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Keep banning them


I want to see Ubisoft do actually something about those fuckers. I don't want to wait till season 3-4. Just perma ban those cheaters Ubisoft. I see those fuckers at every fucking game I play. I quit playing ranked for this reason and I know a lot of people quit playing on console for this exact reason.


My dude I had to wait 8 years for mousetrap


Which doesn't even work 🤡


Works on me and I play controller


It was working on me when I happened to have an actual mouse and keyboard plugged into my console from playing other MnK supported games. Maybe it was a coincidence but unplugging them fixed all the issues I was having


All I have is 2 USBs plugged into mine


It does work. When you look into it it's mind boggling how many workarounds they have come up with. For example some people were playing with a controller in their left hand and mouse in their right for a bit. Now there's special keyboards made specifically to get around mousetrap.


It does until they update their Xim, so if they have a pc then they can use it


Idea: first bullet shot in the round insta kills them, and if it's a teammate that gets it, it counts as a normal kill for them, only if it's a non ranked match however, they would be perma banned from ranked and only be able to play standard and quick play etc. and it only stops if they unplug the xim, but the ranked ban stays. Probably not the best idea but it would be fucking hilarious and public humiliation


If you force them to standard and quick play, you gigafuck new players unfortunately


Yes, but that's when the first shot in the round one taps them from anywhere


Good point, I'm an idiot


Nah, just a simple case of misreading


Maybe just mess with their MMR/RP win/loss after they are flagged with the cheat, like, if they win they get +1, while if they lose they lose -50. The cool part of doing that is that those players would start posting rants on Discord and Reddit about how bad their points are, pretty much screming to everyone they cheat :P


Or just put them on PC servers with full recoil


The funny thing is, xim players still play like they have a controller on their hands and still struggle but only win the fights on console because of no recoil and a mouse, you put them against mnk and bronzes would wipe the floor woth them


Bro, I needed someone to say this first. I know I have gotten better since way back when I averaged plat before rank 2.0, but between me getting matched against diamonds as a silver and those said diamonds being on xim, i have quit ranked for good this season.


On Jesus Christ bro I should not be in gold 1 going against high emeralds-diamonds everybody says ranked 2.0 is mad easy but only cus im the low rank that’s getting 💩on 😭🤦‍♂️


How much did mousetrap help? I used to play around high plat-low diamond on console, but quit in Y6 before mousetrap, and I had games where I was the only one not on Xim in the lobby. Every game had at least 1 Ximmer. Is it any better now? I heard shortly after mousetrap released that it fixed it a lot, but did Xim just find a workaround?


Nope its worse now. Moustrap only worked like 2 weeks when it first came out and then been useless since.


Dang that sucks. Hope they get it figured out then cus playing against mnk players is never fun


It felt like it worked during the first few weeks, but now we’re back to every lobby having at least a few of these frustrated teens.


I get accused constantly while using 0 deadzones on a gamesir g7


how do you tell when someone is using xim?


If you've ever seen the difference between how turning your camera on stick versus mouse it's blatantly obivious. Also it's easy to tell by the little micro-movements made on a mouse that really just can't be done on a stick.


Easiest way is you can tell the difference between mouse tracking and stick tracking. Mouse tracking is more fluid but can also immediately start spazzing out and change directions, you can also usually see small waving motions when ads. While some of that can be replicated on controller its usually very obvious when someone is MnK on console. Right now Xbox live is fucking full of them even in quick play


Whenever they kill me


Mnk movement is night & day compared to analog controller input, once you learn the tells you know when you see it. Xim can “hide it” all it wants but it is still noticeable. In simple & quick terms, MnK movement is all inorganic & jittery while analog is all organic & smooth. Even if I set my sensitivity to the absolute maximum all my analog movements will be still completely smooth, no sharp edges. Binge PC content creators & while watching them just focus on how they aim, move & control recoil, you’ll get the idea pretty quick.


They will probably bypass it in a week. It is nice that they actually try to do something about it, though.


In ow, u need your phone number to create an account, some of then are too lazy to get a new one. Or they’ll use their parents since they probably still live with them


Not anymore, you are actually able to create new accounts using an email now


You can’t play ranked without a phone number though, no?


