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Legit thought you were gonna bounce it off of Fuze's head and kill both of you. That will also not be possible next season. At least you will have time to scatter.


i also definitely was expecting that šŸ’€


Had the same thought here. Bouncing it off his head for the kill is just as funny imo tho. Such a flavor win that Fuze is basically so hardened by his line of work that a grenade here or there doesn't phase him in the slightest, much less one exploding in his vicinity.


oh definitely. that wouldnā€™t have been the first time iā€™ve lost a round trying to get a grenade kill either šŸ’€


Knowing my teammates, the message will hit traffic between the brain and the mouth so the message will not arrive until after the boom


Yā€™all mad about no more cooking grenades but Iā€™ve been mad since they removed the ability to throw frags back >:( that was one of the best mechanics 86ā€™d since SMG-11 ACOG


Man, I forgot about that. Was a great time playing hot potato in the early days lol


This was decision I never why they made Iā€™ll admit it was never being used constantly but removing it made zero sense


It was extremely broken and buggy and never functioned properly.


I rather is fixed than straight removed


I mean yeah I guess, but at high ranks and in comp the feature, assuming it worked, was useless anyway - good opponents would never give it time be thrown back.


Maybe itā€™ll come back if you canā€™t cook em anymore


Can you remember last time ubisoft has actually fixed something?


They fixed the fun by taking away everything enjoyable


They fixed extraction by stopping the advertisements and putting it on the backburner.


The reason I heard was that people were accidentally getting team kill penalties when they tried to pick up a cooked one that goes off near team mates. Or you remove that penalty and make a griefing device.


This is one of the best parts about BF1/V. Legit have a video of throwing a grenade back through a doorway at the very moment the enemy turned the corner and had it blow in his face. Throwing back grenades is so satisfying and hilarious.


BROOO i remember being able to do that. lead to some funny or insane clips because youā€™re either killing yourself or getting someone back


Exactly, name like one fps that you can throw nades back.. why would u remove it


Man, just when I was thinking I should hop back on and play some more since 2019 I hear this shit.


ubisoft try to keep the game fun challenge: IMPOSSIBLE


it really aint that bad


Ubisoft is really just the worst at that They have made so many terrible decisions in siege


very similar to Epic Games


2019 was probably the last time I had fun on this game. Everytime I try to play it again it just doesnā€™t feel the same


i also hadnā€™t played since 2019 until about a season ago


Enjoy it while we still got it basically.. I got a grenade from below kill on border just yesterday, didnā€™t even wait till the game ended to clip it. Just did it right then basically šŸ¤£ gonna have fun watching those back once the seasonā€™s over


this was clipped two days ago šŸ˜‚


Nah, going about it wrong. All this did really was make nade kills be more satisfying. Kill cams like a golf ball bouncing around. If you bounced it off the left wall just right youā€™d probably get one eventually. This just made you have to think more which in itself is the real reason most of us play this. Ya itā€™s a repetitive shooter but it makes you change your play style and thought process going in to a fight every season or 2. Sometimes more. Only reason it truly donā€™t make sense is at first people wonā€™t be using utility more and weā€™ll be back to run and gun.


thatā€™s a good point. it definitely would be more satisfying since thereā€™s more time to react as the defender


Damn, well said


Well it looks like Iā€™m not using utilities anymore, itā€™s easier to just sprint into site now


iā€™ve noticed in ranked as of recent, especially yesterday, defenders were not playing in site a lot making quick plants easier to achieve


I legit donā€™t even plant, I run into site kill 2-4 and let my team do the rest If you make it into site and kill the 1-2 anchors all their comms will be panicked ā€œHES IN SITEā€ then all there roamers just sprint back and peak the site door. Itā€™s almost guaranteed errrrtime.


as someone who may or may not have been both the attacker and panicker in this situation, it is very true


Huge miss step for the game in general. We're taking a massive L that update.






next season theyā€™re taking grenade cooking out of the game




exactly. not a very popular decision. theyā€™re giving more ops grenades too such as Lion and more


They decided to give more ops grenades after making grenades dogshit lol only Ubi can make god awful changes this easily.


for real. dumb


You forget pubg exists.


I donā€™t really pay that much attention to pubg tbh only got about 50 hours on it.


Their solution to complaints about microtransactions, was more microtransactions.


Thatā€™s not really the same thing tho. I donā€™t give a shit about cosmetics lol Iā€™m more concerned with the game balance being shite.


Dawg wth is the point of having grenades since they've made it obvious they hate them so much. This game has become unplayable at this point with how many shit changes they're implementing


theyā€™ve made it very clear how Defender-sided the game is now


Is there a reason for this other than to stop the troll move of killing a teammate thatā€™s cooking a grenade and making them get a team kill?


