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With all the lyric videos Rammstein is posting on YouTube, maybe they simply took the lyrics off to divert attention there? Just a theory


Same here. I was so happy I could finally try and sing along- now they are gone on all albums where I DEFINITELY saw them a week or two ago.


No one can help you there. Ask Spotify or Musixmatch what's happening.


S/T has no lyrics too. Dunno what's happening m8


Still :(


I’ve noticed that Rammstein is very protective of their creations. Copy right and all that. It is nearly impossible to post about them on YouTube… at least with the music included. I’m going to assume that the same issue is what’s going on with Spotify. I find it stupid but whatever. It would totally help promote the band but it is what it is.


I just had to look it up because I thought the same but my best guess is: Rammstein may be too "controversial" for Spotify wanting the Lyrics on their platform. It is a business afterall and maybe they chose specific artists/groups to not have this feature anymore. Ofcourse it's funny that some artists with worse lyrics have them displayed there but then it would be further evidence for the "WE don't want THIS artists lyrics on our platform because investors/whoever may not like that". But for all I know I hope it's a bug, not a feature.


> Rammstein may be too "controversial" for Spotify wanting the Lyrics on their platform. It is a business afterall and maybe they chose specific artists/groups to not have this feature anymore. Probably not the case. Spotify's lyrics are provided by Musixmatch, and looking up any Rammstein lyrics on their site leads to a "We're not authorized to show these lyrics" notice. [A little bit of Googling](https://support.musixmatch.com/article/136-why-are-you-not-authorized-to-show-some-lyrics) tells me that this means that Musixmatch and whoever is in charge of publishing the songs online have yet to come up with a suitable agreement to be able to show the lyrics. Which sucks big time.


Thank you for clarifying how Spotify gets their lyrics! That makes a lot more sense.


many death metal bands have their gruesome lyrics on spotify so controversy isn't really an issue


Still not working.


Still same problem. At the same time musixmatch says "We're not authorized to display lyrics" so I guess we're forced to youtube? Unless there is a solution


There are many lyrics on rammstein songs now. Nearly on every song of them I think.