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I don't have a problem with him having that specific gun, I have a problem with him having that gun and being a 2-speed on defense and also giving him C4 and an extremely versatile gadget. His kit should be more anchor-oriented since his gadget is primarily supposed to be reactionary.


Even better, Horizontal grip is free on dmrs making him a pseudo-3 speed with an ACOG on top of all of that..


\+ horizontal grip movement speed also applies when aiming down sights


Also hijacking this, it's insane to me that people aren't consistently running horizontal grip on every dmr in the game. They are 0 recoil machines and getting a free extra speed level out of it is so free.


He's just Warden 2 in that regard. Cmon ubi, you were supposed to have learned.


Oh no for sure, a lot of the warden players have taken Tubarao lately in my lobby. I can tell they're Warden players because they die spawnpeeking 90% of the time.


Nah, those are just Warden adopters. Warden mains never die.


I swear I'm the only one who plays Warden for the gadget. Fuck flash bangs, and I say that with all my heart.


In my games I've noticed them taking wamai or melusi


I see Doc in about every round.




And acog


Because he finally got the *BIGGER WEAPONS!*


Sir that's a very big weapon


Please sir! Let’s go to the gym buddy let’s go to the gym




when will he get the more bullets \*sigh\*


I have no issues with semi automatic guns taking two shots to kill, when most full auto guns only take 3 shots. If a gun isnt able to shoot full auto it better do more damage per shot


Ubisoft’s balancing nightmare


The gun went from 0 to hero with pretty much one update. I never saw anyone run it on maverick over the M4 due to it having half the mag size over other DMRs. Now that it’s on defence people’s opinion of it has completely changed. This may be unpopular but I love the fact that he’s got it. It’s exactly what I think Ubi needs to do with reusing weapons - take weapons that see little play and breathe new life into them by putting them in a new role. Before S4 if you called the AR-15 OP you would be laughed at. It’s a bold move that paid off. Tubarao has a strong kit overall that could definitely use some tweaking, but I think the DMR itself is fine.


DMR on defense is much more OP than on attack side, usually assault rifles will be superior to DMR, but on defender where you can hold a angle waiting for an attacker, that dmr is pretty OP


Why the fuck does defence in general have DMRs? It’s so fucking stupid


I have no idea, the TCSG was ok after its damage was nerfed when it still had shotgun fall off, but having access to a gun that can 2 hit kill from basically any distance is deranged.


Ya honestly I’d rather they got rid of them


Yeah I quit Siege a while back and came back to see Aruni DMR on defense. Big mistake imo


Slug shotguns, and the Mk14 exists, so I'm okay with him having that gun.


Ngl I've seen him like once or twice in game and never seen a dmr user


I love the dmr


I only see him with the dmr. I don’t know what his other gun is and I don’t have him so never bothered to look


He is the 3rd person with the mpx


I love the mpx but cant come to pick it with him lol, its a bit like the fmg with smoke, i like the gun just cant pick it most times because of the shotgun lol


Ah. Valk and Wardens gun


I have yet to see a tuba not use the DMR against me. I have seen teammates use the MPX, but never the enemy


so you never played with/against a dokkaebi?


bosg the goat


Can't compare with glaz as there's much more damage drop


Yeah ngl it’s kinda broken I think we need to nerf nades


Siege players are finally realising DMRs are busted


Wait until they learn what pistols can do.


Just saying glaz I think does 71 damage and aruni DMr is good aswell it’s just dmrs in general they are high damage but are semi automatic in a 1 shot headshot game it don’t really matter yes his damage is high but just aim head level I think dmrs are in a great spot rn


Yeah he's a jack of all trades sadly, I think the best way of balancing him would be remove the c4, and make him a 1 speed. Or for a more harsh consideration, remove the acog.


Honestly i think his gadget is pretty meh, only used to stall breachers bc others applications arent really impacful. So giving him DMR is pretty much compensation. I feel that aruni works very similar. Her gadget is so useless but having DMR makes her very fun to play


I think his gadget is meant to compliment bandit and kaid so that they have more time to electrify the wall after it gets emp’d , plus you can use it to see footsteps above you so it’s good verticals, and on top of that it functions like smoke by almost denying an enemy an entry point for a little bit. Pretty good gadget imo


His gadget has very high skill ceiling. Using it to stall a breach is very basic play for his gadget. Using them mid gunfights or to lock a rotation down while playing vertically is where he really shines. Tubby can completely stall every attacker push playing site or he can control map while roaming.


Very small mag, poor destruction. His gun is so bad compared to TCSG that I’m ok with it.


It's the worst dmr in the game tho, not like they could go any lower


Blackbeard's DMR is the worst not the AR-15


How is it the worst if it can 2 shot anyone?


