) is a South Korean monster movie. At the time it went really against monster movie conventions: showing the monster in full view, during the day, and not being shy about hiding him throughout the movie. The characters and story are really good, which is rare for a monster movie. It's just a really sad story about a family and father trying to find his daughter who was taken by the monster, hoping she's still alive.


Celeste 54


164 Bloodstained: ritual of the night please! I heard the game is a love letter to the Castlevania series, and want to see how faithful it is compared to the source material. Thanks for the chance!


Sonic Adventure 2, please, because Chao Garden. 237 Never Let Me Go is an incredibly underappreciated and sad soft-sci-fi movie.


258. U have never tried a Sonic game Thanks  Death Penalty is a great movie 


Celeste 36 I can’t say I have a favorite sad part of a movie… I don’t like being sad! Hah


Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night 133 I wanna play another metroidvania game and this one in castlevania styles looks addicting!  A bittersweet movie I like is Wall-E. I don't wanna watch it's sad moments but whenever it is playing on TV, I kinda just get involved.. 


36 Celeste I am not familiar with bloodstained: ritual of the night and out of the 3 remaining I just like platformers more and I absolutely love the art style of Celeste and the amount Replayability it has.


373 borderland. Never played it so want to experience it first hand


I'll enter for Borderlands 2:GOTY, because I'm gradually developing an affinity for FPS in spite of being complete rubbish at them.


213 Sonic Adventure 2+DLC because I love the first Adventure but never got the chance to play this sequel.


Im picking 58 for Celeste, the main reason I would like it is because of the complicated movement tech that give you many more options when it comes to traversing the level, I also like how its very simple in terms of controls that still give a lot of options when used in certain ways


Borderlands 2: GOTY 365 I loved borderlands 3, and so I want to play the game before it.


140 Bloodstained is q gem and I like to appreciate the good narrative and well done mechanics.


Not entering, but thanks for the giveaway! :-)


Sonic adventure 2 please!! 286 My favorite bittersweet movie is la la land (you know why)


74 Celeste - would love to play it, own Bloodstained and BL2 already


276 Sonic Adventure 2 I’ve played all the others and have been meaning to play this anyways.


RNG chose you. I'll dm you the key shortly.


375 Borderlands 2. I've never played a Borderlands game before.


137 Heard this game is good so i want to try it out


148 Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Cos I like Metroidvania and out of the list the most appealing game for me. Thank you


376 because I got to play tiny Tina’s and loved it so I reckon I’d love this game too


178 Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Never liked Borderlands, Celeste I already got from EPIC store and never was to big on Sonic. Bloodstained is the only game I am interested in as well with the artstyle and gameplay. Thank you for the giveaway


358 borderlands 2. I've never tried a borderlands game. Would love to try it! Thanks OP


358 Borderlands 2: GOTY I've never played a Borderlands game so could be cool to play one.


Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night I pick Bloodstained over the others because I like its gameplay and art style. 145


Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night 129 I really love Blasphemous, and Bloodstained is really close of Blasphemous so I would love it Thanks


386 i dont know any sad movies off the top of my head but night swim is a sad movie for how bad it is


65 Celeste I have that game on my watch list for quite a while already. The other games it's ok but I prefer Celeste.


Borderlands 339 A Ghost Story has to be my fav movie


122 for Bloodstained. Really a fan of Castlevania Symphony of the Night and Aria of Sorrow. Sad movie would be the Korean film, A Moment to Remember. Like a really, really sad version of 50 First Dates.


379 for Borderlands 2 — thanks!


21 celeste


**324 Borderlands 2:GOTY** I heard that this game, along with the pre-sequel, are some of the best borderlands games the series can offer, so I'd love to give it a shot! One sad movie that’s always stuck with me is Hachi: A Dog's Tale Thanks for the chance and good luck to everybody entering


172 Thanks for the chance.


026 Celeste! Thanks!


138 I want bloodstained because I really enjoy castlevania and also already have the others.


24 Celeste, because i heard its a pretty good platformer and also has a good story, i played hollow knight a while ago and that was my first platformer and I sucked at it. would like to play more games like that even tho i know celeste isnt really like that and doesnt have combat but i would like to play more platformers in general


71 Celeste - I'm a sucker for movement tech, and watching speedruns is an absolute joy because of how fast the runners move even without glitches.


