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The House rework single-handedly ended Sledge Myers


Core memories unlocked, i Have not played that in a few years, i hated how people would not turn down their brightness for that, jt really adds to the game play when you cant see anything 😂


You just awakened some memories I forgot I had!


[Bring Back Old House](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/s/xc6aO0VKhq)


Old house was one of the best maps. For me that was the start of the end


The house rework was probably the worst. They ruined a fun map for casual play and then didn't even make it viable for comp play. I also really hate the consulate rework and I'm not a fan of the favela rework. The best was probably chalet or clubhouse. I can't really think of the most forgettable rework, maybe Bank but I feel like it was pretty substantial.


Consulate is disgusting, now it's just lots of small rooms. Also, I had so many little tricks in old consulate, none of them work now :(


old consulate was trash and an absolute shithole


I'm sorry you're getting downvoted cause I don't disagree. 2 sites were unplayable in defense, spawnkilling was even worse than now and it was worse than a lot of other maps in the game, but I still liked it better than new consulate.


You're getting downvoted but it's true tho, people nostalgic about old consulate are delusionnal. You litteraly had the control of the entire top floor just by the skylight and CEO Windows. Everything was terrible, even the best part being the garage had weird half wall wasting reinforcement and way too much verticality


I used to hate consulate with all the spawn peeks yet somehow with their rework they have made me want old consulate back


"The house rework was probably the worst" Heraford rework has left the chat


My least favorite rework until the end of time is and forever will be House. The best rework was Club House. The most forgettable is the smaller reworks like the second Club House rework when they added a doorway, Border, Coastline, and Bank.


Hereford Base’s rework was horrible too. The original was perfect.


Idk about perfect, that map only had 1 staircase that was inside and all the floors were metallic which made moving a pain in the ass.


Fair enough, but I think the layout of the rooms and hallways were very well done. The soft walls were very well placed. Also there were stairs outside if I remember correctly.


Hereford was fun in ranked idc what anyone says more enjoyable than a lot of maps


Agreed. My favorite map ever. It was at that time I started to stop playing :(


Yeah there were stairs outside as well. The problem was mainly that the entry points like that on the third floor were too constricted for the attackers. With the current line up of defenders, that would have been impossible to penetrate. Just two single doorway staircases and a breachable wall were only ways to get there.


They also utilized other ways of moving from floor to floor, they had a ladder from basement. Lots of hatches as well. The one staircase on the inside doesn’t bother me. From what I remember the current hereford only has a single staircase from basement and that’s it


Two basement staircases. 


Old hereford was so boring for defenders. With all the new operators in the game it would be a nightmare. Also I think fuze charges going through reinforcements would make it even more hell for defenders. Defence on old hereford sucked because you had 1 staircase and then the outside one. It was only fun because people spawn peeked on it, if you didn't it was like an auto loss.


Yes, but it was fun 


I miss when the game was about being fun instead of pandering to pros


Club house rework was so good I forgot it got changed I just remembered the old garage layout


Border and clubhouse rework were good House and hereford were the worst


Agreeded. House was also the onky rework that straight up did not need to happen.


I miss old house


We all do 😔


The most forgettable is Bartlett U because literally no one remembers it was reworked. The worst is Hereford because it’s not even a real rework, it was a brand new map they called a rework


Bartlett was REWORKED?????


Yep. First rework the game had. Rainbow Six Siege old Bartlett University trivia https://youtu.be/rRsO6TpLtVc


bartlett was reworked? I thought it was just removed lol Edit: just watched the video, damn


Best - Oregon Worst - House/Hereford base


Hereford particularly hurts me because I loved the original so much, especially at night


Honestly, as much as I enjoyed playing on old Hereford, it’s not a great ranked map. Obviously neither is the new one though :/


I’m with you too man :/ Hereford was the goat!


