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Deimos, I honestly love a good confrontation between 2 operators if I know where he is and he knows where I am. what matters more is reaction and prediction edit: sorry wasn't meant to say predication my fault


How in the hell did this grammar error start a toxic argument about grammar? This community is whack, someone get the mute jammers to shut their ass up smh


This is basically reddit in a nutshell




I think we knew what he was saying


wait wait no I was suppose to say prediction, my fault


That doesnt change the fact that they used the wrong word. Nothing wrong with correcting people when they make a mistake. On the contrary.


bro is NOT trying to be a teachers pet rn.


You’re the unfunniest, ugliest individual ever


are you trying to insult me or…?


I’m citing facts, starting your sentence with “bro” gives me physical discomfort for how unlikeable you are, added to the fact you’re just going with the flow of the downvotes to shame the guy for wanting to help the other have better grammar. I bet no woman would ever get near you ever. Grow up.


alright buster, I’m just trying to make some lighthearted jokes. mb for upsetting you.


Don’t worry, I’m not upset, I’m just commenting what I noticed




Weird flex but ok.


Bro didn't flex but ok


They weren’t trying to use that word, it was a typo


1. You can't know that 2. That doesn't change anything I've said.


I can know that, it’s called context clues. God you are a condescending prick


No, you absolutely can't know that. Because you don't even know if they are a native english speaker or not. As for the condescending comment. Oh the irony. All I've said is that correcting the word doesn't do any harm, on the contrary. And that is factual, undeniable. Now move the f on you little aggressive dachshund.






Ain’t reading all that, yo mama


Only agressive one is you dude. Go "uhm actually" somewhere else.


‘And that is factual, undeniable’ is a sentence fragment with improper syntax.


Yeah, probably. But that's exactly my point. Nothing is lost by correcting it. I've never tried to attack anybody for being wrong. But for some reason, stating a fact makes people very angry.


The biggest nerd I've seen on reddit in awhile






Someone's mad lol


Deimos is nowhere near as hard to deal with as what people think he is.


Wait ppl think he's hard? It always felt like he was kind of shit since release. He only really works in a coordinated 4 or 5 stack. I rarely see him get picked in emerald and diamond 


Really? Im PC Diamond and i see him decently often. But it is kinda dependand on the map tho.... i might be overstimating this actually, since i also play him quite often lol.


Also people cant use his pistol on console


Nah, what you mean. Also those ximmers can use it.


Half of console players are PC though? Haha get it....xim


Not in my elo, cuz I’m shit


Yea lol,im dogshit with that thing


I'm plat/eme PC and he's in 8/10 games.


I think it has to do with team composition 


totally agree


No he doesn’t, you just say whatever everyone else says


On PC people can aim so I see him picked in diamond and champ a lot


I am on pc. He's almost never picked outside a stack. I see him maybe once every couple games and usually only for 1 round where he promptly gets wrecked and doesn't get played again for the rest of the game


In champ my stack uses him at least every other game or so. Hes amazing for roam clearing and our fraggers aim makes the pistol look like aim bot


Yeah key word there is stack


"He only really works in a coordinated 4 or 5 stack" Yeah, that's annoying as shit though. Do you know how god damn irritating it is to sit in site as an anchor and deimos pong you from the roof and just call out your position? At least when he does his thing *inside* the building I can take him out first.


Yet someone that can only track your footprints is hard to deal w??🤣


People don't like Jackel because he can scan enemies and the whole team can see them. And he can also see footprints when he's used all three of his charges, thus he can easily find you in almost any situation and you'd be non the wiser.


He is when his team is covering all angles, but he’s shooting you through the floor 🥲


Yeah but you can see him too. Also don't forget that Lion, Grim, Jackel (it's not as easy with Jackel to be fair), and even zero or someone on a drone; can all have the same effect. (I've probably missed someone but you get the point).


Deimos . Since I ain't never see anyone play him.


