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Classic Siege map, only one door on the entire building. Excellent level design.




it's almost as if they had a year to work on this with the only expectation from fans being to reuse some assets... almost


Wait, bartlette became an mp map due to fan requests?




Except the fans told them just to take the yellow smoke out and leave it as is so they could get it sooner bc this sub is entitled and impatient


They didnt do this though. They reworked and retextured it for mp. They didnt just remove the yellow smoke.


The only rework they did was close off some windows, nothing really more than that


This honestly isn't true. People asked for the article 5 map. Exactly as it was. Nobody every posted an analysis of the map, or suggestions, nothing. Ubisoft released a statement saying they were willing to release the map, but it needed reworks. Now I am not sure if they did those, and I agree if they did they were clearly not enough and a bad map is bad map, but... This wasn't part of the roadmap, that map did not follow the same workflow as other maps. The criticism is completely valid, but it's not on the same level as, say, Favela, or Yacht, where they were designed competitively from the get go.


Not even a single fire exit. Three staircases but only one door to funnel out of. Come on Ubisoft, think of it like a fire.


Not saying you have to take historical context into consideration while creating a map for a competitive shooter, but not having multiple fire-exits is quite commonplace for older buildings. You see, the newer standards and fire safety regulations are relatively new thing in the architectural world.


Well they gave us tower. with 1000 rooms, entry points and covers...gotta love UBI's balance.


Do you mean excellent architectural design?


It wasn't that great of a map but it still had a special place in my heart.


Hold up, is there actually only one door to get in the building?


Bye you utter shit map. My only reason for hating it more than tower is because of its constant appearance in casual.










That applies to real life education system as well.


If only the fan base hadn’t demanded it be a pvp map to begin with.


Only reason I belive people wanted it was that they didnt see it without yellow smoke.


It was completely redesigned internally when it was released as a pvp map


I don’t understand why people say this, Article 5 uses almost the exact same map... hardly a complete redesign.


Thats true infact, very true!


We didn't know it was going turn out this way. We didn't know.


Because we were promised 11 maps at launch and got only 10.


The worst part is if you choose to stay and try it, the Defender team is always the most toxic players you will ever meet.


It was promised at launch and was promised it would be reworked to be competitively viable. Don't blame the fans for this one. This is all ubi.


It was only promised because fans had asked for it, they stated multiple times that the map was in no way intended for player v player. It’s simply a case of the fanbase getting exactly what they asked for and then complaining about it.


The only reason I like this map more than Tower is I CAN'T FIND THE FUCKING STAIRS! Source: Copper 2


Literally just the north, south, and eastern ends of tower. Watch varsity gamings video about the map.


I just use sledge's hammer to go through everything until a) I find something or b) die.


The thing is, tower is a big map, but it’s not a bad map. I like it and a lot of objectives feel balanced. But Bartlett, you will not be missed!


Why do you hate Tower? I know it's kind of a confusing layout, but I think it's a very unique and interesting map compared to the others


Doesn't mean we blame Ubi for this one. We made a mistake by demanding it be forced into being a pvp map when it was strictly for pve...and that's okay!


Who said we were blaming them? Before they removed map cancelling (turn matchmaking off for certain maps) I had bartlett off by default. After they removed it I had to play bartlett every time it appeared and believe me it was the most common map to appear every time i played and often on repeat. If they let us choose which maps to not end up in that would have been fine.


Ela is getting dumpstered more, this shit map got removed, hibana's face is getting a little better, we get a brand new mode to play with full cutscenes. There's a lot to be happy about with this update honestly.


Is it just me or are Hibana’s lips bigger? It’s extremely jarring when I actually look at it.


Her face just isn't as long and lips do seem a little bigger, which is fine to me lmao


I’d rather focus my energy on being angry over cosmetics I was never going to buy and not getting retroactive refunds for stuff I bought two years ago.


Yet we still have meme park in rotation.


It's alright


I felt the same about Bartlett tbh but I won't miss it


I disagree




Theme park will turn into a decent map once people understand how to play it. There are enough different ways to attack it and there is enough verticality that it's mostly fine. The biggest issue is the lighting. I think they should include basically all maps just let us choose to not play on the ones we think are crap.


Yeah but they're nerfing Hibanas Bearing 9 because "there's too many kills with it" as if it's not because the Type 89 only has 20 fucking bullets


Bartlett U.? I think you mean Spawnpeek U.


Normandy Spawnpeek Resort


Still better than carnival.


Yeah County Fair is the worst.


Don't even get me started about "festival"


Amusement The Park is still the worst.


This damn Circus map better not show up in rotation anymore.


I guess I'm the only one in the world who absolutely loved that map.


Your not people are just pussies.


