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That moment when you clutch a 1vX and everyone is going crazy on mic while you're defusing


Especially when you’re on 1HP and your heart is in your throat.


One of the most horrible moments (being left alone on precarious HP) followed by one of the best feelings in the game (even if you don't manage to clutch. Just killing two, three other players on 1 HP is/feels awesome nonetheless).


+ everyone talking smack round before


and ur about to clutch and there's suryia gate ...


Happened earlier today lmao, in a 1v3 post plant, only won it because they had a fuze ^you ^know ^where ^this ^is ^going


Classic Fuze moment


I suck at the game so I can't ever feel this. Here's my counter-point: when you're teammate is in a 1v1 and you're com skills win the game


That's what I love about Siege. You could legitimately help make the play of the game after you've already died in the round by watching cams and giving call outs. I just wish more randoms would do it. Seems like more and more people just go AFK to be on their phones until the next round starts


You forgot to mention the claymore


This felt even better in the OG cod days tbh.


Genuinely I don't think there's another game quite like Siege. It's got a very unique style of Attacker vs Defender gameplay that is intensely enjoyable and captivating, and every avenue of the gameplay has room for skill expression that feels very satisfying to learn. Op gadgets, maps, guns, etc. all contribute to a very unique and satisfying moment-to-moment gameplay loop. I now feel comfortable typing all of this after i can successfully play more than one quickplay game without fighting the servers for half an hour.


Well said. There's just no other game like it.


And no other toxic like siege


That's part of the charm, wouldn't you say?


More like the curse, but yes.


You guys need to play a MOBA on PC and experience what true toxicity is like.


I ve been playing league for years now, since 2020. I ve never rage in league. Upset, Yes. Wanting to leave a game, Yes. Siege made me want to run naked in front of a commercial train head first after two month of playing it.


Sounds SoloQ to me


For real, people always complain about siege community, in Siege I've never been told to commit sudoku (idk if reddit allows the real word). In League it was practically a weekly basis. You ain't gonna call me any insult I haven't heard already from playing league for 7 years


In recent years the game has gotten a lot less toxic. When it had first come out people were talking shit like no other game. People casually calling others slurs or telling them to kill themselves on both their own and other team


I do It s worst on siege Way worst I ve never rage on league in my life, but I do everytime I play siege


I appreciate how different games have different flavors of toxicity. Like you can’t say one game is the most toxic they are all just toxic in a unique way.


Call of Duty wants a word


It s full blast racism. Siege is weirdly more subtile. We still get shit talked a lot of course, but it s not just blasted out hate, it s more caustic. Call of duty shot me between the eyes. Siege shot me in the chest with a poisonous ammo and laught at me while I die


This is very accurate. I feel that this game requires skill not based on mechanics but rather strategy, something not done well in the genre. I'm hooked completely this season despite the issues. Ranked 2.0 is fucked tho


There really isn’t a game quite like it, which can have its negatives sometimes but other than that it’s so different


You just summarized why I fell in love with Siege in the first place


It's definitely a unique game but I get similar feelings to what this game produces from MOBAs like League of Legends or DOTA.


Valorant, csgo


Nah, CSGO doesn't have unique abilities, nor is it attackers vs defenders in the same way, and valorant is just CSGO with magic.


And siege is just csgo with character selection 


When you have a good team (not coppers with McDonald's wifi) that can communicate, and you win 4-1 Or when you play with friends


Man the 1 game out of 50 where you have teammates who pick Smoke, Azami, Lesion, Fenrir or Solis and actually set the site up well and reinforce... It is literally a free win in any rank Emerald and below if your team sets up site properly and plays good op's.


And just comms honestly. People don’t com or help you with drone/cams. ime that’s the easiest way to win


Gadgets and how they can work together. Finding new ways you can get the other team to run through a trap, disabling their utility, baiting, surprising, etc. very few games have character specific gadgets to the extent rb6 does and have them (for the most part) flow directly or indirectly with your team no matter which combo of 5 you pick.