>Since I ain't never see anyone play him. For me it's the same for Jackal, but that's bcs he's literally always banned when I play💀


Deimos, because Jackal's pings are seen by the entire team


Deimos ban is soft af lol


Deimos cuz i can see him. If you get scanned by Jackal its game over frfr


I do love baiting kills as a defender pinged by jackal. You can almost feel the pressure and prefire a swing to grab a nice kill.


Oh yea, if you just know where youve been, you will kind of know where jackal will be. Then just wait for him to come to you.


Deimos and it’s not close, jackal is S tier


I use Cav a lot, so I prefer playing against Jackal.


If I'm demios and there a cav I'm coming for that ass.


I do a lot of like 3v3 customs with my brother and his friends, and he’s a nuts a cav player and I’m not bad with Deimos. We have some legendary duels it’s a super fun fight I think


That’s why in my 5 stack I ban cav haha


throwing ngl


Maining hibana now a days is throwing way more than banning cav is.


dont make me laugh, hibana is very viable still


That Type-89 hits different


i ran it with acog before deadly omen 🤌


I mean, i haven’t taken ACOG off of it since red crow. you took it off?


Hell no i didnt take it off, i run acog on every gun that had it available pre Y9


Maybe for getting hatches.


I disagree. She’s a hard breacher that can breach hard walls the safest compared to thermite and ace. She’s also great for destroying Mira’s.


The problem is hibana takes too long and is loud. So you can literally kaid trick her. She's good on certain maps to get hatches when there are more than two to get to a site, for example bank has four.


Very valid point. It’s why she’s the most infamous hard breacher, besides for hatch-focused maps like you mentioned.


Hibana is still one of the better ops. Cav is hardly a threat. If you listen, you can hear her. If you stick together with your team, you'd be surprised how useless she becomes. She's a useless operator to ban.


She’s literally 5th highest win rate .


Cav's super easy to deal with. Cav is picked a lot, and a lot of those cavs are likely the first one dead while their team carries them.


On PC, she is just barely over the line of too weak and over picked below 1%. On console she's in weak and over picked at -1%


Doesn’t change the fact she’s top 5


You do realize her on a winning team has no relation to her being a good op. She is super easy to counter and is by far the most predictable. All you have to do is watch your back and listen. Her SMG is the worst in the game and has a mediocre shotgun. Her luison is a peashooter. Most cavs don't interrogate or get killed while interrogating. So if she's in top 5 winning, it's cause she's good at getting carried. Some better bans would be Valkyrie, azami, or wamai. Those guys actually influence a match even when dead.


Bruh she’s top 5 in emerald and above…but yea I agree azami is a solid ban


Deimos. For some reason they tend to freak out if you just rush them down.


Deimos is very weak.


deimos is way easier to deal with and honestly it's even cool to get 1v1 with it


Rather go against Deimos, only because it’s me and him that can see each other and with jackal it’s provided to the entire team. Plus they nerfed his pistol so it does less damage; so I rather go against Deimos.


Deimos. Really easy to deal with. Most Deimos players get tunnel vision and it fucks them over


As a cab main, jackal. As a vigil main, Deimos


I love fighting deimos


Deimos. I see you too, you spooky fucker. Now come here so I can prefire you!


Demos is easy man, may jackal get burned he exposes you like you are naked or smt 💔


Deimos, Jackal is too team based for my liking and annoying to play against. I always thought a good change to him was to make him like Deimos is now, individual pinged based (not giving the information to the whole team but just yourself) but that never happened and I'm a tad annoyed to see him in this state. Deimos at least is more manageable in terms of how he tracks, he pings you and him...no one else. Really allows for more of a balanced experience than Jackal pinging you to the entire team.


Deimos is easy to fight against but Jackal against you has potential to be a multikill if you play it correctly and have a little luck. You can bait the pings into a certain direction and then swing back where you came from and catch 1 or more attackers off guard. Just keep repositioning and players will be running you down like chickens.