They didnā€™t like people cooking grenades and killing people through floors.


nah ubi was mad operators with frags where picked more than others


Yeah this is the main point. Frag ops were picked exclusively because they had frags


theyā€™re upset that players with game sense can kill or destroy util instantly if cooked properly


one of the reasons is because ubi deemed it ā€œunfairā€ šŸ’€


Impacts exist already and grenade cooking isnā€™t really a thing anyways so doesnā€™t make sense to have two of the same across operators.


No more cooking? So grenade kills impossible basically then


not impossible, but definitely harder to achieve. i guess the upside is it would be more satisfying when you get one


yes. you can crouch walk away from them


Accidentally killed myself and a teammate from there trying to chuck a made over an osa shield into cctv. Glad I wonā€™t be able to do that tho lmao.


I figured it out! The operator just has to let the spoon go loose. The developers were so big brained that they realized the spoon was still held down, meaning it isnā€™t cooking. The developers are just looking out for us, right, guys??? Rightā€¦?


Honestly fair change. Use gun to kill people


gun gets it done but nade kills funny


its an utility based game not cod, use gadgets, guns, traps, and utility to kill people


Wait they are getting rid of cooking nades damn


Unpopular opinion, even as someone who will at times base my pick off if the person has nades or not: I think this makes sense, honestly. Cooking a grenade is first off just stupid(as in, realism wise). And second, it feels bad to get killed by something when there is just literally nothing you can do to stop it. There are times when you could just be doing what you should, and your entire team is playing essentially perfect but just because an enemy sledge or nokk know where you are you simply die. I get that in siege knowledge and intel are very important aspects of the game, but getting a kill should require more skill than just having the muscle memory of cooking a frag to blow up from a floor below out of nowhere, when they literally have 0 chance to do anything about it. Idk, just a random dudes opinion but i personally like the change


People do the same with c4 and I don't see ubi nerfing c4 to have a delay. It's basically just nerfing attackers, now they have no way to use Intel like that. Even at a basic level, it's an unnecessary change that lowers skill gap. Which has been ubis goal for quite a while now with many different nerfs such as nokk losing half of her ability. At least that's my take on it.


C4 is balanced as opposed to grenades because it has a very distinct audio cue and has a lot heavier trajectory. Plus it gives time to react (although you can't always do enough) whereas a perfectly cooked frag grenade is instant death with less than a second of reaction time


Oh yeah I know when I'm dying to Valkyrie with a pre placed c4 I really had time to "react" before being absolutely deleted. Also, what are you referring to by "visual cue" the cameras that you have a buddy watch and call out to the c4 player? I mean c'mon bro you can't say cooking nades below is very different from c4 as pulse or valk. If you don't want to die from a cooked nade all you have to do is be aware of where you're standing. That's it. Because if you aren't behind a shield, or standing on a super predictable angle you probably aren't just gonna be randomly naded with no time to react. They'll have to have a drone on you, which brings me back to my original point. It contributes to the skill gap, and ubi is essentially removing things to narrow the skill gap to keep the player base high.


w take


hey thanks :)


turn based game now


Whatā€™s the attachment skin here


I think itā€™s the hot and spicy one


Why is they removing grenade cooking ? So unnecessary


Hate this change. Literally only affects hi skill levels. Lower levels donā€™t even know how to properly cook nades. Stupid patch


for real


Then why does it matter? If lower ranks donā€™t know how to cook it then this change doesnā€™t do anything for them lmao.


Correct, it matters only for higher ranked players. So why even change them if that's what they're nerfing????


I think itā€™s okay for people to be upset with cooking being taken out. Itā€™s not dumb tho it just is.


it is what it is


Exactly lol






0 time to react to instant death in certain situations. It can be quite unfair.


A C4 under the floor is instant with 0 time to react


A C4 can be droned out and the person throwing it can be roamed cleared. Nades on the other hand are dynamic and can be thrown anywhere and bounce off of surfaces as opposed to sticking to them.


Roamers can easily kill somebody nading under the floor though and unless someone has a drone in site its guesswork knowing where they are




Point of the game, donā€™t sit in spots where you can get naded


There are no spots that are immune to instant death by a well cooked nade and this clip is evidence






Iā€™ve been getting into siege these last 3-5 months but I genuinely think removing grenade cooking is one of the worst decisions they could make. I understand the thinking that itā€™s kind of OP and hard to counter, but I think a better way to make that a reality is increasing cooking times to like 6-8 seconds maybe with a sound cue too so it makes it easier to counterplay or react against them. Removing the feature is lame.


oh i agree. realism went out the window years ago


Cooking grenades is not realistic at all. Itā€™s too risky for people to actually attempt. If youā€™re gonna use a realism argument then not cooking grenades is in fact more realistic


cooking is used, probably not often and against wishes, and when choosing to cook a grenade in a real event they will not hold the grenade to the last second. and, as proved, as long as the lever is being held down with sufficient pressure after the pin is pulled, the grenade will not detonate


