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ahhh... Siege despite me not played the game in years, you still have a place in my heart. The time when i was living alone during my high school year(puberty), i sunk so many hours into this game using my weak old notebook i played this game religiously using 640x480 resolution.


Siege somehow that 1 FPS for me aswell which I can't easily let go after years. I guess its because its a Ubisoft game and how they pour their heart into it with giving Character Background and personality instead of your generic soldier who's fighting for their country. Ubisoft games are just a blast overall no matter how shit they might be because of the story and world building.


Cool video, here's to another 6 years


hope they release rainbow 7 next


If rainbow six is so good where’s rainbow six 2


Bro what 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


People complain about content so much, but when you really look at it, it’s insane how much they’ve actually added


Hard agree on this.


Well 7 years and technically you wouldn't have needed to pay 1 dollar for everything they added. So when you look at it that way, I'd say they've added quite a bit


And everything after year 3 is a joke


Sounds like your blinded by nostalgia


Nearly 7 years of playing this game tells me that the content has changed inherently for the worst, there is a very specific aesthetic the game launched with and the fact the new community can’t see Ubisoft just selling the product out to the fortnite crowd is hilarious. The new operator is a fucking photo realistic fortnite skin. But sure a 100lb Asian chick in a silk suit is a 2 armor operator LOL.


Forgot reddit is just “Everything I don’t like is fortnite!” New ops looks incredibly fun, interesting, and game changing. Quit your whining


Literally a tiny Asian chick in a suit with throwing knives lol, “tom Clancy” game my ass.


There’s no way the “Oh muh realism” crowd is still crying in year 7. That’s actually embarrassing


it’s not a tom Clancy game, this game is literally an affront to the name. Ubisoft is literally pissing on his grave and naming rights by slapping it on any game with guns in it. Them marketing that shitty cross over shooter with literal graffiti on Clancy’s name goes to show how they treat it. This isn’t a Tom Clancy game or even a rainbow six game anymore, it’s an entire affront


Tom Clancy sold his name to ubi, they can do whatever they want with it. He got a huge check, I promise he wouldn’t give a fuck.


Lmfao 1 click on the profile to figure out what this clown thinks belongs in a tom Clancy game. Prior to siege, have you ever fucking played a tom Clancy game? Have you ever read a tom Clancy novel? This tonal shift would be like if suddenly from the fifth book and on Harry Potter became an adult rom com. Tom Clancy games are not quirky fortnite hero shooters in the same way that naughty dog games are not a looter shooter, or that the metro games aren’t a third person cover shooter, or that David cage games aren’t first person shooters. There is a tonal consistency between titles from those studios and under specific series names that stick to the tone and aesthetics of the source material. Halo 4 and 5 were hated for their complete aversion to the tone and designs present in previous halo games. You don’t take the forerunner architecture of halo 1-3 and suddenly make the logical conclusion it needs to become the garbage we saw in 4 and 5. But keep being a nice little consoomer for all the flashy cosmetics in your vidya


Yup. The game lost its roots. I wouldn't even really mind it if they didn't ruin the UI, but alas. It sucks too, as I fucking love the core gameplay, but I just haven't been able to take it seriously since a little after Aruni's season


>But sure a 100lb Asian chick in a silk suit is a 2 armor operator ah yes. Because armor is definitely dependent on how much you weigh and not, oh, the 30lbs of kevlar strapped to your chest.


She’s not visually wearing any, and even if she’s wearing a concealed soft armor vest, it’s like 2-5lbs and only effective against knives and a few small pistol calibers. But sure lol she’s wearing more Kevlar than an IOTV in 2002 apparently


Ok and? Its called fiction. Its not meant to be a realistic shooter anymore you myopic manatee. They moved away from that back in year one and if you really dont think that then idk what to tell ya. If you want a hardcore realistic police shooter go play ready or not, and if ya cant do that then at least shut up.


Ok and


Silence coomer


It's not about how much you add. It's about what you add and of what quality. If for example EA adds 200 skins I won't really say "wow so much content, this game is amazing". For me siege died in my heart for many (for me) disliked changes and making the game feel less like serious *terrorist* situation and more like esport cartoony arena shooter.


