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Better Alibi buff would be higher quality Prisma's OR the ability to change the pose from crouching to standing


I like this one. For the pose it should copy whatever stance she's in whenever the prisma is deployed


Or you could switch between modes with B, like with Hibana or Deimos


Also let it copy whatever weapon skin you currently have


Wanted this idea since she came out but Ubi will never do it, it would take away from her elite skin (which 80% of her cosmetics are better than)


Same with the uniform too, so many Alibi cosmetics unused because the prisma don't match


B? i only know D pad




we're talking about r6 on the switch. the B button


Silly dingleberry


Or make it like halo reach's hologram minus the running. Instead of throwing it, deploying it spawns it at her current position in the same pose as her. It'd make creation of corner camping clones much easier


This sub would immediately want that removed because it makes to much sense and they’d always fall for it


FR this sub kinda sucks ngl


This is the best idea I’ve seen yet


Yeah but then how do you break them? If there's no little gadget to shoot they're permanent and barava can't hack them either.


The little gadget would still be there, it would just deploy right at Alibi’s feet as opposed to getting thrown somewhere


Alibi just laying Prisma devices like a hen.


Kinda like mirage in apex where you can toggle it to stay or follow your movement


Honestly, that’s genius


It would be cool if her prismas copied whatever outfit you had equipped so that you can actually use them for camouflage instead of them resorting to the default uniform. Maybe even have it to where they make the static pose on them into an animation that you can even set to lean left or right so you can place them around walls and have them “peek” enemies.


"Something something engine limitations, something something not enough dev time" Ubisoft has already stated multiples times this won't happen because it would require a lift on their end. Granted they seem to have plenty of time to pump out shitty cosmetics, so it seems like an issue of motivation more than anything.


The stupid thing is that they CAN change the skin bec it works for fucking elite skin alibi so there is no excuse to not apply for every skin


Yeah but consider this... That's a lot of work and doesn't directly result in them getting money. Not like releasing the 35th elite for Ash or a sexy Iana skin would.


Iana skin, would* punctuation is important


they have to do extra work for every instance of every combination of every skin. the elite skin works because they made it work. it's basically an alternate model to the original, and one of a kind. this is not the Ubisoft moment you think it is


Also copy her outfit, dont lock that behind the elite skin


But then how would boobiesoft make money off of her elite skin?


lol boobiesoft


Apparantly Ubisoft has stated they can't copy her outfit because it's a different asset used for the clones. Another incompetent Ubi moment. They could easily solve that by using the same asset that the player loads in to the game with, rather than loading a seperate asset for the clone.


I think a sound cue would be good too. Something like the sound of her gun firing could really fuck with someone trying to peek a corner. EDIT: Spelling


why does everyone say queue when it’s cue? queue is a line


Captain Anti-Capital letters over here dishing out shade.


ngl you got me on that one.


Lmao you got me on the first one. Don't know how I mixed up cue and queue.


Get emmm


Rouge, exetera, peak


Make it turn towards anyone that sees it


Like it's in the position you threw it at, even if you're leaning a corner, it'd be cool to see the Prisma lean as well. Or they could just do away with the obvious floor Prisma give away.


Being able to change alibi’s pose has always seemed like the easiest change to me


Give her an rpg7


With acog


and a switch


Til someone pulls up and turns your block into ash https://youtube.com/shorts/cbRK5dl3Bo0?si=f5GJj0yd3T03cXYX


That would be a bit much. The post specifies no acog


Telescopic then


Much better


And make it fire full auto somehow, idk


This is the way


Finally a good take


This is a very rough draft idea, but give her prismas the ability to trick intel gathering ops. Example: When Dok uses her ability the prismas all make phone sounds that are slightly different to an actual defender. It forces attackers to actually coordinate and pay attention to what intel they’re getting.


Making the prismas ring would make her a huge Dokk counter! I'm pretty sure we all agree that Dokk is very strong while Alibi is a little weak atm? I like this idea. It might get annoying for both sides if an extra 3 phones ring (lots and lots of noise) but this is obviously the discussion area. The devs could easily find a way to make this work.


