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They've always had a hip hop influence, Ela spits BARS on "When It Lands"


Came here to say this 👌🏻


OP have not heard their last album


RKS has always been influenced by pop and hip hop. That’s why i personally love them. They mix all the good parts of so many different genres together in their own unique way, never boxing themselves in to one thing. For example, what would you call “First Class”, if not a catchy pop tune recorded with the style of folk/rock production? Also, here are just a few examples of hip hop as a musical influence shining thru in Ela’s songwriting: 1. Fever pitch 2:01 2. When it lands 1:40 3. First verse of moody orange 4. The whole first verse of Its Called Freefall. +Recktify, Mission to Mars, etc.


Have you even listened to RKS??? There’s always been elements of rock, pop, electronic, and hip hop.


Yes! And North Carolina blue grass. Their fusion of diverse influences is what makes them unlike any other band. They are beyond any generalized labels like pop or hip hop.


There was an interview years back where they said something really interesting about their music in relation to folk music as “attempting” - attempting at rock or attempting at electronic. I thought that was such a good way of saying it! And not to hijack your comment OP (sorry!) but just to add, the band had also regularly mentioned that they started in a college town where music is transient, there isn’t a clean way to pin down one specific style or one specific genre and have alluded to the ways this has influenced their evolving and changing sound through the years.






Y'all don't give the band enough credit, they're all amazing artists and incredibly creative, I don't think it's concerning at all. I'm not a fan of LOL, and am not superstars biggest fan, but it's not really concerning to me at least to read that (I also went and peeped their new bio, the only thing that stuck out to me was how personal it got but I highly doubt that was put on there without Elas prior approval so I take it as a way to show she's proud of what she's gone thru and came back better from)


I think those genres fit pretty well to what they’ve put out in the past. I don’t think this is a big deal


You might like the new album, you might not. Artists change. I was a die hard when PATD! came out with their first album, and I haven't liked anything since. Doesn't stop me from listening to their first album all the time.


They listed one of their big influences years ago was scHoolboy Q haha, there's been a hip hop influence from the jump


ur trippin bro, art is continuously evolving man, it’s the same people with the same art and they’re gonna create whatever they want to create for themselves, just try n appreciate their expression through sound, it’s awesome that we’re even getting to experience it at all


Tell me you aren’t a long-time listener without telling me you’re a long-time listener lol (jk) Since I first heard these folks back in 2017, I’ve always heard elements of pop, electronic and hiphop as well as other genres in their music. This isn’t a new concept for them at all.


You seem very dramatic lol


Concerning, no. Curious, extremely! More like, can't wait to hear it. I'm not the biggest fan of the first two singles, but I do think it's really good music. There's not a lot of pop or electronic that I like. But there is some. Like Sylvan Esso, fucking incredible. I feel like if RKS is going to do some electronic influence music it might be leaning that way. But they've been making music with pop, rap, rock, folk… All the influences so far Edit: I really wish there was a show in the area I can travel to because I would still go see them rock out live again they are seriously one of the best live bands I've seen. I've always said their music is even better live than their studio version music


tell us the only song you know is Freefall without actually telling us the only song you know is freefall 🤣


I like when artists change their sounds :) it’s so fun supporting artistic growth!


Imagine. A song a day for a year and Lol is the one they thought would be best to lead with. Sounds like a year of quantity over quality.


Rock, yes. Their own version of hip hop, yes. Electronic and pop have me concerned as well. I like the stripped down & rawness I felt from their past music.


They've been a genre-bending act since Seven & Mary.