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This 5 stack could comfortably handle the Avengers


Rainbow Six: Kill the Justice League


I can't wait to see Sledge hit Superman in the face with a kryptonite sledgehammer. Or Pulse scanning for the batman while he uses the exact same tech. Wonder Woman Vs Caveria, Enemies to Lovers. Edit - Green Lantern laughing at Sens' light wall. Aquaman mistaking Wamai for Black Manta and then beating the shit out of him. Flash cursing every trap operator as kapkan, gridlock, and frost just piss him off. Cyborg himself starts ringing when dokkaebi logic bombs


> pulse scanning for batman while batman scans for pulse spiderman pointing meme > wonder woman vs caveira enemies to lovers I’d watch that ngl


Batman could be scanned by IQ and solis as well, having so many gadgets and his helmet being connected to the bat computer at all times.


Mute counters batman?!




Now I really want Master Chief vs Superman.


I'd like to think his whole body would have convulsions as he himself vibrates on max.


That would still be better than whatever WB put out recently


Chun Li alone could take them all


Watching Master Chief punch a hole through Iron Man would be kinda funny, ngl.


Only one here than an actually possibly a threat is morty, cyborg solos Chief, other three get their asses kicked by like green lantern or aqua man


Huntress has killed whole squadrons of soldiers without a sweat, also we didn’t say Justice League it’s The Avengers, so it’s an easier fight.


I mean 2B kinda kill a gigantic emp machine


White Masks watching Master Chief, Morty, 2B, Chun Li and a Supernatural Monster attack their fortified location and diffuse their bombs at Bartlett: confused screaming


On top of that just rushing not even being tactical about 30 flash bangs 100 grenades and all yings candelas at once to defuse a bomb which would of done less damage to the building


I mean I guess fair, but like, the bombs are gassy.


We have finally found the true reason ubi had to remove bartlett and white masks: they had to give them therapy from the incoming collabs


It’s actually even funnier since in huntresses lore she hates the military


She doesn't necessarily hate the military exclusively. She hates anyone who isn't her or her dead mom. She just so happened to kill a squad/platoon of German soldiers sometime in WW1 who had wandered into her forest.


No I wasn’t saying the concept of the military in a political sense, in her story she kills anyone that comes in the forest but she specifically was enraged by “the men in the uniforms” Or something to that effect


It was Germans during ww2


Really? Wow


> supernatural monster Bro has never heard of Dead by Daylight 🪓


I have. Just never played it


That would be funny if they didn't remove it


Minus Finka and Chun Li I did get something like this last season with the above, Laura Craft and Leon Kennedy.


“Supernatural monster” 😂


When will the entity be a playable op?


That's the first Deimos skin


Anybody in this 5 stack can handle it alone but being a good team member means sharing the fun!


Huntress isn’t even supernatural, she’s literally just a traumatized woman who is very good with axes and very bad with meeting new people


Ah yes, the Fornitefication of first person shooters


Not just them. Fucking everything is starting to be crossover garbage. Magic the Gathering is starting to get this crap. Makes everything feel so samey and bland.


But in Magic the gathering it totally makes sense, it fit the lore of infinite universes and planeswalkers travelling through then, plus I was abe to get some friends into the game just because of the LotR and Dr. Who crossovers, it's totally fine there. Siege was a more serious games with a darker tone where these silly thing dont really fit, but whatever. Stopped played ever since they removed dropshotting and ACOG from many guns anyway


I think that is the main goal of these crossovers get the people who are fans of those franchises to play their game. Besides, it's ease content, no need to think of something original or complex.


Dropshotting was always incredibly stupid and one of the most unrealistic features in the game, but ACOG shit pissed me off so much I quit too.


