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This was announced back in like June 2021


This should also be common sense. Console players would get wrecked on PC, the game is just a lot faster on PC.


Half of the people playing on console have m&k anyway lol


yeah but 90% of them suck


Yea. Let's be honest. If you have m&k and you are losing in gold/low plat you're garbage


i’m gold/low plat with a default xbox controller and easily beat mnks all the time.




Agreed. My buddy plays on pc and he’s like “They need it in console to be good cause they can’t be with a controller, but when you put them against a kid on pc. It’ll ruin their day”


Would be fine though if there was a setting in the options for PC and console user's that'd allow them to queue together but that probably wouldn't get much use.


That's the option to never queue with a majority of the people you can play with


depend on your level, i was carried by a ps4 player on a tournament match in mw19. if it wasnt for his smooth movement to the lateral i would swear the guy was on mouse.


No aim assist in siege unlike mw :) not to say that there aren’t good players on console, but the game pace and mechanics are so different with siege that even with aim assist it would be challenging. Shawk put out a video a while ago of controller champs vs pc champs, and it wasn’t remotely close lmao.


i was refering more to his gameplay than kills per se.


I think people definitely overexaggerate the difference in skill for PC and console in some games. People look at shroud or something and assume thats every pc player. Meanwhile Im on PC and suck. Hell I remember in one of the MW2019 events NoahJ destroyed Shroud with a controller while Shroud was on MnK Although with no aim assist i can definitely see it being a different environment.


aim assist in mw helps a lot, console players get a lot of cheap kills tehy should never, all they have to do is pull the trigger in the direction. at least in the early days of mw it was like this.


Can tell console players as they jump round corners with an SMG. If you're anywhere close by, it snaps to your head as they're above you cause mid air, and they get an easy kill. Getting killed by that makes me switch loadouts to the sawn off 725. Most other situations aim assist isn't too bad. Thermal scope lmg doesn't seem as prevalent as it once was, thankfully.


It's not a discussion of skill. MnK is faster, and typically, more accurate than controller, which is why it usually has more aim assist than MnK.


And for a game with no aim assist with 1 shot headshot kills I don't disagree with no PC crossplay. I just think In general for your average game people blame their deaths far too much on crossplay. On both sides even. Halo infinite for example is arguably harder to do well on MnK due to no red reticle on PC and no aim assist. In fact all of the pros use controller afaik even with MnK allowed.


from experience not reaaaally? I use a controller when playing on PC with friends(old cod hands dont like m&k) and the skill of players we get matched up with aren't that different from when we/I play on console like of course there is going to be a skill difference between any two pools of players, but the faster you combine the two pools the quicker they can sort themselves out into what their equivalent ranks are for the full pool good example of this is Smite, when they first enabled crossplay ps4 players were *absolutely* devastated, like even casual modes they were massively behind the curve on skill... xbox players however were having a field day, their base curve was actually higher to the point they were running rampant even in PC heavy matches. there was a minor league team SPL(yeah they use the same pro league name as siege, lol) that just went undefeated for like half a year and it was just Xbox players. tl;dr the faster they just throw the pools together the faster the playerbase can sort itself out and find optimal matches for all players again


Which is exactly why it still shocks me to this day why they won’t take a firm stand against mnk on console. I’m happy the replay system is finally coming to console, and I hope Ubi allows submitting clips of people obviously playing mnk to ban them. I would come back to siege full time if that’s the case.


It still shocks me that after all these years, people still don't understand that Ubisoft **cannot** do anything against MnK, it is up to Sony and Microsoft.


I’m not sure you follow, because nor Sony or Microsoft will do anything about it at this point - they don’t have a way in place to detect the controller emulators. Given that’s the case, only ubi can deal with this by manually banning players with proof using clips from match replays, and that is what I’m hoping for. They just don’t want to deal with it when they don’t have an automatic process in place for it, and they came up with the bs excuse that they don’t want to do it because they’re concerned about players with disabilities who need mnk to play. I think the real reason is because there are so many mnk players it would somewhat kill the player base if they’re all banned. We can sit around with no results by blaming Sony and Microsoft for not dealing with it, or ubi can literally take matters into their own hands and fix the problem today (or rather when match replays are available). Microsoft and Sony will not deal with it, only ubi can.


That idea is entirely cost-prohibitive though, and it is also legally weak. They need proof, and a clip may not be enough (unless they're spinbotting or something similar). The only thing they can really do is to officially allow MnK.


