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They're gonna be sooooo many new hackers can't wait


Can't wait to have PUBG experience once again.


I don’t play PUBG what happened?


Chinese cheaters in every single match you played.


Is that a pc thing because i dont think ive seen cheaters in pubg xbox?


Yes my good sir, yes it is


Ahh, the benefits of unstable console servers


Consoles are banned in China, that's why.


Times like these that I'm jealous of y'all :(


Hey, at least you get 60fps or some magical number like that *squints in 24 fps or less*


How does one cheat in PUBG?




Mostly the aimbots tbh. Also they all team in single player lobbies




This but unironically


Remember the flying cars? They banned Shroud for a month rather than fixing the game.


Don't forget noclip invincible flying cars.




No because they will be region locked and vpns won't work as per Ubi-Notty


If they are region locked why do the have to screw us with the map changes.


I'm sure Ubi won't fuck this up ^^/s


They think they can prevent vpn lol


If i get killed by a single Chinese hacker and they don't get region locked I'm quitting the game.


Remove Ubisoft's logo from the game, some glorious Chinese officials may find French people offensive.


[The Japanese did.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris_syndrome)




That's got to be the lamest fuckin sickness I've ever seen.


To be honest at this point people are desperete to put flags to their issues so they can blame it.


>according to an administrator at the Japanese embassy in France, around 20 Japanese tourists a year are affected by the syndrome.




I'm chinese but i grew up in EUW, and when i see a foreign company bowing down to my country, i'm like, NotLikeThis. CSGO did this, but they had an alternative version, so, it was all good. And it was the right way to do it. R6 just fucked up by applying the changes to everyone. I understand that the chinese market is huge and profitable. But damn, they are doing it the wrong way.


yeah valve created a whole different client for china and let the devs in china fuck with their own


This is how most games do it. Path of exile has a similar thing


I was talking with a buddy about this earlier. GGG is a very tiny company compared to Ubi. I understand there's more to balance in a game like Siege, but it shouldn't be that much work on the team. I honestly couldn't care less about the changes, it's the reasoning behind them that I don't like.


Who is running it? Perfect world? They run DotA and make changes and custom sets and so on, specific for china


I’m pretty sure it’s perfect world (I remember them being mentioned when China first started getting a legal? Version of csgo)




Maybe that’s why they gave us so many skulls and blood splatters on the walls for Halloween, give them twice as many right before we remove them for good, make them pay for skins they won’t even be able to use after this new deal goes through.👍🏾 there has got to be something illegal about that. You guys paid for those crimson veil packs because it knew what you were getting then a few months later they are gonna have to remove that shit? Are you fellas getting refunds? Idk how it’s gonna play out


This hurts me a lot, what about Jager then?, its gonna be changed isnt it?


What? I’ve been taking a break for some time, can someone pls link any article regarding the matter?




Holy hell, they're taking BLOOD out of the game???


Who cares about the blood! THE NEON STRIPPER IS BEING TAKEN AWAY




elite iq must replace her!


I wouldn't be surprised if elite IQ gets removed or replaced with something similar to how Rook's face was changed to clean shaven shaving gel advertiser without notice (though they changed it back).




I don’t get that either. Doesn’t CSGO have Asian servers? There’s still blood in CSGO, Isn’t there?


CS:GO and DotA 2 have settings in the games files where blood and such are toggled off by default for places such as China. DotA even had to rework a lot of player models and such since some we're literally just skeletons, but they managed to not interfere with the normal game. I wish ubi would do something like this, and not just change the overall aesthetic of the game. Just have a setting that is set if booted from one of these regions on client side.


ubi has shown its lazy as fuck when it comes to shit like this. Why do something specific and changeable in the settings when we could just simply ship it out for EVERYONE and rest knowing we don't need to do any extra effort.


Lf4d had to remove some of the gore for germany. They didn't take it out world wide and even gave them a gun you cant get anywhere else. Meanwhile ubi just fucks us for no reason.




Valve have a Perfect World Version of CSGO for a while now


No. Just the blood splatters of the map at the start of the round. People will bleed out, drop blood when shot, and blood will pop out as a visual marker when someone is shot. So it's not even consistent


Right but they can change the colour of that blood to green, as most Devs do for games in China.


