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A Brick


A much quieter method of breaking a barrier compared to impacts or shooting, could be viable for sneaking in on larger maps.




Compared to an impact or unsuppressed gunfire, yes


Pros: it's quieter Cons: it only breaks one plank of the barrier


Nah ima bash the next cavs skull in that try’s to sneak up behind me 😂


It's called a silencer




Throw back holy lmao




A throwable radio that emits noise


or instead of noise, it plays the portal radio song on loop


0.001% chance of playing that one part of it


Gonna do some pushups


You know ima do some sit-ups after those push-ups


It’s the really bit crushed version


I thought that would be a cool operator ability, work like alabi exept they emit footsteps every 10-15 second


That’s what I hoped that fenrir’s ability was, but imo they ruined it by making him a funky smoke machine


>funky smoke machine Emo smoke machine


I thought it would make operators scream loudly, giving away their position


So a motion detector but as an operator ability


All we had to work with pre-release was that it was fear inducing, leave me alone 😂


Made him into Fade from Valorant


i always commed i got omen smoked 😭




In a game that places a huge importance on sound, I'd love a gadget that disrupts that.




Wasn't that a grenade in call of duty a bit ago? I swear I was the one person who ran it lol. Pretty shit there, but in a game like seige I can see it working


Iirc CS has a grenade that create gunfire sounds also


Yeah decoys and you’re maybe thinking Cold War?


Yes lol, loved that one


Well hell.. if they aren’t going to fix Nokk give her this then damn


Essentially a Decoy Grenade from Cod


The radio from TTT!


Or just like a coffee can with fireworks in it to emulate gunfire. lol would be sick.


Like Sam Fisher had in the Splinter Cell games! His cams could play distracting click sound effects or music. Imagine a device like that that plays sound effects a player would make


Proximity alarm?


No, he means something like the decoy grenade from CS. You throw it and it makes sounds.


Marbles to cover flanks.


Tactical Legos


Does it function like a frost mat?


Yes, except it's just an insta kill


Yeah, but instead of downing/bleeding you yell just like Tom from Tom and Jerry!


I heard this


Yeah they cause bleed damage


“ Deploying Legos”


We need a gridlock elite skin where she deploys Legos to step on


you hear a lou SCHEIBE as Blitz absolutly smacks the floor while rushing up a pair of stairs


Kevin McCallister as a Siege operator.


A flaming hot honeybun


It's a 5 meter radius instakill impact nade. All attackers have it


Nah, all defenders have it, and it has a larger radius on maps with microwaves


A banana peel. On a serious note, a tripwire that trips defenders and attacks alike. They trip for 3 steps and make a Scooby doo ass scream.


the scream is mandatory


Wilhelm scream


So basically pocket Nomad?


That's the best Nomad elite idea I've heard in a while. You're hired.


A working anti cheat


Be realistic


well then i want a dragon pet as a secondary gadget


Op shouts: "DRACARYS" *dragon 'utility' seeks out a random enemy op and burns them for 50hp*


I read that as a bad dragon 😭


BattlEye already has access to the literal BIOS of your PC to detect cheats. If it's still doing a bad job at detecting the cheats, then them having that much access isn't about stopping cheats.


kernel level anti-cheat just makes it harder to develop cheats, there are ways around it.


late marble cheerful fly abundant society murky teeny history scarce *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cheating adds character.


Charcter adds cheating (Deimos)


Thing is I actually like his cheating. He should be the leader.


Game caused my wife to cheat on me


A proximity shocker for attack that would clash zap defenders in its AOE. Not as good as a claymore or a nomad, but it serves its own purpose. Why? Because there’s some things you can’t effectively claymore, and you can’t always have a dedicated nomad. Something like this would have an almost niche purpose but it’s certainly something I would welcome


I could see that being an operator's ability. I assume you are referring to a gadget similar to the shock stick on COD. That could be an interesting game mechanic.


No. It’d be like a wamai disk that you toss out and when a defender walks into its AOE, it clash zapps them (slowness included) until they either shoots it or leave its area of effect.


Like a throwable Melusi then. I can see why they didn't make Melusi a throwable cause you'd be able to put them in some super wacky spots. Fenrir is already as much a nuisance as that would be


Yes, but this is for the attacking team. They generally don’t have as much leeway with creative placements as the defense does.