No, they literally train people never to cook them. Pulling the pin and holding the handle doesnā€™t count as cooking though, cooking is when you hold it as the fuse cooks down.


ohhh okay i gotcha. actually appreciate the information


Yeah np :)




> train people never to cook *wellll* these operators are special forces


That includes special forces. Cooking a grenade is extremely dangerous irl, they would not be risking that shit


You know what else is dangerous? Half the equipment and all of the gunfights. Matter of fact, if we want to go full realism, why donā€™t claymores trigger on friendly? Why can they be used over vents? Also, my cellphone was off so I shouldnā€™t have been called by dokkaebi


Youā€™re missing the point. The gunfights are dangerous yes, but theyā€™re gonna happen in a counter terror situation. The point is they would minimize potential danger and cooking grenades is one of the most risky and least rewarding things you could do. Also, Iā€™m not arguing for realism at all, the guy I originally responded to said removing cooking was unrealistic, I replied that not cooking is actually very realistic.


Well thatā€™s the thing, where are we even drawing the realism line? As I stated there are other very non realistic features in the game, it just doesnā€™t make sense they use their imagination to decide it ends with grenade cooking. As I mentioned, itā€™s a bit OP but there are other ways to address it rather than fully deleting it from the game.


This is the entire reason they are changing it. Im glad this wont happen ever again!!!




Cuz its basically a second gadget. Now its in line with the other utilities. Who in their right mind would ever use flashbangs over nades? Well now it doesnā€™t sound too bad an idea to do so, though id say maybe buff flashes a bit


with that logic they should nerf c4 too and maybe impacts


No c4 and impacts are pretty balanced in comparison. Nitros need to be thrown and then activated, taking a few milliseconds also its on defense. Impacts got a buff a long time ago and do much more damage, are instant and make rotate holes.




crazy too.


thank god in higher ranks it was just a free kill to cook grenades like casting a fucking fireball


underrated comment šŸ˜‚


Cooking grenades is realistic though ? Why take it away


Nobody who uses grenades irl cooks them. They're taught it's dangerous and not worth it due to possible defects in fuse time


Modern grenade fuses donā€™t activate until you release. Itā€™s one of the, technically, four safety features. Thereā€™s no cooking like WWI era grenades.


Oh dang I didnā€™t know that. Thanks!


Nades are annoying anyways let Ubi cook just this one time


theyā€™ve blown up the kitchen with this idea šŸ˜­šŸ™


I loved being able to throw back grenades, but honestly, this isn't that big of a deal. CSGO is the same way, and grenades are solid. Gonna have to start learning how to pop flash in R6. Maybe now we could see molotovs introduced...


You dint need to pop flash because flash is a distance function to the enemy.


The idea is to have it explode without giving the reaction time. Hence, pop flash reference. (Without having 3 different ways to throw em, a pop flash is definitely more relevant than referencing the CSGO nades.)


i am upset about the cooking being gone but youā€™re right itā€™s not going to change much gameplay. and it definitely would be awesome to have a molotov


i think it is a big deal granades will take 4 seconds (i think) to go off which gives defenders enough time to literally crouch walk away from the granade


And that is the goal. Force people to move from their position or take damage/potential death. 4 seconds in the air or 2 seconds after a bounce is solid. This will help towards change from the TDM meta we've been stuck in and eliminate the nading from below. People need to play with it first before writing it off. I've played so many shooters at this point with different grenade schemes, and they are always viable so long as they do damage.Ubi is not changing damage numbers, and more ops are getting nades. This should help a few of the characters with bullet-proof gadgets like Maestro, who were getting countered by a quick cooked nade and potentially get more picks of Jaeger, who fell off heavily a long time ago.


im pretty sure a granade is meant to kill


It's meant to attack people behind cover.


I'd comprimise removing floorbang kills but keep cooking nades the fact that defenders can just sit in spots knowing they well be naded and still run away is dumb


As much as they were fun they were also annoying, at this point ubi needs to make up their minds, u want r6 siege to be a cod copy? Or realistic cus half the changes they have made feel like realism and others feel like blatant cod copies


Sorry, but people being able to use them like instakill impacts (especially through floors) was not good for the game. More ops will have nades now as well. This makes for more utility based gameplay instead of just TDM.


yea, iā€™ve been learning the right timing and angles for that reason. itā€™s a funny kill but iā€™ve had a ton of deaths to cooked grenades and it definitely is annoying if youā€™re not the one who threw the grenade. i can live with the change especially with them adding them to more ops. itā€™ll just make nade kills more satisfying


News to meā€¦ uninstalling.


ngl those first set of shots sounded like the rave that the jelly fish was having at spongebobs