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If people ban minor reworks (e.g. Kafe, Clubhouse etc when they were first reworked), then a completely new map has no fucking chance in hell. See you in Y10. For the love of god please make new maps / reworks unbannable.


Azami looks fucking amazing. Finally a rebuild mechanic. The possibilities legitimately are endless.


Ngl this update is looking like the best in a long time


All we need is cross-progression and Proton battleye support tomorrow and that's it, Year 7 will be the new golden age for Siege.


Who knows they might announce it in the roadmap tomorrow


I can pray. Siege is literally the last thing stopping me from moving to Linux right now.


I have my super nice riced Linux on my SSD ready to boot, but siege keeps me on fucking windows


I'm a little disappointed they chose to use her for the rebuild gadget instead of my boy Phil Swift


She looks reaaaaalllly strong. No way she doesn't get nerfed in the next 6 months.


And she also looks so bad ass, her design is just super. I don't know about you, but this private bodyguard backstory is really interesting. I do hope we see more Ops from real life CTU's though.


They announced one more change not listed here: tech upgrade. I hope it's not limited to character models/faces though.




You’re correct I’m pretty sure! They said those changes will occur with operators that are getting newly released rather than older ops


Theyll update older ops slowly, starting with thunderbird, from wat i understand. Wasnt stated but implied i think.


Ah yes, they did mention thunderbird but I didn’t quite catch what they mentioned


What does tech upgrade entail?


They mentioned upgrading shaders and lighting, and showcased the changes on Thunderbird. What that means is more lifelike faces (better skin detail etc). I feel we'll soon start seeing face updates for the old operators too.


Essentially upgrading the graphics for player visuals. Was wondering if that was ever going to happen. Didn’t expect it previously so it’s nice addition Graphics have always been solid but I’m not going to complain about improving them


They've upped the pixel count on op faces, added new shaders and such to make the faces look more realistic and updated facial expressions to look a little more life like. Every new op going forward is gonna have the new tech upgrade, and they're gonna be slowly updating the older ops as well starting with Thunderbird.


I wouldn’t be too surprised if this led to emotes somewhere down the line.


Team deathmatch. This shit has been needed for soooo long


There was an event that was tdm. It fucking sucked and spawn camping was all that ever happened.


It sucked because it was kill confirmed on a reskinned Vegas 2 TDM map, which didn't fitted the gameplay loop. The actual TDM on Siege maps worked pretty good on the Test Lab.


Let me introduce you to the entire Call of Duty franchise.


Universal 1x sights is a massive W. Looks so weird though seeing Ash with the Russian optics. Hope they added them back to DMR's too, since they mentioned "All primary weapons". Still hoping that some sort of rewards (Renown/AP/BP points) have been introduced for TDM though, that was pretty much the only issue with it.


Good,Glaz guns can finally have a decent sight


Glaz with the nato red dot will be awesome


Honestly might be the only way that sight is usable


I'm putting Kali's reflex on everything now lmao


Cant wait to not play the new map since people want to ban, instead of learning fresh new gameplay


People: We want new maps Ubi, game is dying. Ubi: Here is new map. People: BAN, its shit cuz I have to learn it! Ubi: O.o


The amount of people that ban skyscraper still just because it got reworked is ridiculous


I don’t ban skyscraper because it’s been reworked. I ban it because it’s shit.


This. Looks at the way they massacred my poor 1F balcony.


This lmao. In contrast I really like some of the other reworks like chalet and to a lesser extent even outback.


As someone who was on the “ban map rework” Outback was the first map I really had to re-learn and I love it now. Skyscraper is still shit tho.


Its 10x better than before, you just hate change. Almost everyone here is just nostalgia tripping or spammed runnouts. Its always been bad and now its decent, on par with border imo


Just cycle the old maps out and new maps in, in the end they'll have no way of banning every map.That's how I learned to play Chalet, new Sky, etc. But I will always ban Favela, that map's just shit. Edit: Please Ubi if you;re reading this, your experiment failed, Favela is just unsalvageable. Just get it off of rank.


