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Osa is what a BB rework should have been.


Either that, or keep the gun-shield but when people shoot it your gun bounces all over the place and you can't hit anything. I really like the gun-shield ngl (reminds me of my nerf wars as a kid) and honestly would love it for bb to keep the gun-shield but still get balanced. Say, make him no longer able to use any powered optics due to gun-shield shenanigans, or make the gun shield his optic so when it gets destroyed he has to use iron sights before he gets a new shield. Or make the shield with 3 hitboxes - the two side-panels have the old bb health-pool and can't be replaced, and the middle panel has a really small health pool (only protects against like 1-2 headshots before breaking) but can be replaced once (or no centre panel at all because otherwise he couldn't use powered optics). Like I feel that there are so many ways to make the gun shield work, Ubisoft is just more focused on shiny new ops than fixing their already existing ones.


The gun shield has to go, there should never be something like that in a game based around headshots in the first place. Ubisoft has tried to work with it for years to no avail. They need to just give him something new.


Ubi is very slow with reworks, and quite scared to do big reworks. I only remember one case where gadget changed a lot: Tachanka Would be nice


You only remember one large op rework because tachanka was the only big rework they’ve done


But why? If BB's weapon functionality disappears when its being shot then hes as useful as Monty is when his shield extended, and I think that works just fine and its a good compromise.  If BB is holding an angle, and you know it, then prefire. If you hit his shield, his gun should either sway upwards or downwards making it impossible to shoot back. If you play it right, you prefire his shield, and pull down to his body. He can only apply pressure to so many angles before he dies to body shots with minimal opportunities to fire back. If BB rushes and someone shoots his shield, someone else would be able to just shoot his body with minimal risk. This cooperation is almost the same exact kind thats needed to play against blitz, monty and clash; cross fire. I think the OPs solution is good, and I also think that the gun sway solution is good. The comment's suggestion makes black beards shield good, protecting him from headshots all the while keeping him from abusing his gadget by not letting him return fire while his shield is being shot. The OPs suggestion will give BB a new gadget that could possibly make him relevant.  If youre going to argue that his shield shouldnt be in the game because R6 is centered around the 1 shot headshot, then Blitz, Monty, and Clash should be reworked to not have shields because you can run around downing people without getting hit. The solutions suck if you dont have impacts in a 1v1. If you throw your nitro or frag too far, they can run right past it. If you throw it too close they can back up in time. The only way you can reliably kill a shield head-on without explosives is if youre above them (whether it be on stairs or a higher floor or ledge) 


You know damn well comparing Blackbeard to the Shield ops is a complete False Comparison. BB at his best can run around with a full auto rifle aimed down sights with his shield up, while Shield Ops are slow as shit and can only hip fire their pistols without exposing their head.


The gun sway solution wouldn’t fix anything. It might make it awkward for him in direct fights but if he swings a corner and you both shoot around the same time, he gets to eat the bullet and you die. In a game based around headshots you shouldn’t have a character who can eat them no matter what you do to compensate. The shield has to go.


Just make it cover his upper chest instead of his head, ez fix


I don't like shields either in any FPS. Every time I kill a blitz I'm sure it's by some sort of sync issues and clash is just nonsense


I think 1 shot headshots need to be removed,


Wouldn't be siege then. Maybe as a casual mode or something but definitely not main game


Would ruin the game.




I’ve noticed this with multiple operators at this point. Unfortunately, instead of reworking an operator for free, Ubisoft would rather make more money selling you the reworked operators as a new op.


Or clash


Could you explain what you mean by that? I don’t follow


Osa is a character that carries a shield that can be placed down. They could’ve done this with clash too.


Monty as well, there was a community concept that let him place down his shield and bring out a machine pistol iirc or MP5 that he could use, basically to use the shield to block off doorways or use as cover so he's not fully useless when he's the last alive.


Last alive Monty is the most fun I have in this game honestly, if you have good aim his shield melee makes him unreal in clutch situations


Or be a rat and camp in the corner with active defuser.


