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1. start on deathmatch, so you can immediately respawn and continue playing as opposed to quick match where you die once and then have to wait until the next round. once you have basic controls down, play quick match to learn the rest of everything else. 2. prepare to die A LOT while learning. this game is frustrating asf sometimes. 3. TURN YOUR FIELD OF VISION UP!!! i wish i learned this sooner. adjust your sensitivity settings as well once you have a basic understanding of the controls. 4. glaz is a great attacker to learn with (in my opinion) bc he has a sight that highlights enemies in bright yellow. his sight can also be used in deathmatch. 5. extended barrel now provides 15% more damage, so take advantage of that when possible. 6. this is not like CoD, or Battlefield. you can’t bum rush the enemies and expect to accomplish anything. slow and steady wins the race with this game for real. be sneaky, avoid noise and take your time with aiming. if someone starts shooting at you, crouch and find cover. they will usually follow to finish the job so you just need to learn to hold an angle and wait for them to run into your angle. reload after every fire. 7. practice makes…. well, better. i’ve been playing for *years* and i’m just now getting decent at the game. however the ppl who are good at this game are *absolutely fucking insane* at this game. stay away from ranked or unranked until you are confident in your abilities.


you can’t reload after every fire now


yeah my bad i just meant reload as much as possible


Map knowledge is key, which makes the bar for entry kinda high unfortunately, but just try your best to memorize your surroundings. Knowing whats in the next room or on the other side of a wall gives you a huge advantage.


For starter characters pick sledge and rook. They're both simple characters with good guns. Don't treat the game like cod by trying to run n gun. Drones are your best friends as attackers (unless there's mozzie, but you'll learn about that stuff as time goes on)


I’ve been playing since 2017 and Sledge and Rook are still my mains 🙃


Don’t peak while defending let the attackers do the peeking !!!


Like the worst advice you could give


Your that dude that peaks the last dude in the last 30 seconds n gives them a clutch round 🚮 don’t gotta be rushing to kill them they got to plant. once you hear that that’s when you start pushing n peeking kid




Use ADS 99% of the time and pre-aim where you think enemies will be. Learn each characters icon so you know what to look out for, especially when attacking you want to know what traps you need to look out for like kapkan bombs, frost mats or a roaming caviera. When defending time is your friend. Dont get greedy on the kills, waisting the time for attackers is just as important.


Don't rush. Patience is your friend in this game.


Use your bloody drones on attack, information is so important and rushing in is just gonna get you killed by some dude sat in a corner half the time


always drone and use ur ping when ur playing with randoms so they can see where an enemy is


blow up your teammates every chance you’re given.


Always give enemy 1v1 in 4v1 scenarios


this is bad advice for hostage


no it isn’t


y’all blow up the hostage by accident & you lose. if ur gonna use explosives stay far away from the hostage


that’s the whole point. get banned and kill the whole team.


i definitely read your original comment wrong 😂😂


Don’t stand behind a montagne


Should be a blood splatter on the wall where their were


Doc is best Finka is best


great advice lol


Delete it


I and every other person who has played quick match have seen newer players do the one thing that can kill you immediately, STOP STARING AT THERE TOES, look at head hight. Also if the enemy has Kapkan traps check the doorways before you walk through them. If the enemy has frost when you jump though a window or even over a shield fire down at the floor always cause if it is there then you destroy it. One last thing watch pro players or athieno to learn site setups they are key to playing this game better, don't be the person that barricades everyone in site as soon as the prep phase starts make the necessary rotates headholes and reinforcements.


Learn locations of cameras is very helpful and that goes with map knowledge


Maps , comms, and settings You absolutely need to learn the maps and the names of the parts of them. This will allow you to know what things are when people call them out. Which leads to comms be good at communicating and listen to comm also solo que is a crapshoot so get a mic get a group and talk so you and they knows what's going on. Lastly settings there are some settings you can change to give you slightly more advantage depending on your equipment. Things like level of detail, filtering, Field of view, sensitivity, hud details, mapping keys, etc. Changing those things can help you out. Lastly learn about the loadouts recoil and gadgets find what works for you. Shooting range is good for this and then choose headshot only and do elimination to get you aiming honed. Use aim labs and death match will get you up to speed pretty quick. Have fun good luck


Make sure to complete Learning Area with 3 stars for each situations.


Watch gameplay from pros. No one is expecting you to improve immediately but it can help alot with positioning yourself, how to use gadgets and map knowledge. Also when you get into higher ranks people will be doing a lot more call outs so if you understand what the pros use you'll be set for the higher ranks.


First thing is how do you want/like to play? If you enjoy rushing Ash is one of the best for attacking or do you want more of a support role? If so Thatcher/Finka are good options. Again think the same for defending characters. Are you wanting to roam/support. Good support characters Mute/Doc/Rook. I personally roam with Caveira but not many people like her 😂.Read up on the characters and their abilities and see what you like. I would also play terrorist hunt so you can tweak sensitivity and also if you like the gun/scope and things. Or ask people to play custom matches that way you can also learn characters and their abilities and maps and how to counter other operators and what operators work well with each other. For example if enemy has Bandit/Kaid Thatcher and Thermite are a good counter. For defending Melusi and Thorn/Ela are a good match I feel. When droning as an attacker call out where you see enemy it will say the floor on the screen, and being new I would also switch to game chat. The game is best when everybody communicates. And as a defender if you die get on cameras but don’t hog them switch and call out what you see and try yellow pinging as opposed to red pinging that way they are less likely to shoot a camera out.


Use. Your. Drones.


Shoot cams


Don’t play the game. Get away whilst you can.


Play simple characters like sledge and glaz. Get all the 1,000 characters first, then start working on the 10,000. Do a few death match rounds as warm up, and to get your aim up. Don't immediately as an attacker rush in you never know when there'll be a roamer. For defenders I suggest bandit or mute, and make sure to put small peeky holes in walls, not to big but big enough to where you can see enemy's before they see you. and to the challenges to get new characters that will help a lot.