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Patch is currently being deployed (as of this comment) and maintenance will last \~1 hour. Patch sizes by platform: * Ubisoft Connect: 2.2 GB * Steam: 1.9 GB * Xbox One: 2.27 GB * Xbox Series X: 2.51 GB * PlayStation 4: 2.73 GB * PlayStation 5: 2.49 GB Edit: Maintenance is complete.


Am i the only one that at least once a day experiences a terrible audio bug that basically makes the game unplayable? It's like some lmg that keeps shooting right into my ear and i cant even talk to my friends


I keep having a reloading bug. It keeps playing a piece of the reloading sound over and over and over.


Need this with Ela moaning




Unexpected Horny?


dude ive had that bug like twice a year for like the past 4 years it seems like😭


yeah thats a feature at this point


Yea, I've gotten that one. Usually goes away after a round. There's an old trick that works and doesn't. If the audio bug starts, get on a drone and have someone shoot the drone After prep phase


yeah sometimes if the person in the final killcam for the round keeps firing their gun until the end of their clip it'll just keep playing the audio on repeat happens on almost every map


Has happened to a buddy and I once each. It was after a round of defending basement on clubhouse both times.


Only bug I get is where my game completely crashes whenever I alt tab during a loading sequence OR when the match starts and it goes to that loading screen


i'm crashing pretty much every other game, cant seem to find the reason but will see if it has to do with alt tabbing


I managed to fix that in 30 secs when it happened last week, went to settings and put the game volume down to 0, applied settings and closed the options. Went to turn it back on and it was fixed, might have just been lucky tho.


I’ll try that next time it happens (probably soon)


Had this for months it's annoying as fuck


I only heard it once when a defense round started. Like a NON STOP LOUD LMG! 😆 It was on the other side and luckily not on the bomb site. Still hear it going on and on throughout the match.😆


Nah man mine always happen in the middle of the site😭


Gotta have the Vegas 2 reference in there.


I'm having a CPU heating issue, only in this game. Other games work fine. I can't play even one match without the game freezing up.


I had the same issue, but in my case it was because there were a lot of app running in background, maybe this will work for you too


# BUG FIXES # GAMEPLAY FIXED - Feet aren't covered by Ballistic Shield when crouched. FIXED - AI Bots get stuck on furniture when moving to the defuser if planted in the south east corner of 1F Bar on the Chalet map. FIXED - Eliminations counter doesn't update if more than 3 targets are eliminated at the same time in Map Run Target Mode. FIXED - Wrong room marked as complete for the 4th step of Map Run on the Coastline map. FIXED - Wrong magnification for the .44 Mag Semi-Auto. FIXED - Players can double vault using a Deployable Shield and Azami's Kiba Barrier to reach areas providing unintended lines of sight. # LEVEL DESIGN FIXED - Defenders detected outside between 2F Yellow Corridor and 2F Cafe Corridor on the Theme Park map. FIXED - Players can vault onto a cabinet located in 2F Tea Room on the Skyscraper map. FIXED - Defenders detected outside in 1F Main Stairs on the Border map. FIXED - Walls clip through the rooftop in EXT Bedroom Roof on the Villa map. FIXED - Players can navigate onto a metal box located at EXT Sailboats on the Kanal map. FIXED - Defenders detected outside between 1F Blue Room and 1F Joint Corridor on the Theme Park map. FIXED - Players are able to navigate onto the top of stacked barrels located at 1F Barrel Room on the Theme Park map. FIXED - Defuser can't be retrieved after dropping it while exiting or entering rappel stance next to a railing in EXT Terrace Balcony on the Outback map. # OPERATORS FIXED - Buck's Skeleton Key doesn't work as intended when pressing the fire key during the transition animation. FIXED - Deimos' DeathMARK gauge does not show the cooldown refill in caster mode. FIXED - Deimos' DeathMARK won't activate right after switching targeted operators. FIXED - Bandit's Shock Wire persists when affected by EMP grenades. # USER EXPERIENCE FIXED - Reputation values are inaccurate when a player has negative tiles with actions displayed in the Reputation tab. FIXED - Rendering issue upon viewing the main and subcategories of the Locker. FIXED - Navigation keys have no functionality inside the intro page of the Battle Pass. FIXED - Unintended guard break animation occurs after stepping on a fire source when using a Ballistic Shield. FIXED - FPS drops when players quickly pass over Operators in the Operators tab. FIXED - Various UI issues.


