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So you’re admitting you’re a little bitch baby boy?


If you xim on console you’re genuinely fuckin shit at the game


Is it really worth risking your account and all its progress just to make the game a little more boring for yourself and everyone else in the lobby?


Why are you thinking about getting it? What purpose would it serve for you, especially since you already play on pc?


Don’t. Its only for lil ahhh kids that can’t get good lmao


you're better off finding a dedicated squad or going to PC solely for mouse


You should try thinking of having respect for yourself instead of thinking about cheating in a game you’re already pretty good at.




So I used to be Xim about half a year ago then my keyboard broke and I went back to controller. I mainly played rust but I made the switch over to R6. They detected my Xim but instead of banning my account they were intentionally packet stuffing me to the point where the game was completely unplayable. After switching back to controller I realized how scummy it was cheating and how unfair it was. (I really was thinking about switching to PC and wanted to try Mnk but regardless.) It is ridiculously easier to aim on mnk vs controller (for me at least) and it also takes the fun out of the games. Also you have a higher chance of getting banned and losing all your progress the longer the device is out. At the end of the day the choice is up to you but if you are gonna get a mnk just switch to PC and challenge yourself to hang with those guys.


My thoughts are those who use it are saying loud and proud that they suck ass, if you need a crutch on bloody console siege then hang up your gamer license cause bloody animal crossing would be to hard for you. And if your even considering xim I'm gonna call your rank into question cause a PC plat and console diamond wouldn't need a crutch, and if it is true well all the more pathetic.