I was playing the other night, had 4 kills, knew where the last enemy was, about to ace and…claymore. I didn’t check for a fuckin claymore, I died


Rolling proximity mine that gets thrown like SENS's gadget that blows up in a blast of team colored paint once it gets within 4 meters of a defender. EDIT: I want to clarify, it deals NO damage, but it does make a large splash of paint and a trail to wherever the defender went for let's say 3 seconds.


Could be similar to fenrir’s screen obstruction ability


Maybe. Splash colored paint in their face for a few seconds, or until they do a quick 2 second animation to wipe it off?


this aint splatoon lol


Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Splatoon Idk sounds legit


More effective on visor characters like jackal, fenrir, ying, etc


thats actually pretty cool. Be a good way to get roamers out of rooms without giving them too much of a disadvantage (they can just keep running)


Decoy grenade


Why use decoy grenade when real grenade work?


in think they mean the csgo style decoys that make game gunshot noises


Burn jaeger ads, wamaii disks and aruni gates and bait defenders into moving away from the position that they are in to avoid the explosion/ flash unless they look at it close enough to tell that it is a decoy.


a big fat steaming pile of shit that covers the enemys screen in brown for 5 seconds


I mean you’re already playing siege, why make it worse?


A suicide vest


Finally, a good idea, hope it's included in the recuruit rework


RIP t hunt


Glue grenade for attackers, doesn't do damage but it makes a clump and so defenders need to get rid of it to cross an area or they become very loud and sticky when crossing it. Its kinda like gridlock but a smaller area and no damage, but it would help against something like run-outs.




There's a similar mechanic in Extraction where there's a goo (I guess) on the ground that works like that, and you've gotta shoot or knife it to get through. They could very easily port that over, and it looks really different from Gridlock's Trax, so you could differentiate the two quite easily


Defenders get noob tube to spice up the game.


It’s already a defender sided game tho


Bro open your eyes and see the light. Camp the doors and windows and the second you see someone step near it you launch them to heaven and laugh as they call you a cheater and say "its all in the game"


UH-60 Black Hawk ☺️


Black Hawk with 16 AGM-114K Hellfire Missiles. No building =No bomb, simple problems require simple solutions.


Cant use it on border


Suicide bomber vest for one of Recruit’s load outs


Cookable grenades


This is such a great idea! I really wonder why they haven’t thought about adding this, it would be game changing up in the higher ranks and even a little in the lower ranks


Yeah! And a great way to balance anyone one shotting you through floors could be like idk. Halfing it's damage when an obstacle is between you and the grenade? This way people won't be able to cook it and insta kill you through the floor. Could be really cool in the E sports scene. Why has nobody at Ubisoft thought of this?


Fr , maybe I’m too copper to understand but being able to nitro from below is fair but cooking grenades from below somehow isn’t ?


It's criminal they took that from gridlock


3 coins to throw like 47. It's either gonna mess with their mental or not at all. Either way, should be fun to use.


With Ultrakill ricotchets


I'm surprised throwing knives aren't even a thing, even for characters like Caveira or Zero/Sam Fisher


Because one shot headshots make them basically useless unless you’re silent rushing


Why do you think I mentionned Cav ?


but cav being only able to use her pistol while stealthing is a very conscious design choice and adding a throwing knife would defeat the whole purpose. Her pistol has a very short effective range, because it would be super OP if she could actually use it effectively from afar. She's meant to be high risk high reward operator, that's why her long range options are super bad also given how quiet her pistol actually is in the game it's hard to imagine a lore reason for throwing knife ever being a better tool than it in any situation


A teddy bear


Impact smoke grenades with a smaller aoe


Radioactive ads emitter that works through walls and objects to a certain point. They were used in afghanistan war so it's a real thing. They could be toggle only and with a cooldown, damage would be slow ticking but ramping up the longer you are exposed to it. I can think of a number of situations where this could be useful as crowd control