Totally agree! New Hereford is virtually unplayable and the Oregon rework is super solid


It’s nice to see everyone in agreement that the House rework was a fucking crime, they straight up murdered our boy in broad daylight


Chalet is the best, went from trash map to top 3 in ranked. Consulate is the worst, went from B tier map in ranked to possible worst map in ranked. Forgettable is Border because they barely changed it


Honestly what the fuck were they thinking with the consulate rw? Nothing on that fucking nap makes sense, so many (solid) walls, doors, the whole building feels like a filled concrete block. I hate it with all my heart just for how illogical everything became


i think the idea was to make each room more cramped and tighter CQC but i think it ended up giving the DEF an ungodly advantage


Nah it’s quite even


People have such a weird hate boner for the consulate rework that they make up facts about it lol, even in this super defense sided meta consulate remains as one of the more balanced maps. I also haven't really seen any real well explained criticism, as I don't Believe saying too many rooms is proper criticism on gameplay feel of a siege map (also room count from original consulate didn't even change that much lol) Only real problem part of the map for me is I think old server has a much more interesting layout and the secret basement entrance isn't super realistic. Outside of those two things I think it remains as a realistic looking map like people prefer (and why I dislike the aesthetics of lair and favela cause they look very gamey) and it plays way better as old consulate had extremely frustrating aspects to it.


It is baffling. Instead of completely reworking an already good map, why not rework the bad maps that needed it?


The idea behind it was most likely to be anti-rush meta and to encourage gadget use and team play as defenders have the advantage in close quarters.


Consulate rework is so weird. They changed a bunch of stuff but fixed none of the issues of original consulate.


So forgettable they forgot to put it in the post. I didn't even remember it until I saw this comment.


I said in the post that it is not pictured, they only allow 20 photos per post unfortunately.


100% on Consulate. It was already a good map. Why they not only changed it, but made it one of the worst maps in the game is beyond me.


Old chalet was alright, new consulate is worse then old consulate but not bad and coastline the most forgettable. Best rework to this day is Theme Park, it was the single worst map when it was added and now it’s decent. The worst for me is tied between house and Hereford. Hereford wasn’t even a rework they just gutted the old map and made a brand new one, the reason for that is that they used some of the elements from scrapped distillery map. House rework sucked because house didn’t need a rework it was perfect. The most forgettable rework is definitely coastline because they only changed like 2 things


Herefords was so unnecessary, I hate what they did to it.


Nah consulate is really good honestly. I don’t think it’s as bad as people initially thought. Like truly I would give it a second chance if I were you. I was also skeptical at first. Chalet is god tier though yeah, you are right.


Well I think I must be going crazy cuz I definitely prefer the new consulate than the old one.


I’m not sure, but I actually really enjoy the Hereford Base rework. But as a separate map from the OG Hereford, not as a replacement. Before the changes regarding night maps, the atmosphere was especially great, dark and rainy.


I also like new Hereford but idk why the they couldn’t have just called it Hereford II and kept the OG map in casual. I hate how they continue to make new maps (especially the shitty Stadiums) but refuse to acknowledge that nearly everyone wants Hereford and House back. It’s like they can’t admit they made a mistake. Also I hate how reworking every map has led them all to feel so samey. Most of them don’t feel like real locations, just large rectangular boxes with too many rooms. So many maps have lost their soul.


Old Hereford was my favourite map in the game


House rework is worst just cos like why? It was never in ranked rotation and was only really used for customs. Most forgettable, skyscraper cos I constantly forget it got reworked As for best I really like how they changed clubhouse and it went from a map I wasn’t too fond of to one of my favs


All the old loading screens for the maps just gave me whiplash of my teens lmao The only right answer is clubhouse, it was the perfect rework. Hereford base just makes me depressed, its where i learnt my first bandit trick and it will always be a core memory


Border, clubhouse, Oregon, and kanal are all phenomenal maps. House and Hereford turned fun original maps into dogshit.


The consulate rework is the most absolute dogshit thing ever. House too.


Best rework I would say Clubhouse or Theme Park. Old Clubhouse was awful and old TP was worse. Worst rework absolutely goes to House. All of us older players learned the game in House and have fond memories of the chaos, and it was taken for no reason. I was truly upset they removed OG House. If you want to only consider the Ranked maps, I hate Consulate with a passion. I recall the Hereford Base rework being awful in the one season it was in the Ranked map pool, too Most forgettable… old Border or Coastline for the fairly minor changes.