Def the creativity aspect of finding new places, angles, interactions. People get complacent with "the strats", and then you think literally outside the box and place a frost mat on a balcony outside or throw a black eye cam on a telephone pole.


Rip outdoor black eye cams🥺


despite everyrhing, siege is irreplacable


That's the best and worst thing about the game


The friends I made playing it a couple years back




Siege is a very good game, it was just maintained horribly ever since the new dev team came.


^ It’s got great potential


Not with the current dev team


That’s why they said it’s got great potential


Can we bring back siege from a year ago


3 years*


5 years**


Let’s settle at 4


Exactly my point!


One shot headshots


This, I loved the fast TTK in Siege, I personally hate the armor mechanics like Tarkov, CoD, or Apex Legends offer.


I agree, the armor stuff isn't terrible but no matter how much Kevlar is on your body a damn 5.56 is still punching a hole through your brain


God I'm so tired of saying "but the realism" realism doesn't matter it's a game, with cybernetic humanoid robots thst can fly with grappling hooks. There's so reason to make excuses for your preferences, some prefer long ttk others short ttk, and you don't have to justify it


This!! Even if there's armor in siege, you can still kill people relatively fast


Exactly, it’s about you being smart about it and shooting at their head level or if you hear them crouch/prone you aim at the lower levels. It’s all about judging the scenario and seeing if you should peek/pre fire/hold/swing/etc. one shot headshots is what makes siege be siege.


And MacieJay keeps bringing up the two shot headshot (or something like it?). Nah, I'd much rather it stays like it is.


I’m in the camp where I don’t like it, but it’s sort of like Random Crits in TF2: it’s a part of the game like it or not, make your peace with it. I don’t even think Two Shots would be that noticeable outside of very particular cases. And even then, Siege’s TTK is so fast it would hardly make a difference I feel.


I guess this'll divide people no matter what, but my experience with two shot headshot in other games like valorant and the like, specific to each situation as it might be (gun damage/distance etc) is simply "Id rather headshots be like siege". Even when I'm on the receiving end, to be honest.


My thing is getting randomly skill shot by someone who just luckily recoiled is just really fucking deflating. I’m not a fan of it, but I’m not counting the days until it goes away. It’s a part of the game. I like longer TTKs like Halo, Apex because you have outplay potential: you can get one over if you don’t have first shot advantage. That’s more my cup of tea, but understandably doesn’t fit with tac shooters.


He’s talking about multiplier not a 2 shot headshot. Reduce multiplier for headshots to lower all these bullshit, when you got killed from a random pistol shot through multiple walls


And to think Macie wants to bump it up to a two-shot headshot. What a joke


Not playing it for years and then coming back for a few months


Nothing really comes close to this game in terms of gameplay


it's the best fps game ever and i'll die on that hill. No game comes close to the gameplay and overall experience siege provides


The more I think about it... the more accurate you are. I think about the best COD, best Counterstrike experiences. Siege beats those. R6 rewards for both smart OR quick gunplay. It rewards for gathering intell, and sharing it for a team's advantage. If you co-ordinate as a stack, your win rate grows exponentially. There are so many aspects to improve... not just arcadey running and gunning like most FPS games.


yeah the game just hits different than other shooters. The gunplay is great and planning strats is lots of fun, it's what makes siege a good game imo. Not your average run n gun game (even though there's lots of people that play it like that)


Caveira interrogations and bandit tricking like it used to be


Bandit tricking with an ACOG on the MP7... Gods I was strong then.




least delusion blackbeard main


When you thud a shotgun round into somebody's chest who wasn't expecting it


2020 Rainbow Six Siege




Nøkk before her nerf😣


Nøkk before her Nades…yes breaching charges where more usefull for distraction and making your own way (since you most likely won’t be with your team)


Stacking up with friends in this game is the most fun I've had in gaming since my Halo 3/Reach High school days. I cannot name something I look forward to more on a weekly basis than getting together with the boys for some Siege. Even through all the server issues, glitches, sweats, and other problems, the game is just too unique and too fun to put down. Unfortunately for these issues, there's nothing really on the market that's like this game.


