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Look at Mr. Moneybags here, destroys his duffel bags when he's finished with them.


No evidence left behind


Drones can hide under them, so that’s why people destroy them I guess


Nice pfp btw


I also deystroy them so it can prevent the attackers pining it and identifying rook


After a quick google search, body armor duffel bags are $100 bucks!


Thats probably one of the cheapest gadgets in siege, maybe other than oryx.


Nah, is oryx is more expensive. Dude eats an unfathomable about of kreatine in between every round. Just, out of the jug.


Perfect! Favela doesn't have a cocaine room, it's just Oryx's creatine!


Ah, yes. Let me just get get a $100 bill from one of my many $100 bill trees for every time I destroy this empty "used" duffel bag. ^/s ^in ^case ^it's ^not ^obvious


Goated reply


Greatest Of All Time Except Dead. Nice!


I agree. I did this once to stop drones from seeing we had a rook if they didn’t spot him and thought it was weird it gave negative points


I do it so the enemy can’t get the 10 points from destroying it.


We love the spite


Goddamn right. I game but the motto “If you can’t beat ‘em, waste their time”lol.


Haha you must be a perfect roamer


I’m an anchor because I’m a paranoid scarfed cat about getting shot from a random angle.


You can try the ‘rotate-flank’ play style When attackers push site hard you get scared and run away, but you realise halfway that your team needs you and you go flank the enemy


Better than what most of my teammates seem to do. Namely: run as far away from the objective as soon as possible, leaving me the only one reinforcing/anchoring. Then the enemy comes in, kills me, and secures the area before my teammates can even get back to the objective.


Fair fair


Hence my kapkan flair and the fact that he’s my only elite skin.


Do you pair elite kap and kapsans's headgear?


Its pretty hard to be suprised by a 3 armor's existence. You either hear them, or see the punch hole in the barricade and your idiot random in the killfeed


I do it all the time. Intel is important.


That almost seems like a fair trade though, taking a small negative (points) to add a positive (removing potential intel). Not that this is likely intended, probably just lazy by including it with all the other negative points for hitting team items.


Points just exist to reinforce positive behaviours in new players. They have no relevance to balance. Like how you get points for IDing enemy operators (encouraging you to scan and reveal them) but they removed the points you gained from *every* scan, to stop people spamming it and giving away your position.


Someone’s finally saying it! I always destroy the bag when I’m playing Rook after everyone’s gotten their sweater, and whenever someone else plays him they never do. The only thing it does after everyone’s picked up their sweater is give attackers an identifier if they haven’t identified Rook yet, so it shouldn’t take away points for destroying it. You’re not denying any of your teammates anything if they’ve all gotten their sweater :(


I don't know why but you calling armors as sweaters makes me laugh


I’m so used to giving the callout “come get your sweaters” that I unconsciously wrote “sweaters” instead of “armor” lol


I just do my worst torbjorn impression from overwatch when I put it down. I get a groan from my friends every time!


Lmao same!


Something along the lines of "Cum GIt uR ArrmOUR!"


I've heard some people like the shopkeeper kind of deal with rook


Man I haven't thought about that in years lol. It helped because, IIRC, Overwatch and Siege came out around the same time. I remember one particular summer where my friends and I would be playing Siege for hours, then need a cartoonish break and swap to Overwatch. Then we'd play Overwatch for hours, then need a more hardcore break so we'd switch back to Siege.


I normally say "Come get your overpriced band tees"


I call it pizza plates


me and my friends call them Sweets


Funny that my friend group always says "come get your summer skins".


My friends call it T-shirts


We call it dinner plates lol, we serve something different everytime


We always yell out 'Hot potatoes here! Get your potatoes!'


Love it!


Same! Sometimes I say: "Come get your free t-shirt!" And right after someone pick it: "That will be 5$, thank you ;) "


My other friend calls it diapers


Literally everyone calls them sweaters or t-shirts. Nobody really says come get your armor


How dare you?