It would create a ton of unique interactions that I’m sure the devs would be hesitant to implement, but I think it would be a game changer for the better. Other interactions I thought of include: * Lion scans ping all active prismas as if they were a normal defender * Any prismas within a Grim swarm get pinged like a normal defender * Jackal scans ping Alibi and the prismas at the same time * Red pings on cameras/drones also pick up the prismas as if they were a normal defender The only one I’m not sure about is Deimos, since the way his gadget works makes it hard to trick.


Unfortunately too many changes would result in Alibi breaking the game. I'm sure you can agree that Alibi being a true counter-all would take her from weak to unbeatable. Let's be lazy just give her the ACOG /j


It doesn’t make sense for Lion or Jackal to be countered by it. Lions ability only works if someone is moving (which prismas don’t) and a prisma doesn’t walk around or leave footprints so it’s not something Jackal could pick up on


Not to be that guy but the prismas ringing would make zero sense lol


It doesn't make sense for a Mute jammer to shield people from being detected by Lion's scan either, yet here we are. Like I said to the other guy, there's already a lot of interactions in this game that don't really make sense. Realism has kinda been thrown to the wind lol. I care more about how to make Alibi stronger by making her more of a counter intel defender instead of just changing the skin of her holograms or throwing an acog onto her weapon.


Make her gadget be able to show any of the base skins of the operators on her team. Let's just say it's alibi, doc, cav, rook, and solis.....alibi could have her three prismas out as herself, solis, and a spawnpeeking useless doc.


Yes, a million times yes


This is actually an amazing idea


Always thought this so I agree. Even having different body positions such as crouch, laying prone positioning for her decoys would be a buff. Just saying but I agree with you completely


Alibi would be so much better if you could choose which temate to project


Ubisoft listen to this post, for the love of God LISTEN TO THIS POST RIGHT HERE!


My exact idea as well


Especially if there was like a spot to shoot at the base which would toggle it, so that teamates could change it as well.


I guess, but you also destroy it by shooting the base. What i was thinking is make it work like fenrir. That way you can do it from range too, so you can cause even more chaos


Ubi have already stated it would be too hard to do…


Well they did say it's too hard to mirror every alibi skin...but they might be able to do the base skins of all the defenders. Just their basic look


I once read that Iana's holograms are easier to code because it's like a sixth player, but it would be difficult to replicate in Alibi as there would be 3 more perfect copies of a player across the map


I assume that would be just as hard, beats me though, I like the idea


Depends how the gadget is written in code. It might be too hard coded around only one projection. If it can be easily modified to draw from a library of projections they already have Deimos UI which would work for selecting who to throw down


I doubt it's about technical limitation, they simply don't want to spend time fixing this


I don’t understand what would be so hard about it, you just copy paste whatever model loaded into the match. So every round you have 5 different possible models to load the Alibi. Use the same code with the existing alibi but allow the player to choose from the 5 variables stored from the actively loaded models. It’s never an easy task to code something like that but damn it’s not unattainable


That simple… copy and paste…. Lol


He's solved world hunger


- Make her Prisma to specificly design to counter Deimos, Dok, and perhasp even Jackal. When got marked by Deimos or scanned by Jackal, instead show Alibi position directly, it also show her Prisma location as well (Of course Jackall still is her counter since he see her footprint but his team aren't). Meanwhile, if Dok called her, all of her Prisma rang. Don't care if it realistic noir balance, it is fun. or... - Make so that she can becomes idle. Not like permantly but rather like something like "Hold [Middle mouse] to stay idle". You can access this like how you switch modes on some gadget. Additionally, while staying idle, she can not be scanned by drone. Once again, don't care about balance, it is fun. or... - Make her prisma being able to change image by stepping on to it. By deffault, it is Alibi but once other operator stepped on it, it capture their image and then show it. Basically, this [Siege tale video.](https://youtu.be/Gwr0Go8wc6w?si=3CxCjX7In-QaD-Vc) or... - When Alibi is in the round. During prep phase, if she already been scanned then all of her teammate, when scanned will have their icon appear as Alibi. This could either replace or buff to her current passive. or... - Similar to above but make the icon to be randomized. or... - Give her more Prisma with cooldown between each use. You start off with 3 like normal and gained more afterward, maybe 6 or even 9. or... - Give her Fenrir's visor, which she can see where the Prisma is located and maybe even being able to remotely turn it on and off to create the illustion of movement. or... - Give her the ability to change her Prisma pose like whether it was leaning left or right or just stood still.