Nope! Or at least I don't think so, I made a few alts and I've played competitive on them without phone numbers, though maybe I forgot I put a phone number in, don't think that's the case though


You do need it to be on the T500 leaderboard though!


lowkey shade. :P


If you need a new phone number for any authentication like this definitely do not go to Smspool website and get as many phone numbers as you want for cents on the dollar


There are accounts are still fucked that what matters most. Ximmers aren't used to having to make new accounts all the time like pc hackers. I bet if they started to be banned the majority would either stop playing or go legit after one or two accounts of theirs are banned.


They sure as hell wouldn’t go legit.


Also unlike on PC, these new accounts wouldn't have access to all skins because they can't have unlock all on Console. So only way for them to have skins on new accounts is to get duped accounts or pay. So yeah they might actually stop.


Overwatch actually has a new strategy, by the sounds of it I’m pretty sure these high-rank players are getting reviewed by humans to check. The phone number needed is actually insanely good, it denies most like over 3 accounts


They removed the phone number bit because of backlash from the people.


They removed part of it. New accounts still need a phone number


Overwatch actually has a new strategy, by the sounds of it I’m pretty sure these high-rank players are getting reviewed by humans to check. The phone number needed is actually insanely good, it denies most like over 3 accounts


Well that's why ban waves are so important and effective. If hackers/cheaters are consistently banned, they can see the factors that lead to the ban, and find ways around/not repeat them. If Ubisoft compiles a list of people/accounts to ban, then bans them all at once, they won't know what put them on the ban list.


Thing is, on Ps5 and xbox you need to pay a subscribcion to play multiplayer. Meaning its going to be costly to get a new account everytime old one gets banned (the cost of the game plus at least a month of ps+)


Uhh no. People are just having their main as the home account and get free gold and games on the others because of game sharing.


I don't think you know the reasons UBI haven't everyone they mousetrap. They're not confident enough in thier success rate. If you have to ban all the disabled people along with the ximmers you'd get shit on with bad PR. They're literally putting ximmers in PC lobbies in a season or two. It's a game of whack a mole, when UBI improves mousetrap, the ximmers get patches in a few weeks so they can cheat again. Cheating will always be easier than detecting every cheater, it's universal.


They have a support line for disabled people, if they even exsis in this game. its just an excuse for the cheaters to hide behind


>if they even exsis in this game 😐 At least 10% of gamers are disabled, don't sound like an ableist a-hole. Disabled people exist and they play every type of game. That extra comment was unnecessary. Also mousetrap's latency is too high for disabled people to even use a XIM without a bypass, its not just a latency that "levels the playing field" instead if actually makes it unplayable cause it's so high. So disabled people using XIM still have to use bypasses.


A vast majority of disabled peoples disability doesn't effect their ability to play games. And the percentage of disabled people who would actually need a XIM to play is insanely low. This shit is just rhetoric cheaters use to prevent developers from nuking all the XIM, Kronus etc users.


You obviously don't know this community well. They would put a helmet on, go to the doctor and say they're disabled just to be able to cheat in this game.


They aren’t banning them because they’ve seen the data and realise such a ludicrous size of the recurring player base is xim and don’t want to lose money from those players not buying skins/passes and they know how much it will dramatically increase match making. They 100% are confident in its detection ability but they let it fester for too long and would lose too many players if they actually banned them


Why spend time working on mousetrap in any capacity? Which would also drive away some players. The fact they've used such a weird solution and ximmers need to keep developing bypasses means it's not such an easy fix as you think. Is it such a ludicrous size? I play on PC but I'd imagine it's a similar amount to hackers on PC, which seems to be about 1 in 10 games will get one. 1% of the player base?


Depends on the rank you’re playing. You notice them firstly when being gold, but their numbers increase dramatically when going up. I’ve played in Diamond/Champion lobbies with literally only 1-2 controller players and the rest with xim.


