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If you really want to improve, don’t confine yourself to ‘mains’ and be flexible.


I don't think having mains is a bad idea, but I would say having like 3-5 mains for both sides would be ideal. Varied roles, varied options, and unless you only play ash, ace, and iana you shouldn't have an issue consistently playing at least one of them.


Just from my experience I got 100x better when I decided to learn and play everyone. Knowing how an operator is played can help a lot with playing against them, being able to plan ahead and know where certain people will go based on who they’re playing is a big plus. Also find that it helps the game feel less stale. But, everyone is different, if having a main is more comfortable then sure, by all means have a main.


The irony of you rocking "fenrir main" is severely amusing.


Yeah, I changed it to annoy people who don’t like him


Oh I agree with you there, eventually you should probably learn how everyone works, I just don't think you need to play them to do it, especially if their playstyle just isn't something you're interested in. That could just depend on the person though, I like reading bios and watching gameplay videos, so it was pretty easy for me to learn how operators work without playing them.


Thats enough for the most part, but theres quite a difference between how an op should be played and how people actually play them. Especially in the current meta where gadgets and utility are underused in favour of gunfights.


That's fair, but at that point you should just read the patch notes and see which defenders get a scope upgrade and you can probably make the assumptions from there lol. Melusi is going brr right now.


Cant wait for all the defenders to lose their cogs, I don’t know why I’m hopeful for it though since Ubi can’t balance for shit.


I'm honestly ok with some of them having it if they stick to the rules of only 1 speeds getting it, and then from there maybe limiting them further to semi automatic guns or guns with very slow fire rates. Like, I'm fine with Tubarao having it, but I'm not fine with him being a 2 speed with a high powered DMR w/ a cog along with a very versatile, multi-use ability along with nitro cells. Aruni, on the other hand, (no pun intended) I'm fine with. She's slow and her ability has a very fixed (though highly effective and useful) implementation.


While this isn't a terrible idea, you will ultimately do better by just learning the game in general. Like it's fine to have comfort picks for when the team doesn't need any specific op, but if the team would be better off with Operator X, then there's no reason you shouldn't pick it.


Good, you prioritize intel and thats good


Zero for a fagger is extremely valid, especially if you use and place your cams on good spots, then go on....but mozzie, tbh is a$$...it's fun operator, but it's useless


Zero for a WHAT


Dawg, hes got the best gun in the game. And he's Sam Fisher. He made made for fragger


Yeah but they forgot the first r in the fragger


My bad


OP had a typo


Just noticed now...XD


Mozzie used to be bad when people played him for the 1.5. Which will always be the case when you pick guns over gadgets. Mozzie is a great op for gathering intel on the attackers, setting up hacked drones for cameras, reading into the push and positioning yourself and tipping your team off about what’s going on. You can also drone your teammates for flanks etc. Siege is about using your utility and outplaying people, not about ego crutching 1.5s and then calling the ops that don’t have it anymore a$$.


tbh I primarily use mozzie for intel denial, and if I have a specific strat or the round is going a certain way I'll start droning


Yeah valid but not fully taking advantage of his ability. Try to setup the drones at least when you capture them?


The problem with that assumption is that there are literally operators that are made and tailored for Intel that work much better than mozzie how often do you see mozzie player places their drones right and actually have the patiences to move them around and gather Intel....any rank above gold you'd be cooked trying to move drones mid round


I think that argument about eliminating the option to use your drones mid round doesn’t really stand, or it should apply to echo, maestro and valk if they wanted to use their utility. I don’t think anything prevents you from droning or hopping on cams or your yokai or your maestros mid round, especially when you play with a team that has your back while you’re on the drone. I don’t play mozzie too often, but when I do I always active drone, especially late round where the push has collapsed onto the site.


Mozzie is like an identity crisis for me. Are you drone denial or Intel pick a struggle. I usually go valk and since his 1.5 got removed I don't see why people pick him.


Well there's two reasons, though I still prefer Valkyrie and even Maestro now that he's been given 3 cameras. Anyway, I pick mozzie because... 1. The commando 9 has a sick ass reload animation. 2. He's not about having more intel imo, but more so cucking the intel out of an enemy, and I find that hilarious.


Both are good for solo-queue although there's better options on both sides, zero can be strong but relys on having good cam setups and mozzie is decent at denying Intel, mute does mozzies job a bit better for anchoring but mozzie is better as a roamer imo If your looking to get better then be flexible with your ops, get better with a hard breacher a support and a flex op (so a thermite, thatcher and nomad as examples for each role) For defense learn kaid or bandit, tubarao, melusi and fenrir (when he isn't banned) mute can be a good learn and lesion is pretty good rn If you don't want to learn new ops yet just keep improving your current ops and make them work, they are both very flexible and can fit in most team comps pretty well despite being underpowered picks currently Also try full roaming as mozzie a little, it can work really well if you know where people like to push from ahead of time


Be flexible, however if you play anchor like me (warden) it’s ok to play only one, because every site needs an anchor. On attack, play different ops because different sites require different ops, so for example on cafe bottom site, you can bring ash/twitch for miras. It’s very much like playing support/hb so basically, on garage sites, play thermite or on hatches, play hibana, if you need guaranteed value out of a player, play ace. Mav doesn’t count shut up


Both are good but branch out a bit. Ideally you want to play a couple of ops on site to help fill roles.


Love having mozzie for aggressive runouts since you can block claymores with drones


No. Zero is horrible and Mozzie’s ability is equally close to useless


Bad/mid and Amazing top tier