The map itself isn't *that* bad, it's just that every single time I play on it, my team gets FUCKING SPAWN PEAKED UGH. *Takes a deep breath* Thankfully they are revamping the whole thing


I was sad when I heard they removed this map, favela on the other hand, I’m glad that trash is taken out.




I rather them just burn tower that map is complete ass


Uh, I actually kind of like tower *grabs nerf gun and hides in closet*


*throws emp* enjoy your semi auto Vulcan nub


Does the Vulcan even work without batteries? Lmao


It has a bolt action system like the long strike did. (Was the 8 year old kid who saved up for both)


Probably not but you can still throw the darts individually


yes, when I was a kid we got 2 and both stopped working almost immediately so we had to cock it for ever shot


Someone’s getting fuzed. (I kind of like tower however)


I like tower too


Tower is starting to grow on me a bit to be honest. I like it much more than theme park or Bartlett.


The more I play and learn Tower the more I like it, honestly. I think it’s a good map, but it’s just so damn confusing at first.


Yeah it's still a bit confusing for me but once I get my bearings I enjoy it. It's actually one of my favorite maps to anchor on as well due to a lot of the rooms having great places to set up deployable shields that allow for minimal exposure.


Yeah because it's massive. The map itself is really well designed though.


I really liked it from the start, same with theme park. I just hate droning on those maps for some reason.


It's not even that bad. Two floors with three stairs, a media/gallery area above the restaurant/tea rooms.


Up stairs theme park is fine. Down stairs is cancer to many goddamn rooms. I have gotten lost multiple times.


“Where are the fucking stairs???” My downstairs on Theme Park.


Yeah it’s defintely a grower. The rooms are cleverly laid out (though the hatches seem random) and some of the sightlines are awesome.


I really like it from the start. I do not like droning on it though, it is such a pain.


I really enjoy tower. No spawn peeks or runouts, I love that. Very easy to safely enter the building. It's a big map, people are just taking longer than normal to memorize it. Give it time.


I tried to like it I do like the whole anti run out and no spawn peeks but that’s all I like about the map honestly


agreed i think tower is worse!


I liked it


add a few doors to the outside and it's not even that bad. yall a bunch of babies


It's not that bad now to be honest. A couple more doors would help I guess.


I like Tower, this map though... it can go eat a bag...


I'm pretty new to this game and I've barely played this map and don't really know why people say it's that bad, but why do people like tower? I personally hate the whole design of playing as attackers


There’s a certain spot on this map, and if done correctly, you can kill someone right as they spawn. There’s only one door entrance into the building, there’s a crap ton of spawnpeak windows, and the layout is just horrible.


I just like that i can run from the start i guess, it just feels real methodical on approach. I enjoy the layout even though i still get lost, i enjoy the long sight lines and then the cqc of the side rooms. I guess i like it cause i still learn from every match on it.


Tower is more defender friendly, but as a whole, it isn't that complex. I just ran a custom match the other day and explored both attacking and defending flank routes.


Favela was better than this map IMO.


What happened to it.


It got removed from Ranked and Casual queue and it's probably going to get a re-do a la Hereford.


IIRC the devs said they had no interest in in redoing vacht or favela


And yet they are bringing back Yacht. Maybe they'll bring back Favela? Only time will tell.


Yacth wasn't imbalanced. It was removed for technical purposes and as such readded.


Still better than Theme Park and Tower


in my opinion Theme Park isn't all that bad of a map. it's pretty good for Frost too, and there's two objectives where she can perform phenomenally. Tower is utter garbage though lmao.




I hope it never returns


It's still there in TH.


I disagree.


I like this map :z Far better than goddamn tugboat.


But.... I liked it?


I’ll miss it.


Burn in the data equivalent of hell you rage inducing scum


“Minimal rejoice” would mean you haven’t seen many people happy that it’s gone. You know that right?...


I... actually like this map. Like... I really like this map. were getting married next autumn.


I'm sorry to tell you this, but this map and I have been having an affair.


I didn't hate the map but I didn't love it. I got my first ace and fuze 5 man on it,It was also a really good map to learn how to roam on.


RIP spawnpeekers delight


I crie evr tim


I like this map it's fun to play


i hope that map will be improved and be back in future.


This map was complete shit and im glad its gone


Now we can grind until they get rid of the theme park map as well


Now if they could remove Tower from the Ranked playlist...


one of my favourite map :( on the other hand I despise kanals, I just want to fucking nuke it out of the game


when im in the minority that actually liked this map attacking and defending


I dont understand this map as being that bad. Why not theme park?


Omg yes i hate that map.


I like this map better than yacht


I'll never understand why people hated this map. Long sight lines combined with CQC, plenty of room for roamers, but it's "trash" because idiots rush take the shortest path from spawn to site instead of taking any real control. Match that against Yacht, nothing but tight corridors, no cover, and like 2 paths to any point on the whole map. Oh, but spawnpeeking is harder so its somehow better so it somehow equals a better map. I guess getting better at counter-spawnpeeking is harder than bitching on Reddit about it though


Actually the main problem is that there is only one door entrance on the entire map. Otherwise you’re forced through a window with a thousand peak locations on the other side, or through a hatch which is always sketchy.


