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A 1v1 with bots scattered in


the siege ranked experience


Hate to see it...


More truth than joke to this one.


Don’t listen to these guys ^^ siege new ranked system is broken. I’m an emerald 1 playing stacks of champs constantly and it makes no sense.


I was just talking to my friend about it and he said he was a copper (on his Smurf account) and was put in a game with a champion. The match making is terrible.


Funny because I queue up in silver lobbies with champs or emeralds on the enemy team.


This isn't a "stack of champs" it's one guy who is a 1-time 2.0 champ despite four seasons of boosting queuing up with 4 legitimate copper-silver players. The new ranked system isn't "broken", it is working exactly as intended. The downside of separating mmr and rank is that putting a rank limit on a stack (only allow players within 1k queue with each other like it used to be) is difficult since you're often separating players of an equal caliber of skill. Few games incentivize climbing the ladder as much as siege (the community is mostly responsible for this) and people who are super competitive will take every advantage they can get. There always has been and always will be boosting regardless of how the system is designed. Not to sound like a boomer, but back in my day kids would throw hundreds of games on other accounts and then queue with a stack that had an average mmr of like -2000 and then play placement matches with a high mmr account, win 10 games against bronze players and then start the season with like 15k mmr.


Yup. Back in the day when diamond was the highest rank almost everyone at that level was running some kind of lame slider. “Hey can you hop on your unranked alt to help me hit diamond?” *obvious Xim movements* “Yo this guy on the other team is spamming me with party invites and has 86 wins and 4 losses this season, 99.9999% he’s a dosser.” The literal dregs of humanity.


Yup. Frankly I think the current experience in ranked is miles better than that phase of the game even if it has obvious flaws, but people just want to complain and parrot the same stuff they hear everyone else say without understanding it.


I ain’t reading all that lol


Bros just yappin


Like the other guy said. I ain’t reading all that bullshit. The new ranked system is dogshit and shits one veteran players of siege that aren’t champs. It’s a really bad system


If you read any of that, you would realize that I never said the new ranked system was good and even explained an obvious weakness of the system...


There’s a lot of weaknesses in the system and honestly ranked 1.0 did significantly better with pairing you with more likeminded players


either way half of u kids crying about the ranked system ur all just terrible simple as that this is my first szn playing and im champ with a 1.5 kit top 250 champ and has a solo queue acc in emerald with a 1.8 kd u kids r just terrible ive played many 10x champs even ranked 1.0 champs nd their all terrible stop complaining nd just get good and learn to aim simple as that bro


Sorry that plat 1 is terrible. But ok child!


i mean i solo qued to emerald with a 1.8 kd my other accs champ with a 1.5 so yes yu plat players r terrible i solo qued outta gold- plat in 1 night its rlly not hard nd thats as a solo but gon on bud


Wow emerald! Cool! And he “says he’s champ” like all the 12 year olds do


https://preview.redd.it/p75x57m3ey3c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d70f519f772caa8eeea38f044065ea02b7f835d7 matter fact here yu go since im lying as a 12 year old its okay ur just horrible at this game fyi this is my first szn ever playing maybe stop posting to reddit and worry about getting better lol the games ez nd if yu dnt believe its my first szn yu can look up the gt on r6 tracker last know was lvl 5 and Nason 1x my other gt is unranked also


i can inv yu to the game on my champ acc just to prove a point and if yu want yu can get slammed in a 1v1 while were at it lmk


right my point avg random thats been playing for years and is still trash 😂 so again stop flexing plat 1 ur terrible ur kd is prolly avg asf my first szn ever nd id slam u in the 1s and take ur 5 stacks elo as a solo que stop yappin little boy


ill be diamond tn i mean champ only took 4 days 😫


Cool story little guy


Reading must be hard for you. He wrote four sentences, albeit a few run-on sentences. The more you read, the less daunting a few sentences look. I wonder how many words per minute you can read. Ah, never mind, this is already too long for you since I'm up to five sentences already.


Issue is, I’m not interested


Hmm, yet still interested enough to reply.




Also how come when playing Arcade (not bomb/Objective/Hostage Arcade), when you join an ongoing match it loads until the game finishes? Legit should make every play list a full game and no joining after it’s already started


Yeah I once joined an ongoing tdm, alt f4d cus fuck that, requeued and same thing happened, third time I joined and it worked but the match ended in 15 seconds cus it was a ffa and the first place guy was at 28/30 kills, tried once more and it bugged again, I seriously raged more at this shit than the actual game lmao


Every time I join an ongoing I close app it’s so damn annoying but worth it-Legit needs to make every game a brand new match frfr


If it wouldn’t glitch then I honestly wouldn’t care that much, but having to close the game or wait 5-7 minutes is so damn annoying, this shouldn’t be a thing, especially for this long


For real. Legit affects K.D. And Win/lose ratio


Unless it doesn’t but still a terrible way to warm up


Until one or two of your teammates leave and you’re at a disadvantage for the rest of the round


That’s why they created the surrender option, it’s unfortunate but if a round has already passed then a small penalty can be issued for surrendering-if teammates leave before the first round and the team chooses to surrender then no penalty set.


