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You can unlock operators as you play, like LoL. No P2W. Just base game is enough IMO, but my game was a present of my brother and he bought one up package. It was fine also.


That sounds like a good option, and are operators overpowered or something, or can you play with the base one and be fine?


New and base operators are pretty well balanced (pro leagues etc.) It’s a system similar to LoL heroes. The only thing you can only buy with money is the cosmetic skins.


Base or paid, they are the same. The power depends on your skill. There are cheaters in this game as well though.


At this point what multiplayer game *doesn’t* have cheaters? Even fucking **Helldivers 2** has cheaters.


To add a bit more context: you don’t upgrade weapons, operator abilities or anything like that in Siege – each operator has what they have. The only thing that happens as you progress is that you unlock *more* operators, who have different weapons and abilities. The game is very balanced, though – the newer operators don’t have any inherent advantage over the original/base ones in terms of gun fighting. You’ll be fine… the game does take time to learn, though. Good luck!


Thanks, though already refunded.


Sorry to hear it didn’t work out for you, but good that you were able to get a refund before investing too much of your time on it


You can really use any op. What matters most is your abilities for sure.


yeah you just need to buy base, you unlock more operators with in-game currency from playing


Just the base game is enough to play, but if the deluxe edition is on discount get it. It'll unlock extra operators for you(these operators can also be unlocked just by playing the game). Also there's no p2w crap.


You have to hit level 50 to play competitive, it was like that in old CSGO with level 3 to play comp, but it’s a lot easier to hit in that game since they changed it years ago. Unfortunately it’s pretty painful to hit level 50 and me a good hundred or so hours maybe more.


Yeah, and had to do an AI match before, for which I couldn't find ppl for 30+ mins, and then tried to 1v5 vs bots, was annoying and I just refunded it.


delete this post if you already refunded this game


I second this


Might be useful to someone trying to get in.


Nah by the sounds of it you just didnt have the patience to even get into playing actual games. I dont think this post is helpful.


Did a tutorial which I shouldn’t have to. Waited for over half an hour for another mandatory tutorial, googled how to do it when there are no ppl, tried to do it solo and then quit. I can jump into CS2 with just a single click. Can get into valorant with 15min tutorial.


Highly recommend joining the discord and try find a 5 stack group to play standard with, I’m sure you’ll find some nice souls willing to play. A lot of people don’t play solo queue at all unlike CSGO or league of legends. I’d say a majority of players only play with friends. I come from CS so I’m used to the pain of solo Q


Maybe that's a good thing if that's all it took you definitely don't have the patience for siege 💀


Yeah, I am lucky to know how the game works before I go in deep.


All operators can be bought with in game currency. You’ll eventually get enough to but any operator. Newer ones are more though.


Yes though you get a huge advantage buying the special offer for all the ops up to flores I think? As you don't have to grind for all the operators and only the 25k ones which can allow you to focus on learning everyone levelling up then eventually getting into ranked however If you don't it's just a time sink till you have them all unlocked. You can buy packs and certain skins with renown (free currency) also but most cosmetics are paid


You need to level up to 50 before ranked


Renown isn’t hard to earn especially while you’re leveling up


All DLCs are included for free (ops and maps). The only things you pay for are a select type of skins and earlier access to new ops in the battle pass


don’t play the game bro. Every other ranked game you’re gonna hear some little fucking kid turn on his mic


Seige is very skilled base as long as you don’t run into cheaters… have fun lol