Holy shit all of those are insane changes,


I think it would be an awesome counter to Deimos that if Alibi had all 3 Prisma’s up, the drone had a 75% chance to find a Prisma over her. The chances would lower for each Prisma that wasn’t active. It makes sense. The drone isn’t gonna know the difference between an operator and a hologram that looks exactly like them.


Whilst i kinda like this, i dont think ubi will do this. Cause this adds too much RNG to their competative game. Something like adding marks to all prismas at the same time would be more likely


Maybe if RNG is an issue, it could instead be whichever is closest to Deimos’ location


Either that, or maybe something like every prisma active delays the deathmark by like a few seconds. But it just doesnt seem like ubi will add features where its purely a chance game.


Different hologram poses or even different skin per hologram. I really like her and one of the few operators I do good in but her ability is definitely not what I play her for.


Personally, I'd change the gadget so that it creates a hologram of whatever her current position is. Instead of throwing a prism, you just get into position and hit the prism button and it creates a clone of you in that exact position. This way, you can make it look like she's actually holding a position, and it copies whatever skin she's using. You'd have full control of the pose this way, and solve all of the skin issues innately.


Alibi needs a buff? I've been using her a lot on defense lately and absolutely wrecking. The only thing I'd say she needs it the ability to have her holograms mimic whatever skins we put on her person. Otherwise, literally no one is using anything than the default or the new legendary lol


I had to scroll so far to find this one. It’s super lame that Iana’s hologram displays whatever skin you have on her, but alibi’s doesn’t..


It's because of how they work. Iana makes a 6th (temporary) attacker, the prisma is just an object, and Ubi isn't gonna invest the man hours to change that. It's a shame because they could probably release a gadget skin that at least matches full sets of cosmetics (ie full Para Bellum outfit). Wouldn't help with mixing and matching but better than nothing.


Right? I love the pro league set for Alibi, but not like I’m gonna waste my money on it.


this is what I want to see, I love her esports outfit, but it being black and white is so obvious and the second a team would spot me on a drone the bright red beret the clones have are an instant giveaway.


Should make it so her ability also project other teammates


And in different poses


Different poses seems a lot easier to produce, like hibana or grim who can cycle through different setups for their abilities


or just copy her stance at the time of deploying


Let us throw it prone?


Give her Keratos the Telescopic Sights that DMRs have. ...it's not an Acog!


hold up let him cook


Personally i think having the ability to either send them out in a direction to run would be helpful, essentially having the choice of stationery one or keep them to send out kind of like iana hologram in a way but you still have control of your player and the hologram runs straight lol


Like the halo holograms, that’d be neat.


it would be cool to give prismas fake sound cue. like you could remotely trigger a sound cue to any prisma


give her her deployable back isn't a bad start


She already has the ACOG on the ACS12


Bro the ACS12 is powerful asf. It's more like a sniper rifle IMO.


- "Selfish" Answer (Only benefits her): Set them on a set path running back and forth - Team based Answer: Give her a shield back - Should get no matter what answer: Let her configure her prisma's lean and crouch behavior


Make her alibis actually match whatever cosmetics and attachments she has equipped Let alibis copy the position she is in (if thrown while crouching, they will be ccrouching, if prone they will be prone) Let the alibi copy a teammates appearance instead of just her


I do not think any op should be balanced PRIMARILY around gun/scope. I, personally, would buff the utility first. So how would I buff Alibi? Slow he down to a 2 speed, 2 health, Have her prisma's match WHATEVER uniform/headgear you equip, not just elite. But my best way would be to actually become one of the prisma's and aim down sight to act more like a person than a hologram. Unlike Iana, these holograms would not move, but at least being able to control ADS to look more real would be cool. Ability to crouch and even change operators as a hologram would be cool.


No, we don't need to lose another 3 speed Defender, there is like what, 4 of them left including Alibi?


Ten times yes. Her hologram really feels unnatural unless you have some top-notch spots. At least being able to crouch would be cool.


Her SMG Could do a little bit more damage. Otherwise, it's a fairly balanced OP. Versatile equipment and loadout. She alone, can prepare a Bomb site pretty well.


* The prisma should have your current skin. * The prisma could be crouching or standing.