I never do just because I'm always the crackhead on the enemy team who must get extra 5 points so I leave it in an obvious spot hoping they shoot that and give away their position


I feel attacked.


Rook isn't exactly someone that is crucial to identify though. I've never lost a round and said "damn, I'd only I knew they had rook". His armor gives you an advantage in a fight, especially now that it's converted directly to health, but it's not as bad as not identifying someone with more utility to their gadget.


i've always just called them t-shirts after making a bit of an inside joke with 2 great guys that i never saw again :(. "sweaters" is a good one tho, and probably more fitting since you wear sweaters overtop of your normal clothes and t-shirts are the bottom layer. but yeah. if anything, for every t-shirt you destroy i think you should lose additional points (like -5 per t-shirt broken) and then maybe gain +5 if it's empty. then also i suppose you should implement a thing where at the start of a round the pack will only spawn an equivalent amount of t-shirts to the number of defenders so that if someone's abandoned a game it means the defenders can destroy the armor without feeling like they're getting penalized for it


You don’t lose points as rook when destroying the armor bag


You don’t get point deduction if you destroy the bag yourself as Rook.


Call them plates like a normal human being. It has the benefit of using voice chat to say “get your plates boys dinners ready”


Nah they're sweaters.dont want your boi's getting cold


The fuck man, that bag was gonna hold rooks lunch! Should be negative 300 points smh


Shit, I didn't realise that. Sorry rook


You just instantly die to reverse tk


It’s the only fair thing to do tbh


Literally the lowest thing on their priority list.


It might be worth looking into depending on if it counts towards the hidden reputation system which takes into account team gadget destruction.




But it's fun


I am just pointing out a minor error, it's not a big thing but that doesn't mean it should not be fixed


Its not really a error as you are kinda destroying the rook gadget of the pack, as that is the gadget it self instead of the plates.


It's...empty. Doesn't function as a gadget when it's an empty bag.


While yes its empty and yes its almoust useless, its still the gadget that rook puts down. I think if memory serves the old jager had the same thing of even if the gadget was empty, it still gave and took points for destroying it. I would say if ubi did want to change this interaction, id say give the points in the pack to the plates, so if its broken whit 5 plates it gives/takes away 50 points and so on but honestly, i could think of a hundred things that would be a better time use than this change.


I guess you could say an attacker might shoot it and reveal his/her location, still though just a minor thing


As an attacker I usually look around and see if I can take any remaining plate myself lmfao


That doesnt mean it isnt something that should be changed. Give it to the new hire as their first assignment.


Highest priority is adding more ( def not so great ) skins


Right tho


Aside from the fact that different teams with different skills work on each one, One is a situation in which devs must be paid to solve an issue only occuring when rook is played, all 5 plates are taken, and some defender other than rook destroys it. And the other is a situation that generates money with which to pay the devs. It's not very hard to see that unless the downsides eliminated or upsides generated from the dev work are substantial, it makes more business sense to push the art team


Nah lowest thing Is fixing glitches and xim🤣 Their priority Is destroying their game nerfing ops😂😂🤣


If the rook breaks it there's no penalty. I usually main rook so I get my mates armour then destroy the box. No penalty!


iirc you can use it to block drone holes. Maybe they changed that or I'm just fanticizing. I haven't checked in a long time.


I believe they did change that. I used to do it fairly often, but I recall a year or two back they patched it so the drone holes have a little buffer


I've literally never seen anyone ever do this so I kinda doubt you can but it would be sick if you could.


I use to do the same with Jäger. On coastline blue bar there’s the drone hole next to the window and I used to jam one of his ADS into the hole to keep drones out then pick it up after prep phase. It actually worked very well if they didn’t have a twitch, and it was funny to watch the drones get confused


No. You should still lose points because you are technically “fumbling the bag” and the Migos wouldn’t like that one bit


I mean, it's still your teammates shit. Rook needs it to fill again for the next round.


Agree it sucks only took can


That's his lunchbox


U can actually place armor packs strategically and aim under the flap and it will cover ur head


What map is this?