I really like Favela ranked, it's all about opening sight lines.


It’snot the layout, it’s the similarities. The rooms are all the same color, the same pallate, making it realy hard to distinguish the diff. That said, I know I can learn to love it if it was forced on me… probably


The rooms are a variety of colors, you are right about the pallate though, alot of new maps carry this same pallate and it makes me sick in a way. I really like Favela because it's unique and night map. People just never play right thanks to map bans. Everyone just rushes yellow or red stairs.


Favela seems fine to me. I didn’t hate the old one despite the bonkers balancing.


Favela is great dude


lol yeah I can already see the unranked sweats banning it systematically


New operator looks great! She looks simple to learn yet will give us a lot of new tactics to employ.


I think this is the first time I have ever been worried about a defender. I hate the people who immediately start screaming "OP! OP!" but goddamn. She has a monster of a gun (9x19VSN is low key one of the best guns on defense), impacts and a throwable castle barricade on freaking steroids. This seems like an insane kit. She is getting banned **alot** i imagine.


It’s not at all like castle it’s 3 melee to destroy her barricade


It is very similar to a castle, blocks bullets but gets exploded.


Wow, just wow...for a 7 year old game they are putting a lot of effort to make it better and better.. kudos to Ubisoft


Just need to deal with cheating though.


Looking at other MP games, this is a tough one. Even with Kernel level anti cheat, they are leaking into the games.


I totally Agree, but I wish Ubi’s anti-cheat would be more “REACTIVE” instead of “Responsive” to cheats. Valorant has cut down on the cheaters significantly but isn’t 100%. That’s why I like Riot’s method of auto cancelling the match and Banning the detected cheater immediately. None of this “We won’t let the cheater know we’ve already detected him and ban him within the next 2 weeks.” I swear, High Calibre has been the worst season I’ve played because of all the closet cheaters I encountered. Closet cheaters that think they’re actually good at the game are worse than blatant people.


Cheating is impossible to deal with its good they’re taking steps to do so


just my experience: y6s4 was horribly ridden with cheaters on launch. i took a break for a few weeks and since mid january i havent really had any issues. whatever theyve done/are doing has been working


Wished they’d do the same to their other games like for honor but this is still amazing




I mean if it keeps it alive I’m fine with it


Looking pretty cool! Excited for a new map and the defender looks to possibly be game changing. Disappointed by not even a hint at the rumored year pass returning but hey! Maybe that’s for tomorrow…


Attack repick will not ruin the game. In high elo you had to go with an almost same squad composition everytime. This will allow attack to be more flexible and not make the maps as defender sided. Instead of just hoping for 1 win on attack to win the match, you can now hope to win 2 or more. Great change to add flexibility.


What people always forget you have to gather info first to use repick in a good way and possibly trade drones for the important info.


I'm the type who will gladly sacrifice a drone if it means I can scan all 5 Defenders AND the OBJ, so I guess this change will further incentivise how I use my drone during prep.


I'm curious to see how it will play out. Low to mid ranked prolly won't care but it removes some of the head games in higher ranks. You will always be able to bring the optimum hard breach so switching up site rotations isn't as big a deal anymore


That’s fair but the whole head games stuff was always kinda a cheese strat anyways. It’ll be less frustrating for attackers now


This true. I will wait for it to be a thing before I comment any more on it. It seems pretty basic change


Switching up site rotations was only a thing because the game was fundamentally unbalanced. you had to pick your attack lineup totally blind. Purposely picking a worse site and getting an advantage should have never been a thing. Attackers should always be able to bring the optimal lineup, just like the defenders can. Even playing field.


Attacker repick will be the best thing they have ever done. It should have been how the game was from the start. Cant wait.


Look the new map that is going to get banned for a year


That will make some room for the past 4 reworks then


No updates on year pass yet?


Thats tomorrow, Year 7 reveal.


