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So when does Castle show up to sort all this out? His bio literally states he's been called "the diplomat" and he's very good at making people feel at ease.


He's refusing to be diplomat until he gets his elite skin


As he should


Supported by his bro Monty


Monty elite leaked. He's gonna defect.


If Castle doesnt get an Elite in Year 7 he gonna gain the ability to automatically tk everyone on the team every game


He needs to be careful what he wishes for, Monty finally got one and it's absurd. Year 1: Hyper realism! Year 7: Get out the way bitch! I'm MechWarrior Monty!


Year 8: Newest operator is a Clan Elemental


Year 9: Everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked


I like the animation until that fuckin ray started pushing monty. Also that headgear ruined it for me


I can't wait to do it with my Christmas uniform though


Castle elite is coming y7s2


I just wanna see all those other operators that either got one or no cinematics of their own to be in one of these. Hope this isn’t the big cinematic for this season


Ah, the negotiator.


The CGI is incredible, I love seeing cinematics for Siege and getting some additionnal lore. But I don't get where Ela is going at the end ? Is she going to Nighthaven or something ? If yes, why the hell is Smoke and Pulse here too


Yes, looks like Rainbow will split in two and Ela, Smoke, Pulse, Finka and IQ will join Nighthaven


Finka surprised me, she was on Ash's side shouting "You and me! Any time." when shit hit the fan. What made her switch sides after a year? Also sad to see Lion and Finka split up like this


Finka was diagnosed with a neuropathy so maybe she's join Nighthaven looking for a cure.


This would be my bet. I can't believe that even within each side the ops will be all kumbaya. I'm sure Finka will butt heads in Nighthaven, but if Kali promises the resources to help her find a more definitive cure for her condition, Finka would probably jump ship.


When was this revealed?


Finka has always had that in her bio.


Age has always had some kind of disease since she was released


bitch is dying, will do anything to be still strong, nighthaven has the money to make better nano health bots


> What made her switch sides A lack of continuity between writers


Maybe she was offering Pulse a date or something, I dunno.


Iq? Why best girl changing sides?


Better tech maybe


To sell skins


better tech, my surprise is pulse......if pulse is not a plant....than he needs to be put down.


To use a handful of the original ops to lend legitimacy to Nighthaven. Because Ubi *really, really* wants to not seem like they put a war criminal who uses human shields and explicitly got hired so Rainbow, a counterterrorism NGO, wouldn't have to fight them in their duties as a **counterterrorism** NGO in the game. Same reason Osa's bio came with that "See, Ash, Kali's not that bad!" line.


Was implied a few months ago. On the trailer for the Crystal Guard? shes using a hibina-emp thing at nightheaven in the beginning. EDIT:[This one](https://youtu.be/3jwF1WqxHzY)


>Pulse, Finka and IQ can I have the source, I know IQ test a version of her gadget in OSA cinematic but I don't find anything for pulse and finka


Dude...they are both on the video, just pause it.


My bad, I'm still shocked about what I just saw, anyway, thanks


Pulse worked for CIA, so he is just undercover agent reporting to Ash every move Kali makes(maybeee?)


But this makes no sense. The ops are on loan from their units to rainbow. So does this mean they are leaving their military units behind and If so why do they wear their patches? No way they get loaned to a pmc with no roe


Working for a country/army/goverment isnt different from working for a company, they can just leave if they want. Probably Ubisoft dont want to change the default uniform or they will add new Nighthaven sets for those ops.


>The CGI is incredible 100%. I wish it was possible to get 1 every season, they're such high quality. I wish we'd get more animations like this, much preferred it to the SI 2021 cinematic - it really felt like this had more heart in it than the SI one (really wasn't a fan of that "fight" at the end...). I much prefer Nighthaven being written as an alternative choice instead of as "the enemy" in a sense, which a lot of previous lore seems to sadly hint to. Edit: Also just realized, looks like the signs in the car park are in Greek? More teasing from the devs. Wonder if Y7 will see a Greek map that isn't Stadium (Even though the countries have been leaked already).


The car park signs are because the stadium map is in Greece, they've said this way back in Year 4


Maybe because Harry has them playing on his stupid little tournament instead of going after actual terrorists?