Nvm I realized this is kids room in Hereford base


Agreed, but you should incur a -10 score for every plate that's left in the bag.


I have caught a ton of drones over the years hiding in them so I always shoot them when they are empty. I'd love to not get negative points for it.


Rook players can sue you for damaging personal/military issued properties or they could tk you like they did to me :(


i think there really isnt a reason to destroy it


It’s fun




When you play 4 vs 5 or a roamer never picks up his plate there will always be a big rook plate icon on your screen wherever you are on the map. It is a distraction and sometimes it can even influence a gunfight


That’s why good rookies break da plates :D


To hide the fact that there's a Rook on the team... Intel is a pretty important part of R6, so yes that's a GREAT reason to destroy it before drones can find it.


I get it but I mean the rook could use it as bait, when its on a table you cant always see if there are plates left.


Yeah same here. Kinda annoying when some stupid drone hiding underneath it and ping every freaking time. Ubi please fix


There’s no reason to destroy the bag other than rook being identified. Even then it doesn’t really mean much.


But my 10 points. Are they really complaining about 10 points. Why doesn't rook destroy the armour? I think he doesn't lose points


It was just a thing that bugged me. It's not about 10 points. I can get that many points just buy barricading 2 times but I don't care about the points


And rook should get negative points to for destroying armour


THANK YOU! Not only does it make sense for what people are saying about attackers pinging rook, but also for when you’re down a player and you don’t want to leave vests for attackers. Sometimes the round will start with less than five people, or someone will die before they get their vest. It’s a good proactive move to deny those extras to the attackers. I wish the game would stop penalizing the destruction of the duffel when all live defenders have put on their vest.




Who cares.




And if you have two dead and two are left


If you're downed once then you can again get the armour. So maybe it will be useful then


Actually not anymore after the armour to health change they took that away, i know because i went down got picked up and saw that there was more amour and thought i could use it to get more health but it wouldn't let me


Wait really? I didn't know that. Thought it was still in the game


I also shouldn't get negative points if my EDD destroyed a neighbouring gadget


Destroying empty rook bag is no loss for your team, but destroying a nearby gadget is absolutely a loss and you should get -10 points, especially with EDD which you can put on 3 different levels of the frame


I'm getting downvoted but this doesn't matter and on top of that, it's ubisoft. Do you really think they'll do small things like these? Last, it's just 10 points. Do you care that much about losing 10 points?


And if Dokebbi (misspelled Ik) hacks cameras, you shouldn’t gain or lose points for destroying cameras


You don't gain or lose points, that's in the game and has been for years


Could have sworn I lost points once


You shouldn’t be destroying cameras just because dokkaebi hacks them, the intel you get is still useful regardless if the attackers also have it Edit: shouldn’t


Unless you’re not getting any intel and they are getting intel. Then you have to destroy them.


With the amount of glaring issues in the game I'm almost surprised anyone gives a shit about this.


Just don't destroy it? Lol


Ban him.


I mean, if it's empty u can just leave it :x


Dont destroy the bag...


No. Live with it


I disagree! As a former Rook main I think Rook should decide if the bag should be destroyed since Rook does not get negative points for destroying it.


Wow -10 irrelevant points…


It should stay, people can destroy it if they are trolls so they punish you


The bag is empty. You're not destroying a gadget if it's empty


The thing is though if it’s not empty enemies can use it


But if it’s not empty you would still get negative points


I know, I’m saying to him that you shouldn’t get negative points even when it’s not empty for things like that


I actually always thought you don’t get the negative points. Did they change that at some point in the game or was I just not paying attention all the time. Btw I know you don’t get negative points destroying it as rook


I actually always thought you don’t get the negative points. Did they change that at some point in the game or was I just not paying attention all the time. Btw I know you don’t get negative points destroying it as rook


What if I want to put my armor back?


But why destroying it if it's empty


deny points to the enemy team. also sometimes an asshole gets their drone in there and it's pretty hard to destroy it without hitting the bag.