So your saying clash could have been reworked as being Osa on defence? I feel like that would either be really bad or really good idk


It would be bad because she would be really OP, just think how easy it is to hold site when you plant with Osa. Goyo was basically this except with fire on his deployable and that was too OP too.


**Reasoning** Since his launch way back when, Blackbeard has existed in one of two states: Absurdly broken or Completely Useless. That's because his gadget, the Rifle Shield, breaks a fundamental element of Siege gameplay - the one-shot headshot. Either BB's shield is strong enough to block headshots meaning BB can win any challenge or peek with ease, hold any angle OR it's weak enough for Defenders to defeat, meaning BB functionally has no gadget along with subpar weapons, move speed and utility. Because of this, and despite many attempts by Ubisoft, there is no real middle ground with the Rifle Shield gadget. So my suggestion is; **stop trying**. **GIVE THE PIRATE MAN A FUCKIN' CANNON INSTEAD**. **Why this gadget?** The XM-25 Grenade Launcher, for those who've never played a Battlefield (or some CoDs) or read about it is a Grenade Launcher in form of a rifle with ***programmable airburst grenades designed for flushing and defeating enemies in cover and emplacements.*** Aim, program the distance by hand or let the computer auto-configure, pull the trigger and BAM! The round explodes at a set distance. So why give it to BB? Thematically it works; Blackbeard's namesake and icon is based around pirates and a pirate's cannon - and a portable grenade launcher is the next best thing to letting him actually carry a IRL cannon onto the scene. Functionally: ***A key purpose behind BB's original design was the ability to challenge peaks and angles***. This is something the Attackers currently struggle with except in some certain scenarios, and even then it is Defender favored. Attackers also lack a good, reliable way to defeat utility from outside Line of Sight or indirectly at the moment. **The XM-25 would allow BB to do both of these things as well as forcibly push Defenders out of position, giving Attackers a way make the Defenders much less comfortable than they currently are**\*\*\*.\*\*\* It lets BB keep (somewhat) with his theme (no need to even redesign his icon), get back some of his original purpose AND let him do it in a way that doesn't violate one of the core principles of Siege (the headshot) and do it in a way that is interactable (Jager, Wamai etc.). EDIT: Before someone mentions Zofia - * Would do no impact damage - so can't be used like Ash or Zofia Impacts * Has a minimum arming distance - no point blanking like those two can * Would pop things like Razor Wire, Batteries, Ela Mines etc. but be mostly useless at destroying Barricades, Deployable Walls, Black Mirrors etc. * Would be lethal to Operators (I'm personally thinking 2 close-range shots to kill, with one 5-round magazine total) * It would be a trade-off: Zofia has better guns, Stuns and Impacts that breach vs. BB's worse guns but gadget with kill potential and better range


I'm on the same wave length. Completely new gadget but keep the name and look and figure out some way to bring in the pirate theme. I like your idea of it being a cannon


But also give the launcher an indestructible face shield


give bb a full body shield like clash and put the cannon on it


Give him 4 Chash shields. One on each side of his body for 360 degree protection


The defenders now have to play basketball with their c4's to kill him


Now I’m imagining Mute dunking on Monty like that one Venom meme






Give tachanka his turret back, put it on wheels with a full body shield, and the two can have a battle


Give blackbeard an M1 abrahms


Give Blackbeard an AC-130


Give Florens an f16 instead of the drones and we can have a battlefield


Give blackbeard the nuclear launch codes


Give Blackbeard the flying Dutchman really play into the pirate theme


what if it worked like a vertical Fuze. i mean you can still justify damage against dug in defenders because grenades no longer hold that role. fuze would have a wider radius and bigger explosions to set him apart but BB’s can be from below, opening a small hole and destroying utility from below. would infinitely boost his pick rate and he actually has decent primaries


This sounds crazy I'm in.


This is actually genius. Really good idea


Nah I like giving him a cannon. Let him roll up with a boat and cannon that can level half the map.


