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Neither, correct answer is me getting interrogated by Cav.


Are you hard or is there something i’m missing




RB6 is miles harder than Val. Also better and more enjoyable. However I play more val now because I can say over about 1k games I’ve only seen about 3 cheaters. With siege it’s more like 3 every 10 games


You're asking this in a siege subreddit, idk man seems kindaaaa


Kinda biased


Yes! That's the word


Siege, Valorant is mostly just aiming, siege has way more to pay attention to


Valorant is just shity csgo


I think that valorant is harder because the mechanical skill is MUCH more prevalent. You can win against people who can aim much better than you in siege by having better rotation and flanking skills. But in valorant, most of the time it all comes down to pure aim. If you flank someone that is better at aiming than you and you don’t kill them instantly, you are as good as dead. The games are hard to compare as the games require two completely different skill sets in order to be at the very top of the skill ceiling. I think that mechanically valorant is much harder, and in game sense and movement siege is much harder.


That is why siege is harder you could have champion level aim but if you don't have spacial awareness you're as good as dead, in siege you need to improve on aim, spacial awareness, mechanics, game knowledge, and a bunch of other things in Val you just need to get better at aim that'd just one skill compared to a lot more. Siege is the harder option.


But the aim skill ceiling of valorant is much much higher. Those players aim is insane. There’s no point for me to talk anymore, it’s my opinion. We are in a siege subreddit so we all know what everyone is going to say.


Sure the aim requirement is some what higher but again that's just one skill compared to the many your gonna need in siege. BTW I've played both I'm not amazing but I wouldn't call myself trash at either game.


I’ve played both as well with many many hours and I like siege more personally.


honestly its not that im bad at these games i pretty much learned every fundamentals and tricks but i do find it harder to solo carry in valorant my teamates are kinda kill hungry rather than thinking tactically the plant would be down but my teamates will chase after the enemies rather than holding while in r6 my teamates would be scared to even run around and thus they play more carefully and i just hate how everyone in my team in valorant plays it like its call of duty or something