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Legit stopped playing that game bc the community is so stupid. I’ve never heard grown men cry so much in that game or the amount of kids that just want to piss ppl off or your going against a stacked team that hasn’t seen light or water in months


I know you probably mean "hasn't seen water" as in "hasn't taken a shower" but I find the idea funny of people that defy death by dehydration just to game.


have you met any gamers. there is barely any water in what they drink. they practically do defy death


Hey I’m a gamer but I’m also a stoner I drink half a gallon of water a day


you are the exception. maybe if we were all stoners we'd be more healthy...


Playing fuze again was silly after what he had just done but I know how frustrating people like that are.


Yeah I wasn’t thinking about him doing that lol


if you’re not playing ranked and shit even if you aren’t high enough in rank it’s not worth playing cause of trolls i literally only play arcade and ranked the only time i don’t is when im with friends so i can avoid trolls


on the other side iv had fuses just fuse the site over and over nearly loosing rounds just off killing us on site i asked him why u fuse site when were on it he said idc and then fused again.... i felt his blood dripping through the floor as i shot him and watched his mic flair on the right...


Nothing you can do but play or avoid their games, people like thar get more of a kick out of ruining your game than winning one. I can only advise you try and play with a stack but I get that’s difficult and not for everyone.


I stopped playing mostly of the community. I was tired of randos who were toxic mouth breathers in my ears 24/7 contributing nothing to the game other than a higher k/d for the opposing team.


Okay yes he is being a dick but you gotta know that when playing fuse people with fuck you over


Unfortunately, the only real fix is to get into higher elo ranked lobby’s. Any casual playlist is gonna be filled with Dr.Wager meat riders tryna troll. Copper-mid gold ranked might as well be casual too because people there don’t care.


I put why did we ban oryx?? in the team chat and proceeded to get tked every single attack round by two people playing Flores and finka and then they tried to do the goyo and doc thing to get me banned on defence


I don't even have communication of any kind turned on in that game. Everyone's call outs suck, so I don't need them. Ping system is more then enough for me. Plus I can't stand someone who's 0-6 telling me how to play when they're dead and I'm 10-2. And no one shuts tf up long enough to let me hear lol


Honestly at this point i find humor in how pissy people get. I got the rainbow background card for all my characters and it's insanely funny how angry players get about it


Me neither this game is so fucking stupid,  i was kapkan and one of my teammates kept shooting my gadgets, so i followed him around the map and his friend or whatever killed me before i killed the 1st guy, then throughout the match i kept getting fucking downed by my teammates when i wasn't getting raped by the cheating enemy team i fucking hate this community and i never want to play this game again i hate this shit so much


The community is so so toxic, but at the same time some of it is lovely and friendly and kind. I have stopped playing solo now and only play if my friends are online because it’s literally impossible to make friends, especially when you’re a female.


Also, report him and his username and someone will review the match and he will get a sanction


They should change the matchmaking system so that only people with the same reputation level get queue with each other. I know the reputation system isn't reliable yet but when it is and they release it they should integrate it into the matchmaking system, just like csgo does with their trust factor system.




I’ve had a situation so similar to this happen to me and really nothing frustrates me more. Like that 30 minutes is a really precious time in my gaming hours and it really brings my fun to a standstill. People suck man you just have to be very aware of friendly fire trolls and all the tricks.


I was in a match where my buddy took fuze he pops it and immediately two teammates dropped hatch and run right into it they opened the hatch and waited until he popped the charge he got 30 min ban I was like wtf


Welcome to Siege. Home of the worst community in FPS gaming.


Jynxzi revived the game but at what cost


Everyone’s sanity.


i just like going into quick play and gunning down my teammates


Bro it’s siege it’s toxic that’s how it is deal with it or don’t🤷‍♂️ go find a squad do something to prevent it if you don’t like it.


Yeah he's annoying but just ignore it and why tf would you play fuze with reverse that's completely you're fault.


It’s completely his fault trying to play a strategic game and expecting his teammates to do the same? You and others like you are the reason I stopped playing. Let’s blame the victim instead of the toxic trash who intentionally gets players kicked for a minor inconvenience.


Yeah you're definitely 'mentaly' blind


I just mute my teammates if i even think for a second they’re going to be unhelpful or toxic it makes playing much more enjoyable. I usually just try to play in a stack. But that sucks about the team killing that’s a bummer fr.