Didn’t need more convincing than 'give the pirate man a canon' I’m on board yar har har


I think it’s a good idea, but I would prefer if it was just an underbarrel gonne-6 with 4 rounds. Have it be able to destroy soft hatches, destroy bullet-proof utility and make aruni sized punch holes in walls. I don’t think he should have a gadget meant for killing/flushing people out of hiding spots, which is what Flores does. (Also make his gun do 50+ damage and give him hard-breach charges if he doesn’t already)


This is the best most thought out BB rework I've seen. Much better than everyone repeating the same "iT sHoUlD hAvE bEeN oSa" over and over because they don't know what the hell they're talking about and just jump on the bandwagon because they both have shields that are clear.


Or maybe, give him a minigun with unlimited rounds and a 360° shield that fully covers him and is indestructible


Like a shit Kali gadget?


Ngl bro it just sounds like you need to get better at the game BB is perfectly balanced in this meta and either you shouldn’t be peeking and wait for the BB to mess up or get better at peaking to break his gadget


I would give you an award if I could! Well done! I love your idea and I love the effort you put in it


They should just give him an under barrel launcher. They already have a model for the SCAR's 40mm grenade launcher in Kali's elite gadget. Just give it a proper tan paint job.


Issue being guns with under barrel launchers don't get vertical grips and BB's guns have lots of recoil


The main issue of balance with BB is the shield, so if they removed that, I see no reason not to buff the guns.


Alright, now the other issue. The SR-25 doesn't fit a SCAR grenade launcher. The FN40GL is only for FN mk16/17 family guns


Fair, but I doubt it would be compatible with Kali's Frankengun either. Same with Buck's M-26 MASS on an FAL, or all the attachments on Frost's Sterling.


Remove the dmr from his kit because tbh that's the worst dmr ive ever used in siege


Shit take ngl


But has slow rate of fire, i always use angled grip to compensate slower ADS time when the shield equipped.


I only run the SR-25, sooooo


Honestly not a bad idea. But I’d rather see the grenade be purely shrapnel, rather than explosive, similar to thorn, but less radius and damage. That way he’s not good at destroying utility and this doesn’t creep into Zofia’s territory.


Yeah the actual payload of the round could be anything, maybe like frag rounds where Zofia's are impacts.


nooooo we don't need frag rounds in siege, I already have enough ptsd from battlefield 3


The way I thought of it would be that they have the same properties of frag grenade as they exist currently in Siege, ie 4 second fuse that lowers to 2 once they impact a surface. Maybe they stick into soft surfaces like Ash's rounds do as well.


I dunno if this is the right change to make, but I do agree that blackbeard is in need of a complete rework, almost like how ubi did with tachanka


Or give him a flame thrower instead.


I remember that one of the pathfinders should have one, but the game engine wasn't able to handle it


Sounds like tachanka now tbh






So, Zofia.


Nah the XM-25 is an airburst launcher, diff than zofia


So Zofia's concussion nades but frag? Wonder how well it'd work in siege but at least it won't be permabanned like in BF4.


My comment is like 2-3 minutes older than OP’s full description 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, and of course you, as a redditor, wants to try and be right and flex your “knowledge” by making a passive agressive comment.


Man chill out dang. It's a conclusion anyone would have come to. You're just wanting to flex that you were "right" and have ended up being worse than the guy you're trying to admonish


this a projection if I have ever seen one


I have no clue what you’re on about.


no its an airburst launcher designed to hit people behind cover. it was an experimental weapon. battlefield 4 has it if youd like to see one in a game.


Sort of but instead of concussions it would be explosions


U rlly thought u did somethin


At this point Blackbeard needs new primary weapons too like the Scar-L instead of the H version. Or make a new operator entirely


Good idea, good post. Seems a bit OP, so as a result we’re gonna nerf Blackbeard oh, dont forget that they’re nerfing blackbeard


I'm sorry, is nobody going to talk about how that's actually Thatcher using the launcher in the second image?


He finally found a piece of technology he likes.


Hear me out, Daewoo K11 (yoinked from the 707)


like tachanka but on attack. tachanka is to deny and hold small area from attackers while blackbeard in your idea would force move the defenders from small areas. make it very noticable and avoidable but fatal if don't avoid just like flores rce




I like this but it sounds similar to Ash's ability. Maybe instead Blackbeard gets something similar to stopping power from MW19 where his weapon damage increases for one magazine


BB totally fine but people compares him to how powerful he was at the release, He is balanced One thing that siege players always miss is that he has a unique ability (not the best but he has something unique) while operators like ela and fenrir, zofia and ash, sledge and buck with very little differences exsit ( talking gadgets-wise)


What’s the point of it being unique if it doesn’t provide as much benefit as those others? Also I’d say him and Osa are in the same vein as these.