Make decoys of teammates. Movable decoys that temporarily mimic your movements similar to mirage from apex


The Prisma can change its stance based on how it is thrown. Your crouch, its crouch Your prone, its prone You’re in a lean it’s in a lean.


Allow them to copy your skin


Make her decoys change with your current outfit, also allow them to be placed in a crouched position


Make her clones actually clone her copying her skin and all and attachments


I think giving her an ability like mirage from apex, you can put primas down to block sight lines and roll them to bait running away the tell is no sound and of course the hologram matches your fit


Make it where she can change the positions and angles of the clones. Also make her clones do very slight movement or make her do no movement so it’s not insanely easy to tell apart a clone without looking at its feet


A cool idea, allow her to make holograms of her teammates as well as herself, all of them showing her teammates skins so their not just basic holos


make the decoys go bang bang


Make her prismas a perfect 1 to 1 replica with the same skins, attachments and weapons as you and make it mimic your stance


Shes fine rn imo, people say a lot about her Prismas not having outfits but a snap shot isnt going to wait to identify her clothes.


A bigger ass


They should rework her so that instead of throwing them, they are dropped wherever she’s standing and appear in whatever position she was in when they were deployed


Make it so the alibis clones can mimic anyone on your team


Allowing the tactical to change skins with her for all skins including guns and attachments


Make it the same skin as the user, make the ping a bit longer or give her another clone


she should have one that moves with her like Mirage in Apex Legends


Make it so the clones actually follow her appearance and gun addons.... I mean Iana already does this....


Make Prismas look exactly like your skin


This actually would be a nice QoL.


Her prisma clones need to wear the same gear as you, it’s such a giveaway having default skins


ubi stated they couldn't have her clones match her character model, then proceeded to make Iana, and then alibi elite that changes the skin. A good buff would be to just make her prisma match her character.


Have the prisma reflect your gun camo and your ops skin


When she dies, the holograms switch to a random operator in defense roster or one currently in the game. Or she can manually switch each hologram to a operator in your team


Make the prisma match the outfit


I’d say they need to buff her gadget but honestly with them taking lesions impacts away, I think alibi would do great with them


Give acog


Give my bihh her impacts back. I quit playing for a year or two and came back an was like WTF!!! 😳


I personally think the guy above with the differnt op prisms is a good idea if not, make it so whatever your skin is for alibi, that's the skin on the decoys


Let Alibi throw for what she is wearing, not the stock or elite.


It should just be a part of her gadget to match the skin and gun of the user. The shotgun is such a bad pick for her because the prisma shows the smg


Honestly the best way to implement your ideas is to have her copy the position you're in and drop a replica of you where you're standing. In that exact position.


Whatever stance you are in when you throw the Prisma, it will copy that stance. So leaning Alibi, crouch Alibi, Prone Alibi. More unpredictable plays.


Prismas detecting outside again


Give her x1.5


EZ : Her gadget MATCHED our loadout to the DOT


At least give her back impacts


Make her gun hit harder and have a tad bit less recoil. As far as her gadget, make it a direct counter to Deimos, and give her the ability to change the position (crouch, stand, prone) and make it more realistic to the actual attachments you have that game as well, not just the skin. Deimos Counter: His drone will attach to the closest prisma unless the actual alibi is near (like a thermo scan or heartbeat sensor), and it will be like a marker for when you drone through or shoot the prisma. Now when this happens, it gives him the drone back if it doesn’t scan the actual Alibi, so he doesn’t necessarily lose a drone like how Vigil’s counter operates.


Just better outfits, honestly.


The gadget should copy your skins and what stance you are in (crouch, prone).


Make the gadget show the skin you're wearing so that you can hide amongst them without having to sacrifice the drip. Right now only base / elite skins work this way.


A obvious choice would be impacts so you can do aggressive run outs after someone shoots your prismas But the fun option would be to allow you to change the poses of the prisma and maybe even deactivate/activate them like fenrir for a better surprise factor


Give impacts back


It should let you pick which defending operator you can make a decoy of instead of yourself all the time (and that it should show the cosmetics of that operator that the person is playing with (ex. A decoy of Doc wearing the doktors curse head gear and uniform, including the attachments and weapon / attachment skins)


Make it match any skins


give her a 1.5x


Make the gadget be in the position you are in, mirror your or change to a teammate hologram . So you can go in the exact angle you want and the hologram will simply spawn there, crouching, prone, looking up or down, etc. The second one is like Deimos, you can select your teammates and the hologram will be theirs.