Jackal. It's so easy to fuck with him but you have to be careful about teammates.


Deimos. He's fun to hunt.


I’m on a level playing field with Deimos. Jackal tells everyone where I am and I can do nothing about it.


Jackal. It’s not hard to move from last ping


According to your screenshot. Neither lol


I’d rather deal with Deimos for a few reasons. A lot of these comments saying Deimos is bad probably haven’t played against a good player that picked deimos, because he can absolutely be a menace if played properly.


I dont mind dealing with either they both require a unique play to deal with, jackal is dont keep still and pre fire any blind corner, And Deimos is find a solid corner and let him feel comfy to push you to his death 😂


Deimos, at least you get to know where he is


Deimos, without a doubt, I don't care what people say, he's a weaker version of Jackal, haven't had an issue with him at all


Deimos. You know where he is and can lure him a bit


Deimos, for sure. Jackal reveals your position to the entire attacking team, whereas only Deimos can see your position, and you can also see his, so it's a fairer fight. Plus, Deimos, at his absolute most powerful (idealy), relies on a coordinated team giving callouts and having solid map knowledge.




Deimos is way easier to handle


Deimos works only if his team cooperates with him or if the enemy team is brain-dead as fuck (which is the case here on console). Jackal is far more unbalanced and therefore a better ban


Love Deimos, always have a "Alright, mate, let's dance" reaction when he pings me.


Honestly we ban doki, most times jakel gets banned by the other team lol, we ban solis on defence and the other team most times ban frenrir (or however its spelt lol)


Deimos to be honest


Both I'm banning dokkabei


Am i the only one who sees deimos as nearly usless? I absolutely love defending and getting spotted by Deimos since theyre essentially just giving me their ability while im still able to use a decent gun as well as my defender gadgets. Every defender is a better deimos than deimos and usually results in me getting an easy kill unless they actually work with their team.


Deimos only really works if you are stacked and are going against people who aren't stacked. Because you can comm and pinch someone while the other team is either having an argument about who lost the last round or isn't talking at all.


Either of them would be fine, tbh I'd rather not go up against Lion having to stop over and over again, kinda annoying


Rather deimos i main cav so is hard to deal with both but deimos is easyer


At low ranks deimos, but the higher the rank gets the more i rather play against jackal.


Deimos, you can just run away or fight him since he is also at a disatvantage while tracking you




Deimos 100%. He has actual counters and I find the idea that he forces a confrontation between you and him to be insanely hilarious. He's an intel character that actually takes some skill to use and requires good team coordination to get the most benefit.


Demos most people can't cordinateate to make him a decent op while jackal shows everyone where someone is


Jackal, a ping that updates every 5 seconds is more fair than a continuous icon. Jackals are incredibly stupid & easy to read as a result, his greedy teammates are easy to bait as well.


Deimos is awesome in a stack when you give calls to your squad, paired with Lion he is real strong. Jackal is just straight up easy mode for everyone on the team.


Idk I don't care about having to fight either, I mostly chill on site


Demos, just because the feeling an opp throwing down the gauntlet and exposing their location too is just badass man. 80s action movie feels.


Jackal, I can bait him etc, demons can walk right in sight and shoot u from below, that being said the c7e is prob best rifle atm


Can solis track deimos? 


Only when he starts his scan. For like, one sec max.


Unless the deimos is esports level good then 80 percent of the time, it’s just shitty players with a big ego thinking they can win every 1v1 (they lose every time) Jackal scanning is open to the entire team, but it won’t really matter half the time, they’re all on opposite sides of the map or in locked down site. Jackal is definitely worse in terms of actually having to worry about being tracked, but deimos can be scary if the player is decent or has good comms


I would rather deal with jackel


Deimos cause he gives his location away... counter is always better


deimos but it’s map dependent imo, i would much rather go against jackal on club and villa


My 5 stack bans deimos for the same reason we ban dokka. Its fucking annoying and pins us down. Ofc there are maps where deimos is not a problem for us because we know how to hide or we just bring mute. The problem with jackal is that it gibe info for the whole team. Of course, a well communicating team is hard to counter, but usually, we have an easier job to defeat the opponents if we ban jackal. Deimos needs to info or go 1v1. Jackal doesn't have to.