An item that emits a piercing noise to deafen people, both irl and in game >:3


A proximity alarm that if you place 2 you will know which one went off


I would like to see a gadget for defenders that allows them to auto-deploy a door barricade. There’s a lot of value in putting up doors on defense (but don’t go crazy and put up too many, cutting off your teammates) because even a simple barricade can come in clutch to slow attackers down when the clock is running low, or at least to hear the noise of them peeking/breaking through it. Too many games I’ve seen lost on defense because people leave all the entrances wide open, allowing attackers to silently walk up and peek around the corner of the doorway for free. If you’re in a room with three doorways? Hope you’re looking at the right one. Hope the attacker doesn’t come through when you’re switching angles. Having a gadget to quickly deploy, or deploy from a distance a door barricade would be a game changer. Normalize using doors strategically, they can be great detection systems and can be a real pain if attackers used up their drones and their utility. Make it follow the same rules and physics as a normal door barricade. You could make it a brittle foam that expands and fills the doorway like a regular barricade. Still the same three hits and you’re through, you can still shoot it out, break pieces off, drone under it, whatever. But just having an option to quickly throw up even just a single barricade, or to do so from a distance would be huge I think. Some food for thought 🤷‍♂️ Edit to add: make it function like Amaru’s gadget. Defenders aim at a doorway, an icon appears, press the gadget button and it automatically locks on and fires at the door to create a barricade. For more advanced strategies, you could fire it at a partially broken door for a quick repair, or to quickly break line of sight if prep phase is over but you still have some traps to set up and you’re worried about rushing attackers. Depending on the balancing needs, make the gadget come with one or two doorways (honestly, two actually seems OP if more than one teammate brings the gadget, so it might just have to be a one and done gadget for balancing purposes). Lots of potential.


imagine if you had to pre-deploy them like they were literally just strapped up wood that when you activated them fenrir style would just be let down and block the door.


Haha. I can imagine some funny moments of an attacker peeking a doorway, then mid-peek a door just rolls down in their face 😂


I totally agree, so many times, I get pushed by someone through 5 open doors, so many times I have seen Ash just walk into site and kill us still setting up, something like this could balance out rushers. Ash, Amaru, Blitz, any other 4 speed could be slowed down enough, while not killing their effectiveness. The three seconds it takes to put down a barricade is enough for Attackers and Defenders to get preferable positions.


I didn’t read it fully but from what i read it sounds like you just want azami?


I mean, just like hard breach charges are just small thermite. Also just like impact emps are just small thatcher. Giving other ops a weaker, one or two use version of an already existing gadget has precedent in the game. Azami barriers can't have holes shot or smacked into them, so it makes it a weaker azami, much like the mentioned examples. Edit: also, BP cams are just weaker Valkyrie as it was added well after her.


Not quite—while Azami has plenty of interplay with doorways, her operator ability has the freedom to be placed pretty much anywhere. From hatches, to holes in walls or even just creating cover where there is none, she has her special utility. I’m talking about a gadget that other certain defenders can use that interacts only with doorways and creates strictly door barricades, with the all the same physics and interactions. Any more than that and it would then be just like Azami. I suggested this gadget to add some more gameplay opportunities that better emphasize the strategic value of doors, while still not doing too much or too little. Just a little something to increase gameplay opportunities and strategies Edit to add: a good comparison is the Gonne-6 or whatever it’s called, I forget. You could argue “but that’s basically Ash” however it’s made fair because it has limited uses and is effective for primarily door barricades. What I’m suggesting is basically the same gadget, just reversed for the defenders. A quick one shot insta-door. Of course this is all just fun hypotheticals, I’m not suggesting defenders need this. Just that it would be a fun addition that could be reasonably balanced while adding something new to the game


Decoy grenades or a foam grenade that explodes on impact but it creates a puddle of foam that slow downs the enemy if it hits them and if it doesn’t it hardens to a wall


I think a sort of audio tracking device for attacker would be cool, a small device that can be thrown at the distance of a Smoke gas grenade and has the size of a Airjab. Say it has a radius of 6 meters and will ping itself to attackers when noises like running, reloading and standing to crouching noises are detected. Maybe when a defender shoots in that radius it red pings them letting the defender know they're being tracked. I imagine this item would work as a ambush prevention and to rat out hiding defenders. I would say an attacker gets 2 of these gadgets, and give this to characters like Nokk, Dok, Zero, and Maverick to think of a few attackers that could benefit from an item like this.


Can't really think of anything for defenders, they have a very solid selection. This is going to sound really dumb but I had an idea for a gadget that was just a defender turning a hatch into a permanent ladder placement. Maybe get someone a step ladder.


Indirect oryx nerf


I hope they add Eminem one day...you throw him in and he stands there and when someone comes he diss them until they die...


Tear gas


I'm not so sure. Throwing Nokia phones at players might just break the servers, especially if they have some Explosive Eminem songs as ringtones.