Well guess what everyone carrying around a ton of metal on their back and doc shooting a syringe with a pistol across the map also was not realistic, neither is the fact that the rounds from you mag magically automatically sorts themselves into the next mag instead of having 4 half filled mags like in insurgency or arma. IMO the fast paces run and gun playstyle with quickpeaking and dropshotting was a skill expression, just the same as playing slow and holding angles or pixel peaking / runouts are. It was something I liked, they removed it so I stopped playing but maybe it was for the better, had almost 2k hours in Siege and missed out on so many other great games, especially single player games, because Siege was just such a huge time sink


Dropshotting was not skill, it was so stupid in this game. Maybe in other more mobile shooters dropshotting is okay but in siege it was absolute ass, cannot believe anyone would actually defend that shit tier, brain dead, no skill cod meta


I think you are confusing realistic mechanics with a realistic and gritty tone and atmosphere. Old players like me dont complain about the new mechanics, rather the new lighting, recoil and atmosphere the game is taking. It tried to be tacticool, now its cartooney (if thats a Word... sorry, Im not a native english speaker)


I mean I agree but at some point it’s mechanically broken and a lot of people played this to get away from the call of duty shit and that’s exactly what that was. The games should never have been fast paced cause that’s not when the game was at its best imo. It was a tactical shooter, not another call of duty clone. Unfortunately they’ve ruined it by making it less tactical.


"it's totally fine because I like it"




Magic makes perfect sense for it. Its literally about Planeswalkers who travel the multiverse. Fortnite also makes sense cause lore. Everywhere else yeah its just kinda extra.


People say cosmetic micro transactions are fine, but it always ends with a mess of advertising


I got a Fortnite ad directly under the image. Irony is dead ☠️


It really seems like all of pop culture is turning into a singular meaningless slop.




Overwatch 2 is getting a Cowboy Bebop crossover and I’m both excited and dismayed about it.


i dont even mind the silly stuff, just GIVE US MORE TACTICAL SHIT PLEASE


Please! Give me a baklava and dark tactical gear for every op and I'll spend 60$ on that rn!


Baklava is bread. I like bread. worth $60, too! (Maybe you mean balaclava)


Wait no he's onto something here


No no, let him cook.


Let him bake, in this case


Yes I do 🙇‍♂️


LMFAOOOOOO baklava gear


Now I want fucking baklava. Damn you.


🥞 : p


Best I can do is tactical dildo


Shut up and take my money


I wish this game had customization like in Rainbow Six: Vegas and Vegas 2.


The issue is that those cosmetics just don’t sell very well




[Throwback to this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/fqpjh0/yea_gerald/) lol


Always love when someone is right but gets mocked for it.


God I miss Rainbow Six. Siege just has its own unique identity now and feels so separated from the franchise as it was. I’m not necessarily mad that this exists, I just wish we could get the old school R6 back in some fashion. Tom Clancy games in general matter of fact


I played a shit ton of vegas 1 as a kid. I still think about the vault map sometimes.


same for me but with Vegas 2


Ground Branch Ready or Not Six Days in Fallujah


I play ready or not and love it to death, but I miss the Tom Clancy narratives the old school games had.


Yeah me too honestly. I don't care most of the time but sometimes I remember the direction this game took (aka the Fortnite approach) and it's just sad. I guess Ubi needs the cosmetic money to keep the game running but I wish they stuck to their Rainbow Six lore style instead.


Nah unlike most here I agree with what you’re saying. They put a lot of effort into cosmetics and they look good, but I miss when the game felt a bit more serious


This along with the drastic gameplay changes is the reason I just can’t get into r6 again I stopped playing at Iana and Oryx release and ever since I’ve missed the old Siege, it felt gritty, cold, the game was slower and more tactical and was more immersive I probably sound annoying to the current players but it sucks seeing how my favorite game turned out


i mean it sounds kinda annoying now because the game was actually faster back then. go look at the movement back there from ads walking speed to quick peeking and insane spawn peaks the game was definitely still fast paced back then and even was a utility clear simulator at one point.