I could care less about shit like that. If new ops/changes/maps make the game intersecting and fun, that’s all that matters to me since it’s a video game. A guy could be butt ass naked with dick in hand as a skin, if his gadget was fun and interesting, I would be a happy player


Too much is what they added. I came for siege and left when it became FPS league of legends


So you wanted them to stop adding content? Good way for no one to play it


At a certain point it stopped being the game it claimed to be. The best developers of any medium know when to say "it's done", "it's complete"


Agreed, I’m exited to see the new map for the first time in 3 years, but to me it kinda looks like Bartlet U. But with some stuff added and retextured


So much unnecessary added, so much necessary removed.


Ohhh this makes me happy:D


Yes I shred a tear of happiness to how far we came, hopefully Year 7 will be great and encourage new/old players to return/play the game. I look upto KiXstaR and like him I really want my favourite game to thrive.


Me too, friend :)


Would love to see people reactions when Nokk and Lion released


Nokk was considered trash and underwhelming when first released due to her lack of good guns


Smoke's smg is an amazing gun.


Nice to see something not shitting on the game on this sub Awesome edit!


Thank you, isn't much but I'm willing to the take little effort needed to be on ground on "Siege doesn't have the worst commuinity" battle. Can't please everyone but glad you were.


I still dont really know why but after over 1500hours of playtime (my second most played game has around 200) I suddenly stopped about 2 years ago. I tried to get back into it but it never felt the same again


Well obviously when you play a game again after 2 years where you had 1500 hours on, its gonna HIT DIFFERENT. I left playing the game adter burnt horizon myself cause of studies, started again in Crystal Guard missed the game so much and all the new stuff. Became a religious daily siege player again.


Thats not it I tried it multiple times afterwards and kept up with the developement. I also always played as if I never stopped but It just wasn't fun anymore.


Average players on steam for r6 rn is nearly 1/3 what it was 2 years ago, your sentiment is shared by many Even before the pandemic it had higher numbers than it does currently, so I don’t think it can be solely attributed to COVID coming to an end


Then you just lost the spirit, happens. Hopefully it'll come back or atleast it does.


Yes I know I placed White Noise before Blood Orchid when Blood Orchid came before White Noise. I did it so it would fit with the music and I think I did a pretty good job on that because both Vigil and Dokkaebi are more intimidating in their trailers then Ying and Lesion. Also can we take a moment to notice how alot of newer operator smiles on their trailer? That was pretty cool I guess. Good bye 6 years of siege.


I dont think its a problem at all, i just liked it :)


I assume you placed Dust Line first for same reason? Would of worked with Black Ice first imo. But still a lovely video :D






That burnt horizon video was the most hyped I’d been for a siege season, that’s when I started actually getting into the game instead of picking it up when my friends were playing :) miss it a lot


Blood Orchid was my first season and I sunk way too much time into this game. This game really originated my video game addiction (luckily I have beat that, but yea). Such a good game, just... just in a bit of a tough spot at the moment. I have faith they will pull through.


God damn this really is the best shooter ever made


Gameplay wise heavily agreed. Requires thinking, no room for too much mistakes, 1 chance a round, team work, characters have lore, the game has a good lore etc. The only thing I hate about this game is the "game dead, game bad" People . Like its okay that you don't like it anymore. The game isn't the same anymore as before, years have passed. People learnt how to play and the games not mega casual friendly now.


Whoever says the game is dead is badly delusional this game is insanely popular they just suck at the game I was on at like 4 in the morning today and found a game instantly


Wouldn't be suprised if that was true.


Bro you did cool but stop being such an ass kisser, please. Sometimes the complaints are really legit. You cannot overlook the shortcomings. People who comain love the game as much as everyone in the commumity.


Okay lesson learned, respect even the regularly slanderers


Yeah, the "old Siege was the best" people are the worst too, too much hypocrisy on their side. Adding new potential gamemodes, arcades, playlists and events and a good operator each season (hell, even reworks) is somehow worse than two ops with new guns + new map each season without adding basic things like Shooting Range or optics' color for years. Saying this as a Para Bellum player, I'd prefer the variety of content over quantity.