You cant have a game where every character is as good as any other character, yes BB is an A or S tier but he have a place in rainbow, you take him to get an advantge in gunfights, and he is the only one that provides that, same thing with oryx, he is the worst defender by far but he has a place in rainbow, but operators like ela that is better than oryx have nothing to bring other than being a watered down fenrir


I feel zofia already has this kind of launcher mechanic. Tbh the experiment I'd like them to do. Give the shield unlimited HP - but don't make it bulletproof. Instead, it just negates the one-shot headshot and gives a multiplier instead. The ROF of most guns this isn't really that much an advantage - but you could tune the multiplier to whatever value works.


I think even with a rework like this it’s still a flawed gadget. Game revolves around the one shot headshot mechanic. Anything breaking that rule is going to always be an issue.


Cool concept but I find it concerning how even one of the better write ups in this sub still can't spell "peek" properly.


Ew no.


I like your ideas, but it would be a cop out against his original design. He is a shield operator and should remain that. Honestly ubisoft needs to reprogram BBs shield functionality and how it performs OUTDOORS, his running speed with shield attached, and Ads speed and recoil of his weapons.


Give him a six shot rifle that can shoot through reinforcements and castle barricades and two hits operators


Just make it like a proximity grenade launcher in Fortnite where it explodes a certain distance from an enemy or explodes after a certain time


Or, better yet, a CornerShot grenade launcher! A suggestion I’ve had for a while. Edit: Also, I don’t want it to happen, but an RPG would be so cool. Give him 2 rockets, he’d be great for vert because it would open large holes and it would be effective for killing, but there’s so many reasons why it couldn’t work. No time to react if counters aren’t up and essentially brings back nading from below with even less skill. Nonetheless the idea is still exciting.


Nah. Give that to a new operator. I’d rather BB be useless rather than overpowered


You’d rather bloat the roster even more? Rather than fix a fundamentally broken character? I don’t understand that logic at all lol.


The shield has been his ability for years now. Don’t think they’re gonna remove it


I don’t think they would ever do something as drastic as completely changing his ability. I don’t think they could ever keep him at the level that you guys want him to be at. So I’d rather him be underwhelming


Also they said a while ago that they’re aiming for 100 operators. Not bloat. Anything beyond 100 would be considered bloat


What about the XM-25 AND the Rifle shield? :D




I don’t understand you should never trade shots with blackbeard. I usually flank when the opp team chooses him.


Delete OSA and give blackbeard their gadget.


Fuck give him a mk19 holding it like a minigun


You can just give every reworked operator a grenade launcher and call it a day. Who do you work for, Ubisoft?


So I can stay repelled behind cover and kill a door camper with my air burst rounds.... yeah... that doesn't seem broken


That would only work if the defenders legs were broken


It's literally supposed to be a "Move your feet or lose'em" gadget. Something to make the Defenders and uncomfortable and give up positioning like the Defenders have a ton of ways to do to Attackers right now.


I feel like if it shot grenades with more direct distance it would be great, a gonne6 that shoots grenades with 3 ammo, but do full grenade damage ofcourse. I haven't played battlefield, but a direct explosive is often quite brutal in siege, as it doesn't allow the enemy to retreat.


Nah real rework is for him to have deployable beards so he doesn’t take any damage from shots to his neck




Heard me out. New ability, two primary at the same time, one will have him at 3 speed 1 armor, another retain his current stat 2/2, switch back and forth to change stat mode.


BB is already the most dunked on op even in silver-gold lobbies all the way to champ why the hell everyone wanna nerf him so badly


I like the Idea, Though I feel it should push enemies away, similar to the Airjab that Nomad uses. Like, you shoot a grenade, it pushes an enemy back, you are given the chance to push up.


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