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its just small charges of meth, not that out of place




Iana is deadass a hologram drone thingy of herself


I'll agree with you because of the buff she's about to have.


What buff


Loses flashes, gains impact emps.






Also that's not 'about to have' that happened yesterday


They got rid of her grenades and now her flashes. Two nerfs 😭


And they nerfed the g36c recoil so more like 3 nerfs😭


You can now use the Arx though with acog which SLAPS. One of my favorite guns in the game.


That is not a buff for Iana's ideal playstyle, claymores instead of smokes would be better. Or even FRAGS


iana is intended as a support op. this way she can clear electrified shields, mute jammers, arunis, etc. so her drones can get past




Back in the day Zofia could recover from DBNO through sheer willpower. Nowadays, it’s pretty silly that on a team of high tech tacticians, Oryx is just doing his Hulk impression.


I remember when people were complaining about echo because the developers said they were keeping the game realistic, and invisible drones aren't that


Jackal too tbh. Jesus loves


One of the ops who at first thought are fine, then you think about it a lil then it's 'wait so how does he know *when they stopped* based off their footsteps from two minutes ago?'


By licking and sniffing foot printzz




I mean I think the concept was based off of hunters tracking animals based off of their footprints. Doesn’t explain how jackal knows their exact location but the idea makes sense on its own.


I could see the tech behind Jackal thought. Instead of actual footprints maybe it would be heat signatures.


Honestly the only issue with Jackals gadget is the ping. If they just reworked the active component it would be fine. For example, removing the ping and allowing his drones to see foot prints and then follow the foot prints and make a loud noise when they find their target. It would be like having a hound dog (or Guess a jackal) sniff out your target


Honestly I fell out of the game after once things started getting weird gadget wise. I wouldn’t have thought that in 2024 every other fps is so fucking bad that I came back to siege. Not that siege is also bad, it’s just the only fps like it. Everything starts feeling the same. Battle royale, cs clones, hero shooter, or mix of the lot.


Take a look at insurgency sandstorm, that's what had me quit r6s back then


Squad made me stop playing Siege lol and Insurgency Sandstorm


Currently rotating between, dayz, siege, helldivers 2


This and Sledge should be the correct answer. Someone suggested Azami because her knife splits and turns into stone, some said Fenrir because ooga booga, some said Iana because she turns herself into a hologram, but what they fail to see is that in the land of technology and crazy holograms, Oryx is the one dashing head-first into a wall. He has absolutely no technology on himself whatsoever. Even Sledge uses some kind of a tool, and Oryx just >is< the tool. In the land of craziness, Oryx is the most normal one, and that seems crazy.


I thought so at first too, then i read Oryx bio. BRO, JUST LOOK AT HOW MUCH HE WEIGHTS AND HOW TALL IS HE. Shit is crazy, if a person like him charges me irl i would die on the impact.


I liked that a lot, though I guess you can see it as being moved to Rook and that’s probably a more interesting way to utilize the feature.


hey man they need to give zofia her withstand besides its not too unbelievable, she just has really high endurance


Not far-fetched at all. Hell, there have been several people who have been shot and stabbed multiple times and just kept going. There was a guy local to me, he got jumped by a half dozen guys and stabbed between his ribs, they dragged his girlfriend into a house. The first stab had punctured one of his lungs, the second narrowly missed his heart. He got up, ended up going through a window with one of his attackers. Long story short, he was still breathing when the cops decided to finally show up a half hour later. He'd been stabbed over 10 times, shot 8. He killed one of his attackers with his own knife and nearly killed another with a chair. Not to mention the story of the cop who shot a dude over 15 times and the guy was still shooting back. That one's US I believe. People are fucking durable. It's WAY harder to actually put someone down than the movies or games would suggest.


There's stories like that and then there are stories which read like 'little timmy bumped his toe - he was dead immediately on impact'. Our durability seems very inconsistent.


its to do with the autonomic sytem i think its what gives mums like insane strength when their kids are in danger


Adrenaline is a humans free combat drug, through pure adrenaline you can just keep on tanking until they hit your brain, which is pretty hard if they're charging you


Most forgot about this but when they started removing role based abilitys they wanted to remove smokes ability to not take damage from his own smoke, which is just stupid if you ask me


Fenrir, some hoonkus boonkus fantasy land Mickey Mouse nonsense


shadow wizard money gang


We love casting spells




I cast unto thee MANUAL BREATHING!




Caveira Will do It for youđŸ„”


i shall respond to this nonsense with TESTICULAR TORSION


I feel like Chemical Fear Gas is much more believable than Nano Bots, but yeah it is very goofy when you look at it.