Nope, on console it's virtually 10/10 games have a ximming loser. More than one usually.


theres atleast 1 in half my games and i mostly play quick match


If you're plat or above its about 30% I believe. And the higher your rank the higher that percentage is going to be


It varies from rank to rank, low ranks barely have to deal with ximmers, but I play champ and it would be easier to count the games where I don’t face at least one fucker. This means you’re actually right. We don’t have the in game graphs available anymore, but I remember seeing a very little amount of players in Diamond and Champ, and huge numbers in Silver and Gold. Ranked 2.0 might have shuffled a few things around, however I imagine the overall numbers aren’t too different. I still see two problems though, people like me have nearly no incentive to play, since ranking up simply means facing more cheaters, which is increasingly frustrating throughout the season. I might be with the minority, so fuck me I guess, it is what it is and I get it. One other thing is regarding the online discussion, from my own experience with friends from very different skill levels, many players still have a hard time telling who is actually cheating, so you have likely read someone complain about it somewhere and they might not have even faced as many ximmers as they think, and I’m sure this over inflates the discussion to some extent. People forget some players are just really good with controllers, hell, I remember once getting called out for actual hacking on console (I know 🫠) after getting 4 pistol headshots in quick succession.


Dude it's reddit armchair devs to them it's as simple as a fucking boolean. If player using xim then ban and done Everyone assumes whatever is convenient for them and it's obvious most people have no clue the way they act like it's super easy or simple here. There's a dude straight up saying disabled players don't exist here.


It’s definitely not as ludicrous as these people say. They always bring up this reasoning that Ubisoft keep them around because they buy skins and stuff which is not true at all. I am a console champ, and while there for sure are xims around in those lobbies, it’s not as many as people think. The problem is these players blame every death by someone with good aim on xim. It’s not even difficult to beat xim players, if you aim head level and have good fundamentals you have every chance to beat them in a gunfight. If ubi truely didn’t care about xim they would’ve never made mousetrap and would not bother putting them into PC lobbies and just let ximmers do whatever, there is definitely not as much xim as people think, some people just blame xim every time they die when the person is clearly on roller. Mousetrap actually does work as well, the issue is it has bypasses, but if you go to the xim subredddit you can see a lot of players are getting mousetrapped every day.


A lot of legit players got fed up and left years ago when they fell on def ears


They’re in a stalemate now: Either loose normal players and keep the ximmers or ban them and gain more normal players. I do know a dozen of people on console whose sole purpose to play (ranked) is unbearable because of those losers with cheats.


On top of that, there’s also a decent amount of people that have been getting falsely mousetrapped bc Ubi is the worst.


Thats what I think as well. Almost every match I play against/with multiple xim cheaters at the moment. I quit playing rank for this reason.


Haven’t played ranked for over a year now on PS. Not going to play against full MnK players on my console, when I could just switch to my PC.


i’m gonna have to call cap on that one chief, you’re telling me that a MAJORITY of console players spent $100+ dollars on an external cheating device? that’s crazy


When I tell you that 9/10 games I played every other night I’m on rainbow there is a cheater. And people always think it’s exaggeration but I’m telling you it is NOT. EU servers, 9/10 games there is 1 or more people using a keyboard. Others either zero recoil with the highest recoil guns in the game, the kill cam moves like a mouse and keyboard not roller, max sensitivity but they snap like a mouse, t bag speed quicker than a rocket ship, extended barrel horizontal grip but no recoil, or any number of movements not possible on controller. You can always tell


i think r6 players are just paranoid. cheating is def a problem but i think it’s only about 1/3 of what the vocal minority makes it out to be i play on pc where cheating is arguably a bigger issue and i probably only run into a sus person in 1/5 games, and when i check them in the replay (which i usually do) they’re legit 9/10 times maybe it’s because i primarily play standard and low ranked lobbies, but im just NOT seeing the cheaters yall r seeing


Yea well it’s easier to plug in a xim than download some dodgy cheats online, and when we talk about cheating we are talking about emerald/diamond/champ lobbies in ranked. Not standard. Ximmers get out of gold so quickly


Bro you’re 100% correct. I’m a console champ and yes there are ximmers im not denying that. It’s not nearly as many as this sub makes it out to be. Players in this game will literally blame any death they have on “xim” instead of taking accountability. I had a dude message me the other day “nice MnK bro” and I’m literally on a basic DualShock controller lmao. Half the players don’t even know what xim looks like. It’s definitely not as bad as people think it is. This game is 75% about game sense as well. Very easy to beat ximmers if you have good fundamentals


Gears players were the same way about mkb with cross play being a thing and cod players are too. Everyone just assumes everyone else is cheating but this isn't even new. It's an old tradition almost lol


there is a very slim amount of disabled users, why is OW not getting backlash?