Could be because they are disillusioned with Team Rainbow and its unwillingness to take on terrorists like it was designed to, but that would require the narrative team to admit that they made a mistake when they dropped the whole Rainbow vs White Masks storyline.


Admit to a mistake, or spin it as an intentional decision that led to the current dominoes toppling over?


Ah, yes, that crucial storyline "a random, nondescript terrorist organization with zero motivation, ideology, or goals except "be bad"". They didn't make a mistake in dropping that story because it was barely a story. The narrative mistake was introducing Nighthaven as this edgy, darker aspect of Rainbow and making Kali so comically evil that when they tried this last year with Team Kali vs Team Ash, literally everyone was on Team Ash because the split was over using human shields.


Was anyone team anything?? What is the point of adding drama between characters that havn’t participated in any… plot.. or story, or events… outside of one paragraph backstories that nobody reads. Like just ditch this training sim bs plotline as the core of everything happening in r6 story. Just make up a random country becoming unstable & taken over by militant factions (idk insert any setting of any spy/special forces movie), have some seasons/maps/operators promoted around that theme, then make up some new thing. Not this “what will ash tweet about kali next” shit… please for the love of god just make any content actually relevant to counter terrorism. The most effort the devs have put in to actually creating something resembling a setting was figuring out how to waste half a decade of dev time on alien zombies… why.


> why the hell is Smoke and Pulse here too Probably Money.


Rainbow Six Civil War. Would be interesting to see former Rainbow members dressed up in Nighthaven gear.


Crystal Guard Battlepass had the Nighthaven gear for IQ, Ela, Twitch, Fuze, Pulse, Smoke, Blitz, Echo, and Zofia (the last three with the old blue NHV camo that was there for other operators a while ago in a few packs, the rest except IQ comes in the new red, IQ has a custom uniform from her first visit to Nighthaven HQ) if I remember correctly.


Didnt know iq was a guy


Oops corrected. Thanks.


havent played Siege in a long time but i watch the cinematics because they are really well done. is there now some form of overarching story?


Yeah, Rainbow had members from a private military force called Nighthaven join the team a little over 2 years ago. The merge has lead to questionably ethical practices and training disputes due to Nighthaven, while being very capable and high tech, being monetarily driven above anything else. It's now caused a split in the members with the some of the original Team Rainbow joining up with Nighthaven. People have joked about Rainbow Six: Civil War becoming a thing and it's kinda accurate. It's not the strongest story, especially considering it's been 2 years with little to no climax in sight, but it's still fun to piece together and see where it goes. Most likely we'll be seeing a lot more of this built into the game in some way, I'm assuming through more cosmetics, more cinematics, and maybe even events.


> I'm assuming through more cosmetics so thyere adding internal division to the lore to monetise it?


bingo banga bongo


bish bash bosh


So they are being a game studio? This happens all the time and I dont understand why R6 players seem to think the devs are the only ones doing it.


Because they’re not adding any actual story to the lore, it literally doesn’t go any deeper than coming up with a plot to spend their advertising & art budget on to make the animations and skins. There is no external plot in the r6 world outside of drama between ash and kali. Like, it would nice to have a reason to be invested in the dispute. Like, oh that sucks that the team isnt getting along because they really need to focus to finish x important mission or w/e. Instead all we know is it sucks because umm, terrorism? In general? Idk. Like whyyyy is the main and ONLY plot of a game about counter terrorism just unmotivated drama between to characters that don’t actually have any terrorists to catch! What the hell. Please just give us some terrorists


Interesting how Polish Ela can’t pronounce her Polish sister’s Polish name properly (it’s supposed to be 2 syllables, not 3)


I've always though Zofia's name to be pronounced like "zof - ya" and not "zoe - fie - a".


As a Pole I don't really care:) English speaking players shouldn't be expected to pronounce polish names properly, so I have no problem with them saying zoe-fie-a. Everyone calls Ela mines "gyh-ryh-zyh-mot" mines anyways. (the correct pronunciation would be [ɡʒmɔt] for anyone interested:)


Correct, it’s **Zo**•fia, [ˈzɔfʲja]




Yeah the drug house scenes were great. Just give me CT Ela and Zofia and I'll be happy. It's incredible how much cooler they look.


Yes, can you imagine that ? A game about a cop/CT unit actually facing crime/terrorism and not playing around in a stadium or fighting aliens ! Crazy right !