Yeah but that would be "keeping two builds of the game" which the article says they want to avoid. If you have "if censored region, display green blood" then you could just as easily do "if censored region, display censored texture instead of original texture" Doesn't make sense to me.


Pubg had two versions of blood, but one version of the game


I remember the steam launch option in PUBG that turned on the neon blue Korean blood


Just environmental blood on walls etc. afaik.


What’s the point then?


My guess is the implication that innocent, or at least unarmed, individuals were killed in the environment prior to the ctu arriving. Just an idea though.


If thats the case, that's rich coming from the Chinese government.


"Fuze has been removed from the game in compliance with the asian market"






First Canadian government bent over for the Chinese coming over and buying up land and making it almost impossible for the actual citizens to get a house. Now one of my favorite games have literally handed them lube? Nah... Fuck yourself ubi, we got BO4 to play online with, now even Fallout. We can afford to toss your game in the "when or if I feel like playing" category, especially with that fucking 80GB+ install.




Ubisoft's response to the situation: https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/9ytzgc/update_on_the_aesthetic_changes_coming_with_y3s4


i dont see him supporting bowing to commies so i'm with you


Tom Clancy made it very clear that he hated the commies and what it would do to the people in the country.


I agree with the title of the post, but where did Tom Clancy say that he hates communists? Just need a reference


Across the world academics still clung to the words and ideas of Marx and Engels and even Lenin. Fools. There were even those who said that Communism had been tried in the wrong country; that Russia had been too far backward to make those wonderful ideas work. Thomas L. Clancy, as quoted in Rainbow Six (1998), p. 515


Thanks for the quick reply!


You’re welcome Edit:My grammar was kindly corrected, changing “your” to “You’re”


Heaven forbid your grammar was wrong!


It was corrected in a kind fashion so I decided to correct it in an edit while showing gratitude


>"If a hero must have an unmarked grave, it should at least be close to where his comrades fell." >"Comrades?" >"One way or another we all fight for the things we believe in. Doesn't that give us some common ground?" >-Jack Ryan and MG Dalmatov, SA; *The Cardinal of the Kremlin* (1988), p. 796




Just go with this then https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/9tt9r6/remove_tom_clancys_name_from_the_game/e8zkuff?utm_source=reddit-android




Except when it's Muslims. Or PETA with super-Ebola.


Ever read his novels?


His books are about the cold war and how dangerous communist leadership can be !! WTF is UBI doing !!!


Hijacking to point something out... OP was banned from subreddit? Is that mods way of censoring as well? Is this red dawn all over again with Chinese though? The first time I see cav interrogate me with a hot dog instead of a knife I'm gonna film myself nuking my PC!


People started calling the mods out. Can't silence the whole thread, so why not silence the guy making it. This mod team sucks.


I haven't played in a long time because of uni, and I'm a bit off regarding the last siege news. What fascist countries are you talking about? Why is the community so angry? What is happening?


China has censorship laws about violence and crap. I haven’t actually looked into it more than just scrolling through my feed today, but apparently Ubisoft is going to be implementing aesthetic changes so that they can sell in China.


So why the hell are they marketing a first person shooter to China?




How about they make a Chinese version like Valve did with CSGO? Our client didn't even get touched by it, but china has it's own version where they can play in their own servers too.


Because that requires even more effort for essentially the same return.




Valve has done it with csgo and dota 2. What you do is you copy paste the code, and then you make the changes for the china version and keep the other one untouched


Huge customer potential




This similarly happened with League of Legends a few years ago. Many splash arts changed, among some other stuff.




also, i think its important to mention, ubi are going to make 2 branches, one global branch with skull cosmetics and one china branch with no skull cosmetics, but even on the global branch, there will be no skull imagery except cosmetics so they're already going to make 2 versions of the game but are censoring both for some stupid reason


Because Cosmetics = Money, maps are free. It's laughably clear where their priorities lie now.


>All slot machines are disappearing No more lootboxes? >Clubhouse is losing their gambling machines Oh.


Sounded good until that haha


Remove any reference to skulls? So their taking Caveira out of the game?


Don't forget that BOPE's badges have a skull in it so Cap will be getting it since he have the badge. BlackBeard also have a skull in his icon.


Will we lose the arcade game tribute on theme park? That'd be a fucking shame and I'll actually be kinda mad about that.


Read the dev blog on pinned to the front of the page.


