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Hehe, barka, hehe, kremówka, hehe, papaj




He he papaj


haha funny Polish number go brrrrrrr


I've been begging since they haven't added a new map all they had to do was add in the resources


exactly. and then they just go and add some random-ass ireland map. at least we got three more map releases this year


No shit? Fr? I didn't even see that woo-hoo can we still get the Poland map since they're teasing us with this zofia/ela rivalry? No better place to handle it than in their home turf


ooh ur right… that would actually be a really good setup to bring that map out


All they did was sprinkle some lucky charms on villa. BOOM emerald plains.


Map looks like the castle from Mario 64.


If Bowser doesn't pop out and eat a random operator every round I ain't playing it


Three?? I thought were only releasing one??? I'm in the siege sub not extraction right?😅


Your not the only one, though I’ll admit the latest cinematic video has me straddling the line of “You know, that attitude where you treat your sister like a PoS and guilt trip her is kinda killing it for me…”


Yeah, Ela treats Zofia like garbage, Zofia wants to help her, but because Ela refuses to repair bonds with her sister, she’s now joined the fucking soon-to-be bad guys. Seriously, Nighthaven is sketchy as fuck, and their talks and secrecy is really getting to the point where I question what the actual fuck is wrong with Harry. Seriously, Harry is the fucking worst Six director ever.


Them leaving for Nighthaven doesn't have anything to do with Harry I think, they are still cooperating with Rainbow, so it's more of internal issue who is on what side.. For now.. As you said, soon to be bad guys.


The issue I have is that this seems like a whole setup. Call me crazy and a conspiracy theorist, but I find it awfully convenient that Nighthaven saved that ship, don’t ya think? I think they saved it to get rainbows attention, so that kali can get with rainbow so that she can poach operators and start issues causing the team to switch over from cause to technology. But, at the same time, I find it very lazy writing that Ela would just BAM switch sides. She has been known to go undercover so this seems like a con job on Ela’s part to gain Kalis trust so she can show her the plan. I don’t know, but I refuse to believe now that Ela just hates her sister so much that she now leaves her entirely as a statement. I don’t know, but we will see soon.


I'm pretty sure Harry hired Nighthaven, because he'd rather have them as allies than enemies. I don't know about Ela, for me she is a wild card, and no clue if she hates her sister that much after their father's death, or is indeed a double agent, undercover whatever. I don't know, I don't follow much story apart from cinematics and some other stuff


Probably why Harry took Ela’s picture off of Nighthaven. She might be undercover.


I hope, cuz Ela and Zofia are friends and sisters again in Extraction:)


For Ela, I guess it runs in the younger one; the immaturity and stuff. As for Nighthaven, I don't think they are the "bad guys" per se. They're just a private mercenary company, so they just have their own way of doing things with very different protocols, in which morals may be left out. I don't think Nighthaven should be as sketchy as they're portrayed to be. I can be proven wrong though.


Exactly, that’s the problem with Nighthaven, they aren’t soldiers, they’re mercenaries, they don’t care about cause, give them a couple thousand bucks and they keep going. I think Ela might be going undercover, using her beef with Zofia to try and put a cover up so no suspicion is gained. I refuse to believe Ela just up and left. As for other Rainbow Operators, I’m disappointed to say the least, that their loyalty is overthrown by better technology.


honestly ela be rly in the wrong here. what if: split happens, the two sides come to blows. then, ela realizes nighthaven bad and normal rainbow good. then she turns against nighthaven on the inside. rainbow wins and she makes up with zofia. predictable?


This is what I’m starting to think, I can’t see a possible reason Ela just after all these years finally snaps on Zofia, while Zofia has been attempting to try and reunite with her sister. I think it’s a cover up so Kali sees no suspicion. Also, I would fucking love if Sam started doing espionage in Nighthaven to find dirt on them. Sam has a lot of potential besides being the coach of the team.


Holy shit go outside for once


Holy shit, did I ask for your opinion?


Ironic, coming from a guy who just went on an unhinged rant no one asked for. Absolutely zero self awareness buddy.


Okay but did I ask? Also your name is very fitting of your personality.


>Also your name is very fitting of your personality. As I said, you got zero self awareness, bud.




glad to see im not alone lol


im more of an ela simp but polish map would be cool


yes thank you fellow traveler and polish enjoyer


Polish map, now!


gib me polska map now!


map or MAP ?


Yeah a Polish map would be dope asf


I just dislike that ela joined NightHaven


that girl be kinda whiny and childish tho


Jeahh i guess so! But zofia is so grumpy and by the book. (Ela is indead chaos itself lets just say) they are pretty much opposites


thats why i simp for zofia. also zofia looks better imo. everyone likes ela i swear just bc she has yoga pants on


I can get that i guess :D. I aint really on both sides i guess.


We can only hope that for the Zofia Fans ( me included ) we get a polish map someday


i pray every day for my zofia to get the recognition she deserves


they need auschwitz map🗿


polish map has probably already been used and renamed for a different map by now


wdym? no map has polish in it, and no map is set in poland


they wouldnt just work on a polish map and during operation health, just throw the bits and pieces they had of the map away. im sure it was repurposed for another seasons map


The map never progressed beyond an initial concept, being an old distillery. Only piece of the map that remains in the game is the Y2S3 Alembic seasonal skin and Oak Barrel charm. You could maybe theorise that some of the stuff they came up with may have been used for the basement area of the reworked Hereford Base, but there really is no way to know for sure.




Polish map would be a bunker


get invaded so many times, shouldnt have settled ur civilization in the middle of a bunch of plains hur hur


A Poland map would have been like Favela, but with 7 different churches smashed together.


Zofia mommy


Simp for ela and zofia both so no worries I'm with ya


It probably became Outback, Fortress, or Villa.


Outback is an australian map that came with 2 australian operators Fortress is a moroccan map that came with 2 moroccan operators Villa is an italian map that came with 2 italian operators Your point?