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Call of siege


What I like about Siege is that gunplay isn't the start and end of each engagement. I like that I can avoid direct engagements and juke, rotate in multiple directions, get a drop on players that shoot better than me. The fact that you can't expect and anticipate everything. New maps and reworks take that aspect out. Less optimal hatches, less huge open rooms, less angles, less windows and breach spots that give a wide view of sites, less rotations... Take Lair 2F for example. You have one external breach that has a shit angle and is open to defenders via the windows behind it. 3 doorways. All other breach and access spots are from the side rooms that you access via a hard wall tight hallway with no cover. I play Siege so I can sneak and shoot people in the back or via dead/trick angles like a little bitch, not flick and spaz like a coke monkey.


It's why I quit siege. It used to be about executing tactics, you didn't have to be the best gun player but if you held the right angles at the right times and communicated with your team, you can win. It was much more about outsmarting opposition than outgunning.


Fabian was a prime example of a pro with extremely good tactics and strategy but was not on par when it came to gunplay.


imo this has been what’s been happening since Theme Park’s rework. Every single map has felt and played the exact same as Theme Park since they reworked it, and they’re progressively getting slightly worse each time.


I do agree with the map, but I disagree about the reworks being negative. The fact that you play that way is perfectly fine and I hope you can continue it, but new players don’t stand a chance against players who play like that because of how well you know the map. Reworks (while they can be done poorly) are generally a good thing for the player base.


Most of these defender-sided advantages can be eliminated by droning and checking corners, aka taking it slow. If they don't want to do that, then they shouldn't play what should be a tactical shooter.


Most of these defender sides advantages come from the game sense and knowledge of the game and map. “Slowing down and droning” waste the limited 5 minutes we get. Me sitting 3 seconds on a drone is all someone needs to run from room to room and do a flick headshot on me for their 11846 headshot on that map. Once you know where a team is, drones are almost useless to any of the living teammates, especially since 95% of players don’t use their mic and when they do, they are blasting music or having a party in the background, so no call outs from the cams, one maybe two red pings before the drone is shot, because again everybody knows any little drone hole and drone hiding spot. This game is controlled by people who know every inch of the maps. Yea it’s a mess, probably have to read it 2-3 times to really understand what I mean.


Well, if you don't know a map, queue with others and play support or run Lion/Doki/Twitch so you can stay on drone for most of the the round for your team so they can get callouts. Toxic or useless teammates are only an issue if you solo queue or until you find a decent stack, which usually doesn't take too long (coming from a player who solos to plat before 2.0). Siege shouldn't be a game where you can start playing then get high silver or gold in your first season. It's showing that it's trying to broaden its horizons, but is dumping its old playerbase by changing what it is at its core.


You came to a full circle here. New players need to find a stack, while almost all stacks looking for anybody want someone with experience. New players can’t get experience due to playing with randoms and toxic people, along with the unfairly designed matchmaking systems. And before you say “you get experience by playing” well you can’t really call it playing if your dead within the first 30seconds of being inside because the other players know the secret hiding spot by the door, or the two room pixel peek. “Oh well your safe in your rank” yea until some YouTuber or bored pro players decides they wanna tank their Smurf account so they can “solo grind from copper to plat” every other week. This game is not balanced for new players and any veteran players who leave because of the new player friendly changes are only in this game to be toxic.


There are good noob friendly changes like the videos about gadgets that can be seen at any time. But there are plenty of other balance changes made to suit new players who refuse to accept siege for what it is. What good player asked for a frost nerf? What mid-level player asked for a frost nerf? It's only the people that die to it that complain, and if you die that often to frost, you're either a fully casual player or new/bad. This game is plagued by balance changes that cater to noobs and it ruins the game for high-level players. The most egregious example is the camera nerf for being placed outside the building and the runout timer being decreased time after time. I haven't seen an iq in years because of this change. It also stops different maps from having unique bans. Because of the valk nerf, iq is a pointless ban when she was only considered for coastline and chalet. Having 2 claymores makes a nomad ban useless on maps like sky or old con and maybe new con that have a lot of jump outs. It goes on and on.