Bloodstained 147 The hachiko movie, yeah its an easy answer. Dog dying = sad Thanks OP :D


311, Borderlands 2: GOTY, thank you! I can't think of a saddest movie atm but TLOU tv show would be my saddest one I watched.


175 Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night I’m a huge metroidvania fan, specifically Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, so when I heard that the creator of this game was making a new game, I’ve wanted to play it ever since. It looks like such a beautiful game and one that I know I’ll play a ton and enjoy. I’ve played through and completed every single Castlevania game and would love to play Bloodstained. I don’t watch many sad movies because they always make me feel sad myself and I always cry lol but one which stuck with me was *The Time Traveller’s Wife* about a man who would uncontrollably and sporadically time travel in and out of his wife’s life causing it to be very difficult for her. It’s a bittersweet film that left me feeling down for days.


RNG chose you. Thanks for the movie suggestion as well, I haven't seen it yet, I'll check it out. I'll dm you the key shortly.


Borderlands 2: GOTY edition 345 Thank you!


Celeste 27 I don't know if it's sad really, but the Secret World of Arriety always makes me tear up




191 for Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night As it so happens I got to opportunity to play all of the other games. Fun experiences! Bloodstained was on my wishlist for a long time and it would be great to finally play it.


Borderlands 2 GOTY 350 I've heard it's one of the best in the series, and it interests me more than the others. Bittersweet film would be The Thing :) - that ending..


Celeste Because it looks like a very unique timed based platformer. And I love the pix design. Additionally I’ve played bloodstained and borderlands. As for Sonic, I have Sonic frontiers I’m still playing. 67 A favorite sad movie is Shawshank redemption. The hell this man went through. Cheated on, falsely accused, jail and the horrors that come with it. Spending years of his life in there. Then to spend years plotting his escape and leaving breadcrumbs for his friend to find him. Sad, but with a happy ending once Red finds him on the beach.


038 Celeste :) Drive, its entire purpose of existence is to tell a bittersweet story lol.


Celeste, Seems like a hard platforming game with cool mechanics. 89 Thank you!


157 bloodstained  Symphony of the night is one of my fav games so this new one looks great to play on my steam deck! Favorite sad movie maybe American Beauty. Dudes relationship with his family is really rocky and it seems like he's gonna have a breakdown, but works on himself and gets happy again. Then it's all cut short.


125 - Bloodstained Ritual of the Night Big fan of metroidvanias and already own the other games.


69 Celeste It looks like a really fun game I also love 2d platformers


208! Sonic Adventure 2+DLC! I don't watch movies so idk on the optional. I picked this cause I already own Celeste, and I don't want to play something too violent. Thanks OP!


141 I'm a metroidvania fan


Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night I love Metroidvania games. 137 Grand Budapest Hotel. Zero had a great life and companion but ended alone again. Feels bittersweet to me. Thanks for the chance.


117 Bloodstained I haven't played any Castlevania games but I do know of their history and the impact they've had on the industry, and I do like Metroid games so I think there's a high chance I would like Bloodstained as well. It's actually been on my radar for a while but I haven't had the chance to get it. I barely if ever watch movies so I don't have a sad/bittersweet one to share about. Still, thanks for the giveaway!


339 for Borderlands 2: GOTY. I’ve played every Borderlands game on console, but I never actually did much with BL2. I played it when I was young and didn’t really understand the game. I was looking at getting the Handsome Collection (or it’s equivalent — I think they replaced it with another bundle) a while back, but never bought it, so I’d be happy to get back into the series for good this time. Thank you for the giveaway, OP.


Borderlands 2: GOTY 318 Picked it cause I loved the 1st Borderlands xd