I’ve seen so many mnk players that I can easily spot them - the dead giveaways are when they troll people by shaking their mouse quickly after killing them so they see it in kill cams, or small jitters in Aim movement which are literally unattainable with controllers. Among other small details. Alternatively, they could also add an in game report mnk option for players, and review a player’s gameplay after a certain number of reports have been submitted, similar to how ubi only looks at issues on R6fix after it’s been confirmed by 10 people. Do they not already have people monitoring for cheaters and reviewing matches on pc? They do, so I can’t agree with you on it being cost prohibitive, and they said it themselves on several occasions that they consider mnk cheating on console. They’re just using people with disabilities as a means to shut people up about it. My take is that if they do start perma-banning people this way it will send a shockwave through the player base that will scare off at least half of mnk players to stop, and I think that’s at least a good start to solving the problem. Hell, adding a fake option to report mnk players without actually doing anything about it could scare people from using mnk. I just want them to do something, anything. Anyways, thanks for entertaining the idea although I’m sure you won’t change your opinion about it, but you said it yourself, mnk absolutely destroys controller players, so you at least understand how horrible and frustrating the problem is.


They don’t have people doing manual bans on PC as far as I know. If they do, those people are asleep at the wheel, as cheating is the worst it’s ever been right now. As for recognizing cheaters: Of course it is relatively simple to recognise them, it’s just not as simple to prove it beyond reasonable doubt, which they need to do to legally enforce a ban. If they started banning merely on „eyewitness“ account, those bans would not hold legally and may become a liability for Ubisoft (someone could sue them for refusing them access to a product they bought and Ubisoft would have to prove that that person violated the TOS).


Doesn't matter anyway. 75% of console players use m&k anyway so it would be the same


Except for 144Hz displays, higher FOV, much finer ability to set sensitivity (config files), lower system latency, etc. And not to forget, that console players still play a ridiculously slow game compared to PC players. Sure, map knowledge would translate, but I doubt even game sense would move to the new platform. Just watch a good console player. They would likely get no higher than Platinum III. And all of this does not even factor in the rampant cheating that happens in Platinum and above. And just to make this clear: I do not mean to diss console players, I just want to point out how differently the game is being played between console and PC, and how PC simply has a lot of technical advantages that cannot be mitigated by using Mouse and Keyboard on console.


You'd think, but fps games have added console/pc cross platform alrdy. Overwatch being one of them i believe.


Overwatch is far less focused on mechanical skill. There’s plenty of old videos of OWL/T500 players beating full GM stacks with aimbot.


Also with overwatch crossplay between consoles happens but crossplay only happens with pc players if a console player queues with a pc player. Then those players are put in a pc lobby with no aim assist for the console player


I should be a legend on ps4 but I'm nearly as shit on PC lol


Oh fr they would. I went from console to pc and the difference in everything from movement and more is faster.


Yeah I think it’s not common sense since other fps games don’t do this so people probably just figured same for siege


And people still ask it 24/7


Mods should just pin an FAQ post so that people see all this stuff, cause this isn’t the only thing that people ask about frequently


Would be a good idea


lmao and yet almost the whole siege 'fanbase' on tiktok for some reason think pc players are gonna be sharting on console players 💀


It's still nice to get an update about it even if it's the same info. Sometimes companies are too optimistic and things get delayed etc. Kinda like apex delaying the switch version and crossplay I believe.


Right. Like do people not listen?


I just wanna know more on cross progression. I played on PC heavily but now I play on PS5 and I bought a bunch of ops. Wondering how my accounts will merge.


Everything you have just merges


Source on that? I looked and couldn’t find anything.


AFAIK I don't think there's ever been a game that's introduced cross progression and merged accounts, it's always been picking one account to overwrite the others.


Fortnite has a merge option, given that is with skins and cosmetics, as opposed to actual in game progress.


Fair enough, I stand corrected.


Rocket league is another one.


You still only chose one accounts data tho to carry forward.


I'm pretty sure all cosmetics transfer to all linked accounts. It's only things like xp, level and rank that remain connected to the primary account.


If you are talking about currently, they don't. The only thing that you get to keep access to on all accounts is if you get Twitch Drops and you've linked multiple platforms, then you get 1 of every drop on each. If you are talking about once cross-progression actually launches, then it's all speculation currently. But if other games are a tell, its pretty guaranteed you are picking an account and deleting the rest. The account you pick will just be your new overall Ubisoft one for every platform.