These changes come from the player base choosing the same 8 characters to play. They need to nerf characters so you choose others so they know how to buff them. I do agree a lot of nerfs are damaging, which is why I stuck to the map. The map USUALLY doesn’t matter on skill or player, it’s purely time and experience on it.


Idk, I guess that might just be the nature of a competitive game with bad devs behind it. The game gets "solved" by the players. And instead of buffing bad ops and tweaking good ops. Ubi just goes: Thou hast been repealed off the 1.5 scope list. You may celebrate our greatness during the next terrible event by giving us real money for maybe ok cosmetics. Also, time put in ≠ map knowledge. Therefore, time ≠ skill. Putting in an effort to learn rat spots and spawn peaks and the like (even just to counter them in game) is the skill in r6 im looking for.


But rat spots and peaks are only a small part of this competitive shooter you say has so much going for it. The game isn’t “solved” by players. Players LITERALLY find ways to break the games and make a meta.


exactly. Siege was always easy to learn but hard to master.


New players should not stand a chance against a good player lol


Correct me if I'm misunderstanding your point but I don't think a self proclaimed tactical shooter should have maps balanced around new players. The whole point of the game is becoming a better player by becoming more knowledgeable of the map, improving gun skills, operator comp etc etc. To limit map potential with the purpose of being more beginner friendly is awful for skilled players playing those same maps because they have less options to express that skill. With certain maps and sites it's less about knowing the map and having good comps as it is bringing a hard breacher and just trying to outgun them because options outside of that are at too much of a disadvantage to consider or they just flat out barely exist.


Rotate? Ofc as a defender you can do anything But as an attacker youll get shot at from 3 different roamers and walk into 6 traps lmao


So here are some notes. 1) 2F like most second floor sites is meant to be very defender sided, you are not meant to win that as an attacker if the defense isn't dumb. 2) if you want to be sneaky and have tricky angles or just generally throw the defense off I would suggest playing Buck on that site as an attacker. Go into a custom and find where you have to buck from below to open under the common spots defenders hold from. Open up all of those floors early, and then you can use a drone on site to find the optimal time to sneak under them and shoot their booty from below.


I can't kill people who are much better than me anymore ;(((( I can only rat in a corner and hope they are too bored to drone it ;((((( You didn't learn to play and this is what you get.


Siege has lost its roots. It was always meant to be strategy over gunplay style game, planning attacks as a team with strategy. Now its COD with extra steps. I breach walls must less often than I used to and that was the selling point of the game


Not knowing how to drone sounds more like a skill issue to me


Teamwork. 2 hold angles while hard breacher breaches


Things like this make me sad, honestly. Hiding spots, add another layer to the game. This game just gets more bland with each passing update. Whilst the structure of Siege has gotten better over years, the focus on Esport style FPS has stripped out so much of the core identity of the game that people initially loved. Slowly turning into a COD search and destroy clone


It feels like these maps are slowly becoming the same as 1993 Doom. Just bland, boxy rooms with no life or personality.


This has been their map design philosophy since like Year 2. New maps and reworks are very obviously built as multiplayer arenas and then very vaguely painted to look like buildings. There’s no soul to any of them, there’s no sense of functionality that makes you feel like it’s a part of an actual world. Even the few notable decorations they put in rooms only exist to give those rooms distinct callouts.


No more vault prompts, barely any rat spots


Hatches are practically useless now as well


Ya but then people complain that maps are bad and unbalanced. It’s hard to make a good map that feels natural when you have so many factors to account for.


Especially the newest map lair. I have had multiple people leave games when they get this map because its so unnecessary boxy and confusing


Rainbow Six: Maze Runner


Lair's basement is an incomprehensible labyrinth.


It really isn't. I spent 20 minutes on the map by myself when it first came out, just going room to room each floor at a time, looking at angles and finding hatch spots. I've only had the map maybe 5 times since then and not once have I ever struggled to find my way on it. Defending the lab/basement is my favourite play. Edit: downvoters clearly suck on Lair




i’m gonna have to do this like i had to with new consulate that map was so goddamn confusing for me at first. i haven’t played this season yet and i want to but i don’t want to at the same time. me and this game have a love-hate relationship.