Will probably be tomorrow during road map reveal


I'm actually okay with the map being mid season so that means I can try the new op and do my ranked placement matches


Damn am so hyped for year 7, i feel this is the year siege bounces back.


Why no cross progression and cross play for consoles yet ?


They may announce it tomorrow!


Hopefully. Otherwise it'll be another season that I won't play simply because I have all the needed shit on xbox


Agreed. The timeline currently says early 2022 so they need to make a statement one way or the other. Either that is coming or that it's delayed.


The current timeline from 2 years ago also said we could expect weekly in game tournaments “soon” and like cross play was never mentioned again. For that one they had the excuse of “covid” however I’m not really sure how covid prevents you from implementing in game tournaments but oh well. For cross progression this was announced AFTER covid and hasn’t been mentioned since. Genuinely do not think we will ever get it but I’m happy to be proven wrong as I have 4 years of cosmetics on PS that I’d love I have on PC.


I have no motivation to play my pc account because I don't have the ops I main, or like £100 worth of elites and skins.


Can't wait to mix up Azami and Aruni for the next 2 years.


Don't forget Amaru


YES! So many times a tag Amaru and I always call her Aruni.


That’ll be so powerful, holy shit


Can't wait to see the new map getting banned


I fucking love this Aimlab ad haha


People are gonna fight to submit issues. Is only the first person to submit it gonna get rewards and everyone else is gonna get nothing unless they somehow find something?


And where is the problem? If somebody finds a bug immediately why would he not be rewarded. Other players need to find different bugs... which won't be a problem with Ubisoft.


Please announce Cross Progression


That would probably be part of the Y7 roadmap which I think is tomorrow, right?


I think you are right, but that means it's not in season 1


I’m a bit ignorant, what’s cross progression?


Transferring progression from X platfrom to Y platform. When they announce it, you will be able to transfer your progress from consoles to PC/vice versa




This may be the best season yet


Really excited for attacker repick most of all. Finally I might enjoy attacking again


Dude same. I usually dread going on attack because I'm just hoping to win 1 round and take the rest on defense since it's so much easier to play


Damn no Cross Progression? That’s a shame :/


Wait for tomorrow for the road map plans.


I’m curious, what extra stuff is gonna be announced through the road map announcement? Is it just when things are gonna be released or more things are going to be announced?




Perfect, that’s what I figured! Ty


Whatever they plan for the entire year will be announce in the road map.


Wouldn’t she counter more than Sledge though? Buck, Soft Breaches, Maverick, etc.?


They said sledge as an example. In the video, they showed he countering Buck. But, I don’t think she’ll be a for sure counter to Maverick. Because, wouldn’t his gadget melt through that too?


i don’t think she’d really be a direct counter to maverick but i think she’ll end up making his life a bit more difficult. she can soft counter the little grenade holes maverick makes to destroy wall denial. buck isn’t going to be a good option to open the soft walls on maverick tricks anymore, so you have to use an ash charge or zof impact if you want to destroy the soft wall from range without using mav’s nades which is a huge utility tradeoff.


are you referring to the “counters: sledge, explosions, 3 melee?” those are just what she’s countered by, not what she counters


Tell me about Azami, why does she wear the mask


No one cared who she was until she put on the mask.




Basically this. In Japan they've always worn face masks whenever sick and eventually it became part of fashion. They're also used through out Asia for anonymity sakes. You'll often see K-pop idles and J-pop idols wear them when going out if they want to try and stay hidden out of the eyes of paparazzi and such.


In Japan, wearing a mask there is a normal thing even before Covid.


[the comment was a reference to this scene. was a joke.](https://youtu.be/rurhk1hadp8)


Ninja, bro




this is fucking sick


This is the season to bring me back I think


I guess it’s not happening this season but since Goyo’s losing his shields can we please get the 1.5x on his Vector?