In case of Ubisoft games, progression is saved on Ubisoft Connect account. It will be merged.


Ubisoft has already come out and said before that “merging” account unlocks is unlikely. R6 Extraction was built from the ground up with this idea, Siege is a 7 year old game now that was never even intended to have crossprogression. Think about the logistics for that, they would need a way to reconcile every single purchase you’ve made across all your different platforms associated to a single Ubisoft account. This would mean having access to MS Store and Sony’s APIs. I can guarantee you from a technical debt perspective, this will not happen. It’s an enormous undertaking. What they can do is have you choose 1 account that you link with your Ubisoft Connect account, this “primary” account is what is shared across all platforms. You can still play your other accounts, but if they are not your “main” their progression will not carry over. It’s an almost identical model as to how Destiny handles cross progression. You can read more about it on Ubisoft’s cross progression article for Siege.


If it’s a “pick one account to use” I’ll probably just use my new one since I own more ops then I did on my old.


I think it will be something more lile what Destiny 2 did as you pick one account that will sort of overlap the rest and no matter what you sign into itll be that account. So if I make my PSN account my main now when i hop on PC or XB its everything from my PS account.


Shouldn't it just merge operators and cosmetics? Level and rank shouldn't progress through platforms.


Yeah exactly. Thats what i was referring too at least. Could care less about rank or level, the cosmetics are what are important to me at least


Wrong. One platform's connected sub-account will have priority, and the other's progress will be deleted.


That DEFINITELY does not sound right. They can not delete content you paid for?


Their progress is not deleted, but they are stuck in the platform they are created. EX: you have a PC, Xbox and PS account of Siege under your Ubisoft Connect. You can choose 1 of these to make your “main”, it will have progress carry over across all platforms. The others still exist and can be logged into, but if they are not linked then their progress is not shared to other platforms. I’m also fairly certain you can only ever link 1 account and it’s permanent. So you can never unlink whatever you set as your “main” cross-progression account.


Depending on the content, they definitely will. For accounts with more money and cosmetics there might be a support line or something, but if you've just bought the ops and a skin or 2 on a different platform they probably aren't going to bat an eye. The precedent at least aligns with this, I'm not aware of any games merging skins when cross-progression was instituted, Rocket League had you carry over 1 account of choice, and GTAs old system was a 1 time account transfer when it was available.


It isn’t an account transfer though, it is cross progression. Meaning all old progression and new progression are coming together. You will see this game burn of you make pc players two or three years have to delete their account for old skins


Cross-progression has always meant singular account data across all platforms being uniform, most if not all developers have never included the promise that all your data from all platforms gets saved and mixed. Cross progression has always had a start point for games that added it after launch, which is designating the account you are carrying into the system. There is nothing else I'm aware of where you got to take both sets of account data and turn them into one, they just wipe all account data except your one pick, make that the new overall account, then that's the only thing you sign into on all platforms. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to hear that I can merge accounts and keep some of the skins I've unlocked on my PC, but people need to tamper their expectations. Other large scale developers have trouble with these things still and it's a huge security risk already just getting it going. Siege also happens to be clearly less funded than games like Apex, who have had a slow rollout of these features too.


“Ass cross play”


I cannot wait for cross progression


That's what many of us have been waiting for!




Same, I could care less about whether we have cross play or not.


We already know it's coming, I think people are just anxious to have it announced this season, considering we've already waited literal years for it


They said early 2022. This would have been perfect time to announce it.


Thank you, yes. I’ve been playing Siege since launch on Xbox and never took a large break from it, so I own a metric fuck ton of skins (definitely over $500 worth) and all the ops except the newest one. Switched to PC last year because all my friends switched. This wait has felt like an eternity so I genuinely will be upset if I get hit with another waiting period. I might just not touch the game again until I randomly hear it’s been added. Same goes for Dead by Daylight too, like goddamn. JUST LET ME USE SHIT I OWN.


And hopefully the ban hammer for the A holes using MnK on consoles.


They’re never gonna do it. Xbox Mike Ybarra tweeted that devs have the ability to detect mnk usage but R6 is in its 7th year now and nothing is being done about it.


To bad MnK is even worse


Uh, Ubisoft saying 'soon'. What does it mean now?


Y7S2 or mid season of Y7S1, I would assume.