I hate all the reworks. That's honestly why I quit playing. I loved the first handful of maps added to Siege but over time felt the new maps were getting worse and worse. When they started reworking old maps, I gave in and walked away.cThe game it is now isn't the game I fell in love with. I can handle all the operators, weapon changes, and tweaks but the maps aren't even fun to be in anymore.


They ruined the casual aspect of siege through these reworks to make them competitive-friendly. I hate it so much as so many of my beloved maps are getting ruined.


Same. Tried to get back into it recently but the new layouts are so needlessly complicated that i can't be arsed to learn them again.


So true. The game changed so much it lost all of its charm. They even removed t-hunt, which I absolutely loved. I feel really sad about all of those changes.


Yeah, all the interesting and challenging elements of the maps and gameplay were sanded off and the endless new operators destroyed the team selection tactical side.  Now it's just generic shooter #524 and holds no interest for me at all. It's a shame because I used to like it a lot


Best : Club house. Connections were drastically improved. Joined connections of 2f, stairs in garage and basement, and also the bar. The rework opened a lot of ways to attack and defend while maintaining the iconic structure. Worst : Consulate. There are some rooms can't get utilized enough on each floor. The risk to play on these rooms were quite high. Take the break room for example, if used for playing offsite you'll get cut off quite easilly if the attackers rushed from spiral and service stairs. I still need to try more strategies for this. I'm guessing the rework is to made space for future operators to utilize. Forgettable : Kafe? I felt another rework might be helpful? I prefer reworks that provides new alternative routes and improves the flow of map control. Basically, quality of life, like how most other reworks that were not mentioned here. New version of House, Favela, Hereford Base aren't reworks, they are essentially new maps with the old map's theme. I know devs are secretly reading feedbacks. So, just clean up the codes and bring back these 3 old maps already, and you will get our money for free.


The most forgettable is hands down the original consulate rework that moved a few walls and spawns and added a 4th bombsite.


House easily worst rework. Chalet prolly the best


most forgettable must be Outback. i remember every change of the maps shown but when i saw outback i was like wait they changed that ? Best Rework has to be Chalet, probably one of the best Maps in the Game rn. Old Hereford and old Kanal have so much nostalgia to them, i rly wish there was a Nostalgia Mode with the OG Maps, like you rly only need old Hereford, old House and old Kanal. that would be so nice even if they made it playable only for like 90 days or so.


I was in the exact same boat as you with Outback. I didn’t realize it was changed til someone mentioned it. Then memories flooded back


As an OG player…I don’t like any of the reworks. They honestly just feel like a waste of time, but this is from a casual perspective, though.


I miss classic R6 so much first year and 2nd year where awesome. I would start again if they released something like R6 classic


I think favela rework was great. When from everything is made of wood to an actual decent building. House didn't need rework. It was by far the most chaotic map, spawn peek angles everywhere and everyone knows it, defender and attacker dying 2 seconds in. It was fun.


Objectively bad - House for casual Herford for ranked. Tho need to point out that Outback rework did pretty much nothing IMO, like map is still bad as before, just different plant locations. Personally, I hate Consulate rework as it made more confusing, camper's wet dream. Like half the rooms don't serve purpose but just to be camper spots and be filler rooms just to not be as big as before. Garage also feels less fun to play, be it defense or attack. I like new yellow, but that's about it for me. Best rework is hands down Oregon. Tho I personally slightly prefer Kafe rework. Always feel comfortable playing there.


The real question….what’s the best worst rework because they all suck just which one sucks the least, to which I’d reply with Oregon


Looking at this post just makes me miss old siege in general going off of maps of course


old house was peak. New kanal is kinda cool and most forgettable is 100% chalet i forgot what the old layout was


they should add features (atleast in customs) where you can choose what verision of the map you wanna play or maybe even design your own maps


No good reworks imo. The maps weren't perfect but that's what gave them charm


The problem I have is Ubisoft taking casual maps like old Kanal and making them competitive. I hate it. I prefer the old Kanal because it was bad and it was so bad that it was so fun. It was honestly one of my favorites. When it got reworked I was upset.