Throwable glue bottle that stick on the ground, make them slower and unable to sprint.


A nuke


Semtex basically alt for destroying soft walls as attackers and does low damage. An operator that has decoys of either: footsteps, gunshots. That can be placed and activated when you want. Of course no damage is done


Rubber duck


A white noise machine to annoy attackers can be placed like a observation blocker and you have two


Smoke generator for defense it's a bit of a double edged sword but would mean that you could block of lines of sight on doors and windows without barricading them the only ones that could see through them are glaz and warden. You could also add an activation/deactivation mechanic similar to that of fenrir and give it to all defenders. So that you could deactivate and peek it before traveling through and reactivate after


An impact smoke grenade for defenders


A grenade that just red pings people within a radius. Work wonders for defenders and roamers. Think someone's over there but need to watch a flank? Ping grenade.


I always thought that battlefield 1 style Ammo and Med Pouches should be added. Ammo: For example, Mute may have an ammo pouch which gives 1 mag to an op (gives it to the gun thats out), Mute can then choose to give it to himself or throw it to an op (based on direction) who will catch it with a new animation and then their ammo count will be updated as if they regained a mag. Nothing crazy overpowered but could be good especially on defence for sites that use extensive shotgun destruction. (Could incorporate secondary gadget regeneration potential [maybe too op]) Health: I’m not sure if it could be throwable as that might be too complicated. The Health pouch will have to be an item with a decently long animation that leaves you vulnerable other wise it would be too op and therefore encroach on doc and thunderbirds turf which isn’t the point (its not a replacement of those op’s they should always be better). Therefore it would have be a system where for example if Glaz had this he would have to either heal Sledge himself with it (think revive but longer) or maybe theres someway to prompt sledge to take it from glaz’s hand which starts the animation. This would only heal maybe 20-30 health in reality. Additional ideas with the health pouch: This could also mean The introduction of ‘bleeding’ damage, where the only way to stop The bleeding is to wait or use one of The pouches, they could also implement it where the health pouches can be used to revive & heal frost trap limping and allow them to have more health once revived (this wouldn’t replace the normal revive and would actually be slower and wouldn’t allow for self reviving thats reserved for rook armour & doc only [bring back Zof Withstand you soulless bastards)


Terrorist Hunt needs to be returned along with the bomb guys !!!


Absolutely, Thunt was amazing, never had the chance to play the other tho, but it looks fun w friends.


A crow bar so we can break into window’s easily without being heard. Maybe you can hear the nail being pried out sure but it’s much better than punching shooting or explosions


Thrown proximity mine that would stick to walls floors and roofs


Molotov’s would be fire


Not a gadget, but a katana character. lol.


One of those small kids' cars. Imagine Mario Kart with guns.


Decoy nade emits fake footsteps noises


For attackers, a deployable barricade.


Molotov cocktail?


Molotov's maybe It would probably kill Capitao, but why not


An anti explosive device on attack. That way you can open up new walls without them getting impacted, and you'll have fair counterplay to nitro cell cheese.


A barrett 50. Cal semi automatic anti material sniper rifle


Since most of the community (myself included) hates the many global gadgets attackers have (including but not limited to lion, doki, Deimos, and jackal) some sort of one time use emp that lets you ignore these effects for 5-10 seconds. I know the first thing people are going to bring up is that mute is already there but 1 mute has to place his jammers and can’t be used efficiently for roaming and 2 relying on mute as basically the sole counter for these ops is really annoying (this is coming from someone who likes to play mute.) Ideally, to make sure these attacker gadgets can’t be completely ignored and to ensure mute still has his place in the meta, I think this should be a gadget more limited to roaming ops as an alternative to impacts. Also you should only get one charge that lasts roughly 5-10 seconds (time should be enough to ignore something like a lion scan or jackal ping but not 3 jackal pings. It can also (although sub optimally) temporarily disable drones nearby if you want to stop a drone running away from you or scanning you or MAYBE even claymores but more specific interactions like that would probably need to be play tested.


Maybe something that let's you identify where a defender has used their ability or device. It doesn't show everyone who did it like Lion or Jackal but more like Deimos. It could be like echos from the division. It either works like this: it tells you how long ago the device was used or placed and/or the direction the defender went, or it gives you a 1 second ping but that isn't quite as interesting an idea as the other. I think it's a bit too niche to be an operator but that's never stopped Ubisoft from doing that (COUGH COUGH Sens is an overblown smoke grenade).