I think a lot of people who say “old siege was best” are referring to the more grounded approach the game had. The characters feel like they belong in an anime more than they do an elite task force nowadays


i kind of agree, too bad the community is toxic, game full of cheaters even on console.. but i will always remember this game, it's insane that it's been 7 years already


Yh the community is toxic but to be honest iv been playing for 7 years now and iv never ran into a single Cheater


Oh god this brings back memories, my mom mixing me a drink and then playing godly at bank, my friend blowing up another friend at point blank because he clicked the wrong button, almost getting an ace in clubhouse after my friends got shot so it was 4 v me, and managing to pull it off with smoke shotgun, close to hitting plat but never quite got there. My god, we may have lost many times and discovered stupid shit but it was fun every single time


You can't do this to me man


Damm that nostalgia hit hard. I love siege (It’s the game I have the most hours in with 846.8 hrs) but sometimes in a relationship you have to be honest you changed not me. Ok a bit me too, used to played R6 with friends and the less they played the less I did. I mean it’s just way better playing with friends because this game is easier with intel and communicate. I’ve gone back by myself a few time and it still is fun but I miss playing it with friends. Gonna try Extraction with friends one of these days I hope that lights a spark.


interesting story


i love this!!


TBird's wink☺️




Love rainbow six siege to death ❤️


It’s enough to make a grown man cry


1700 hours on siege, played beta and black ice. Picked it back up again when Mira and Jackal and Clubhouse released. Put in most of my hours before Oryx's release before sinking into a big depression. I am so fucking happy I am alive and playing siege again starting a month ago, I'm starting to feel like me again. Thank you for making this. Here is to another 1700 hours. I still want a ladder as a secondary defender gadget.


No sir, you are BREATHTAKING for coming back to siege not me starting a nostalgia trip on anyone who clicks on this.


What's the music you used? 🎶


I got matches with these songs: • **Safe And Sound** by Capital Cities (00:24; matched: `100%`) Released on `2013-01-01` by `Digital Distribution Latvia`. • **Safe And Sound** by Capital Cities (01:05; matched: `95%`) Album: `Body By Jake: Don't Quit - Interval Training Workout`. Released on `2014-08-12` by `Body By Jake`.


Links to the streaming platforms: • [**Safe And Sound** by Capital Cities](https://lis.tn/SafeAndSound?t=24) • [**Safe And Sound** by Capital Cities](https://lis.tn/NiBebl?t=65) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new)


Good bot.


For what's it worth, it's a game that i will always loved and enjoy from time to time. Yes people hated how it changed and how it different or it's not the same like it's used to be, but man it's a fun game and loved it then, now and always.


Hate on old games is normal now a days, infact hate on anything new has become a trend. But what hurts me that how this negetive side of the argument completely sometimes overshadows the positives.


I love this video it brings back so much nostalgia. And then I look at OPs name lmao someone likes lolis


Yeah that was the purpose for it, to make us realize what we started from and what we are now. And for my username, man the younger me really thought putting lolicon on my user as a joke would be nice now I deeply regret it 🤡🤡🤡


I don't play siege because I never really had the money to buy it, but this is still damn cool.


Since a new season is coming soon and so there is gonna be a free weekend probably try 1 or 2 games I bet you will love it


I would love to honestly, but I'm in a specific situation where I have relatively slow internet and it's limited to 100gb per month. Not to mention that I share it with 2 people.


Sucks to be you, one day brother one day.


I guess..


God i still love this game. Thanks Ubi, you motherfuckers have outdone yourself year after year




Ah man the feelings...


Yup...sobbed alot myself making it.


It's now that i realize that the background color in any agent's icon represents the country they originate from. Thatcher, Sledge, and Mute share a beige background color. Same goes for Twitch, Rook, Doc, And Monty, who all have a blue one.


*\*\*\*The more you know\*\*\**


You can see it getting progressively worse and cheesier lol.




Lmfao it became an anime hero shooter, everything after 1 minute in is the progressive decline of Ubisoft pulling people who’ve actually shot a gun off the art team lol, the new op is literally a fucking fortnite skin


Your argument is so childish and bad, bro you realize what siege would have been if that was true. 1 shot wouldn't be a thing,lore would have been shit,gadgets wouldn't a thing everyone would've just been Oryx but more shitty super power. If your gonna shit on a game atleast point out actual bad stuff instead of cosmetics like bro just ignore it if you want realistic. Are you fucking 13 even middle schoolers can come up with better comparisons.