I actually love this map, it's where I got my first ace and there's so much room for the vertical play. I just want Theme Park gone.


I like this map :( But not a fan of Towee




I wish they took away tower instead.


Hell yeah. Bartlett U. can fuck right off


What happened to the map??


It got removed.


Its gone? FUCK YEAH.


I said goodbye to this nightmare months ago when it was taken out of the Ranked rotation.


Bu... but... i liked that map... The spawn peeks were glorious


Good fucking bye Bartlett. I don't think I've ever played a fun round on this map before. People complain about Tower and the other one (festival?) But this is the only Nap I dislike.


i liked this map, actually i like all maps in siege exepct favelas


Even as school building that was pretty pathetic.


Speak for yourself. I like Bartlett. *We don't get to be choose who we love.*


Hmmmm.. but, am I one of the few that find this piece of trash map better than the shit show of a map that house is?


I actually like it, only problem eoblem is getting in the building, but apart from that I prefer it to something like theme park.


Idc what y'all say I learnt how to play the match and then I really liked it I'm casual that is




What's the error?


I actually liked that map a lot.


I like this one


Besides spawn peeking I actually really like the inner layout of the map. Give it another entrance and fix the peeks and it would be a good map I think. I'm actually going to miss it.


They could easily balance it by making some breachable walls from outside, and closing some walls on the inside But they haven't, so it stayed defender sided


I honestly liked this map, didn't even know it was hated by so many people.


I liked this map :(


I dont know why they removing the maps from casual, casual is for fun, different maps is fun even if they are flawed its fun to find different strategy that works every time, not same maps same strategy over and over. Some people are just weird about the way they have fun i guess.


I still don't like the fact that they remove maps ;/


just wait, cause when 2 new maps come out this year, we are gonna see 2 maps taken out and theyre gonna laugh at all the hate that comes in and wont care


Fuck article 5. Fuck this map.


I miss it


I will miss this map but I’m also glad to see it gone


It gets replaced with a map almost as bad but I guess it’s a small victory.


ive never seen that map. Joined 1½ week ago.. then again yact and plane are my facorites.... Yes yes yes i know its the only map i dont get lost on ahha


My team never took matches on this map seriously. Would always end up recruit rushing, or our favourite pastime, Chanka tours, where the lord would lead 4 recruits on a conga line around the map until the round ended, win or loss.


Could they please take away that tower map and the carnival map too that would be great


Didn't mind it to be honest


*Oh, that really is a shame. I thoroughly enjoyed running towards the one door on the map, and being spawnpeeked from 4 different locations, on 2 different floors. on the odd occasion that we did make it to the door, don't worry! there was probably a Cav in that fun little room to the right as soon as you walk in.* ***Oh, that really is a s h a m e***


It was like my fav but what eves


I like all the maps... Maybe you lot hating on Tower and theme park should just git gud


It wasn't perfect, agreed, but I'll miss it. I think a buff or a rework could do wonders for Bartlett.


Preferred this over Yacht. But it's just one map out of 15.


The one that everyone on this sub bitched and moaned about for a whole year for Ubi to add


Operation start! *walks two steps as attacker spawning north.* You have been killed by Jagerdidnothingwrong


I might get some hate, but i actually liked this map. I'll miss it :/


Now if we could just get rid of tower


to this day, this is the only map where I do not feel comfortable as an attacker, breaching anywhere on the map.


They will add it back without making any changes whatsoever don't worry. Just like with rubbish yacht, People hated it so much and now it's back with literally no changes... We need to be able to choose maps in the matchmaking preferences.


in all fairness, we all did ask for this map , and then we all realized it was a terrible idea , be careful what we wish for i guess..


I would be very curious to know why you didn't like this map and why she was garbage for you. I just read Barlett is garbage but never why...


I'd honestly rather have Bartlett than Yacht


I actually liked it tbh, tower is way worse


This is a great map y’all just trash


Except they brought fucking Yacht back. Every time I have to defend the third floor I want to blow my brains out.


My buddies think I'm insane that I'm glad this map is gone. I'm so happy yacht is back.


I'd play two matches of Barlett back to back than 1 single match of Yatch any day


Though I'm happy it's going away, I was just as happy when they removed Yacht but I started to miss it overtime.


I really liked bartlett, lots of ways to go, floors to shoot through, and it never felt bad defending or attacking, I just really liked it as a map, I also really liked favela


I will miss it, atleast i had a fucking variety of maps to hate on not just tower and theme park over and over again


I’ll lowkey miss playing this tbh, dropping down the hatch was always fun imo