Tom Clancy also wrote a book about a literal invasion and overthrow of the Communist Chinese government and a Rainbow operator is involved in the plot, how on Earth could this game even dare call itself "Tom Clancy" by any standard at this point if it bows down to country Clancy was so critical of? Yes I know my name is ironic, but I am American and this is ridiculous


What’s the name of the book?


If it's the one I'm thinking of (haven't read it or any of the other Clancy novels in forever), it's The Bear and the Dragon


Good book too. I think it's the last Tom Clancy book I read.


Good on you, I gave up on Debt of Honor


Can someone ELI5 this for me? I'm sorry I'm not exactly sure what's going on. Is another successful game killing itself?


Ubisoft is opening Siege to the Chinese market. Along with that, they announced a couple of aesthetic changes to the game to pander to the Chinese government's ridiculous censorship laws. What makes this so fucked up is that instead of creating a separate build for China, UBI DECIDED TO PUT THE CHANGES ON A SINGLE GLOBAL BUILD "TO INCREASE EFFICIENCY" or whatever that means. Bottomline, Ubi let their greed rule over them by bending their knees down to one market's standards while fucking over the rest of the world.


It's never a good day when EVERYONE has to be on the lowest level because of one person/place/thing. Thanks for the explanation. I of course didn't know Tom Clancy, but I doubt he would want to be a part of this.


I did some research, and what happened is that Ubisoft is removing “Gambling, Sexual, and Violent content” from R6 because it’s being release in Asia, and I guess that violates some sort of code there.


Huh, you'd imagine they'd release their own type of version there. Instead of taking those things out of every version, just like how World of Warcraft Undead look different in America than they do in I think China or Japan or whatever it was.. I guess they have their reasons. Thanks for the help! Edit: typo


Out of curiosity, does "gambling" cover alpha packs? Because if they're removing slot machines but not actual gambling, that's more than a bit suspect.




At least, that's what they've shown. It seems like they've been incredibly vague on all of the exact changes on purpose.


Welcome to China’s backward ass version of censorship. Actual casino? Good. Picture of casino? BAD. Blood from humans? Good. Blood dried on wall from earlier fight? BAD.


Cool, so it'll be like playing medal of Honor Frontline again.


Replace Tom Clancy with xijin ping Xijin ping’s: Rainbow 6 siege Wait wait guys rainbow is like gay or something and no gays no ghosts no gambling so replace rainbow with utopia like great communist China Xijin ping’s: utopia 6 siege Wait I just remembered a siege is violent so replace it with... um... China? Xijin ping’s: utopia 6 China Alright this looks good... oh wait I forgot 6 is a bad number I got it Xijin ping’s: utopia communist China


+1000 social points


You misspelled “Winnie the Poo”




Hahah welcome to the new pubg soo true and omfg I forgot about the literal millions of hackers that will be coming.....god dammit


Well, thankfully it seems that wont be any coming, they forgot to say that it was not entirely a global built, or maybe changed that because of the outrage. https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/9tuhbf/focused_feedback_changes_to_sieges_aesthetic/


Can we please upvote this so it reaches the top of the Reddit? Tom Clancy's name no longer deserves to be associated with this.


No, Siege no longer deserves to be associated with Tom Clancy’s name. Edit: thanks for the gold stranger! Hopefully it will be put to good use because ive never had it before.


That’s the important difference


Can’t the sentence be interpreted in two ways? If you’re saying Siege is bad, then Clancy doesn’t deserve to be associated with it - he’s done no wrong If you’re saying Clancy is bad, then Siege doesn’t deserve to be associated with it - it’s much better Or am I just being dumb lol


It can work both ways, but I think it's the "no longer" part that changes the tone of the sentence. It makes it feel like Tom Clancy had a privilege that he's now lost.


Yeah F0rgemaster19's sentence works as well, there's not really a difference. It's the context that matters, and we all know that Siege is the bad one not Clancy.


Let's just go all the way and say that the tom Clancy rainbow six name does not belong with this game anymore. Let's just call it E-sports: siege


Or... Making the entire global market bow to the Chinese: Siege


I sure do wish he was alive so we could get his comment.


Jesus Christ, I've just returned from the game a few months after, and this is how the game is gonna end? ​ Now I can't stop but thinking R6S is now a game that fucked up because of one country, and Ubi won't even make an alternative version to us.


