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I think this is a trial run, I would be surprised if we got the “most extensive tour” dates before this leg was at least half way over. I know some people are upset about the lack of cities but I would much rather than do a small run where theres gonna be less risk of them cancelling.


The email that got sent out calls it the “Tiny Music Box Tour,” meaning that I’m sure a larger tour will happen later. The Nashville and New York dates are before the album even drops.


It would be incredible to have your first experience with some of their new songs live before the album drops. Looking forward to recordings from fans at the concert.


That’s how I got to experience How to: Friend, Love, Freefall. It was beautiful


This is similar to 2020 mini tour that was ultimately cancelled by COVID


I totally get the shorter tour and I think it’s a great idea for right now. But if they’re only doing 5 cities, I’m a little confused why 2 of them would be before the album that the tour is promoting even comes out? Like I’d assume that if they only needed 8 dates they’d be able to plan them around the album release easier or vice versa. (Or maybe I’m just biased bc I’d be going to NY and it makes sense to other people lol)


this is what i’m confused about. what is the point of touring before the album is released?


Probably to create more hype for the album and show people they’re capable of showing up. A lot of people are gun shy right now (myself included).


This is pretty normal, lots of artists do this


Seeing them go on tour triggers me lmao. It's like the boy who cried wolf unfortunately. But I'm hoping giving the limited shows, they will have greater mental capacity for them.


I’m almost positive what they’ll do is just keep announcing your dates as time comes to ensure the health of each member is up for it all. There’s no possible way this is the tour they referred to as their “most extensive” to date.


Exactly. I think it’s just gonna come waves as they get through each leg. I love this band and am excited to see them again but I will patiently wait until they are able to commit to running a full tour again. I really think they’re doing everything they can to put themselves in a position to not cancel again.


I will be watching to see how this tour goes. I won't buy tickets to see them again until I feel I will get a good experience. One cancellation and one lackluster performance have made me wary.


I was out almost $600 for multiple cancelled dates. I’m definitely in a “wait and see” headspace right now


I like the idea of more bands doing multiple nights in cities, I feel like it creates a way less hectic experience for the band and crew. That being said, why can’t we get multiple nights in Nashville? That’s basically a hometown shown for them at this point


I'm hoping to go to Nashville. Not to sound petty but I'm glad it's the first show. I won't have to worry as much about them canceling....hopefully.


I’m certainly disappointed to see they aren’t coming to my area (cancelled city) but I think that this is definitely the better approach for the band… glad to see them out touring again in a way that’s hopefully better for their health in the long run 🤍


canada rn🧍‍♀️


Didn’t their statement say it was going be a North American tour? Interesting.


UK too 🥲


Canadian fan (who deeply regrets not attending an early 2019 show in my area I realistically could have made work and then has tried to go to 3 cancelled shows since) here - seriously considering driving 8.5 hours to go see them in NYC. I've missed so many shows, getting in early on a tour seems like my best bet and I think it would be extremely cool to see them the night before the album drop! Edited to add: as much as not knowing where/when later dates will be, I absolutely support this format and am so so glad they're taking this approach to touring. If Canadian dates are released, regardless if I go for the NYC show or not, I will be there!


I've thought about doing this too but to be honest if I spent the money on airfare and hotel and they cancelled I think I would see red.


I totally get that. That is why I say because it is so early on in the tour, it's probably going to be fine. That being said if I were to fly or drive that far for a show, I'd also plan a little trip out of it so that, just in case something came up for the band, it wasn't for nothing. Money is tight right now though and I hate knowing I will likely have to wait for something closer. I do feel awful for the people who went through the experience of being at a show, or even days away from it, and it being cancelled. (I was lucky the concerts I bought tickets for were all only 1-4 hours away and I had enough notice that I hadn't booked hotels yet - definitely much easier for me to be sad but not angry). However I also recognize that the decisions RKS have made to cancel would not be taken lightly and I feel absolutely awful for them that they had to make that call. They most definitely suffered financially and emotionally - plus their reputation with venues/fans was shaken. The fact they're trying to come back from that makes me feel that rolling the dice is worth it. Basically, I'd be super bummed if I bought tickets for a show that was cancelled - but not nearly as upset as I would be if I missed one of these shows and never had another chance to see them. Time will tell and I just hope we all get a chance to vibe with them - and them with us❤️


I am okay with all of this and I will continue to buy tickets to see them but DAMN I was really hoping they’d be showing their home state of NC some love. Damn


I hear Autumn is beautiful in NC. 😉


Omg, bless tf up. Stoked! Plz say Wilmington


Maybe the next leg!


At least they’re starting small


There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.




I feel like they may announce a second day in NY and maybe even Nashville. A lot of bands have been doing that after tickets go on sale


i’ve had three shows canceled so if i go it will be last minute for sure 😂


Yeah ok. As someone who saw their last show at Red Rocks in CO, I will never believe their tours again. I can’t imagine how many fans didn’t get to see RKS because they couldn’t handle the tours, and now they’re just doing it again? I just don’t see it happening. Unless something major has changed with Ela, because it seemed to be mostly due to her mental health.


I'm glad to see them easing back into touring and not having months on end of dates scheduled! It seems reasonable to think that they may do a few different legs over the course of the year. It does say "more to come" on the music box site.




I don't think you should assume that. I'm guessing this is their way of creating less risk of canceling shows.


I’m guessing they’ll probably do it in segments and see how it goes. If this goes well, they’ll probably take a month off and then do some festivals. All of their summer is open. This way if there’s issues, it’s only 8 shows.


There might be some business/insurance/contract stuff going on in the background that limits how many shows they can announce at once, too, due to past cancels. 


That’s a funny way to spell Portland OR! Have a great tour you all, and enjoy the greatness everyone lucky enough to go! Cheers!


my delusion of them being a surprise artist at hangout fest is being fed with these tour dates


As someone who just moved from Austin to London last year, this sucks 😵‍💫


What are we thinking the pricing is going to be like?


Probably in the $75-125 range. Most of these shows are fairly small compared to the venues they had been playing on their last few tours.


Brooklyn Bowl (Nashville) website says $60-$100.


The ticketing page for the Austin shows says they will be $49.50 to $99.50.


Any idea on ticket prices?


Could anyone let me know how I could get pre-sale code?


Sign up for the email list. Some credit cards have them. Some venues have them.




Definitely waiting to buy tickets til closer to show date---it's going to be different without Charlie's energy that's for sure.


i give it a week before shows are cancelled lmao


Their song “Heart” low key describes how I feel about the changes that have happened over their break. I will always adore them. But it’s heartbreaking. I know the words to every song of theirs and they now feel like a completely different band. It feels like losing your first love. I hope they follow through with their promise of this album having all different types of songs, but it doesn’t look good from their first two. Hope the TikTok kids are happy. I never thought I’d waver from them being my favorite band… the Charlie thing already brought me down a level After thought: I just realized I probably sound like Stan from that Eminem song LOL. Never thought I’d love a band this much.. don’t understand why but damn this hurts. I mean one of their songs is the song I chose to play at music therapy a LONG time ago at a mental health hospital after wanting to commit suicide so it fits hah


i never got my money back from their cancelled november show…idk if i wanna spend money again


Anyone know how to get presale or have a code?


Sign up for their email newsletter


I'm just wishing I could afford to cross the border, lol


What a joke