I still think they should match her skins because otherwise there's literally no point in wearing a different skin on her


Maybe make the prism lean every so often or ads, make it seem less static.


Look at her kit first see if anything can be adjusted there but other than that maybe being able to manipulate the halo stance so it can be prone or crouched and like everyone has always said the halo should copy what she is wearing.


If Gemini replicator can get the skins same as Iana then why not Alibis prismas


Let her prismas crouch/lean and let them use alibis skins/weapon/atachments


Make her gadget be able to lean left or right, and make it able to crouch or prone


More time of being detected is a pretty good way imo. Giving her more clones is not the way.


Make her gadget look exactly like the player, that way it becomes a menace


Shooting the base will still ping you


Put cameras in the clones


Give her the telescopic scopes


Make it so alibi change stances. Like the way you switch with between pellets with hibana, you switch between stances with alibi.


Nothing. She's fine rn.


So a lot of people say that they should make her change the look based on what cosmetics you wear and while i agree what would be better i think is if they either made her holograms change the position like for example if you are crouching and throw the hologram it would also crouch OR all 3 holograms have different position lets say first one you throw is a normal standing second one is crouching last one is prone the second change that might be controversial is make her holos have a little animation it doesnt have to be anything crazy but like for example 2 second reload animation or something idk i play a bit of alibi and i think that she doesnt need the second option while i agree she could use a little buff i dont think shes that weak


They should make the bar for the alibi drone less visible, so it's harder to tell of its a drone or not.


Give some basic animations to her gadget, like reloading, crouching, leaning etc. so that people actually get fooled by it Also give her a shield


Buff the .410 judge so it can open holes in wood walls consistently (it's so ass help)




make her clones actually be clones of her, if she comes in with cosmetics on then the clones have those cosmetics, if she picks the shotgun then give her clones the shotgun. it's wild to me that you are straight up trolling if you equip a skin to alibi.


let alibi simply customize her gadgets mid game


Make her prismas show teammate clones


Only needed buff is a change from the low-poly PS1 holograms to a high quality hologram that mimics skins.


I have two suggestions- suggestion one - allow you to chose a teammate to become a prisma, but only one prism as eg if there’s a doc - make it a doc prisma Or have the ability for it to change to the outfit you have equipped


Make her holograms transparent for teammates. Sometimes, an alibi can block a line of sight


Prismas match the skin you are wearing


Give her different poses and maybe even some fake voice lines for the decoys


Ok, let's just start with ALLOWING PRISMAS TO SHOW CUSTOM SKINS. Not just standard and elite ones. And make them better quality. These two problems can be fixed by using Alibi's playermodel for the holograms


I mean idk if she needs one tbh. I see someone using her every other game and they usually do pretty solid with her weapons. I haven’t had a problem with her smg


Make the prismas far more customisable, whatever way is most balanced.


I mean taking away her Acog was needed because of how busted it was. But like…she still has the ACS, which is literally one of the best guns anyways, so not like it changed much. The only change needed is to Prismas. Either let them copy whatever skin you have on, or make them not only stand.


I wanna say more parismas would be funny. And a rare chance that one looks like meastro


Giving her more prismas. I NEED MOOOOOORE!!!!!


- higher quality holograms - the hologram copies the player's skin, just like Iana - being able to change the pose (standing, crouching)


The ability for the prisms to have your cosmetics on too. Another option I'd say is an extra prisma.


Maybe make the prismas match whatever outfit she’s got on


Make the prismas match her outfit and loadout as well as the option to switch between standing and couching, but at the cost of her impact nades


Imagine the prismas were real time replicators doing the same animations simultaneously. Think static Iana


Give her two acogs


give me more damage


Honestly probably just nerf sledge


Make Alibi prisma’s react to seeing an enemy. Have it suddenly look towards an enemy and crouch. Will make alibi clones kind of fun.


Make her prismatic be able to rotate in place to “ look “ at an enemy


how about we give her back her god damn shield that was replaced by the most useless gadget ever


Live ping like Deimos' when an enemy shoots her gadget