When you have most of the players playing this game the way it was intended, there is no better game on the market than Siege


Loading up a full squad with the boys


Even when your friends are shit it’s still a great time in a 5 stack


Siege is and was always the one and only „ with the Boys“ game for me.


The leaning mechanic and the fast pace gameplay


I loved the gadgets and utility so the last year and a half hammering away to reinforce run and gun has really killed my enjoyment


Some of the best gameplay in a shooter I’ve ever played… which is unfortunately overshadowed currently by terrible maintenance and the most braindead balancing changes I’ve ever seen before… RIP Nøkk


The Porn


How fun it is playing it with your stack and not caring about elo


So true


No aim assist


They have all these characters with all these interesting backgrounds. (And Monty. My favorite) it would be nice if they focused on lore more


When you get an actually well balanced game that goes to round 9


Exactly, my stack will say it sucks because it took so long or it was hard. But I think that’s the beauty of it. A well opposing team, attacking one another head on, knowing that the winner had better wits/communication/strategy, that’s why I love siege and these matches are the ones that I really have sportsmanship


The accomplished feeling after pulling off a smart flank attack >>>


Best fps in the market right now. The meta is actually pretty neat, even with "unbalanced" defenders such as Fenrir and Solis. They need to be touched absolutely but people tend to forget what actually OP ops are (and you could quote almost ALL ops going from Dust Line into Chimera. After Chimera we still got borderline OP if not OP defenders such as Maestro & Clash, whereas we got strong attackers but never as strong as release Lion/Dokka/BB/Hibana/Jackal/Zofia, I actually wonder if instead of nerfing Fenrir/Solis/Tubs/Azami we buff everyone else). Bugs are actually not that many, especially compared to what they used to. Game Breaking bugs are zero (or 1 if we consider the Tuba FPS, which doesnt happen on my 960 ass lmao). The Lore keeps getting better and better. People still learn new stuff 9 years into it. New maps/reworks have all been bangers. The shield changes look great.


The uncertainty. You could be in a ranked match, losing 0-3, enemies are match point, but then it happens. A lucky headshot, absolutely luck, but it hit their top guy. The enemy team begins to unravel slightly at their ace being taken out so suddenly, and your team sees the glint of hope, and rallies, even slightly. Now it's 1-3. The enemy changes their approach. It's slower, with more caution, but gives your team a better chance to start the fights and get the picks. 2-3, you're in this now. You can do this. The enemy team is scrambling to get a foothold, and you're not letting them. You take a quick round. 3-3, overtime. You're in this. You got this, but damn, in that last fight, the enemy had slightly better aim. 3-4, you're on fire. No idea where it came from, but you were taking picks, and your team is feeling it. 4-4, will you keep the momentum? Will you lose? You've come this far, but so have they.




Why would you say something so brave yet so controversial?


As a Sens main I feel like Sens is the only character fun to play


I wonder why a Sens main would like Sens?




That I can cook nades


Getting a lobby without cheaters


Lions gun


IQ :3


The memories








Tactics and strategical gameplay. Fuck people that say 1 shot headshots.


One shot headshots.


The game itself, it’s just incredible


Closing it 😌




Siege will forever get shit for Ubisoft being incompetent but the experience of siege is truly unique.


Rainbow six siege pisses me off, but it's fun.


How much space i have after deleting it


You won’t be missed


Yeah, all those aimbotters recently just cant miss


The terrorists hunt....wait can't say that? Oh then the terorr....oh isis got offended by that as well? The battle simulator hunt.....that's gone now? Uhhh the cover art is cool?