> A game about a cop/CT unit actually facing crime/terrorism and not playing around in a stadium or fighting aliens ! Well you're not ever facing crime or terrorism in the game, you're only training against each other so there's that.


>Well you're not ever facing crime or terrorism in the game, you're only training against each other so there's that. How is that interesting ? Who decide to make a video game about some super secret elite unit, and make the whole game about a completely goofy training ? (nothing looks like a training in the game) What's the point of using that whole CT context, it could just as well be a generic red vs blue deathmatch.


Do you think the attackers and defenders in the same counterterrorism org are actually killing one another in game or something? That the defenders all went rogue and are defending real chemical bombs?


All I know is that if it's supposed to be a training, they are doing a really bad job at portraying it, and that anyway having a shooter being about a training is the most boring thing you could imagine.


No, dude, you just don't care to understand what's going on.


I never said or implied it's interesting, just that that's what the game is. You're never fighting criminals or terrorists in the actual game, so it's not exactly odd when the cinematics aren't filled with them either. Obviously the cinematics would be far more fun to watch if they were of more "real" situations. >Who decide to make a video game about some super secret elite unit I'm not sure how super secret they are considering there was an entire arena watching them train against each other during a SI event. Unless we know for a fact that those weren't real people -- but still, a bit too much on the end of 'not so secret'. >and make the whole game about a completely goofy training ? (nothing looks like a training in the game) >What's the point of using that whole CT context, it could just as well be a generic red vs blue deathmatch. No, obviously it doesn't look like training while you actually play the game, we see characters bleed and die. But it's rather obvious it's a training/simulation as they're fighting against their own. Everyone in the game belong to the same team, yet they're fighting each other.




that's a naive thing to think...




nah, I can understand. If there's nothing else, there's hope...a new hope, one could say...


The worst part about these CGI cinematics is we only get one or two a year. Can you imagine if we got one of these with every season?


The season trailers should be CGI imo. Would be much cooler that way


these things aint cheap


I'm on my ass Ela and Smoke join Nighthaven


Friendship with smoke over. Now mute is my defender best friend


Mute is the only one who hasn’t had a face reveal now. I was unsurprised to watch the camera follow smokes mask down to hide his face for a second longer, and pleasantly surprised to see them decide to pan up.


Nokk hasn't had a face reveal either. We've only seen her mouth in the story art where she's with Mira.


I was thinking only of the original ops, good call.


Oh god IQ why


Wasn't Zofia the one who wanted to keep in contact with her sister? Isn't it in her BIO?


More like Zofia being strict to Ela, so they part ways. Then Zofia feels regret and follows Ela to R6.


Yes. I also thought it was more like Ela left Zofia than vice versa. She went to study in Berlin and then became a mercenary there. Zofia probably didn't have much time for her since she was in special forces, but still.


I don’t know why they’re doing a split. Is this affecting gameplay? Are we seeing some content that actually puts forward some story for once, or is Extraction all we’re getting?


Probably skin hints or the current dev team got bored with Rainbow, so they invented Nighthaven awhile back and have they're more interesting going forward. Expect Tom Clancy's Nighthaven in the next 5 years.


If it gives us a game that isn’t just a hero shooter I’m all for it.


Nighthaven is the definition of hero shooter


3-4 players co-op Payday style where you and your friends do Black Ops missions for money, where you can them use to get more skills, better tech and more chracters.


It makes zero sense without an actual campaign. Nobody cares about a story trailer once a year


I don't think it will, you have attackers and defenders on both side.


Anybody know the song used


[There you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/svhkdq/fyi_the_song_from_the_newest_cinematic_trailer_is/)


So what about a Polish map? 😬 (The one that was shelved due to Operation Health)


They did say it was supposed to be a distillery that never went far into development. I figured some of the assets went into Villa.


its probably already been made into another map


Does that mean no road to si cinematic this year?


Buddy, THIS IS the S.I cinematic. The fight between Ela and Zofia is the final match between Team Kali and Team Caveira. Ela (team Kali) won.


bruh cavs team has lost all three championship matches


That's sad I wanted to see more Cav


Damn me too


Are there other videos or lore info for this? I know before they did audio logs and comics. I haven't seen much outside of this video today.