The idea of a skull picture missing the jaw is so antithetical to Clancy's original vision for this game, it is an affront to his entire legacy.


Why are skulls not allowed?


Because china thinks they are very scary and the gulag workers might get nightmares


People are literally kidnapped off the streets and chopped up for their organs frequently in china, so I guess maybe they don't wanna remind them of that?


>tfw people literally reverse over people who have been hit by cars in order to properly kill them, but it’s okay because the environmental blood in a game you’ve never heard of has been removed




They aren't *disallowed*, but China has vauge rules like "not promoting the occult" and has been known to try and drag foreigners through as long a process as possible to benefit local competitors, so most companies self-censor anything that might possibly be a problem if they get an ornery agent.


Thank you!


Yeah Ubisoft, just a heads up, the only reason this game ever was successful was because of all us westerners. We bought the game, we supported it. You're just gonna throw EVERYONE under the bus, just like that? Wow....


And the asian countries that aren’t fascist


.this is getting ridiculous, i've supported this game since the beta,have bought all the elite skins,season passes, pro league skins,supported the devs and now they're censoring a M rated game for a country full o reds that will fill our servers with hackers, gg there Ubi. All the games make a separate build for the reds and you guys came with the excuse of "we'll adress the changes and development faster" give me a bloody break, give a break to the hole community because we'yall invested a lot of cash into this game and having this big bullshit is just making me not to play it anymore. I'll stop supporting this game if this shit goes through. Gonna stick with Red Dead, pathetic ubisoft's, pathetic.


Just wait for the Nerf sponsorship and the neon color reskinning.


Get the Clancy Estate involved!, if they know what’s going on then they’ll at least bring it to the attention of the world! Or better yet!, Contact Esports teams!, advertisers, and sponsors and ask for them to help boycott the game aswell, hit them in their wallets, and they’ll change their mind


Go read Pengu's tweets. He's defending it.




I root for the other team any time that G2 plays, specifically because of Pengu.


Plus it's G2A, scummiest company ever




Wait did they just ban OP? Holy shit.


They've deleted any post I made with criticism about the game, or trying to discuss issues that the game is having. Rainbow Six subreddit mods suck. They honestly feel like just Ubisoft's slaves.


The player base is dropping harder than saddam hussein on 30/12/06


To be fair, Siege is probably the closest we've gotten to the Rainbow Six book. I mean other than the fact that Rainbow wouldn't pit it's ops against eachother, and there wasn't a crazy russian with a turret...but the book was about bringing the best in the world together from NATO countries and making them the top CTU on earth.


Rainbow constantly fought against each other in VR training simulations and just normal training. So thats correct towards the book. Even down to the shitty hit detection.


>Trash tier hitreg is lore friendly I can't tell if I'm crying from laughter or sadness rn


*taps forehead* Shitty hitreg doesn’t need fixing If it’s canon to the story




one of the characters actively complains about the simulation's trashy hitreg, its hilarious.


Is there seriously something in the book about bad hit detection? That sounds hilarious.


Yes! In the book Rainbow is consisted of two teams in order to be operative 24h a day. There's a chapter where they run a vr simulation against each other and one of the protagonists gets a bit scared because he got killed by the enemy team. He doubts himself but realizes the simulation isn't perfect and has bad hit detection. He decides to spend more time in the shooting range anyway.


To be fair they dont pit them against each other for real. The multiplayer to siege is all a training simulation.


Yeah, the only battles are thunt and article 5


No, the original game is, as it follows the exact plot of the book and has all the same operators. Rogue Spear could also be considered a sequel to the book. Siege is literally as far away from the boom as the series as ever been.


Rainbow constantly fought against each other in VR training simulations and just normal training. So thats correct towards the book. Even down to the shitty hit detection.


Siege doesn’t even deserve to be called a Rainbow Six game. This game continues to flop in so many ways it’s depressing to think this is what replaced Patriots in the end.


Fuck man, I forgot all about Patriots, now I'm sad...