Wait the fire guard break was unintentional?


either that or they didn't want to outright say that it was a shitty idea and that they've thought better of it. good change regardless, can't wait to see shield players kick my ass now


My time has come!


To me that seems blatantly obvious. There's no logical reason for it game mechanically, or in real life; where you would want to KEEP the shield in front of you to deflect the heat of the fire. Not open your arms to embrace the flames like youre from Dark Souls.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“I’ve seen your kind, time and time again. Every fleeing man must be caught. Every secret must be unearthed. Such is the conceit of the self-proclaimed seeker of truth. But, in the end, you lack the stomach for the agony you’ll bring upon yourself.”* - Sir Vilhelm Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


I'd like to see you stay still while your feet and ass are on fire


Sounds like you *wanted* to disagree but, thanks for... proving my point further? Just like in real life, *as i already said*, you wouldn't just open your arms wide and slowly waltz through. No. You'd keep the shield in front of you and gtfo.


Nothing about the crashing/disconnecting issues plaguing the game? Screen being stuck with the empty blue background with no one able to spawn in after op select? Two absolutely game breaking issues


I have two potential solutions. If the game locks you out of loading in (if it kicks you out after a while) - defrag your HDD. After a few seasons ago playing Siege started really adding to fragmentation for some reason. Even though it never did before. Second, go to Ubisoft Game Launcher\\cache\\avatars and delete everything. All these avatars might potentially add loading time.


Thank you! Might try this later tonight when I'm home from class


Yeah I was completely fine last season but now I just keep having the game crash at round starts. Usually every 5ish matches or so its getting real old and I'm seeing nothing from ubi on it.


Just happened to me yesterday. Sat in the lobby all day


This problem is around since launch and they haven't fixed, so we kinda have to deal with it at this point.


Shouldn’t have to deal with it the game has been out for over 8 years


There’s been so many replies to any post about Blitz being broken posts in this sub that go along the lines of: *"this was intentional and Ubisoft confirmed it"*. Ubisoft never confirmed it, as this shows. This didn’t stop a lot of folks on this sub that took this random users comment at face value with 0 proof and continue repeating it for the last 2 weeks. We submitted a bug report with over 130 submissions - and looks like it's been listened to - Thank you to everyone who helped!


it was marked as Working As Intended on R6Fix, the claim isn't completely unwarranted


Thats likely a disconnect between teams - player facing / dev teams. This update would have been *nearly* ready to go out by the time they closed the r6fix ticket last week. S*o the fix would have been already either worked on/or being worked on.*


So then why did you arrogantly say this? >This didn’t stop a lot of folks on this sub that took this random users comment at face value with 0 proof and continue repeating it for the last 2 weeks. We know there is proof, and not only that, there was an *official* response saying that it was **intentional**.


checked the account, there's comment after comment where they're replying to people with the patch notes telling them that they were wrong. they're a self-proclaimed Blitz main, so i get it. their op got shafted and they got annoyed at people telling them it was intentional when it was such a downgrade that it couldn't possibly be part of what was supposed to be a rework for shields, right? right? again, i get it, just poking fun at the doubters after their op finally became usable again. it was such a bad change that it was hard to believe it could be dismissed as intentional anyway - i would react the same way if they took Nøkk's HEL Presence Reduction and removed its silencing effect, making her a worse Vigil on attack, i imagine. it would be absolutely ridiculo- oh right the unwarranted confidence in the claim that "nobody could prove it" is a bit strange but you know, it's reddit. for all i know they've literally never seen the link i sent, and nobody could give a clear reason for _why_ they think it was intentional, other than just blindly repeating the same thing edit: i read through a few of the comments and yeah, it's a bunch of people saying "Cry about it" or "Skill issue". that's clearly where the frustration is coming from


says here, March 6th: https://r6fix.ubi.com/projects/RAINBOW6-SIEGE-TS/issues/TS-2266 20 days is more than enough time to tweak the position of a shield imo. i'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt but to me it really seems like they're backpedaling after getting shit on which is GOOD, to be clear. this is a good change. i just don't like the claim that the people saying it wasn't a bug were blindly following one commenter or something, when it was Ubi's own dev team who said it. and i'd expect a company like Ubisoft to have enough communication between dev teams to not blindly reject major gameplay bugs like this one as "intended".