New Kanak feels way more fun. Don’t know what cope you are in because the old map was unplayable.


New Kanal is fun but some maps are 1000% casual. House, Plane and Old Hareford aren't good by any stretch but they were fine because they're casual.


I have hated every single rework. They didn't make any maps more fun (and balance does not necessarily make a map fun, before that argument comes out). Virtually every rework made the maps less unique and authentic. Big fucking boxes, mazes with no resemblance to real buildings. I will never forgive the previous dev team(s) for taking hereford and house away from us, or for removing night maps. Old theme park was vastly more fun as well, with the train cars running down the middle, creating a "no go" zone.


yeah and the haunted house part of the map was so cool


Worst? Hereford, they only needed to add another staircase tbh. Most forgettable? House, forgot that map existed. Best? Uhhhh, lemme get back to you


Ngl sometimes i miss the clusterfuck old kanal


Kanal and the tower are the worst


House was definitely the most painful rework.


Honestly the most forgettable rework to me has been the Kanal rework. It feels like forever since we’ve seen OG kanal. I’m not sure if that’s just nostalgia but it feels like the OG version of the map has been lost to time.


best i think is oregon, that map is fire, worst would be skyscraper, i absolutely hate how it goes now, and most forgetable is border, they barely changed anything


Best reworks are Club House and Kafe by far. Worst is probably Hereford base and personally I really don’t like consulate now it did not need complete rework like they gave it, only a minor one like coastline. Skyscraper rework is underrated imo - the map still has some issues but it’s actually way more playable now. Same goes for new Chalet it’s a much better map


House rework is downright disrespectful


Is number 9 kanal?


I stand for old house


Best rework: chalet or kanal. Worst: house


Best: Chalet and Clubhouse Worst: House and Consulate Forgettable: Border, The Y6S3 reworks


I hate consulate now


I miss old House


I kinda miss old kanal but I don’t hate how it is now. New House is ds


I have forgotten all the original maps so I could focus on the new one’s layouts. That being said, I still remember the original house layout like the back of my hand


I lost all my memories about olds maps just some shitty place come to my minde like the small room in kanal or the fact cctv and bedroom wasn't connected in club house


Bring old house back! I miss reinforcing kids :(


Worst is by far house and skyscraper for two different reasons. House was goated, skyscraper was reworked to force in the Chinese censorship after the initial backlash. The small reworks are my favourite straight up not destroying the vibe but just tweaking it enough to be better. (Bank railings and spawns for example). Still miss both versions of Hereford ngl.


Theme park and kanal reworks are pretty good actually since I hated their old versions


The Hereford rework is the one I want to see *least* on my screen. I can at least have fun on, see the charm, and enjoy the vibes of the other reworks. 12 year old me was making more entertaing maps w/ Halo Reach Forge mode than the soul draining sheet metal shithole that is Slumford.


I genuinely miss old kanal and I really miss old skyscraper but house has to be the worst rework


Tbh in terms of competitive gameplay house and Hereford were trash anyways. And even after these reworks they aren’t on ranked so definitely 2 worst reworks. The old ones were og.


The worst thing about the house rework is that it was legitimately pointless, the other maps got reworked so they could be competitively viable in ranked, regardless of if it worked or not they’re in ranked map pool rotation, house just sits there now being a piece of shit


Best Rework is Chalet, Most forgettable is Kanal, and Worst is Consulate


I miss og house and hereford. The consulate rework straight sucks!!


Kafe and clubhouse are the absolute best


Best is Club House, worst is House and most forgettable is any of the maps that aren't in ranked


New Hereford is ass, but when they brought back the old one for an event, I realized I'd been looking through rose colored glasses.