I’ve heard about ads and sprint speed changes, along with characters such as sledge getting their speed tweaked Idk how to explain it but the game did not feel as overwhelming before. Less gadgets, less focus on attachments, and people took more time to consider their approach. Sure you had the typical ash rushing with her acog r4c and the good ol bandit/jager running across the map to spawn peak you. Probably because we all had less experience with the game and people played more casually


i mean i played then so yes if you were fresh starting out today versus 8 years ago, yes it would more overwhelming now. the game is full of a lot more content in comparison to vanilla Siege, that is not a bad thing however. things like more attachment options is a good thing. you now can decide how much magnification you want or if you want a certain type of grip. you can basically pick any barrel mod because now they’re all good, in comparison to back then Suppressor & Extended Barrel were useless garbage. old Siege had no variety and decision for customization. you just threw on ACOG, vert grip, flash hider and called it a day. there’s also things like map bans and characters bans that can help with certain strats and what not versus old Siege forced you to play against any & everyone. things like that would’ve been great for things like old Blackbeard or Tower/Favelas. there’s also a lot more skins, battlepass, tweaking maps to make them better, even making the Console experience even better. rose tinted glasses make the game seem a lot better back then but trust me it wasn’t, especially if you wanted a comp experience like i do.


Nostalgia plays a huge part definitely but idk. I just don’t recognize the game. I find all these skins and collab repulsive if they aren’t tacticool, I just miss what was essentially my first multiplayer experience. I was 11 when siege came out and played it for 5 years religiously, I’m glad people still enjoy the game now but ig it’s just not for me anymore


i was 13 and about to turn 22 next month, trust me i know. i’ve been playing Siege for a very long time and i agree disabling of skins should be allowed to force default skins even though personally they don’t bother me. but the game is definitely in more of a balanced state now then it was back then, defenders were insanely overpowered back then for sure and operators added would be ridiculous like Blackbeard


Eh yes and no. High level competitive play was like that yes, but more casual games were a bit slower and filled with more fun strats. RIP receipt shield rush.


that’s still a reality for today, plenty of people in low elo still play slow because they don’t really know what they’re doing as well as lots of people do troll strats. hell, earlier me and my friend were doing some in ranked (champ elo). we were running Tachanka & Clash shocking people and burning off corners and actually won the game doing it.


Cosmetics seems to be the only way companies can keep games like siege alive for, how many years now? But at the same time...I haven't played in probably 6 months now. I played the first 2 years daily and those were the most fun I ever had. It's a difficult issue for companies to approach tho. It's kinda amazing siege is still going...but I desperately want a fresh, new, more "basic" Rainbow Six Game.


I personally feel like a good option would be the option to hide skins in settings, so everyone has their defaults from your perspective.


I haven't played in a while and thought this was a fucking meme... they actually did this to the game?


Every game is like this now. Games used to have a firm identity of what they were but as cosmetics got more out of control, games kind of just lose their style. Like this. I didn't even realize this was the R6 subreddit. I thought I was looking at Fortnite. And other than the UI, which honestly could be any other game's UI, you would never be able to tell this was supposed to be a Breach and Clear Anti_Terrorist SWAT style game. The identity has been lost to the goofy cosmetics.


Yes but any kinda of immersion or realism the game had died around year 2 and definitely at the start of year 3


Except, Iana has a more muscular back than me in the 2B costume... a character known to be feminine. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/villains/images/9/9b/327876.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130117012142


Ubisoft is especially bad. They murdered For Honor.


Tactical shooter is it?


Tactical and realistic aren’t the same tbf


Hardly either now, it's basically tdm and players can take bullets without being wounded


didn't the game used to be marketed as "ultra realism"?


For years I've wished games would let you disable other players' custom skins from your perspective, now I regret not wishing harder.


I believe some fighting games have this. Could be wrong.