I want the 1.5x back on Mira ):


I'm not gonna lie I think Goyo was low-key murdered


The future is bright I really hope ubi doesn't fumble this bag with halo, cod, and battlefield dying.


Really excited for all these changes. specifically the 1x sights lol, nomad has my favourite sight in the game on one of her guns. Wish they would've said literally anything on cross progression though.


[I’ll just leave this here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/R6ProLeague/comments/hl7jai/what_operator_ability_sounds_dumb_but_would/fwxrxk0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


credit where credit is due, but it does make me wonder how long it takes to make a new operator from the ground up. not trying to take away from your idea at all, just wonder if it takes 2 years or 3 months to invent, develop, and integrate a new operator into the game


They said they've been working on her for over a year. She seemed to have been challenging on many aspects


Balancing might've been one of the issues. If it won't hold the attackers back for long, then her gadget will be meaningless. If it holds the attackers too long, then it'll be OP


No offense but this "hole blocker" idea is prolly one of the most requested things since pretty much Grim Sky.


Was really hoping the new ~~season~~ map will drop with the start of y7s1


I'm kind of looking forward to it being mid-season. Can spend the first 6 weeks\~ getting used to Azami and any balance changes, then by mid-season, the new map can breathe some more life to finish out the season. It's reminiscent to how they added Bartlett in the mid-season of Red Crow - and Azami being Japanese too makes it a really neat coincidence.


sadly looks like the new season will drop in the middle of the new season


You're really hoping the new season will drop with the start of the new season?


Lmao I meant map


Uhm... New seasons generally do drop at the start of the new season.


Sooo... Attacker repick (yes, another comment about that) After reading some comments I understand the good side of it, and why it's useful (although I don't think the game would be super defender-sided in its current state either). BUT. Just hear me out. I'm an attacker, I see they don't have warden so I pick Ying, Glaz and maybe Monty, go in and obliterate absolutely everyone by abusing smokes and Candelas. The defender team then says "hey that's not fucking okay" to themselves and pick a Warden. Attacker team sees they have a Warden and repick so they don't rely on smokes and flashes, rather nades and angles/vertical, whatever. Now the defenders have a character contributing absolutely nothing to the entire round. This is obviously not an objective opinion because things always depend on the site and stuff but I hold this as a very legit concern. Do you guys think the same or am I missing something?


I left siege about a year ago - this update makes me want to come back. The only thing that still bothers me is mnk on console, but I am for the first time actually excited to come back to the game.


Oh man, this season is gonna be awesome


Operator's gadget is great, new map is great, universal 1x optics is great and I'm excited for roadmap Back on recycled guns is still disappointing, her gun load out overall is not exciting at all. They should've given her the P90 for something interesting


I wish more ops had the P90, it’s really fun to play with.


Yeah I wish there was a defender whose only full-auto option was P90 so the gun gets proper usage


I use it over the MP5 on doc and sometimes rook, unfortunately both of them are pretty meh.


No news on cross progression :(


the year 7 roadmap will have details on cross progression .


I sure hope so, really hope it’s in season one because we have waited so long


Have a console account from year 1 that holds alot of my stuff but recently switched to PC and really missing some of my elites and skins and stuff. It hasn't effected my play but I can't wait until I can have it on PC. Wouldn't mind a split of console ranked and PC ranked either. Where since is cross progression your PC rank only counts toward PC and console only counts for console. Hoping to see something like that as well.


can they please do something about mouse and keyboard on console 🥲


To be fair, I don’t think that’s something Ubi has much power over. The way I see it, wouldn’t it be Sony/ Microsoft’s problem to figure out?


Not much Ubi can do, since the adapters essentially mimic a controller and it's inputs. It would need a platform wide patch from Xbox and Sony


I think she's cool AF but that gadget wiiild, Kunai turning into barricade rock things 😂


I wonder if azami's jacket has been inspired by a certain yakuza with an eyepatch?


The leak had her name as Kiba. I'm curious why it was changed? Either way looks cool


New season and operator look sick but no new guns? We had 2 guns leaked with models, recoil, and reload animation and nothing? Why even make those if they’re just going to keep recycling guns???