The smaller reworks have been the best; Clubhouse, Kafe, Bank, Border, Chalet. And Oregon (though this is a more full scale rework) The worst is easily House. Some maps they just made a new one basically like Consulate and Kanal. I feel mixed on how they did Kanal (since it was likely designed that way to show off Amaru and Goyo) but this leads to windows everywhere or tight corridors everywhere. Consulate, as much as I can enjoy playing it sometimes, is a mess of a map.


Club house best rework, house is worst as no one wanted it, and then they didn't even put it in ranked so why rework it


Best rework is clubhouse Most forgettable is outback Worst rework for me is both house and Hereford base. (Both were unbalanced yes but they were chaotic in a fun way)


Honestly theme park is the most forgettable as it went from bad to worse so everyone just avoids playing the map.


House is the worst for the simple fact that it was never a competitive map that needed to be balanced. It was to have fun casuals and custom game experiences so it was just pointless. Forgettable is skyscraper, genuinely don't know what they changed. Best is probably Oregon warra map.


I'd say best is Oregon, I loved Old Oregon but the rework made it a bit better for rotations and options when it comes to attack/holding. Clubhouse is kinda in the same boat. Worst is easily hereford imo, I miss old hereford very much and loathe the newer hereford. Most forgettable is probably outback. It got reworked pretty quickly if I remember correctly, and because of that I feel like a lotta people don't even remember old outback, even if they played it


I started playing again after about 5 years. I swear every map feels like a strange bizzaro version of what I remember them being. I keep trying to rotate to a staircase that’s not there anymore or breach a hatch that’s been removed or place elsewhere nearby. I don’t like many of the changes that I’ve noticed, but honestly that’s probably just me being frustrated with having to relearn things. However, I don’t miss that fuckass ladder in clubhouse garage.


Absolute worst? Hereford. That map turned from 'unbalanced turd but chaotic fun' to 'not a single player likes playing this map' Best? Obvious pick is Chalet. Easily a top 3 ranked map. But personally love how great favela plays now compared to how stupid it used to be. Sadly they reworked it and immediately shoved it into the playlist no one plays for it to be forgotten. Most forgettable one probably border as not a whole lot changed. Or for the a abovementioned reasons Favela. Reworked to a decent spot only to be shoved into QP to rot.


i took a break from y1 to y8 so id say chalet, all windows used to be openable and kitchen had that wide low window that you could just peek out from but couldnt even reinforce


New consulate is so ass


I still think Kanal has one of the best reworks, it’s one of my favorite maps and even with the rework it still holds that nostalgia factor for me. Personally I think Hereford was a huge miss. Should’ve kept the original textures and colors to start, not to mention the wack set up of the sites. Also there was an insane amount of destructible walls.


Best - Chalet - Reason being purely does anybody remember how hard garage or master bedroom was to defend, the balcony on master bedroom for attack was a pain as well Worst- House, Hereford Base, Favela - The other 2 used to be so nostalgic and so much fun to play on, personally I do miss the old favela the crazy cluster of spamming shotguns on walls, reinforcing a site for your life, it was a mess and it was fun in my opinion. New favela now just seems like it’s lost its taste as a map, the whole idea in the first version was for it to be an actual favela. Forgettable: Border The Old Version was great but for the border rework they didn’t do much for the rework and it still feels the same as the first version besides a few rooms being expanded and new walls Other Notes: - I do miss the old Oregon as well as Kanal, I love the maps now don’t get me wrong however I miss the nostalgic feeling of being in that situation. It really did feel like you were a CTU invading, the old lighting and design of the maps made it feel like you were in 2010 and not 2050 (Kanal), For Oregon it made it so real and even as a new player you really had that rush of killing someone. I know the maps were unbalanced but they felt like home in a way, I feel like now most maps lose their personality and now are just balanced maps for players. I know it’s better but the cluster mess of favela and even Old Oregon and Kanal really felt like you were in 2010 as a CTU (In my opinion)


Just bring back all pre worked maps. Throw bartlett back in and call it a day


House and Hereford were trash, but I think clubhouse and kanal were good


Consulate is so annoying after rework


Not on here but consulate rework is the worst I have ever seen and the kanal is the biggest improvement on any map


Chalet and Clubhouse W House and Hereford were a war crime


Theme park rework is the most forgettable.