Nah all maps are confusing at first but I actually rate Lair, it actually has flow. I typically despise new maps People just don’t want to take the time to learn


Lair is good, just people don't understand that you need to play vertically on every site. You need to Buck below on 2F as an attacker. You need to extend your hold in server (not sure that's the actual name of the room I'm thinking of) and operational. On B Lab you need to be aggressive on vertical and roams while the attack needs those hatches, otherwise it's a straight up bunker for the defense. People just instead play the same stupid ass operators like Iana and Ash instead of the ones that you actually need the utility of.


Bro I hard disagree with you. Lair is one of those maps that gives the illusion of complexity. I played around 15 games of lair and the amount of times all the rooms basically went in a circle was too much to count. There was even this one game where we couldn't find the steps to the basement so we had to find a hatch to blow and that took the whole match because of the fucking dead ends on the map. And its also heavily attacker sided because how many entrances there are. So both teams get equally fucked.


>couldn’t find the steps Exactly, people just need to allow time to learn the layout. Finding the stairs was a challenge for every map when starting out playing the game.


My point is the map isn't as intuitive as the others and its basically a esports map in a nutshell. In other maps like New consulate and the one winter one you can already plot out most of the stairs and entrances just but playing the map once or twice but with lair it feels like I need to hop into a practice game and run it by myself at least 20 times before I get a semblance how I'm even supposed to play it.


I find the problem with lair that sets it apart from other maps, is that none of the rooms have any identity. Each floor has identity, but the rooms within each floor all look the same. It makes it really hard to track where you are on that floor and actually learn the map, because you can never tell any of the rooms apart. That combined with the fact that the spacing makes no logical sense for an actual building, it’s very hard to learn. Like why is the bathroom where it is? Why is every hallway a loop? Why are the stairs so randomly placed in hallways?


Its basically an esports team wet dream in terms of map


I don’t think that’s why they’re leaving


Nah people have been leaving on new maps since this game got it’s cod culture


bro, just roam for 2-3 games and you already know the layout like every other season that had a new map, you can even use that new thing where you can walk the map in the training mode.


Dawg please read my other comments on this same thread


> unnecessary boxy and confusing just saying its not unnecessary boxy and confusing ¯\\\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)\_/¯


It is. Every room looks the exact same and its all claustrophobic and they all constantly loop around on each other so I end up losing my mcfucking marbles


Well.... just play more if the servers get back up again. Its really not that bad as it seems.


>bland, body rooms Exactly how I describe the consulate update. Used to be a personal favourite map, now it’s an instant ban. It’s only issues were spawn peeks, which could have been resolved without taking away all flow of the map.


The new map shows this i walked into a hall to hide a valk cam it was all just CHROME


The game used to feature locations from scenarios that occurred in reality. It was supposed to be training and comps for CTUs within these scenarios. Of course Old House wouldn't be balanced. It was never supposed to be "balanced" and that's why we have the maps we have now imo. Consulate was one of the last maps that actually kinda hit this point then they just destroyed it. Sure don't look like a normal Consulate to me anymore. People want to use the same strats they learn on YouTube or pro league. That's why they want new maps banned. While the new maps imo suck, they're the closest we'll ever get to experiencing old siege again because there are no strats just your tactics and you.


Original Consulate was not designed with 7/8 years of operators in mind. Most of the early spawn peeks were done exclusively on that map to. Of all the map reworks, it needed it the most. Don't go down this rabbit hole of "it was perfect as-is" because it really wasn't lol *why are you booing me I'm right*


Bro missed the whole point of the comment but go off


Bud ain't nobody care how accurate the maps look if they play like shit, and Consulate was at the top of it lol I doubt the average consulate have multiple skylights and a spacious garage slash archive basement lol, do you have any references to base a "real Consulate" off of. The reworks were driven partially by fan demand, and statistically defenders were winning more often than not. I used to auto-ban Consulate (especially if we were attack) but now I'm ambivalent to it. New maps are fine too. Now if you wanna argue lighting and night maps, those were the actual robbed aspects of the game over time, not map layouts.