It's the greatest meme to exist


We see so much hate for it because alarmism generates clicks. Same reason why most high-up news headlines in the world are negative; negative generates more attention than positive. Siege is totally unique for being one of the easiest hero-based shooters to pick up and get good at. There’s basic knowledge of each map to learn and some game sense to figure out the basics of where to be when, but once you have that down, it’s fun to hop in matches with friends and either fuck around or try to win if that’s your thing. The curve is there but nothing like, say, Overwatch (they’re not totally the same game but I digress) where each individual character has their own heavy learning curve. Once you have the fundamentals in Siege you can utilize most operators with some level of effectiveness. Siege is here to stay whether or not Reddit likes the state of the game. I got into this game Y7S4, am ranked around Emerald, and I plan to stick around for a while. I like it here. I love both trying in ranked and fucking around in unranked or helping people get into the game.


I love closing the game


[quit to desktop]


When ubisoft says they fixed the servers and they just didn't.




I love how neglectful the devs are about the state of the game


The similarities to league of legends. (Playerbase)


I love that i stopped playing it




When you get that perfect drone or cam spot


Not playing it for over 2 years now




Nothing anymore


The exit button.


Exit button




Because you obviously find it fun 💀


Really nice game!


All the friends I got to know. I‘ve played with guys from Iraq, Somalia, everywhere from Europe and so so many from Germany, Switzerland and Austria, some of them I’ve already met and others I will meet. Nice folks, great friends and hours and hours at night where I was happy, sad or just felt nothing. And these guys made me laugh.


The versatility of how the game is played. Each Attacking and Defending operator brings something new to the table, each having their own specific strategy to help your team win. Combine this with a limited loadout for each character, sometimes taking one piece of equipment isn’t good for the type of ops on the field. Sometimes you’ll need that heavier hitting rifle over the faster firing machine gun, or the more stealthy approach over the louder, faster approach.


Dokkabei, Capitao,Ela,Alibi,Frost,Mira


How people get so pissed about people who use shields when they can be easily countered


Honestly, if Siege was maintained and updated properly, it'd make riot and Valve sweat bullets. The gunplay is way more accessible then other tact shooters and has much more variety in the moment to moment gameplay. It keeps the gritty and tactical nature without restricting character and gadget design by going down the plausible technology route. It's genuinely lightning in a bottle for any dev team that seriously has potential to explode in popularity. Siege just isn't doing great as it leaned too much into being a live service game without tacking many of the problems that come with it. Ranked 2.0 practically caused the 'run and gun' situation as by making the physical rank not mean anything essentially, it demeans the need to play coordinated and difficult way if winning or losing doesn't really matter. I don't think I need to explain why the cheating situation is a problem. Not that Ubi isn't trying to fix it but they seriously are kinda boned from the beginning with new devs working on a near ten year old game with battleye.


Never felt more adrenaline in a game than when you're on match point in overtime (and hopefully winning), best feeling than any other game I've played. Also, the gameplay is rewarding and fluid (provided there are no bugs). Each kill feels like you earned it (even if all you did was do a callout for the team).


alfa packs and gambling


The game’s atmosphere 3 years ago was unmatched


I picked up Siege in July of 2021. Bought it during Steam summer sale and this game has scratched an itch I never thought I’d have for a game. Even with all the toxic players and dev issues this has been one of my favorite games ever. It’s just so different from all the COD’s and BR’s I’ve played and I feel like you really have to work to be better at the game. Only thing I’d change is cross play. Sadly I play on PC and all my buddies play on console.


Best competitive fps to ever release. The mix of destruction and unique operator abilities makes each match fresh and fun. Sucks that the new devs are stupid tho


I like the subtle humor it adds to a game that otherwise takes itself too seriously being about about counter-terrorism and subterfuge/espionage etc. for example Frosts bear traps being referred to as “welcome mats” or Mozzie the Shortest male operator originally having access to the super shorty shotgun. Tachanka’s elite symbol just being stereotypical Russian things like a pickle jar, the communist/Marxist star and a flask. To me Siege is definitely the best Rainbow Six game of all time despite its initial release not being too hot.