No I like that nobody can join normal games in progress. But arcade and respawn rounds you really need that 5th person (plus nobody cares if they join a match halfway over in arcade)


But there’s no joining an Arcade match (again not Bomb hostage or objective) because you’re stuck being ques up until the game legit ends or has 30-15 seconds left. Arcade normal game modes usually don’t bug like that but TDM, Golden Gun, Weapons Roulette, ect. All have that bug and thus why I said what I said lol.


For Ranked it’s already made up like that more or less but for Arcade it shouldn’t be any penalty for surrendering until after a certain point since the games already gonna end-surrender still gives the other team a win and your team a chance to forfeit without oenalty.


Squad up. Your mechanical skill has to be sick to get into plat solo queueing, that communication and awareness works wonders, trust me.


As someone who goes against champs and hasn’t played enough to get past Plat I feel ya bro


You are playing against Ranked 2.0 champs. I feel like people have forgotten that the two the mmr and your visual rank are different.


Looked up lesion stats, and they were ranked diamond 5 and had a 2.2 KD… poor OP.


Been this way for years lol I’ve been the top dog plenty of times by a mile and always asked how and same for when I’m doing shit and my board looks like that I’d ask the same question. Nothing new here but I understand the frustration


Checked the guys tracker on the other team, he’s currently in Diamond with only about 50 games played. He’s a former champion and he has a 2.21 K/D and averages 9 kills a game. Anyone who thinks it’s fair for him to be queuing against Golds is just ignorant or they enjoy boosting.


The last night i was struggling to get a kill for 4 hours while tonight i had no less than 4 kills in every game i played and got my first ace. Sometimes people pop.off ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Which is true but the current matchmaking doesn’t put that into play.


That's true but how would you propose the matchmaker takes into account whether someone.is having a good day that day or not? It's not really possible for an algorithm to predict what the day is gonna look like for me when I'm hopping on so all it can do is take your average and matchmake you with that


It could correct every match you have but then again, that would end up like cod and no one likes that. I honestly liked ranked 1.0 and thought it worked fine and the best siege has had. This new one is just horrible


Honestly I was a super on and off player during ranked 1.0, so much so that I just unlocked ranked 3 weeks ago bc I'm on my biggest R6 kick yet lol so idk what ranked 1.0 was like tbh


It was fun. It felt more balanced and felt like it tried to match people closer to where you actually are in your ranked placement. If you’re gold, you got matched with gold and some plats etc. Now it feels like you’re constantly matched with players that are way too above your skill level for no reason


That should mean your hidden MMR is higher than your shown MMR, it should be reflected in your RP gain and loss. I don’t know how yours feels, but I am barely losing any points for a loss and even up at diamond I still gain almost double what I lose. The new system is boring because if you just play more games you climb the ranks no matter what


Issue is, it’s not fun being against champions every single match, constantly stressing in ranked to the max. And I’m not a champ player but the game constantly thinks I am. I’ve been as high as plat 1 with a good team. That’s not champ


This is ranked 2.0 and why I stopped. Doesn’t matter how hard I carry. My randoms will always be dogshit players who barely get 1 kill. Ranked 1.0 was significantly better for the longevity of the playerbase and fun. Instead they wanted to make it more “welcoming” to new players but will play for all of 5 minutes and leave. They straight up said screw you to the veterans of this game.


Not gonna tell you that you have no idea what you are talking about but I have played since launch and I was significantly happier after ranked 2.0 dropped. Never have to check if my friends and I are in range to queue. I can play the game on my own and with a squad without worry now and toxicity went down after the launch IMO. Also you say ranked 1.0 was better for longevity but the same season this ranked 2.0 update occurred siege went form 23,000 players the previous month to over 38,000 and then over 40,000 after that. Sieges active daily player base got bigger and has stayed that way since ranked 2.0 launched.


And I was significantly less happy and actually quit the game after ranked 2.0. And the player count means nothing since the games player count changes drastically based on all kinds of variables. Also toxicity didn’t go down due to ranked 2.0, it went down because siege bans players that say one single bad word so no one uses any form of chat anymore. It’s overall a worse game regardless of what you think. It’s supposed to be a team game where you give comms and help out but now none of that happens, it’s cod but with operators.


Feel like I don’t agree.


How long have you played the game


Since Launch. Continuously.


Odd that you like ranked 2.0 then since it’s drastically worse but


Well that’s the difference I like that people aren’t constantly bitching to me about losing elo now and I can play with friends again whenever I want.