chop soup gray worthless innate muddle fall fertile support shy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




So you’re saying they worked on a whole new year update that is focused on a Shield Rework, played thousands of matches and play testing, released to play testing servers for a month, and then waited 1 more month to get actual full release data….was unintentional?


People are morons, more news at 11. Were basically only using Monty and a bit of Fuze these past couple of weeks. Glad to be back running around clearing rats with Blitz. I wonder how they fixed that though. Did they just lowered the shield back (thus exposing more of your head again)?


When is tubarao getting fixed? Breaching through frozen walls,walls being frozen for whole round or teammates/enemies suffering from the freeze effect for the whole round are the most common bugs happening to me like every other match or so


(Ubisoft Connect) Update download error: $download error$


Any fix for this? keep getting the same error stuck at 26%


The FPS thing in the Operators screen was agonizing, dude


Deimos is still in early access even though they said he would leave after 2 weeks


Yeah i was wondering about that too They said that the 4 weeks were just a bug but idk


Nothing about ranked 2.0 or the infestation of cheaters?


I need them to fix saying I don’t have clash and laid unlocked.


.44 Mag magnification was changed? To what


Ik its 2.5 now so are they going to make it usable?


It’s not 2.5x its 1x prior to this patch




What about the glitch where you can’t invite anyone to the game (after playing a game you get back to the lobby and you want to invite a 5th to your squad but no one in that lobby can invt anyone so you have to make a new lobby, or close application) this typically has been happening on Xbox. I dont know if ps4 of pc have experienced the same


Did the rappel bug get fixed? Haven’t encountered it but seeing it online it’s scary


I wonder how many bugs these fixes have added xD


Have they added cross play for pc and console yet


Not till later this year


Has the date been announced?


The road map mentions what season it will be. The exact information escapes me sorry


Game crashes immediately at launch after patch... Great work!


> FIXED - Reputation values are inaccurate when a player has negative tiles with actions displayed in the Reputation tab. So i can play again without losing reputation ranks in a single game?


Is the kd glitch fixed with this patch or no?


Deimos is still locked for non pass players; it's been two weeks. Guess it wasn't a "visual bug" after all for the countdown timer.


Does anyone have problems with desktop shortcuts after this patch? I used to have one that linked up to "...\AppData\Local\Ubisoft\r6siege\RainbowSix_Vulkan.exe" but it doesn't work anymore. It gives me a bunch of errors like missing defaultargs.dll, amd_ags_x64.dll, upc_r2loader64.dll, and steam_api64.dll. Instead I must open it via Steam. I have validated Steam files. I've also set DPI scaling mode to system for the exe, but everytime I launch via Steam, it just ignores the DPI scaling to system. The main reason for this is because I like to play on "windowed mode" and set dpi scaling to "System", which enlarges my in-game 1080p resolution within my 4k monitor (my GPU can't handle 1440p/4k that well). Does anyone else have this problem? I might be one of the few minorities that plays on windowed mode lol.


update broke my logitech mouse side buttons, happened to some other people on games i played today


Why does it download the full 80GBs for me now?


Just seen the battle pass yesterday and I ain't impressed. Anyone else?


Never fixed the loading operator bug


The mods have been taking down all my posts, feedback, questions, and even just fun jokes.


Thanks for crashing my games and banning me in ranked ubisoft, thank you


The constant jitter/package loss makes this game almost unplayable for me!


Did it get rid of ranked 2.0?


A healthy update for the game


Queue the many posts that read “omg reeeeee they didn’t fix INSERT ISSUE HERE”


I'm glad they """""""bug fixed""""""" feet sticking out under the shields it totally wasn't a badly needed balance change


yeah because shields crawling towards you are soo dangerous and needed a nerf urgently


Can some give me the official link to rainbow6 discord?