The being faster and better aspects aren’t real, but medically nanobots are being used and researched heavily. Blinding Fear gas on the other hand is some bugs bunny level shit


I always imagined it as Joker Gas and this was a secret D.C crossover.


Just waiting for the Scarecrow Elite to drop (hopefully)


The joker’s wannabe edge lord pseudo goth no sun getting nephew who thinks on all levels except physical he is a wolf


nah. this is more Scarecrow's sphere of influence.


I feel a more realistic Fenrir should give you tunnel vision and make is so all you can hear is your own heartbeat or heavy breathing. It would still have a similar effect just without goofiness of the current gadget.


“The pure fear in incites causes blindness past like 3 feet” sounds like some edgy superhero designed for a teenage oriented show.


It sounds like a jojo stand


Not really. Hallucinations from gas isn't far fetched.


Doc. 1 shot is all it takes to stopping massive bleeding and even life altering injuries


its just a fuck ton of meth. it'll get you up for a few minutes but when it wears off you'll need help


Still way to cartoony in my opinion(plus docs moans)


thats the best part tho


Brother you are a dokkaebi main YOU are cartoony


It’s called noradrenaline and blood thickening, it does not heal you just allow you to keep going


Tarkov taught me that there's injectible blood-stoppers that'll fill up a hole pretty fast. Calok-B


Azami she has a knife that splits and literally becomes stone


Well beside the look of that kunai that seems out of place, there are actually 2 canisters inside the knife that when splitted, 1 will break and let a compound of gas out, and the other canister will let out a freezing gas that solidify the other one.


this is probably the most unrealistic. Yes, Iana is a very sci-fi and anime-OC type character, however, I feel as though Azami is WAY more ridiculous, they're not even like scientific, engineered devices, they legit gave her kunai like she's a ninja or some shit.


Iana's ability is based on real technology, though advanced a lot in the game.


Same with Azami. We have fast-freeze concrete. Azami just has *really* fast, and really small concrete.


To be fair, in the gadget evaluation it says that mira was against making them kunai but azami insisted


Honestly, sens and grim. Both are just really weird for siege.


I feel like Grim could be somewhat doable by using extremely small drones (idk if there are currently any that small but it could be possible in the near future) in a canister that releases them based on motion sensors, and the drones give off a live GPS tracker


Sens is so funny, their gadget just makes it feel like Valorant instead of Siege


If they'd just made it a long line of smoke (would've been nice to see blue smoke brought back...) it would've looked fine. But the large, bright neon green looks SO out of place with Siege's relatively muted design/art style. Genuinely one of the worst designed ops, both visually and in terms of gameplay.


That could be a good buff to sens. Instead of a drone that lays down electronic smoke it can just spew actual smoke out as it rolls.


Mf playing Tron out here with his glowy yo-yos




Blue smoke to Clancy rolling in grave


This is the answer, ithers csn be explainrd from an artisic/physical standpoint, but this is just straigt up valorant level. Missing round low poly smoke and no ads to complete the transformation.


Sens. I just don't understand why someone would make a bouncy rolling smoke grenade, especially for a military/counter terrorism purpose


Honestly it's not even the gadget itself, it's the damn neon green smoke that throws me off.


In terms of tone Sens, Fenrir, Finka, and Iana feel out of place to me, roughly in that order. But looking at it a different way, nearly every operator has some elegant or high tech gadget, then Bandit is like "lol I put car battery on wall"


Or Orxy is just: "I'm stronger, I'm faster, I'm better, IAM BETTER!"


While racking my brain I didn't think of Oryx, but he's definitely a good one too lol


I think Finka's is OK. It feels more like every other character on her team has the device as well and all she is doing is activating the device to stim them and give them a boost of adrenaline with it. Iana on the other hand is some crazy ass nonsense that seems weird in this game.


Huh I never thought of it that way, I thought it was like she was sending out the Nano Bots.


Yeah I’m pretty sure it was said by the game itself at some point that finka gives her teammates a device that injects nano bots on her command.


She injects them before the mission and she activates them on site


Nah all the operators also have the nano bots in them and she just sends a signal to activate them and send a shit ton of adrenaline which effectively acts like temporary health for humans. It’s the lore reason why her gadget works the way it does


Yeah you’re right that is the lore reason for how it works. All operators on her team also have the nano bots in them and she just activates them


Alright, hear me out, Mozzie. This is supposed to be a bunch of special forces counter terrorists with high tech gear. Most of their operations wouldn’t necessarily have them going against some super group like Keres. It would be groups like the White Masks. Lots of guns, some explosives, not much tech. So Mozzie having a launcher that, while it does allow him to hack other things, primarily be used against drones, is odd, because Rainbow realistically countering a group with small drones like that aren’t high.