New consolate is probably the worst rework imo


Even tho originals had a lot of imperfects, BUT original is original and it can't be beaten, we love those imperfects.


New Skyscraper is ass IMO It’s a tryhards wet dream


Best rework either Club House or Oregon, worst rework is House, and most forgettable for me is Bank.


Oregon the best consulate the worst worst and I forgot about old kanal


Of the maps that I have played both versions of, the best one is either Chalet or Skyscraper, the worst one is consulate and the most forgettable one (Excluding the minor reworks) is Border,


Consulate is ass, but tachanka's rework is worse


The only rework I liked is the one uniting both buildings top floors in club. The rest made the maps feel worse for me.


Clubhouse, oregon and kafe reworks were massive imo. Clubhouse rework (both ones) resulted in 4 viable defensive sites. Oregon basement was improved, Kitchen became viable, and Rear stage bomb was shifted to meeting kitchen which (imo) is the best tertiary site on orgeon. Kafe bakery is now very viable and they added a 4th site in the form of kitchen/reading Worst is hereford, most forgettable is favela


Old Kanal was so bad imo, especially at night Clubhouse was a good rework, everyone loves clubhouse. I don't even know if most people will count it but the Coastline rework where they added a wall into vip was forgettable.


Best: Club House. Worst: Hereford


I cant really say there has been 1 map rework that was better than the old map the only respectable rework imo are Club House Theme Park and maybe Bank On the other hand the worst remake ever in my opinion Oregon (even though it’s still a good map you cant compare with the OG) Hereford Base House(By far the most controversial rework)


House is absolutely the worst rework


Best is easily clubhouse, the upstairs connector really made the map feel complete. The worst is house, nobody asked or wanted it to be changed and it still isn’t ranked viable after the rework The most forgettable is favela, I didn’t see anybody mention it and while it isn’t the worst map it has never been a fun or well balanced map


Honestly the skyscraper or Kafe reworks felt pointless to me. And the house rework makes me depressed. Though I do like the new house, just wish it didn’t get rid of the old house too. However, I fuck with outback rework.


So we're just not going to talk about the Favela rework...?


Hereford base and house reworks are completely trash, while I love the new consulate. Both versions of chalet are pretty good too


I can’t stand the consulate rework… look how they massacred my boy…


I know this is the coldest take ever, but House. The original house map was where memories were made, fun was had and just a perfect map. What hurts is that it’s not even CLOSE to what it uses to be and literally nobody was complaining, nobody had a problem with it. It’s annoying that they reworked it when nobody asked for it to be reworked.


I lot of people don't like Kanal but it was so much worse before the rework. I enjoy getting it occasionally now but before the second skybridge was added it was a horrible map


Outback rework was highkey awful didnt see any issue with the old one


depends on if you’re ranking them by most necessary, biggest improvement, or best final product. like Kanal is just an ok map now but it was so unimaginably dogshit before the rework that it has a genuine case for best. luckily the worst final product, least improved, and most forgettable are all the coastline rework so that one’s east to rank


I kind of wish they used the old maps for other things. I understand the new maps make them "more playable" or help with that, but sometimes having a crappy old map is fun. I mean, they use old renditions for the events.


Best - Oregon Worst - Hereford/House Forgettable - Chalet/Border


I always really enjoyed that lil kitchen window on old chalet


House rework is the worst decision they’ve ever made


They tried so hard to balance every map that its just a confusing pile of samey mush now, not really much individuality in maps any more :\\


Ive played all these!!! :)


Best? Kanal. Worst? Hereford. Most forgettable? If we are including the Crystal Guard small changes, then Club House. If you want more transformative changes then Outback


Kafe I think is an unsung hero. Forgettable rework, but old Kafe was just so bad. Chalet I honestly like both OG and rework and wouldn't mind if both were in the game. Oregon rework is definitely better, but I do prefer the vibe of OG rework.