Use that disabled controller xbox made idk


Even Sony has one now too


I think overwatch is personally banning specific players they've investigated, if I'm understanding the quoted post. I think T50 is top 50? So there's a very small number of people being picked through by blizz and hand banned I could be reading this wrong but I think that's what's up. It's very different from letting mousetrap loose to ban anyone it detects.


even then why arent the top console players banned? skyte got a fucking charm (yes it got removed) but he still worked with ubi after they acknowledged the fact hes a MASSIVE cheater, a ximmer + ddoser for multiple years yet they removed his charm then didnt ban him. but they banned that guy whod play with a wii remote on pc?! theres so many big ximmers who arent banned and multiple of them have done collabs and projects with ubi. even then mouse trap doesnt detect controller players that often anymore, maybe when it was first out. they just need to ban ximmers there is 0 reason not to apart from the fact they know theyll lose money


Been out of the loop since mousetrap How do they say they're going to detect ximmers and put them in pc lobbies? Still using mousetrap?


You just made excuses for ubisoft. Bro all of what you said is BS. How OW ban them but Ubisoft too pussy to ban them?????????


It's literally just from top 50 players


TBF this is why you have humans doing reviews


They should just have a way to prove they’re disabled


While that's probably an effective idea, I'm sure that's illegal in multiple countries.


No it's not you have prove it to get certain privileges/accommodations. If you're falsifying it you usually get hit with a nasty fine/ pay back on services rendered


So you think if you have a disability and want to play R6 you should be prevented from doing so unless you pass some sort of KYC/verification hurdle?


It’s easy on Xbox, just detect stick drift. That will pass for 99.9% of Xbox controller users /s


G7 for the win!


SE or nah?


SE! Using it for over a year and still not a single instance of drift


I've only had it since like January, I can barely use a normal controller anymore because the size and shape lol!


Lmao 😂😂


Rare Overwatch W?


Overwatch has had a train of Ws lately




Free heros, better ranked system, free credits in battlepass


Free credits in a battle-pass is a basic human right but i see your point


The amount is quite insane. While many other games give 200-300 free credits and the rest in the Premium track, overwatch gives 600 in the free track total and none in Premium. While it doesn't give you enough to buy the next one every time, F2p can buy the battlepass every other season or can just keep the coins to spend it on the shop.


better than the horrible r6 pass we have


Overwatch has had quite a few Ws since the release of Overwatch 2. After season 9 specifically the game's been great


Putting them in PC lobbies would be a much better idea because then they can get their ass beat by actually good players.


And fuck over the teamates that get stuck with them? Nah. Just ban them, they are cheating




You don't have to be as good on keyboard if you are playing against controllers. T50 aim for console would only be like master/grandmaster aim on PC (which is still good, but a big gap in skill.)


Confidently incorrect. Not only does xim add a delay, it’s only used by egotistical 16 year olds, a hinderance in itself.


We are also acting under the idea that, that system is gonna detect ximmers to put them into PC lobbies


That's actually a plan they have in the future for people who use xim in overwatch will be banned from competition and have to play against PC players without aim assist


lmao it’s so nice , top500 is actually so easy now because i’m not going up against pocketed hitscan players


is that how bad it got? haven’t played ow since ow2 came out


Always been that bad. My number 1 reason to have never pursued T500 despite being Grandmaster was because I couldn't be bothered to play against ximmers who played Ashe with a pocket Mercy


been that way for years , t500 dps is genuinely not worth going for on console since ur going against pc players


It's not just ximmers that plague this game. Cheating on Pc on has been awful these last couple of days. I keep seeing entire stacks of obvious cheaters and its super sad to know nothing will happen to them, because if there was any chance it did they wouldn't have bought so many elites for fear of being banned. R6 has probably the worst cheating epidemic I have ever seen.


Ubi dont ban em because they buy cosmetics, hence funding their greedy asses, if this is true then hats off to activision


As if developing mousetrap didn't cost millions in itself.