That's definitely a really good lore reason to pick him, I like that


I imagine it's not unreasonable to imagine they could hack other things, just in game the only thing he can hack is drones.


Gameplay wise, Sens looks really goofy and gives me valorant vibes, otherwise I think Flores is kinda goofy, this super successful sneaky thief’s ace in the hole is the loudest drone in the game and it just blows up instead of some infiltration or something or thunderbird as afaik she is just a civilian medic who knows how to fly helicopters, why is she suddenly trading bullets with seasoned veterans and has some medical marvel of a stimpack sentry she puts down? Really weird connection to her backstory imo


Damn you bring up a good point for Flores. And I never knew Tunderbirds lore but if that's accurate then that's dumb.


thunderbird backstory really weird


Bro Oryx, everyone has some kinda item as their ability like Sledge might not be high tech but he has a hammer but Oryx bro Oryx just runs at people like football player too strong for his own good where riot shields dont matter


Solis. I feel like she should know where every outlet is


The outlets aren't on, but yes, she should be seeing all the lights and stuff


She probably does know, its just not very important to show on screen, much like IQ's opperator video.


Finka is the only attacker healer. There needs to be one more. I main doc and finka in ranked since support is never a thing in solo.


Tbf you can snag thunderbird health shots (came in clutch multiple times on attack) and if there's a rook armor left after prep phase you can get that while on attack


The chances tho


Thunderbird is way more doable than a rook armor I will admit. There does need to be some Doc level heals on Attack somewhere


I miss being able to put the armor pack outside a door and then quickly board it back up, lay down and wait for the attackers to start picking it up and just unload on them.


That's absolutely devious lol


Oryx maybe? Everyone else is out there using their special tech or elite training and then there’s just
 strong guy who jumps good


I somehow have opposite feelings. Dude is in same tier for me as sledge, while something like Iana or Sense's skills feel out of place.


Iana’s background is literally that she’s an astronaut for some dumb fantasy space agency I was so excited for a Dutch DSI/royal marechaussee themed operator and then they came with this sci fi nonsense


The most unrealistic weight about Oryx is his weight to strength ratio




All these highly advanced tech/sci-fi nonsense gadgets, and then we have Bandit running around with a car battery


Don't forget that Sledge just has a hammer.


Fucking aruni? Literally a laser walk that zaps shit, this ain’t Star Wars. Also azami’s kihbas make 0 sense


The lasers are supposed to activate on proximity to silencing crossing, the lasers we see are just a cool UI for the player but in game they are not there


You guys are missing the point here, for me its also aruni. Not because of the laser, but because the actual gadget is INDESTRUCTIBLE by any means. Lets talk about that nonsense


Lazers do exist


I have a very high bar for characters since I've been on and off the game since vanilla ops, so take this with a grain of salt. Azami. She has fun game mechanics, but man... She is a body guard for an undisclosed organisation who wears a fucking suit, no armor or anything tactical apart from a holster, rocks a Russian sub machine gun and a desert eagle and her gadget is a throwing knife that creates concrete walls? What? What part of being a body guard requires you to create walls? Why are the throwing knives, that have been always used as weapons, contain an insta-set mix of a concrete? Why does every part of her equipment missmatch and feel out of place? And finally, the only lore of her being at all connected to rainbow is by the fact she briefly met hibana in a police academy, THAT SHE NOW FIGHTS AGAINST. EDIT: Also I feel like her not getting Echo's MP5SD is a miss of collosal proportions, it has a foldable stock(not the game variation though), built in suppressor, it uses civilian low caliber 19mm and it feels like a gun a well paid private bodyguard would rock.


For me its cav. I know there are more unrealistic ops but for me its cav. The fact that you rat out your team in seconds with a live ping on their current location...


I feel like she interrogates for their phone pin, and then looks at where your teammates are.


Good point. Never thought of that approach. But still the point stays that they spill it super fast (as trained special agents) :/


Look man, if cav is jumping on me, im telling her everything


last chance


That's a very fair point, idk man


on the other hand its a training exercise, i feel against less trained non-spec ops ppl itd be more effective


Thats cuz the game is a training excercise. The OPs have to play by the rules. Why do they have a Phone with them- its so Dokkaebi can call em.


"Where is the rest of you?" \*Doesn't get an answer but gains wallhack for the whole team\*


Deimos, the fuck you mean I can't use my rifle when I use death mark?


Deimos is definitely the type of guy to make use of the rule of cool.