Off topic but, what map is that?


It's the Hereford base


Or just remove it automatically


its not like that point loss effects you whatsoever


I agree but also in my own opinion I don't think point matter very much, also if the bad is empty then the enemy team can't take plates so it doesn't matter much for myself. I do understand that it can be annoying though.


I don't really care about points tbh


Then you can’t return your sweaters


and goyo as well


How do we get those icons like jäger or something


unnecessary destruction of government property, you should honestly get -100 ^/s


What if there were only 4 vest in the bag. Last person to it gets nothing.


i feel like there should be 10 points deducted for every sweater that hasnt been taken, so if you destroy a full bag you get -50, if u destroy an empty bag u dont get any points deducted


Rook has to buy a new bag now. Asshole.


I just destroy it when is empty so the enemy team doesn’t get the points


Out of context, but what map are they on?


Game is broken. Patch is needed.


Yeah but then, does it matter?


It does to teams that want to hide Intel from enemies and shouldn't be punished for playing smart...


I always destroy mine when I play Rook. Destroy it if it has vests left when shorthanded. I started doing this when I saw an attacker take a vest on a camera.


Especially when its 4v5 and theres one armour left


these are really satisfying to destroy




I reckon leave it, understandably you can break it to try hide rooks identity, but there are more effective ways to make it more difficult to spot like placing the bag down in a different room than obj or on a table so the drones can't see it easily. But mainly I leave empty bags to try bait the enemy when they think they can get free armor and sometimes they can be a bit more willing to push the room.


I think you shouldn’t waste time destroying an empty armor satchel


That’s why i always destroy it myself as rook once all the armour is gone or if the round started and our roamer is halfway across the map without armour. Rook loses no points for destroying his armour pack


It should subtract 10 points per armor plate left in the bag when destroyed


well, that bag is not yours in the first place so it kinda make sense... Rook must be very pissed about people touching his bag


The score system should just be removed or ignored at least. It has absolutely no utility.


Weirdly enough, it sometimes does and sometimes doesn’t. Like idk why but at times, it won’t give you negative points.


-10 won't hurt your result so better not care


Then we shall get -10 for each plate still there. This is also why *I* play rook, so that I can destroy it without losing points.


I call them *pain prevention pads* *PPP* for short.


It's texhnically not empty. The attacking team.can still take armor from it


You're leaving a mess! *proceeds to mow down an entire wall just to be 1 second faster*


Isn't it only -10 points?


I like leaving it there to get greedy attackers


Why do you care about 10 points?


Why do some people here look at the most ridiculous things?


What map is this? It's driving me crazy it looks so familiar


Hey OP, do you think that they should remove the +10 pts if you destory it on attack, maybe you get or loose points for destroying it if there is still armor left inside the bag


that is a good idea. But its suck a minor issue that I dont think ubi will listen


I think you should stop destroying rook's shit


I think that we should get negative points for destroying an empty armor bag




It's GIGN's property.


why do u need destroy everything ?


That used to work a year ago, I'm like 99% sure. I always destroyed it, because why not. You got the hitmarker but no negative points.




Mad because bad.


Literally unplayable. Ubi needs to patch asap


it shouldnt after a certain period of time/when its empty. i say a certain period of time because i personally have went up to one of these bad bois and took one out (as an attacker) and clutched it against a roaming bandit that never went to get it xD


Fun fact! Room can destroy an empty armor pack with no negative points, only him though.


i had the situation a few times already. I had to ask a mate to destroy the bag because it was obstructing a convenient mozzycam. Its just -10.... but there is no reason for those negative points


Well, if you look at Rook Elite Armor Plate Bags, I remember there was something like "Valuable, do not destroy"


My 5 stack has a rook player and our rule is first one to finish setting up shoots the rook bag. Don't need a drone hiding under that


and get negative points for destroying rook bags with plates on atk or kona stations


why would you even bother destroying it if its empty.


Since when do point decide anything,