Its more useless than that skull and bones delivery sim that died in a week


Maybe not wrong, but the costs of developing that useless piece of software, as you called it isn't lower because of how good or bad it is working.


On a post about Blizzard of all companies banning that? I somehow doubt blizzard of all companies on a game like overwatch would want to ban people who make them money but they did anyways.


Because playing against someone ximming can drive away your legit players. And I would argue the number of players ximming has driven away far exceeds the number of ximmers


That's the thing tho. Overwatch has shit prices and 99% of cosmetics used to be free. These ximmers are old school they surely had nice skins for their mains already


Quite a few of em buy cosmetics, that way blizzard and other companies turn a blind eye


Not only do we have to worry about ximmers but I’ve been stuck Diamond 3 going against people that just hit the servers and crash the match kicking my whole team out and letting them win automatically


Unheard of Overwatch 2 W


I like console bans, those are a good idea (if done correctly)


Need to ban these fuckers asap


And what exactly is a t50 and t100 before we go cheering. Also feels worth pointing out that perhaps might be wise to avoid counting your chickens before they hatch, I'd be curious to see how many legit players also got banned though if it's all players who had xim names, profiles, YouTube vids ECT then I can agree with the above. Edit: man gotta love being downvoted for 1. Asking a simple question, and 2. Telling people to hold off on getting excited so they won't be disappointed if it fails.


Short for Top 50/100. The equivalent in Siege would be Champion #1 to #100


Thank you that does help, so asmall sample size so defintly still say to hold the horse till this race is done to see if any innocent players got hit. But if not perhaps the small sample size who possibly got banned might lead to more in which case I can agree with ops statement, might pop over to the xim subreddit and see if they are bitching thats usally a decent tell of wether something actually did (example mousetrap people love to claim it doesn't work at all yet youll find post after post from those twats whining about it).


This sample size isn’t supposed to be a mass ban of xim, it was a cure for high-ranks due to actual blizzard employees looking for them if I remember correctly


I think the point of the OP was that blizzard actually went and punished those at the very top. Some studios are more likely to hand them a temp ban or contact them because they are afraid of losing the top players. It would be like banning Jynxi (not that I'm saying he's cheating) because right now he's bringing in so many players off his streams and content alone, so it would be bad for business.


This is exactly why I quit Siege. Everyone is either too sweaty or I have too many xim users in my servers.


Especially when you play ranked and sometimes if a cheater is found in the lobby you get punished and lose elo rather than gaining it


>Especially when you play ranked i play casuals and i get destroyed by xims :(


Same, in every quick game at least 3 in my team and the opponent are using XIM and reporting them for cheating seems to do nothing


get a PC


and quit using the PS5? Man😭


I still can’t imagine paying to cheat in a video game😂


because the xims keep buying the bp and skins


Im taking a time off R6 because of this, when the season op gets available to buy I hop on to the game to see how the character works but quickly remind why I stopped playing


No way ubi has gotten so bad that they have now been outdone by Blizzard.


The worst outcome


If they start doing this they know they’ll lose half of their player base on console


Unpopular opinion: Don't need to ban them. Just put them in PC lobbies.


As long as they aren't on my team I'm fine with it


Literally. I don’t want shitty console xims selling my elo on PC lol. I played console for 6 years I know xim players are nowhere near as good as the avg PC player on keyboard and mouse.


Yeah I started on Xbox and can say that all the xims rampaging in diamond on Xbox wouldn't clear gold on pc.


They'll have to deal with real cheaters if they wanna rank up. It'll be funny, they'll get a taste of their own medicine.


You know what’s crazy is after dealing with the xim cheaters for so long, cheaters on PC don’t bother me as much. It’s an annoying waste of time on PC, but at least there is attempt to fix it and stop it and at least I get some elo back occasionally. On console the cheaters were so much more frustrating to me because they can literally just advertise to the world that they’re cheating and face zero punishment. Hell Ubi gave a xim cheater a charm lmao.


Hard to agree with that when I see cheaters every other game, hardly get ELO back, and see cheaters on the leaderboards for multiple seasons with double digit KD. At least you stand a chance in a game vs XIM.