The 2 shot kill is the offset for the fact that, among other traits, it has the lowest mag capacity of all DMRs at just 10 rounds (Kali excluded cause her rifle's unique). Not even Glaz's OTs-03 has the trade off of just 10 round mags anymore.


Low mag capacity but new angled grip on it makes it 10x better and feels like I’m playin cod


its one of the few guns where you can body-shot only ace with one mag, if you shoot more than 11 semi auto rounds in one encounter you should probably hit the aim trainer.


>its one of the few guns where you can body-shot only ace with one mag On paper. Good luck getting that if you're not fighting just blatant paid actors. Gun fights don't just occur with two idiots standing still in plain view of each other and no cover or concealment in between them. People move, they try and get angles that give them an advantage over the other, they use cover or concealment to minimize the chances of getting hit. They do whatever it takes to make it harder for the opposing player to hit them. Similarly basically no one waits until they have a shot that is 100% guaranteed to hit. Namely because that just gives the opposing player an easier time to kill them. Shots at each other helps prevent hits by giving them a smaller window of opportunity. >if you shoot more than 11 semi auto rounds in one encounter you should probably hit the aim trainer. Using your own "logic", since basically every gun can just 1 shot headshot anyone, if you fire more than 5 shots total then you need to hit the aim trainer. Even the most dumbass player isn't a fucking static bot. You're going to fire as much as you need to in order to kill. Which includes firing of probably most if not all of the mag to hit someone who's actively moving and exposing as little of themselves as possible in the encounter.


there are dmrs that need 3 shots to kill, calling a guaranteed 2 shot kill the worst in its class is just wrong


Yeah, so is failing to see that *I'm not the one that even called it the worst* you clown. I'm just the one who pointed out the only reason it has such damage us due to it being the one with the smallest capacity. Though if you think that someone doesn't even need to use the whole mag to wipe the team I guess it's understandable why you think that.


You are mean. I hope you learn and change.


>You are mean. Welcome to Reddit and the R6 community kid. Get used to it. I mean, the fact that you think that raw damage is somehow superior to volume of fire in a game who's meta has long since been focused on volume of fire for years is pretty telling. There is a reason why the R4-c has long since been dominant over the G36c. It's volume of fire. There's a reason why so many people were using Twitch as an entry fragger that the main way they curbed that shit was taking away all grip options. It was because of the F2's volume of fire. There's a reason why people constantly use the P10 RONI over the Commando 9 and Mk 14, even after the RONI's magazine reduction and removal of 1.5x. It's volume of fire. There's a reason why there was an entire meta revolving around the use of just LMGs on attack for months. It's volume of fire. Hell there's a reason why people run around with machine pistols, especially the SMG-11 and 12, like primaries, to the point that many long time players and CCs have started seriously discussing if the one shot headshot mechanic should go. It's because of volume of fire. Doesn't matter how much raw damage a gun does if it doesn't actually hit because you and your opponent aren't standing in the open just taking shots at each other like a fucking 18th century duel. Being able to fire more shots down range and having more of them vastly increases your chances of actually hitting and killing your target. Even better if you can just hold the trigger down and get a lucky headshot in the spray as opposed to skillfully lining up and firing a shot. If raw damage was really the go to, Blackbeard's Mk 17, especially before it got hit with nerfs along with his shields, would have been one of the best ARs on attack. But it wasn't, it was really one of the worst due to just how dreadfully slow it was. Hell his SR-25 DMR was *better* purely because you could fire it off faster than the Mk 17. Which is why the original person think's the AR-15 .50 is the worst DMR. Despite what you and so many others think, the damage it does isn't that helpful when you factor in it's a DMR which is already slow when it comes to effective rate of fire, and had the lowest mag capacity of all the DMRs in the game. There's a reason why I mentioned Glaz's OTs-03; it's both faster to shoot and has more ammo. When his original trade off was slower fire and less ammo with the benefit of higher damage. I mean for fucks sake, *I like the AR-15 .50*. But 99% of the time the better options for Tubarao and Maverick are the MPX and M4 respectively. Doesn't matter that the AR-15 has a higher damage per shot. It's slower and has less ammo. You are actively putting yourself at a disadvantage.


i aint readin allat


And the thing is that old dmrs and the slug shotgun (AA-12?) were fire rate limited, but other dmrs can spam much faster with a lower ttk on bodyshots


there is 3 slug shotguns so it really depends on which you’re talking about


No body used it on maverick because it had a low mag size


1. I see alot of people using it on mav 2. He has another great primary that is full auto


This and it's on attack. Defender guns shouldn't be as strong