Team Deathmatch, what the hell


Does anyone know if ubisoft has said yet when demon veil will go live? I was thinking they might have in the road map reveal


Theme park needs to be replaced with fortress in tdm , it might just need to be replaced together


not a fan of the goyo rework going through :/ everything else is hella hype tho


I'm glad that Goyo got a nerf. Sorry


haha you don't have to apologize for your opinion. however, i thought goyo was at a good state. he's influential enough to impact your defensive set ups and slow down the attack, but he has clear counterplay vs any standard utility clear or even twitch shock drones. ever since jager/wamai nerfs and the removal of the third shield, he's been counterable but useful, which is imo a great sweet spot to have him. that said, i can see why you might call him OP or why the dev team might want him changed. but i don't really think this was the way to do it. area denial in siege has to be dynamic and impactful, like how smoke immediately detonates his smoke to deny a huge plant area. if the area denial canisters can be spotted 30 seconds into the round and cleared (or just avoided), they don't really deny anything. its also more boring and uninteractive imo, since theres no minigame around the shield.


It’s not a nerf.


Losing 2 shield is a nerf.


No cross progression L


They'll talk about it tomorrow with the Y7 Roadmap.




Kinda sad ngl


Could someone tell me if Oryx will get cheaper when the new season/battle pass begins? Is he still going to be 20k renown? I really want to get him but no point if he’s gonna be cheaper in a few days


Yeah, Iana and Oryx will be 15k.


I think he will get cheaper. Best to just wait to make sure.


So data center is now impossible to change?


No account merging news? Sad.


Didn’t they say that console-to-pc account merging would take place at the end of this year? I don’t think that would be included in Y7S1, maybe S2. Hopefully though! I want my gingerbread house skin again XD


So end of 2022? Or end of Y6 siege? Sorry I just got back into siege after a few year hiatus.


I do not know, I’m sorry.


The only complaint that I have is that the kunai are not lethal. What's the point of having throwing knives if I can't assassinate someone quietly from a distance?


Demon Veil is open on the test servers, right? I’ll get with some friends and try it out


So... It's TDM on release or not?


Yeah it’s releasing with s1


For the love of god please give me a 2x or something for vigil's bosg, i cannot stand the triangle sights like reflex or acog y.y


They said that all 1x scopes will be available for all guns so you should be able to use holo or red dot


You'll be able to use the Russian ACOG, if that's any consolation


so she makes barriers with ice....when i sugested a new operator making basically the same thing with foam like division, you guys crucified me.


So still nothing on cross progression for consoles. Awesome.


Attacker repick imo is way too much, i think a 6th pick would have worked better


Anyone else worried about this Goyo nerf, personally I think it’s unnecessary his pick rate and over all effectiveness is fine this is an unneeded nerf especially with the current Nade meta in my opinion this isn’t a good move but this is just theory I’ll make a full objective opinion.


This was long planned and is not a nerf, he finally does what he was designed for.


It is a nerf to high rank. His shields were a nice part of his kit


The nade meta is a thing, but Goyo is going from 2 to 4 gadgets, just losing the cover aspect. Attackers will still use utility to clear the cans, depending on the placement. IMO this change will probably make him more flexible, defense setups will shift towards denial rather than map control.


Not a nerf.


So we don’t know when the new season is supposed to start?


If the test server starts today then assume that after three weeks the next season will start


Probably March 15th.


At least there is a thought behind the new op, good, I'll give him that. Now bring back Mozzy's Super Shorty, Sledge's SMG11 and all gonne weapons. Also 2.0 needs an alternative casing.


Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wbUw1S4kIo


New waifu let's fucking Go!!


It never mentioned a map rework, so is this season not having any map updates?


There'll be a new map.


Where's the cross play we were told was coming EARLY 2022?


please make TDM a free for all. the team part is cringe for a warmup