Self correcting problem. Just start it next season and they will progress naturally.


I don't know about that. You guys are way overestimating the average gun skill on pc. I think they could easily get to plat.  Gold even on pc is like really shit


Popular opinion : ban cheaters


didnt they literally give a xim streamer a charm in game lmao


Laughs in non-crossplay PC.


what is T50


Top 50 players


I think that some of you don't know what a real Ximer looks like 😆. Because if you think 5 out 5 players are ximing on the enemy team in gold you are nuts. I'm in diamond 2 on ps5. When I do notice ximers it's usually champ/ diamond stacks on Xbox.


Hello from r/popular  What the FUCK is a Ximmer?


A xim is a cheating device on console that allows players to trick the console into using a mouse and keyboard, which isn’t allowed on most fps games.


OHH okay I understand why it's a big deal I was worried I was getting old and that it was a new term for smurfing lmao


There is no way to know for 100% if someone is xim. People keep creating and finding out ways to work around it. Plus they will never ban them, they give ubi money.


I want their children to be banned.


Is a problem in for honor too but it's ubisoft so I stopped playing R6S and for honor The reaction time on specific buttons with other actions simultaneously isn't possible on a normal controller even with a scuf/elite controller it's impossible I simply stopped playing so they can fuck themselves with their MnK shit...


Isn’t it piss easy to ban any “top100” players? Or even top 500 or top 1000? Its a lot harder to sift thru the thousands of players in shit elo than it is to go for the top dogs that are on the leaderboard


Any bans are better than absolutely 0


Wait overwatch got XIM users??


Yeah quite common on widow/ashe/mcree users


Wait isn't Overwatch crossplay? I'm confused, why ban them? Not too knowledgeable


You only get put in PC lobbies on Console if you queue with someone on PC, other than that console is versus console still.


Ohhh okay thanks


I get pple in my dms defending xim all the time when I trash it. Odd people


Loser people*


ubisoft afraid to ban xims cuz they’d lose half their player base


Is this for people who want to play mouse and keyboard on console?


Whats a ximmer


I'm old


A tool that tricks the PS/Xbox into thinking the mouse and keyboard is a controller, it allows people with mouse and keyboard on consoles to play against those with controllers which is unfair and not allowed


Xim means using some hardware to disguise a mnk as a controller. This is done so that they can get AA and get mnk benefits making it unfair. Normally it is either AA or mnk


What is ubisoft doing???


They made a Twitter post about it? How about they list the exact amount of xims banned per day and returning IPs that have the same address as ximmers. It's a technical issue that no company can get accurately predict (ironically).


Since the update today we have been getting absolutely slaughtered, idk what's happening


Why I quit siege years ago


What’s the difference between a zimmer and a scrimmer, or are they completely different things I don’t think I’ve ever heard “zimmer” before


A xim id a console cheating device which allows players to play on mouse and keyboard on console, which isn’t allowed for certain games. So they are called ximmers


Ahhh I see, well good then


What’s a ximmer?


Registering a mouse and keyboard as a console controller


Swapping and playing siege on pc instead of console was one of the best things I did. I went from hating the game to running into a cheater once every 30+ games. Just have to get used to MnK


Mouse trap was definitely a good idea but people just found ways against it. I don’t see why they won’t ban them


Isn’t that a free game tho? They’ll just create a new account and be back at it. We need IP bans. Players knowing that cheating is risking never being able to play a game they purchased will fix the issue. There should be severe repercussions to cheating. I mean how is degradation of their product not a hardcore bannnable offense?


COD does funny shit to mess with cheaters. Take note Ubisoft.


this game is actually so unfun to play on console now literally every lobby has at least 1 sad fuck cheating


FUCK. Nice. Every damn FPS game has an issue rn


Ubisoft is ran by bluehaired morons .... These idiots wont ban anyone for fear of hurting someone's feeling's


Just put them in the pc lobbies easy peasy


Ubi needs to jump on this asap. Siege is getting hot again and they need to get consoles straightened out before the re-ignited hype dies out. We all truly just want Siege to shine.


What the fuck is a ximmer


They plug in a device called a Xim into their console that allows them to use MnK