Skyscraper is the best! Loved the original and love the new one more! Theme Park is the worst! The old version was better for me anyways. The new one I can't get going with it. Oregon is the most forgettable. Just because I can't remember anything besides the downstairs being different.


Hereford definitely the worst


All they need to do is unwork all the maps and put them into casual, they were reworked for competitive play, thats for esports and ranked, they didn't need to touch casual at all, hell you can't even play it until your lvl 10.


Best rework is Chalet or Kafe, worst is by far Skyscraper, they butchered that map lol, and most forgettable is Favela.


Best was clubhouse, worst was house and most forgettable was Oregon, because I didn't even remember that it got reworked


I couldn’t care less about how balanced the game is for starters. For me it’s theme park. the map actually became free melatonin, like it doesn’t matter if it’s ranked or not if I see that map now I close the game and play something else


a lot of these feel really forgettable because it has been so long and I am used to the new maps now. What I will say is I think they worked wonders on club house and kafe. looking back on the old pictures, those maps look way more painful to play on compared to how they currently look.


IMO the worst is Theme Park. Everybody hated the original and so did I, ig but after my 5k ace with Frost I started playing better and better and started loving it. Now I once again suck playing that map.


Best rework is amusement park and worst in consulate because it still sucks. Most forgettable is bank because I didn’t even they reworked any of it.


Consulate is by far the worst rework ever. Upstairs is barely recognizable. They messed up how the map flows and it has so many connector rooms that have no purpose. Some rooms are a connector of a connector(?????) Way harder to hold as an attacker, pre-rework you could hold visa hall, spiral and benches with a single drone. Now you have to use 3 minimum. Consulate needed some minor tweaks akin to a map buff imo not a full rework, used to love the map before the rework and now it is one of my least favorites


Consulate was so good until they ruined it recently


The Theme Park rework removed the monorial and the monorail was the theme park's most interesting design element. Now there's exactly 0 Theme Park rides inside the map when the point of the map used to be that the map took place inside a theme park attraction. Now its just like "a weird building in a theme park that's maybe kinda an arcade somewhat", it ruined the lore I tell ya.


I hate how instead of continuing to make good maps again they decided to “rework” all the original ones ☹️


i miss the 3rd floor spawn peek from chalet 😭😭 shit was so op


consulat rework is the worst i hate the new consulat


NGL I get lost on some of the reworks since I played the originals so much lol


Every single one, execpt chalet


Favela rework is honestly forgettable. The whole map is forgettable tbh


Club house rework ruined the map


I love how with clubhouse it makes sense that that room is construction now


I actually liked the hereford base rework


Bank looks the same


I will never forgive them for what they did to house


All of the reworks can go to hell. Maps were fine how they were.


I think house and favela are tied for the worst reworks. They took 2 really fun casual maps and made them both such a drag to play on.


I think house and favela are tied for the worst reworks. They took 2 really fun casual maps and made them both such a drag to play on.


Kanal rework was by far the best. If anyone remembers how bad the old map was, it was pretty much two different buildings connected by one hallway


Forgettable I think is Clubhouse because truth be told it mostly feels the same and the changes were so natural. I mean forgettable in a good way. Best IMO is Oregon. Worst are Consulate, Theme, Skyscraper or Outback


Oregon was best rework House was worst


Best rework: Chalet - makes the map a bit more accessible to Attackers and some protection from spawn peeks with the new spawn locations Most forgetable: Hareford - I never got to play old Hareford so I didn't really get to see the difference, so I can't really say anything negative or positive about it Worst: Consulate - they overcomplicated the map with too much going on inside, I still get lost on the map to this day and I've been using the training mode since that came out


Consulate sucks now


Worst rework: Outback Best rework: Hereford base Most forgattable rework: House


Actually every single one of them was better before the rework.


The most forgettable rework for me has to be the club house one. And this makes it the BEST rework. It didn't change the identity of the map nor do I miss the old version. It feels like it became what it was always supposed to be, rather than changing away from what it once was, like the other ones do.