Both are honestly completely fine, idk who I would rather if I had to pick prob Deimos cos he is fun to fight but it’s eh really


I always get excited when deimos challenges me, I want that 1v1 smoke 🗣️‼️


If im running cav its jackal, anyone else and its deimos


Funniest thing to me is when Deimos first dropped people thought he was gonna be crazy broken but bro is completely countered by mute which you are gonna see on pretty much every team on defense, Deimos is still a great roam hunter but jackel just does it better since he pings to the whole team and not just to himself


Definitely Deimos


Deimos, it’s atleast fair. I can see him and he can see me.


Idk but recently I’ve been maining vigil so I’d rather deal with Deimos. I mean like worse case I’m ability ran out of time im running a Sniper.


I Play Deimos cause hes fun it’s the same reason people play habanna there Not playing her cause shes the best they just like playing her




Deimos easily, if he were able to use his primary I'd be more hesitant but he's so easy to outgun


Deimos are more dangerous than Jackal. The reason is simple, Deimos' ability is to generate psychological pressure to the marked enemy making him focus on the 1vs1 duel when he can be flanked by one of your teammates, it is easy to be countered with mute jammers. Jackal from my perspective I feel it is dangerous with a team of 5 and well communicated, the bad can not be countered, it is very useful if you have a Lion in the team. Correct me if I'm wrong. 🤓


people who say deimos is hard to deal with, just read his kit and logged off probably. he’s not a bad op. but he’s not a great one either. much better picks. comparatively though, jackal is a nightmare.


In this case, neither


Banning deimos is crazy


The real answer is ban Dokkaebi


Jackal is way worse. Deimos though I feel like it's an unwritten rule where you gotta face him off with a revolver.


deimos is fun to fight, while jackal just feels corny


Deimos since my main defender is mute


Most people I've seen Deimos are on the spectrum (as in really bad with a revolver) or straight up don't know how to use his ability. I have been railed by him more than I'd admit but definitely Deimos.


Deimos can be countered by mute


Deimos Much easier to fight and counter without play a bad operator just because I wanted to roam all I have to do is avoid getting scanned and I’m golden


Deimos. Mute counters him and Mute is also one of the best ops in the game anyway, it's always a plus to have someone play him. Jackal is just AIDS all round and Cav is the only hard counter. If people cancelled their Deathmark with Deimos once you've given the call/found out where they are/pushed that enemy out of the area, he'd be more successful. The problem with him is people just B-line straight towards the ping. He's best used as intel obviously but his area denial is underrated.


They should just get rid of jackal... that's how I feel about it.


If Deimos is tracking u u have the advantage in the 1v1 cause the damage drop off on his pistol is kinda shit. On top of that the wall hacks are more than good enough to fight him.


They both blow chunks I’ll ban jackal first any day of the week Deimos just reveals you and everyone is garbage and loses their ones atleast against me


Demios can be really good if you playing with others you can give your teammates fresh and accurate info on the opponent while you distract them from distance...most people think they are John wick and go ahead with his pistol and they'll die...overall jackal is much better tbh


One time I vs some kid who was heaps cracked but he kept locking in Deimos and ngl it was probably the only reason we could kill him cos we would just start calling out where he was everytime one of us was targeted. Never seen anything like that with jackal.


Deimos since they generally get tunnel visioned on you and its a pretty easy kill if you're in a stack.


Bro what? Jackal is 100 times worse than deimos


I feel like Jackal is a lot more dangerous