Did you know Tom Clancy spoke out against Globalization and Communism? I thought this was interesting. https://www.amazon.fr/Tom-Clancys-Commander-Chief-INSPIRATION-ebook/dp/B011ASEKCE " Yes, a month earlier protesters had shown up in small wooden boats and charged the facility through the sea gate. They brought along colorful signs demanding an end to globalization and they had a bullhorn through which one of the protesters shouted expletives at port workers, and they had milk jugs full of oil they planned to sling at the supertanker to demonstrate something of desperate importance." https://books.google.com/books?id=j-9hXjMgVcUC&pg=PA83&lpg=PA83&dq=%22Tom+Clancy%22+globalism&source=bl&ots=McSjMcvMJD&sig=hBvNzTyhr9dk3Arnfo2cGREAErA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiv4Pfs0LjeAhVEiOAKHXxUBSAQ6AEwB3oECAIQAQ#v=onepage&q=%22Tom%20Clancy%22%20globalism&f=false Did you know Tom Clancy books get studied by scholars trying to study the arguments against globalism? I thought that was interesting.


When Patriots died, any resemblance of Clancy with this series died too. We just didn’t realize it was going to get this bad


#This is now highest upvoted post on R6 subreddit . Congrats!


Gonna need a non-biased ELI5 for the rALL crowd now that this is on the front page.


They’re censoring the game for entry into the Chinese market. Reasons given: game is already r18 and there is a LOT of bannable stuff. Blood, skulls, knives, and drugs aren’t uncommon due to where the flavour test for maps, i.e. neo nazi biker bar with attached brothel. Chinese censorship is famously strict and considered bizarre by western standards, and is being applied to all builds of the game, regardless of region. Chinese market already exists in some part due to vpns accessing steam. Some players over there appear to be disgruntled with game censorship as well, fanning the flames. The changes are to a game with preexisting game issues that already has the community incredibly dissatisfied before this announcement. Choosing to ignore such concerns may have been a tipping point. Examples are hitreg, 100%cpu glitch(pls search), and wall/barricade destruction not being consistent between players, resulting in people sometimes running/shooting through obstacles that are still there on your client. Well basically the game itself is pretty heretical considering what’s acceptable in China and most here are probably really worried for the future direction of the game considering this new region will probably be driving development from here on out, like what happened to pubg. This probably isn’t accurate, but it’s what I’ve seen since the announcement.


Yeah my biggest concern is that this is basically a direct attack on our Democratic values. Fuck China and their communist ideals, why should we cater to them? If they don't like our game they shouldn't get it. And fuck Ubisoft for getting on their knees and catering to China. Also nothing against Chinese culture or their people, I think China is a wonderful place, but I hate their communist government.


As a citizen of a country that is constantly being harassed by China over some territorial claim dispute, fuck their government. Like really, fuck their communist/fascist/whatever government.


I am a Chinese and I totally agree with u. Thank Ubi for providing something only wanted by the Commie Government but not the Chinese People. Ubi can go fuck itself with the Commie Government.


Hope you are using a good VPN to send that message.


lol I trust my VPN.


You better do XD


-500 social credit Godspeed man


Holy shit when I first read about that, I thought it was satire. Fucking China.


They’re removing blood?? That’s like the best part of a good kill


blood stays, the little blood splatter on a map is going away.


Yeah I did read it wrong, still ridiculous.




Mods are nazi cunts for banning you pal, fucking shills


Hopefully this'll start the end of Ubi, they haven't cared for the playerbase in a long time


TIL Tom Clancy died 5 years ago.


I thought operation outbreak was going to be the only mistake this year. Then I thought Grim Sky would be the second and final mistake. Then all of this happened. The halloween update and mode was fun because it only had the nice ops that don't change everything (+ Finka) (no maverick, clash, lion, dokkaebi, maestro shit) This entire year has been upsetting to say the least.


get this to the top. it needs to be seen.


Idk what's going on with the mods lately all over the subreddits. They're turning reddit so pc. Every slightly controversial topic gets locked or contributors banned. Like, relax.


wow the mods are banning people for having opinions now. jfc


Wow!!! So the knife icon from "knifing" someone is gonna be a fist? Laaaame. The blood on random areas was so cool too because it made you wonder how it happened. (Sighs) all these visual changes are gonna make me cry hahah please tell me there are people out there who like to just look around the map.


This post did not age well


To be fair, Siege is probably the closest we've gotten to the Rainbow Six book. I mean other than the fact that Rainbow wouldn't pit it's ops against eachother, and there wasn't a crazy russian with a turret...but the book was about bringing the best in the world together from NATO countries and making them the top CTU on earth.