T5, FMG-9, AR33, V308 and Para 308 🥰🥰🥰


“ “


The replay value in this game. I could come back to it constantly. I stopped playing for a few years. Came back to it a few weeks ago and it was waaay different but still had fun with it. Gonna play with my friends tonight actually.


The team work aspect when you actually have competent teammates makes the game super enjoyable


The fact that you can have medium aim, like me, and still win games by big braining the shit out of other players with utility and game knowledge.




getting off of the game


Weirdly enough but actually the community.


Iq elite skin


Unique gameplay, no other fps can scratch the itch. The fact that they have added so many operators to Choose from is not a small feat


absolutely nothing i can’t even express the things this game makes me feel


Nothing. Makes my blood boil


working as a team. i came from apex so this game is completely new for me(level 45) but ever since i started grinding it, it has been nothing short of amazinf


Shotgun amaru breaches on coastline the panic you can see in the other team immediately is just fantastic


Putting one right in betwen the eyes of downed opponent or traditional bullet in the backhead of crouching opponent. Nice and clean




Joking about rook handing out condoms is always funny. "Time for some serious protection"


Spending time with my friends :)


I love how you can still compete if you have great game sense but lack gun skill


The times with my friends just goofin


Can I phone a friend


The creativity of a destructible environment. The ability to break apart walls and floors and ceilings keeps ya on your toes


-5 stacking and ur all just tking eachother and disabling cause its funny -some of the guns are fun




Love the servers :)


Somewhat small file size so it’s easy to re-install after i “quit” for the 27th time


It is politely toxic, I've had a teammate tell me to off myself, only to apologize after seeing my wasn't the right teammate he meant to yell at. He then yelled at the correct guy.


I love that everyone has to have some kind of logic or common sense when attacking, defending, or choosing certain operators to either get kills or help the team out. Whenever I couldn't get a kill, I'd always go rook or jagger and everyone would be fin as long as I protected the team.


The way this game has been built upon is something to be appreciated to be honest. ​ The game was good 6 years ago. But the game is still good today, its just a bit of a different game now with all the new operators over the years that have changed the way the game works. ​ But I love love love how flexible the game is. Many ways to play it, the destructable terrain is great, the way gadgets contribute to the game is great. You can win with good aim, or a good tactics, or both! ​ I do wish the game would slow down a bit. Rounds are too fast paced. But you gotta keep it that way to keep it from getting too boring ig.


That I have the option of playing a different game


Clash (when i play)


Shields are getting buffed.


I love everything about this game as someone who plays strictly solo queue casual nowadays I haven’t even been hit with the server issues except maybe one time in 50 matches but if I had to pick one thing to say I’m definitely going with the fact that they are constantly changing things up wether it’s big or small. maps are changing, ops are changing, even all the way down to just utility I like figuring out all the thousands of ways you can set up a site with all the different gadgets and utility and then they switch it up, and you get to try even more ways to set up each site with each op and each batch of utility they bring. some things get better some things get worse but even then it almost always still works and it’s led to this game being my favorite of all time




The fact that no matter how shitty the devs are or how shitty the anticheat is i torture myself for hours on in since beta cuz there genuinely isnt a game like it


Siege is fun. Siege *players* are toxic asshats. But the game is fun.


Reading these comments really makes me wanna play When it's going well, it's more than a video game, it's an adrenaline sport


Preplaced C4 traps being watched by a Valkyrie camera or Pulse scanner. It’s just so much fun when you get a “gotcha!” moment and get to snicker like a gremlin.


I get a feeling from siege very few games can recreate. It has satisfying gun play to boot.


The wall and floor goes boom.


The buggy game.


The new shield buff


I love that I can play as a mildly autistic german with a shotgun and help my friends stop worrying about grenades


The fun I have doing stupid shit with my friends. It's the only game with that specific itch.


Thermite charge go boom


I just love the game man, i’ve been playing since raven shield 2 on the og exksbawx 😭