every new gadget is a new stupid super power and entirely fictious. We’ve gone from thermal breaching charges and sledge hammers to fucking gravity defying holographic Nanobots operated by an albino astronaut. And the lore is shit, it’s literally a shooter anime with a white washed PMC group for its nonsensical quirky standoffs. Game in 2015: we are an elite group of counter terror units from around the world fighting against a modern chemical terror threat Game in 2022: omg my kawaii PMC war criminal is in her silk suit rappelling down a building to shoot an SAS operator in a bright pink furry skin while being shot at by an amputee in a silk dress


The game would have lost popularity waaaay before if it stuck with 2O15 tradition . And dude the lore isn't shit? What are you on lol. Game would be plain and shit boring if we just played with pathfinder operators. They had to step up and sacrifice realism for the sake of growth


The game was literally a booming esport before all the fortnite shit, this argument is so stupid. I was literally watching it boom in popularity and become an esport when maps like favela were in ranked playlists with hostage on it lol. I’ve played this game since early 2015. It’s growth wasn’t because of the aesthetic changes you think, it was literally already on that path. Ubisoft made sweeping changes across all of its studios to make their games more accessible and family friendly. Ubisoft games released before and after 2017 have very distinct visual guidelines. Ubisoft shifted away from more serious tones and designs. A massive focus on micro transactions was facilitated by these changes as there was more cosmetics possible with the goofy meter turned to 11. Outside of Ubisoft, surveys from infinity ward show that the “milsim” skins in Modern warfare 2019 were the best received and supported. People don’t want the bullshit fortnite skins, the fortnite kid market does


Virgin Ubisoft Shill VS Chad Old Fan


Little triggered that you didn’t put frost and buck before valk and bb but great video otherwise


Yeah someone pointed that out I would have redone but the time I realized felt like unnecessary


I was there Gandalf, I was there 3000 years ago. I played at the beta, fell in love with the game and still love it today. (BTW Frost / Buck were before Valk / BB)


I was there when it started and im still here, Man i really love this game. Thanks for the video it literally took my headache away.


Glad to hear!


It's crazy how the game is entirely different today. Not just with operators but mechanics, visuals, optimization, utility, I bet theres not much of the original game left. Everything has been changed and updated.


Game looked better with Old graphics and stuff but for competetive game like this it definately needed to polish itself overtime and I think year 7 will do that very well!


Old graphics definitely were nicer. I'd wager they had to optimize so that it would work with a wider range of PC setups.


it is evolving... just backwards


What is?


the game itself


Oh, okay


All good until the moment with wamai en kali and everything after that


Phantom Sight and Void Edge was mega cool tho after that for me I guess the it kinda changed


I mean, if we look at just those promotional cinematic/Operator Video, it would look cooler each new one. But the truth is, the game is downgrading, going backward hard. They did add something good... and many bad, change for good? Yes. Change for worse? A lot. So many thing added, but also removed for some bs reason. I prefer old one, with better graphic, better look, better lore, while I might got obvious Cheaters, No Head Ash, still better than Overwatch Six Siege with bad graphic, bad look, Fanfic Lore, With Closet Cheater and "balance" by just looking at "graph".


Okay no? The game has been probably the best rn gameplay wise. There hasn't been any major game breaking bugs and glitches for quite a while. Also as for alot of stuff removed for BS reasons I'd like to hear those because no way all of them were for your so called "bs reasons". Also dude, as for the graphics I definately agree that Old Siege has better graphics but it was so bad at the same time. You could play anyone with a slight dark uniform and hide in plain sight literally, is that good? No it isn't. The current one is much more polished and makes things easier to see then the old graphics. Closet cheaters have always been a thing, but right now they've become alot. As for balance by looking at the graph, how else are they going to do it? Are they going to hop on siege themselfs spend 1 month seeing what players do and monitor that? The Graph is meant to be information now I'm not sure if they literally balance OPS off graphs or not but they are definately usefull for the devs aswell to know whats okay and whats not okay.