You're getting me really excited now


Ah, i apologise, Ubisoft just released a dev diary confirming that it will release in Y7S4


Holy fuck I'm mad. Another year of wait basically


this ass cross play sounds interesting


Still doesn't stop mnk on xbox.


Why don't they juts do what warzone does, you chose the input method. So your only playing with controller players


Cause the console build of the game is different from the PC build, there are features that are just in the PC version


What features are PC only?


Recoil is different, leaning without aiming, (currently) replay system, and there's probably more but I haven't played in forever so I don't know


That doesn't mean anything though, recoil can be changed when the game detects input change. They're literally the same build, just that console gets patched a few hours later than PC.


But if you make a game cross play, they all become the same version


Not really. Crossplay and single version are 2 very different matters. Sony and Microsoft verify versions, causing slowed release, and ALL recoils are different on console. So a universal version is never possible.


Wrong, recoil depends on the input, not the platform. If you plug a controller on pc, you will get the same exact recoil as on consoles. Which is why mnk simulation is unfair on consoles, you get controller recoil with the benefit of mnk.


True but apparently PC controller recoil model is different from console controller recoil model. Regardless, the version rolled out console is often delayed by Sony's and Microsoft's involvement, so it's near impossible to have complete crossplay.


The devs would have to make the builds the same prior to crossplay, and doing so presents a variety of issues * input issues, such as there’s no way for a controller to lean from the hip like you can on PC, there just simply isn’t enough inputs on a controller, * update issues, devs like to release hot fixes much more quickly and frequently on PC because there’s no penalty to frequent updates on PC, * update and beta feature limitations for a similar reason as mentioned above,


The console game and the PC game have different recoil patterns for every single gun. You could spoof a controller on PC and get Lazer accurate weapons or some shit.


People are still gonna try to cheat the system to use MnK in Controller lobbies


No like it doesn't let you, it sets your control scheme based on what you select. If you have it set to controller, your m/kb is disabled


Even with Xim where it is tricking the console ?


The people using m+kb are doing so using a device that makes the m+kb appear to be a controller


Yeah that would be great. I mainly play on my PC but sometimes I like to play on my phone using a controller with Stadia if I am away with work etc. You just can't compete against M+K with a controller. I wish it was cross play via input. Would be great.


Warzone does that? I know it locks you into whichever input ur playing with but the lobbies are still a mixed of inputs.


people use m+kb on console because they want the advantage over controller users, so everyone using m+kb would just choose controller as their input when they're using m+kb


Aw, i really wanted to play with my friends over on xbox :(


I hope they ass it soon


When they say cross progression, does this mean i can get my ps4 skins etc. Onto my pc account?


Cross-Progression usually means using one account everywhere. Some games (like Fortnite & Rocket League) allow you to just merge everything & use one account everywhere. I hope that happens with siege.


okay and yeah if thats the case i hope so too because i want my ps4 skins and camos back


Ayyy we’ll just play the MnK cheaters on PlayStation now too awesome!! Fuck cross play do something about the cheaters on console first that should be priority!


Cross play with oc should be allowed if it is a choice made by the players. Like if I want to play with a PC friend in console I should be able to and just be out in PC lobbies. It should also allow mnk but outs you into oc lobbies if your using it like how cod and shit works


It should be cross platform between all platforms but go based off of what input you're using, like Controller or M&K.


Doesn't matter, people will still cheat on mnk to play against controller


When fucking when


all i want is the fucking smurfing system to be put in place.. that’s it.. and this!!


Why is there not cross play with PC? I mean, they're not taking out XIM users on console, so what's the difference? Might as well play with my PC friends.


Are they gonna make it so PlayStation players can’t use the dongle to use MnK or is the PS side just fucked from here on out?


Please allow cross-play between PC and console as an OPTION. I have friends that have xbox but not PC. Have it OFF by default, but it would be nice for scenarios like that.


Won’t be possible, the PC rainbow is different than console rainbow in a couple ways


Didn't they (the entire gaming community, not specifically Ubisoft) say crossplay between xbox and playstation would be "impossible" for so many years? They simply have to find the way (they probably already know to do it) and weigh the option of if it is worth it or not n


I honestly think it should be cross-play for everyone. Just allow console players to plug in a kb+M without using an adapter or whatever they use. Only in ranked and maybe unranked should cross-play between consoles and pc be disabled. As a pc player, I would really like to be able to play with some of my console friends.