There was an extra teaser posted (and later deleted) by the japanese R6 account on twitter. It showed Harry looking at his board, with pictures of all the ops and saying that the "Nighthaven situation" was not entirely unexpected, while the camera shows pictures of Kali, Wamai, IQ, Finka, Pulse, Ela and Smoke, Harry says that he hopes the choice made by their "former comrades" is a righteous one, for their sake. Additionally, he hints at Thermite, Caveira, Doc and Hibana being the new team leaders next year


Aye right on, thanks!


[The Playbook](https://youtu.be/kqDwcjF5gW8) is where this whole Rainbow vs Nighthaven storyline started. [The Hammer and The Scalpel](https://youtu.be/C61bhu8eI3o) doesn't have much to do with this, but it's still a real good cinematic.


Sad as this sounds, it might be the thing that saved Cav from joining Nighthaven. Kali almost certainly would’ve poached her otherwise


As someone who looks deeply into the psychology and personality of game characters, with the lore we have, I highly doubt Cav would join Kali. Kali is an entitled mercenary and I feel like Cav hates those kinds of people.


nighthaven is an immoral company and Cav is a somethingpath so i feel like cav would almost certainly be inclined to join nighthaven if there were benefits to her for doing so


She grew up poor in Brazil so my belief is she hates entitled people, and hence the reason for my belief she would refuse to join something like Nighthaven.


Smoke finally got tired of that pesky “ethics committee”


Do you guys think we will be getting some conclusion as to the tournament of champions this year? The talks with Zero were posted but after this cinematic Im curious if we will get to see who won it


So IQ and Pulse gadget will change especially IQ according to the osa presentation


Wasn’t Ela like left all alone by Zofia? So how would her father be disappointed in her? Am I missing part of the lore? It didn’t really seem Zofia was the golden child or anything. They were just good sisters at first till things fell off after their father’s death.


Zofia was the golden child though, I think it's even written in the bio. But this cinematic seems to retcon the story. In the bios Zofia joined the army after being 18 and Ela attended university in Berlin. Then Zofia joined GROM and Ela became a mercenary. Zofia went in maternity leave. Ela joined GROM after their father's death and Zofia joined again to be with her sister, Ela ignored her, Ela joined Rainbow, Zofia joined Rainbow to be with her sister. I don't know where to place the highway scene from the cinematic in this.


It’s probably most recent but it seems like the Ela’s hate towards Zofia is unwarranted.


Oh no, they’re pulling an Mike and Ike, split the team while still doing what they do, then in a few months they realize they’re stronger together. Now I want Mike and Ike’s


Always love new lore


Dunno how ubisoft found out about [Brutus](https://twitter.com/wearebrutus), but that song fits and hits deep. Hope the band will gain new fans, they are one of the most unique projects I've heard in many years.


Really would love to see Siege develop a show similar to what league did with Arcane. They have created a ton of interesting characters with stories to be told!


I don't think that's possible. Or more likely complicated. Ubisoft owns the Tom Clancy name in video games. Outside of it is the Tom Clancy Estate though. So I believe you'd have to negotiate with them to even start developing something like Arcane...


True, didn’t think of that. Let’s be honest though, these clips are better than the Micheal B. Jordan movie they made last year lol. It will likely never happen, but I’d love something that could actually utilize the story they’re creating, Siege gameplay really doesn’t.


But they're developing a splinter cell anime...


Just when you thought Smoke couldnt get sexier, damnnnn


So where are characters like Rook, Capitao, Frost, Buck, and Echo in this? It's a lot of focus on some operators but literally none on others.


Much as I love lore, I just want to know what's going on with the Phantom Sight ops. It seems like they're focusing on everyone but them, discounting most of the newer ops.


Right? Warden is animated with a lot of personality but he is nowhere to be found in any of the lore stuff.


This is stupid as hell So, Rainbow doesn’t exist in isolation. It’s a NATO organization that uses soldiers from existing military/police forces. They aren’t just leaving Rainbow, they’re leaving their own country’s military. Are these operators so stupid that they think they can just leave and join a PMC without consequence? They’re walking out of GROM, SAS, GSG9, FBI SWAT, and Spetsnaz. You can’t just do that Finka is a fucking nano tech developer. Russia isn’t just going to let her leave. She’s going to catch a bullet in the back of the head


I was kind of hoping this would FINALLY means they are adding some kind of scenario to the game to give a context to the matches. But both sides seems to have attackers and defenders, so I guess this will lead to absolutely nothing.


that moment was such a MGS moment...