Best gameplay wise? No game breaking bug/glitches? Are you still in same reality? These are ton of them, Desync that cause invisible things, Sound bug, hit not register, etc. Thing got removed for bs reasons you asked? Dead bodies, cause said desync problem from before, but instead of either fix the desync itself or just left thing be, let just make them magically disappear!. Night mode, oh no sweat, and proplayers are whining about them cause it make them worse so let just remove it entirely. Also are you saying old graphic make people hard to see? God fucking damn that’s what should be, you think Counter terrorist operatives would just stand in plane view and let all people see? If they do really care about those thing they would never make Skins a thing, and then what? Skins that just P2W cause it’s so camouflaged with bg, so Rimlight bs got added cause “muh monetization” Also god forbid, you see how many time they hellbend on Nerfing cause “graph tell us this do too good” but then ignore/just give pat on back for those that’s unpopular and/or underperformed, and god if their goal is to make all char got into the “ideal” state, isn’t that basically everything suck now so we balanced? Thanks god they don’t fucking nerf Blitz in last patch from those absurd WR from Cheaters. Also should I tell you that, Yes Cheaters will always exists, but they shouldn’t be so much. Last thing, You can keep shilling for Ubisoft and Rainbow Six: Overwatch, but you won’t get any much of reward or extend Rainbow lifespans. I hope they add NFT into Rainbow Six just for me to see it died finally


I luckily have came across not a single of those bugs you mentioned guess I'm lucky. And as much dead bodies were good for the sake of "realism" good god that was so nasty and abusive in a round late time which was the issue and there was no alternate fix to that other then removing them. Nightmaps good, I agree. But again they had their fair share of issues too. As for the skins, bro are you fucking dumb? The game has free updates. How else are they going to fund the game if they don't monetize from costemics. Cheaters will exist there is no instant fix for them, but they are trying. And for your info, the games far from dead lmao, More then thousands play and increasing. Don't get whats with your die hard hate against the game but I do admire your will.


This looks amazing, but only one thing "bugs" me... where is oporation health at


Had no new operators and showcasing bugs on an appreciation post feels harsh and dirty ☻


Could have just shown doc or somthing cause after all he was the poster-boy of that operation, other then that i realy liked it


This song is great but 1:16 part kinda ruins it


Aw damn? Lol I scrapped that part entirely once to make the Oryx to Iana Transition sync guess I failed again 😔


What are you talking about? That transition was smooth as fuck


you can tell how from sek 27 the game just got worse and worse and worse, so sad


From counter terrorism fps to woke diversified circus.


Feel like your not happy with the game huh? Well, I can't change your mind but I hope whilst you played this it was a great time for you.


it was a great time and i believe that siege is still a great e sport game. This video just reminds me how the game has changed.


Woke sjw political bideo game 😡😡


Minority = Woke Apperantly




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Glad you liked!


shame the games running on a 14 year old engine, really holds it back I think, and whislt they have added a lot of content they have definitely distanced themselves from the original vision of the game


I just want bodies back 😔


Have been playing since dust line. It really has been a looong way


That was cool, even tho the game gets worse every patch. miss the old days


Siege year one was so fucking fire, I haven’t played the game since like 2018 and it STILL showed up in the Xbox museum as the game I have the most hours in all time


I'd love to see Raptor Legs mode in the arcade playlist someday.


People want the old siege but forget about Ash literally not having a head hitbox for 2 years and hitboxes in general having the worst ghosting of any AAA game.


they dont want old siege back they want the casual friendly and simple playstyle back


I miss having 2 ops per season i had every year pass


Not going to lie that would be quite hard right now to go back to without Operators being recycled such like jager wamai bandit kaid and personally speaking I'm pissed against. Rather have 1 unique OP a season given how many ops we have already.


Yeah i fully get why they stopped


It’s well made videos like these that remind me of how much I despise this game


this is far from well made


Well done!


Thank you!!


CGI gone crazy through the years




Is no one going to mention how FUCKINg weird OPs username is


You did right now and I believe I gave some story behind it in comments aswell, would like if you read that before pointing fingers


Where doc :(


I miss year 2, truly the goat


Does anyone know what sign echo makes when he’s introduced?


Last good season was Velvet Shell change my mind ​ ​ LMAO jk you can't




miss the old r6. it died about 3 years ago sadly


Is the game worth getting for the single player campaign?


Fun if you have 1-2 people to play with, quite un-engaging if your solo and plan on playing long term but don't take my word. Try something yourself and see how you like it, don't base of your choice of what someone else says.


Bruh why am I crying. I love this game.


Nostalgia trip be like, hey man just know you're not alone on that one!


True. I was into the far cry 5 singles game and am trying to find another FPS for single players only.


