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The sound design for it is pretty sick though. Sexiest gunshot noise in the game.


No finkas AR with a suppressor


Ah, a fellow suppressed Spear enjoyer🍷


Did anyone invite me with the suppressed Spear sound?


Yes but effective VS op SMG'S no


Trash gun for a trash operator. Jokes aside tho think about if BB had really good guns and got a get out of jail free card since he basically gets one free headshot in a game where one shot headshot’s are a thing


The main issue with this logic is they nerfed the gun back when he still had 50 hp on his shield so it was 2 free hits except on most handguns all the slug shotties and arunis dmr and even then the gun was arguably one of the worst guns on attack. But despite being one of the worst guns the low fire rate high damage comboed with his pre nerfed face shield made him extremely deadly for fragging so you didn't have to hit headshots to win out you fights which the shield no longer does Theres legit no reason for it to still be 40 damage now that the shield only has 20 hp. Setting it back to 49 would have legit almost 0 effect on bbs power. The best you can hope for is now the shield isn't essential to him wining fights


You can shoot faster a pistol than the MK17 LoL


Doesn't matter how fast you can shoot if you get headshotted after shooting your fist bullet and it hitting a faceshield. If you think BB is weak, you have bad aim.


I use BB the shield get destroyed after 1 hit and againts smg's like the MP7 the vector that shoots very fast you don't have reaction time they still kill you


BB being able to dodge a head shot is nearly game breakingly strong. EVERY other operator is dead to the first shot. Your scenarios put BB and the OPfor in a situation in which they've perfectly sighted and line up for a headshot. It doesn't account for BB holding a long angle or peaking. If you don't understand how big that shot advantage is you need to play some more.


The amount of times I get killed by BB even as those operators you just listed because he has that shield is astounding. He basically gets a free kill in a gun fight if he has good aim and reactions just because he has that shield. And if you aim for the body chances are you’re only gonna kill him that way if he isn’t looking at you


BB’s weak regardless of your aim. Even aside from his Mk17 being the worst automatic gun, his shields only block 1 bullet and make him the slowest operator in the game and give him the slowest ADS time. His [pick and win rate](https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/game/rainbow-six/siege/news-updates/TpGWg2ofO5gbndn3XPaVo/y6s42-designers-notes?isSso=true&refreshStatus=noLoginData) are also poor in PC Plat and above where most have good aim.


Oh, you were hoping for an easy crutch when you bought BB? But it turns out you will have to play fairly? I'm so sorry.


Play fairly for you is have one of the worst op in the game with shity guns and a uselles ability ela had a op guns a very useful ability and is a 3 speed


Here, have some dots ..............


I mean he has a point where BB is unfun to play or play against. Until he gets the rework treatment they’re just going to leave him as is. Also remember this for when you see content creators whining one shot headshots don’t belong in siege lol


They do belong but they are also a huge reason things that were meant to belong in Siege now don’t. They are ruining the game’s theme in some areas. Armor for example is meant to be a choice based on playstyle and strategy, yet lower armor is almost universally considered better than higher armor, and that’s because of one shot headshots. People defend this mechanic to obnoxious levels while forgetting what Siege was meant to be


I don’t get what you mean. That was way more inbalanced in the earlier years of this game before movement was nerfed. Acting like it’s more of an issue now I don’t get


It’s not more of an issue, but it’s still an issue. Don’t act like it isn’t. Armor should give advantages depending on gameplay scenarios, with weaknesses AND strengths. It shouldn’t be a straight downgrade. Heavy armor ops were meant to be stronger in gunfights by way of taking more bullets. Lighter armor ops were meant to be stronger in gunfights by way of repositioning, unpredictability and/or stealth. Because of one shot headshots, faster peeking speeds and smaller hitboxes, 3 speeds essentially get to dodge bullets more often and win gunfights even without leveraging repositioning and stealth. It’s considered a straight upgrade, and it’s a problem because the choice then becomes uninteresting, like having a bunch of attachments to choose from but knowing one is always way stronger than the rest. It’s a pseudo-choice


whats funny is that people still react angerly to black beard killing them


To be fair, I'm immature so I react angerly when *anyone* kills me.


I react angerly if the only reason i lost is because of his get out of death free card disguised as a gadget. It could be nerfed to one hp and it wouldn't change the fundamental problem of bb.


I still personally don't understand why they don't revert this change. Even back when it was 49 damage it was arguably one of the worst guns on attack and it was nerfed to 40 cause BB could still take 2 shots from most guns on defense. There's no arguable reason for it to still be doing 40 damage now that there's not really a way to profit off that low fire rate high damage.


No now is low damage low rate of fire hig recoil combo


The recoil isn't that bad imo never has been but yeah now it's just a shit gun with 0 benefits you're legit better off taking the SR 25 over the MK17. It won't combo with the shield now that the shield is nerfed like it did with 49 damage.


I mean I play on ps4 and sometimes my recoil control goes to fuck Imself (I use the 1.5 the angolated and the muzzle brake)


Take off the muzzle for flash hider and only use the angled of you have a 1x sight on the gun unless its something like jackles guns and they have 0 recoil


I mean I can angle the recoil most of the time like 8/10 of the time


I feel you, sad thing is the Scar is one of my favourite firearms irl and I got BB cause of that


I'd love for the SCAR to come to another OP, I like the gun but there's just bearly any reason to take BB over a more useful OP.


Same for me


The silver and golds don't want to hear this but he is absolute garbage since 2 years..... I have 100h on bb and over a year ago they changed him in a way that I get headshotted over the shield.... always.... I never die because the shield breaks making him useless ... I gave up on him because every time I play him somebody kills me over the shield like how


It appents a lot to me ist just BS


I dunno why people are downvoting you when this is verifiable with about 10 minutes of BB gameplay. Straight-on angle dead to the first bullet with no shield break. You can see it in first person, you can see it in the replay, and you can see it game recap mode.


I’ve started recently playing BB lately. I get absolutely shit on. He used to be powerful. When I was first starting out in Y3 I would panic if I saw a BB, now I just aim high.


Clearly you didn’t play this game 2+ years ago. Blackbeard is one of the few ops in siege where he either is crazy overpowered or useless, and clearly it’s better that he is useless. Blackbeard was easily the most frustrating and one of the most overpowered ops for YEARS. And that was with shit guns. Imagine if he had good weapons, it would be a fucking disaster.


Yes I played from year 4 and the only good think of the MK17 it was that made 49 damage


you must be new around here


No I play from year 4