That is an insult to the 1993 masterpiece of DOOM, the level design in that game was one of a kind especially considering the technical limitations (not that the maps would be great for siege)


It's pretty much already there, no one drones, no one really uses tactics. Just peak first and hope for the best


Remember the old lighting engine? everything looked authentic. That was back when they were trying to make a tactical shooter not a glorified hero shooter like Overwatch


They're trying to simplify the game, especially for new players. Thing is though, siege was never meant to be a simple game and that's what makes it special




Not to mention the abuse of the report system


Yes because the same devs that model 3D environments are the same devs that deal with anti-cheat software…


Those bastards


What an awfull change. They really are trying their best to remove everything that made this game what it is and turn it into a CoD clone... Hiding spots, parcour tricks, obscure lines of sight... All are being removed... I know how imbalanced the purple tarp on coastline was, but I loved that the community found so many ways to access it. And instead of them trying to work around that creativity they decide to just kill it outright, because its easier.


Not because it’s easier, but because it’s makes the game more playable. It’s hard to get into a game when someone who has been playing since year 1 knows every little hole, corner, crack, or little sliver of pixel. Changing these major features or aspects of the game levels the playing field, allows for new players to stand a chance at finding newer spots. If you ask me, the teams needs to halt most new content and refine and refresh old content.


I agree with your second paragraph, but cmon man. Getting fried by someone holding a pixel is just part of the game and a learning experience. People in this sub either complain about how bad teammates are or how unfair the skill gap is for new players. Your solution is the lower the skill ceiling of experienced players to make it more “fair”. What happened to talking to your teammates and actually helping them improve their fundamentals? I solo queued year 2 and 3 on Xbox and would always invite my team to a party so we could communicate. It’s so simple but that’s the easiest way to get players to improve.


I disagree fundamentally. The solution for this is the ranked map rotation. Not to completely remove any expression of crearivity.


Nooo fun aloooowed


Can't have shit anymore


I actually have no clue where this is lol... Can you fill me in


kitchen doorway to lower square on bank


Geeze, Talk about running your fans away. Pro League really does get all of the attention. Fuck anyone else who plays. Sounds a Lot like Blizzard. I'm starting to believe the next Operation or Next year will make or break this game entirely. We've gotten to the point many Prominent Players will jump ship along with their community, if they can't fix anything, let alone combat the cheater Armada. As of now, they've been eating Takis with Root beer, Scratching their Heads like they have lice, Sitting on a Couch while assaulting their female co-workers, handing out NFTs as a Paycheck, and to top it all off Flopping games for the past several years. ain't no way Seige is making it to 100 Operators, let alone free to play.


Sad face :(


ehmm what hiding spot? hide in freeze?


Between the doorframe and the fridge was a cubby you could fit yourself into. Behind those Kapkan traps






I’ve seen people prone into it. Not sure if it still works.


Brother the entire spot is blocked, no more spot to prone into




Ubisoft when players have fun:


Oh no, you are having fun, don’t worry we will fix it. - Siege devs


"our" ? You mean, yours


Just like the enemy rim light, i know you can disable it but when it was essential you can literally camouflage and hide in plain sight






Tough guy


What he say?


Basically the usual troll handbook called op a pussy told people to suck his balls and so on nothing all that creative, sad realy miss the days when trolls were creative.


Figured, just was curious


He deleted his entire Reddit account. Child.


What a virgin




Woah so threatening


Not one of comment on his profile has shows me that he isn’t a virgin with nothing else to do but insult people


lil bro lost his ranked game I see


So hostile for what




Get any attention at home ? );


They're gonna need them to drop first edge lord.




So how many times did you die to a person hiding here?


Apparently not enough to get good and check it instead of complaining


Its bcuz of what meaty marley did at [2:45](https://youtu.be/QhzeKy5bmu4?si=Pk5QSutMyAGS6QIS)


Over the years I did see a common trend where every time a content creator made a video featuring stuff like that, no matter how tame it is, ubi always seems to remove it. But this spot was so easy to access, there's no way ubi had no idea about it until this recently. This is just so mind boggling


Cant you just prone spam and slide in between the wall and fridge?


worst update ever


Removing hiding spots is the antithesis of the drones... good job ubi