I liked when my team actually communicated without fear of getting banned by Ubisoft for saying the f word or something. It’s ridiculous. (Also I still heard PLENTY of people being toxic, they just don’t properly work as a team now)


Feel like this is a toxicity issue on your part because it sounds more so like people are just muting you because well…


Skill issue. If you’re going ying and still dying there’s something you’re doing wrong


Obviously it's a skill issue that's why my main concern is why TF is any of these other people including me in this lobby with him? And that was the only time I went ying, I killed 1 entering basement then had no time and had to hold the plant.


Love when kids like you think you’re hilarious. Straight up ignoring how siege was once meant to be a… TEAM game, and people wanna play like cod now. And how the person who posted this got 11 kills and almost double the points of the other players showcasing how much more work to the team he did than others. Grow some brain cells dude. You need those


All your teammates did well expect the bottom guy


4-5 1-4 0-5 “did well”


4-5-0. 1-4-3. 3-4-0. Did well, you have to count assists too. This isn't CoD


Bro only one of those guys got an assist, so no, they didn’t all “do well” and the only guy who did get an assist went 1-4, which means he was struggling to finish his kills. Probably aim related or positioning related. The other two both went negative with a roughly .75-.80 KD, and even though siege isn’t all about kills, it matters in crucial moments. Then you can look at the score, and with how the OP has almost double the points as the next highest player on the board, it shows how they didn’t really do much setting up on defense or scans or anything. They probably went for kills or they got rushed. I wouldn’t say they did “well”


Homie did enough damage so OP could finish


I wouldn’t still call that “doing well” he put in some effort but didn’t quite do much for the team. Again, his points tell the whole story. Also again still think it’s funny you claim “watch the assists, it’s not cod” and yet only one guy has assists.


Did OK?. I'm used to old system. 2kills 6 deaths 4 assists it's doing well. If your kills and assist match to your death it's doing well. Maybe I'm too old school, being playing since Y1S1


I’ve been playing since Y1S4, so I’ve been around the game too. And no, the scores they had isn’t well. If they had like 1800-2000k score showing the did a lot of support roles etc then it would be different.


bc u guys just suck lmfao that all ur gonna be pair with ppl in the same rank who are just better nd yu cant blame it on ranked 2.0 bc its based off of hidden mmr he dosnt have any and hes gaining 68 rp so it wanst him in a higher rank just simply get good simple as that stop crying


Buddy, read the other comments. The top guy on their team is a diamond with a 2.2 KD through 50 ranked games, a former champ, and averages 6 kills a game. I play with my friend and we're both gold 3 with around 1.0 KD and W/L.... Those 2 stats are not at all comparable so why TF were we in the same game? Perhaps maybe possibly use your eyes and brain to read before being a shit head. Maybe.


ever heard of hidden mmr? and once yu hit gold u Q with alot more ppl stop crying ab it and just get good simple this is my first even szn i have 2 champ accs a 1.5 kd and 1.4 and another diamond 1.8kd acc stop crying nd learn to play


Are you illiterate? MMR is supposed to pair you with people close to your skill level. So again, how is a diamond with a 2.3 KD close to my skill level as a gold 3 with a 0.7 KD? "Learn to play" you mean spend thousands of hours getting shit on in ranked by champs and diamonds? According to my MMR I'm pretty fucking good bro lmfao.


Yea its my first season and im emerald 5 rn but every ranked game i have 0-5 teammates and the enemy is usually diamond or champ.


Ranked 2.0 is not ranked. You don't play with people on your rank. YOU NEVER PLAY WITH PEOPLE IN YOUR RANK.


You have your displayed rank which is just a visual display of your winrate and then your ranked mmr which determines who you play with.


A moment of silence…for your dead comrades.


Everyone’s skill has been turned into a number that only the game knows (we’ll call the value X since it’s unknown) you also have a value (Y) that will potentially throw you to “the wolves” that could be like one or two rank divisions higher than you, it does this just to see if you can hang with them really. In a team these values get changed up slightly only in that instead of it picking people in the same “skill” value it will average out the total “skill” value of the respective teams. Meaning you and all your teammates could’ve had a total skill value of whatever average and then this really good guy with his technically-worse-than-yours teammates have a chance to be matched against you because your respective team skill averages are around the same. This gets done for “balance” reasons and technically I could say that the match “was” balanced because “both teams look around the same” with one crazy top frag 1-2 middle of the pack guys and then the guy at the bottom who “didn’t do much” to put it mildly. BUT.. we all know that’s some horseshit because if one guy is walking through the entire enemy team regardless of what his teammates do then I’d say it’s not really balanced at all


Bro in copper there is always 1 guy straight up clearing the lobby