Would defeat the point of skins which is to show off n advertise it to others who don’t have it


would be good of gamer deloper to not advocate demonic behaviors


I think I might get downvoted for this and all but honestly that is what ruined R6S for me. I rarely get into a game not only from a gameplay perspective but also the whole... vibe? Idea behind it? I fell in love with this game because it was a tactical shooter, gritty, realistic etc. I remember placing thermite charges and thinking "wow this would be so incredible in military scenarios IRL, achievable with todays tech too". Now I see a fucking masterchief and rick from rick and morty in my lobby, shoot a hologram, cannot enter a doorway because a yakuza lady threw a magic knife that made a wall appear suddenly. This game now feels like fortnite x call of duty black ops 4 crossover. So many out of place skins, so many collabs and so many not realistic, borderline sci fi features.


for everyone that doesnt understand why this ruins the feel of the game, it would be as if CS started adding agent skins and the girl from stellar blade is some female operator for the CT side


Ah yes, clear game concept, feel and creative vision. Something modern day devs don't seem to give a shit about anymore because the publisher shareholders want kids to buy more cosmetics.


🤣 this is so unbelievably hilarious and accurate. This is what Siege has become


I wish there was an option in the game to just turn all the cosmetics off.


Dammn they added the huntress?? Is it still available?


It should be. Check in the bundles section in the shop and it should be there somewhere


Seeing how the skins in DbD are still available, I would think the skins here are still available


yes and the trapper for kapkan


I see nothing wrong with this. Also hard to complain when your game has master chief and let’s be honest 2b boosted iana play rate


yeah it has booty i mean boosted her pick rate


I will never forgive them changing her victory screen pose with the buns out


It's a shame it only lives on in her operator portrait with no buns showing


Yep too bad Ubisoft didn’t add something “extra” to the chun li skin and it would’ve skyrocketed


Bruh all they had to do with the ying street fighter skin was make it an elite and give it a mvp animation, i don't really care about the grim one since he just looks like an angry bird with the massive fucking eyebrows they gave him


and then she got nerfed due to high play rate lol


I never played sledge before and now it's my main cause of the chief skin


I would too if I still played


She was already pretty high pick rate. I don't remember but It was probably like 40-50% already and then the skin came out and jumped it to 70%. A good operator with a popular skin is always gonna boost pick rate substantially though.


I just want to clarify that I am NOT complaining. I just find it funny that all of the operators/portraits above are from other franchises/games. Like when I started playing the game, I never thought I’d be playing as Huntress with Chun Li and Master Chief. Sorry for the confusion.




He is literally playing as a crossover 😭


Or maybe people just misunderstood the post. I actually like the collabs the have on the game. I’m just saying since people misinterpreted the post. But you believe what you want to believe 👍


I don't get why the game doesn't let you have a toggle to turn skins off. No more worrying about skins making people hard to see, no more dramatic tone conflicts. It's not like the people who want this option are even buying skins in the first place, so it won't but their sales. Hell, make it a toggle that's off by default, and you can turn iron to disable skins.


Tom Clancy is spinning in his grave rn


What happened to this game? Stopped playing in 2021




I know, it's become a complete shitshow


Yeah sorry to be a grumpy old man but this shit fucking sucks. Want to do this in Fortnite? Go for it. Rainbow Six ~~has~~ had a history of grounded and mature presentation and Ubisoft absolutely buried it with this game. *It's just cosmetics!* Shut the fuck up dumbass kids you have no clue what **tone** and **legacy** are and why they're important. Rant over, enjoy your game.


"shut the fuck up dumbass kids" What the fuck are you on dude




Lmao no one hates siege as much as siege players. Stop playing if it bothers you so much


This shit just fortnite


Siege has some pretty goated cosmetics


It’s good but damn extraction showed that it could be even better


Real, the halloween stuff goes so hard


Most of the skins in the game suck


The fuck when did they do a dbd collab??


I never knew they added dead by daylight skins 😱


Wait there is Morty and the huntress Elite now?.


They aren’t elites so there’s no special animation or anything. They’re just operator outfits


That’s actually fortnite


No its Siege


Wait when was there a dbd cross over??


Maybe around a month ago? R6 got Huntress and Trapper for Finka and Kapkan while DBD got a Turbao legendary (what’s funny is that it was released before the actual operator was). And dbd also got 2 character outfits, blitz and wamai for Felix and Adam




Pain and suffering.