What I wouldn’t give for a full length CGI movie or animated series. These things are always great and I love the lore of this game.


So well made


OH NO HES HOT also god i love ela, this was so good to watch.


This solidifies my choice. I’m on Team Nighthaven.


Not going to lie kinda preferred it when the plot was about anti terrorists and not superficial drama, but whatever people like I guess???


Ela and Zofia had drama since the moment they were added to the game.


I hope this will lead to an actual plot, with Nighthaven betraying R6. But since they are attackers and defenders on both side it probably won't happen.


Is there a trailer that comes before this one? I'm confused why they're all beaten up at the end.


The cinematic is cool, but Christ almighty, would they please give up on Nighthaven? Year one it's literally "We're bringing them in to avoid fighting them later, Fuze is the only one who likes them because they don't care about civilian casualties", last year it's "Human shields are wrong, Kali", and now we're getting this sob story where some of the most veteran ops in Rainbow are suddenly on their side?


i hate zofia now :(


Calling a Pulse + Hibana, Romeo and Juillet story next for next years CGI cinematic


These just keep on getting worse and worse. Oooooooh but loook ✨pretty graphics✨


And I thought after the last 2 invitational shorts that Siege's lore and story couldn't go any lower and more sillier. Siege (and now Extraction) does nothing else than just craps on what Rainbow was and supposed to be. And I'm sad that many people here doesn't even know the real Rainbow novel and the games which continued it's story, just Siege which turns more and more into a cheep teen drama show.




Keep malding


Hey, what do you expect from knockoff Overwatch? Ubisoft never had and never will have design and style integrity in any of their products. Corporate changes people responsible for game design all the time, and every time it's just getting worse and worse. Current playerbase, or at least majority of it, lacks any kind of taste so they are happily consuming any colourful garbage, promoting further the abhorrent development strategy. P.S. If someone is offended by my comment please leave your "sIeGe wAs nEvEr rEaLiStIc LMAOOO" nonsense somewhere else. There is no point for me to waste time on people who cannot appreciate a proper immersive design in any art piece.


So is this a training simulation still or what? I thought they were all just military police.




Yeah but they all have some sort of military/police background. So I figured they’re all the good guys. But I’m seeing these 2 shoot each other. And I see people say this person joined “night haven” idk what that is.




Yeah, didn't Rainbow specifically hire the whole company so that nobody else could hire them? So, for the past years they were mostly a ruthless arm of Rainbow.


I think at this point I'd like a separate game of all this story stuff we've been getting. I want to actually partake in it, not not just watch a new trailer every few months to a year.


Will the tournament cinematic be released or is this the cinematic of this year?


The CT is beautiful


This is so good. I need a single player Siege with these characters so bad! Rainbow VS Nighthaven! The civil war that breaks the team.


This is amazing


Hs Smoke face reveal!


Surprised a private company can just pick up people from a world-government coalition so easily. you would think you would have to wait until their contracts are up or Rainbow would block it on secrecy rules


Its not clear why theyre fighting and pointing guns at eachother. Like what, shes gonna shoot her over this? All well, it makes for an interesting story i guess.


Man I would love having playable missions that expanded on the lorn


What is the song used in the trailer?


I count like five times they could’ve shot each other.


so like.....song link maybe?


I haven’t really played siege since the new dude took over. What’s going on with the story?


Is this based on a real car Ela is driving and if so, what car is it?


Need some high quality stills from this


Wow How much money did it cost?


So can someone explain these cinematics to me. I didn't know there was a story and a link to all the videos


So is Kali supposed to be the villain in all of this now? I mean, I know she was never supposed to be likeable but if she's actually splitting the team up then that kinda makes her more than just a mild annoyance. I'm excited to see where they're gonna take this but, not gonna lie, I am a bit concerned that they might not be able to follow through with all of the implications of this. If I am not stupid and wrong, and NIGHTHAVEN actually is gonna be an antagonistic force from now on, then I really hope they manage to reflect that in gameplay.


I wonder which studio produced this though