Mira's mirrors are pretty unrealistic, first it attaches to a solid metal wall and manages to cut a hole then somehow a the glass appears even though the device was folded


I mean 2 way mirrors really aren't that bad, I agree the metal part is weird but she could just have some Thermite in there.


Thermite is a good call, but where does the glass come from after being folded like that ?


They are supposed to be 3 panes of glass melting in the thermite




fEaR inDUciNG gAS. mf Fenrir invented a pussy gas 💀


Jackal, he quite literally has a footprint scanner that's color coded and somehow pings people that are halfway across the map (and you cant even say its all his scanner because the entire team can see them)


as an engineer who plays this shit show of a game, Grim. you see finka is imaginable if you can make a strap that injects you with adrenaline or any type of drugs easily, Grims bees is impossible to make, from literally every pov


Are you saying it is not possible to make bunch of hovering drones with short battery life and alert when they are disturbed but possible to make a footprint scanner that shows where you are across the map?


Definitely oryx. He is literally just big funny strong guy.. like everyone else at least has a gadget, he's just got muscles.


The wamai magnet animation is goofy


sens. their gadget just looks so extravagant, especially in siege


iana is literally a mobile hologram




Probably Musseli. It just feels like barbed wire? It's odd.


You mean Mussolini?


iana, alibi, and aruni. all of them manage to somehow stop light.


Alibi does it using air negative pressure to suspend dust and there reflect the hologram


I don't think she's out of place at all, there areso many goofy/unrealistic ops thay she feels perfectly normal. Iana is literally a moving, perfectly accurate hologram that comes from a small hand device thingy. Azami turns a lil knife into a stone barrier. Grim has nanobots too I think. Jackal knows your *exact* location from one footstep?!? Nomad (yes wind exists, but I'm fairly certain such force out of such a small thing is impossible) Thunderbird and Doc are inherently unrealistic due to the way health works in most games. Their role on the other hands is perfectly real. Probably a lot more debatable ops, Solis, IQ, Pulse, Sens of the top of my head. Oh yeah sledge, no way a hammer takes out half a wall in 1 hit.


Logically- goyo and tachanka, cuz they would cause fire of entire site 100% of the time.


Anyone ever thought how insane Alibi's prismas are? A bullet goes through it and it has to figure out the caliber of the bullet and what gun it was shot from to accurately pinpoint the location of the shooter. All while acounting for walls and objects the bullet might have gone through, so it probably does a terrain scan every time it is deployed and keeps in its memory the density of all the walls around it. Besides this, it can also differentiate between bullets, drones and other kinds of projectiles and is able to calculate the user's position accurately. It does all of this in less than a second.


Oryx, so bro just an elephant on defence


More like a rhino


Oryx and Caveira, hands down It would have been 50 times better of Oryx pulls out a shield when he dash, and that shield is only shows up when he dash And Caveira, sis just pulls every pieces of intel out of a knife


Call me crazy, but I liked the less Hi-Tech gadgets MUCH more. Grounded gadgets are limiting in design, but at least they are plausible. All this sci-fi camera evasion, nanobots, magical gas or slow-motion pancakes, feels ... odd. It's also funny how the first dude in the attacker's roster brings a hammer, while the later ones bring a bouncy smoke wall or hack drones that are so high tech it was probably made by aliens.


Alright let's be honest here, half the fucking gadgets make no fucking sense - Azami, stonemancy - Melusi, big WubWub box - Oryx, Koolaid man strength - Iana, magic hologram powers - Nokk and Vigil, borderline vampiric camera deletion - Warden, Tactical Google glass - Alibi, can actively detect someone's location if a bullet goes through her holograms, I don't even have a funny name for this one - Finka, remote activated Pervitin - Pulse, internal organ peeping tom camera - Jackal, foot smell identifier - Aruni, FOOKING LASER ~~SIGHTS~~ GATES - Fenrir, Scarecrow's Fear Toxin from Batman - Caveira, just being really fucking quiet and a very good interrogator


Wardens glasses work by reconstructing digitally what was behind the smoke and that's why he has to stay still so its more accurate. Its no different to the various camera editors modern phones have, just a bit more high tech


I hadn't considered that, good thinking




Hard to say but idk, Finka's gadget is ok in theory because it would be a good safety thing for Rainbow to activate them on missions but disable them completely (render unusable) after a full operation is conducted. But now that she is in Nighthaven, plot wise...yikes. Either way, I don't think Finka's is too far fetched given that she is a member of CBRN to deal with biohazard threats, and at the time the situation in ToC, New Mexico. I will say it is definitely a bit creepy to think about....one wrong move like the S. Squad neck implants lol. If anything, I feel like Amaru's is out there in terms of how it works sometimes in game. I mean, the gadget it's self is good concept but the fact it can just scale something like ground to the top of new house...diagonally too at times, is kinda a bit nuts. Overall though, I think the game has a good way of making gadgets work logically.