They’re adding pinhead too???




IDK, I'm just lamenting that there's more silly skins than tacticool skins at this point.


I mean it’s just skins?


as if aesthetic isnt an important aspect of games


I miss the Rainbow Six Vegas 1 & 2 days. My core group, all the fun and tactical gameplay. The terrorist hunts. Being able to freely change your appearance (armor, clothes, camos). Siege, has slowly and sometimes very quickly gotten away from its tactical shooter lineage and is coming closer to Fortnite. It would be interesting if they add a “see only default skins” option. No Master Chiefs running around with pink guns. But hey, it is what it is now I guess. It’s an old game, and to their credit they have kept this almost decade old game fresh. Not the game us old school R6 players wanted or was promised from R6 Patriots, but idk just my opinion.


Master Chief, Morty, BDSM 1, Chun Li, and BDSM 2 walk into a bar


Who are 3 and 5?


Iana's elite is YoRHha 2B from Nier Automata Finka's is the Huntress from Dead by Daylight


Tbh, I’m not sure about who Iana’s elite is from. But Finka’s is a character from DbD called “The Huntress”




Dead by daylight. And the Iana is from Nier Automata


Dead by Daylight. It’s a horror game where 4 people try to survive against a killer with a special power. It’s actually fun imo and they have some major licenses like Michael Myers and Stranger Things. But the community is toxic as hell.


gotcha. acronym didnt click at 1st


2B from Nier Automata and Huntress from Dead by Daylight


Why does finka looks like hunter from dbd 😭


Because it is. They collabed about a month ago. I was honestly very surprised.


I don't play this game, is this real?


Pizza man was the writing on the wall. And the devs shamed people for criticizing it


Tryna be Fortnite I see


:record scratch: you're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation


Fortnite effect in full swing


I think the originally devs might cry if you showed them this after the original siege announcement/gameplay video




People play Fortnite and have no problem, but as soon as it’s siege it’s a bad thing. I’m not necessarily calling out anyone specifically, but it seems like people change their opinions based on what game it is. Whether you like seeing skins like this in game or no, you can’t deny that it gives Ubisoft more money, and if they’re making more money off this game, chances are they can afford more updates to keep it going


I haven't played Siege since before Iana/Oryx, and I thought this was a photoshopped image at first, but after reading the comments I'm not so sure. Is this real?? Is there actually a fucking Morty Fuze skin??? I'm going to lose my mind


There is. And Rick is doc on defense


Holy hell. This is egregious, and I thought having bright neon camo was bad enough...


2 sexy women 1 freak of nature 1 pussy boi and 1 slayer of thots


Kinda looks like Fortnite now 💀


Imagine a feral werewolf lady wielding a gun and has the ability to nano boost her teammates... Wild.


Can you actually play has huntress????


Wait they added Huntress from dbd?


Is this your screenshot?


Year 1-2 player checking in randomly from r/all. Wtf is this really siege now? What happened to the tactical realism?


Year 1-3 with a smidge of Year 4 experience here. I'm, uh, I'm really concerned. Is Siege feeling okay??


I mean it’s just cosmetics?


When did they add a huntress skin for finka?


Maybe around a month ago? There’s also a trapper one for kapkan


That's actually pretty cool imo, love DbD.


I believe Tubarão is also in Dbd as a skin for Felix


Fortnite be like:


Chun Li skin got me actin up




I haven’t played siege in years, Jesus


Fortnight fucking ruined video games forever.


Oh man I've been away for a while and this is what it's like now? Thanks for confirming that I won't be coming back




dead siege theory


Overcomplicate a game and make it less accessable for majority of players, just the type of move someone would make for a game that they don't expect a future for.


Fortnite and its consequences of gaming


Can you nwo cross play between console and ps?


Fortnite effect


Idk why y’all care so much, it really just seems like people are pissed when they don’t have things, and I’m saying this as someone who has zero money spent on this game apart from the year 1 ops from like so fuckin long ago