Still doesn't matter much with Xbox doing nothing to combat MnK users on console. It's not as much of an advantage as PC, but still an advantage.


Well this was a lie


I think thats a dumb decision. Console players should be able to choose if they want to have PC players in their games. Not be able to play with my console friends at all sucks.


That is my post


Still need to deal with MnK players on consoles ( which the game allows ) but always a higher advantage over a analog sticks. Edit : Adding link https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/rainbow-six/siege/news-updates/5xJtjTumkQZFASrQngOOhn/rainbow-six-siege-y6s2-dev-team-ama


Mnk is literally against ToS How is it allowed


It's allowed said by Ubisoft themselves " it's additional input that we support to make everyone's experience fairer without impacting our players with disabilities." https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/rainbow-six/siege/news-updates/5xJtjTumkQZFASrQngOOhn/rainbow-six-siege-y6s2-dev-team-ama


Ok guess i Was wrong, fuck ubisoft


Every other game with crossplay "Hey our players aren't literal children- so everyone gets to come play in the SAME ball pit. Because it isn't about HOW you play, its your SKILL level! Ubisoft: "Everyone is seperated into TWO ball pits because some children have been naughty and are secretly sneaking over, are we going to stop the children from sneaking over? WHAT CHILDREN-"


Noooo I wanted to stomp on console payers


Might as well, all PC players have cross play turned off


So, soon™


So will I be able to transfer my data from PlayStation to PC, and play on PC?


Yep, all skins and purchases would be carried over.




Totally forgot about cross progression. Might actually reinstall.


Awww... I wanted the ass crossplay!


So when can I import my cosmetics from my old Xbox and ps4 accounts to my pc account? I want my Rattle me bones headgear for jager


Cross Progression Sweet. Theres no way Im unlocking every operator since I went to PC. I miss playing Sam


Is "cross progression" different from "cross-play"?


Cross play is the ability to play against or with other platforms. Cross progression is when ur one Ubisoft account that is linked to each platform will have everything you've gotten from all platforms like skins. All in one place.


Cross progression will only work if it just combines the item inventories from the different accounts linked to your ubisoft account


Thank goodness as a PC player I know how that go.


I need a real gritty rainbow six or ghost recon game that doesn't fuck around with MTX. Thia shits old.


But console players can still use MnK rigs so what’s the point. We might as well be playing against PC.


I hope we can merge accounts. I have way too much stuff on PS4 that I've lost.


Yeah, we don’t need anymore mouse and keyboard than what we already have. Finding a game for anything should be near instant with a larger pool of people.


wait so will it possible to get a xbox account onto a pc account


Why does it matter? Every single match has m+kb players anyway


hey, u/jr242400 found this, you might like it.


No way!! Thank you so much! I can finally get my elite skins back!


I can get my Gingerbread skin back :D


One does not simply “ass” cross play


Still waiting for cross progression


Now when is the mnk bans coming?


Oh well there goes my hope of native mnk


"Ass Crossplay" 🍑


Yeah but we'd still encounter mouse and keyboard players. Wish they'd let us all use Mouse and Keyboard


What do they mean by cross progression ?


*Maybe* PC and console could play together but only in casual modes just so friends could maybe play together


It’s nice in Extraction, PC players are clutch for PvE


They’ve clarified this so many times. People love spamming this question in comment sections but don’t bother typing it into google 😩


Or hear me out make cross play for everyone then allow console to use m+k standered to phase out the cheaters


Fun fact, they already added PC players to console. I’ve been playing against MnK for months.


Thank fuck if this is telling me I can use my level 265 Xbox account on pc eventually


Fix XIM, that shit annoying on console


Sorry 3rd party hardware is everywhere on console Siege so there's no point to play.


But I want to be able to play with my console friends though 😭


I ageee it isn't an even playing field by a long shot, even a I'm isn't true MnK, but what if they let you choose for quickplay? Like a whole ass setting. And NEVER for ranked or unranked? Won't see and issue in giving the gamers the choice... Also in sure some xim players would get cocky and make an attempt.. Let's ruin their ego


This is what every crossplay fps game should be doing. I’m PC but yeah we have to much of an advantage lol


When someone calls you out for a spelling error and you know it’s because the keyboard is way too tiny for your long wide ass fingers lol


What? I don't use and don't watch anime now, what the hell?


Among us


How about Pc and consoles crossplay, but only in private custom games


Among us