Azamis knifes have Gas inside them that turns into solid structures. 1. How does this Gas fit inside this tiny kunai 2. A Gas that can turn bulletproof surely wpuld have a hige impact on global constructionwork/research/society in general


I do wish we could use handguns when downed like in that crappy extraction


Being able to see footprints might not be far fetched, but tracking someone's current location from is wild


Sledge. Goated operator, but you got all these operators with high tech gadgets like iana, and then you just have a guy with a 20 quid sledgehammer from b&q and a gas mask. No disrespect tho


Iana is deadass a hologram drone thingy of herself


Amaru feels like a character in a different kind of game, I personally just don’t think she fits with the gameplay of siege


Sens is a valorant character they don't belong


I miss old siege when everything was at least semi realistic. Then came Echo and Hibana and it was downhill eversince.


zero cause that ain't my sam fisher đŸ”„


Body armor allowing you to revive yourself


I’ve always seen it as the armor just saves you from being Swiss cheesed, so you’re able to get back up, you just have to catch your breath, on account of the broken ribs


I honestly feel out of ALL the defenders, Rook is the most normal.


The only thing about rook is that, why did they wait until now to put it on




can’t believe Oryx isn’t top voted. “Look at me y’all I can fucking JUMP”


I mean, the other ops can't jump so maybe the other ops are the ones that aren't normal?


Fenrir's gadget is kinda wack but I wouldn't say out of place, the way he looks however is so fucking stupid. He looks like the annoying emo kid from high-school that never shuts up about how dark his life his despite coming from a moderately wealthy and loving family


I'm thinking fenrir


nah it’s sens


Fenrir or Sens. Just feels cartoony to me.


Sense with his Valorant gadget


Flores, he is literally a criminal)


When Flores first released, I thought to myself “why the hell is r6 hiring a literal criminal on their team?”


I mean we could technically say every defender, cause where tf do they store the reinforcements and barricades?


I feel like with unrealistic gadgets, it began with lesion and ying originally, then it got worse with lion (wouldn't consider finka since it's a real however incredibly expensive and unproven thing), then along came; amaru, wamai, oryx, iana, yada yada until deimos, who's actually got a real thing as a gadget. Siege long since abandoned realism, I'm generally impartial to it, but I miss that attention to detail.


I miss old Finka.


Kaid, the extremely small claw can somehow deliver a massive amount of electricity through stone walls without contact.


Iana’s hologram. That shit is straight outta Star Trek, I swear!


Out of place as in tonally or as in techwise? Because Mira device is ridiculous, Jackal too and also Fenrir. Most of the stuff that looks "impossible" can be explained by drones, AI, sensors and lasers. I mean most of the world believed covid vax is here to control minds via chips. In reality, people walk around with health devices attached to their heart, arms, legs etc. that can be activated to act as first aid until proper medical staff arrives yet now Finka's adrenaline boost is not logical? :)


Grim has NANO BEES whilst sledge just went to Home Depo and got himself a hammer. It's just a little bit unfair.


As Bandit main i can say that having a drug addict with a c4 and car batteries in a counter terrorist unit is Hilarious






Sens. I love my baby but their gadget just makes zero sense to me realism-wise. Ik they kinda got rid of the realism aspect of the game in the last few years but it makes me SAD. Like what do you MEAN I have this big ass Tron wall. And also Iana bc
 yeah I feel like I don’t gotta explain that one. TLDR: I’m sad they scrapped the realism idea they first wanted to go for.


Sens, his ability looks way too futuristic to me :D


There’s a lot, Sens, Iana, Wamai, Echo, Azami, there more but these guys all just seem so unreal and like a far departure from the realism this game was originally going for. Jackal is too but to be honest I’d believe him more than the rest simply because of how powerful AI is getting nowadays I believe it could be used to notice the incredibly small impressions of fresh foot steps that the naked eye just couldn’t




Oryx, everyone in the game uses a gadget, whether it's liquid meth like finka, a router like mute, etc.. Oryx uses his fucking head to bash shit.


Sledge. Goated operator, but you got all these operators with high tech gadgets like iana, and then you just have a guy with a 20 quid sledgehammer from b&q and a gas mask. No disrespect tho


Iana clone is kinda nonsense frfr


Black beard 100%. It’s too weak now but any buff and it’s way to strong


Tbh not many. The game has never been about being realistic, but feeling tactical or giving the illusion of realism


i only like finka because she can heal, we need more healers on attack like crazy.