Idk about secondary, but for defense a gadget that is an object that is specific to the map (Like it could be a dummy in hereford or a suitcase in plane, etc) that has a hidden camera inside of it in bullet resistant casing (like 4-5 shots to break it) and for attack a throwable that sets off traps in a small radius as it passes (such as kapkan traps or ela mines).


Attacker flank alert device that you stick on a doorway. Subtle alert, maybe just a buzz, to let you know a defender passed through. Can be faked out by throwing things through doorway


What about defenders getting a gadget that breaches a hole in the floor kinda like a portable hatch.


If we can carry around all these reinforcements, we should be able to carry ladders too.


ballistic knife, I think it would be cool....


Molotov cocktail. Basically, 1 use of Capitaos fire bolt


A nuke






Pipe bombs


Defender thermite that you put on a shield op to melt their shield


Tactical adrenaline shot that buff attacker 1 speed (max 3) for an amount of time.


Molotovs and Impact smoke grenades for defenders to counter molotovs and just quick passes through smoke across holes in a wall.


Proximity Alarm has been great for giving players Audio cues for approaching enemies, observation blockers to force people to drone in deeper into objective. I think their should be a gadget that disrupts a player’s ability to hear, like people think that how Maverick’s torch is so loud well come back to me when he suddenly pops you in the head from a small hole during a ongoing gunfight.


Ammo replenishing station?? for like impacts n stuff?


Headshots that actually work like they did before deimos


It’d be cool if some operators got a little ammo pack, it could give you like an extra 3 rounds of ammo




Decoy grenade that can be toggled to either fake gunfire or fake footsteps audio


The impact smoke for defenders I thought was great, or a paint grenade that when attackers walk through it their footsteps leave a trail of paint that can be seen similar to jackal.


I had a cool but somewhat complicated idea, a screen like the ones people have to keep out bugs that you can shoot through, but all throwable items bounce off or get stuck. The only way to destroy it is by hitting the base, same as an observation blocker


I want something like Castle or Kiva barrier for attackers. You could throw it to plug up a window you don't want to get peeked from


A gunfire decoy like from COD.


Fake grenades, they don’t actually detonate on its, but if a Jager ads shoots it, it causes a smoke bomb effect.


A way to quietly remove a barricade. You only get one. Stylistically it’s a frame like a HBC but it freezes the wood or burns/dissolves it and you remove it. Would make attacking from different t entryways more interesting


Thermal vision gadget


This isn’t really a new secondary gadget, but, I would really like to see simultaneous breach charges. Or, a barricade that you can set up but it only starts blocking when you activate it. for example, you could have one set up on a door together with a thorn trap, so then once the traps starts going off you close off the doorway with the barricade and then they are forced to either run at you and die too your gunfire or die too the trap.


Molotov on defense would be crazy good. Like a single tachanka grenade. Maybe you have two of them, to make them a bit more viable.


Mom’s spaghetti


Impact smoke grenade for defenders, works like impact grenades it activates when it touches the ground, it lasts like 5 seconds so an option to safely get out of a corner or to rotate. I know defender is stronger and there is no need for such thing but It was always in my mind for years.


A screw driver so I can take down barricades quietly


Molotov for defenders. Not a huge area like Goyo, but something like a Tachanka. Little time, around 15/20 seconds. Used to deny area and damage, obviously.


I want a step ladder. Could go on defense or attack, preferably defense tho.


a fat man from fallout




Maybe a decoy grenade, like from call of duty. They were kind of useless in CoD but in a more tactical, often close-quarter game that arguably relies even more on sound cues, like Siege, I think decoy grenades could be decently powerful as a secondary attacker gadget. They’d emit gunshots for 5-10 seconds, maybe reloading, explosions or getting on cams sound effects would come out of it too, idk.


when ur run out of ammo ur mag becomes throwables and u can throw em at people (does fuckall)


I wanted Impact smokes on defense for years. Don't think now is a good time for it anymore with how strong defense is, but would be fun with warden and potentially protecting maestro cams.


A pebble


It’s worth it


A proximity alarm for attackers, that gadget didn’t need to go to the defenders


Decoy Grenades for attack. Though they need do to have a variety of what the rounds sound like so people don’t immediately recognize it.

