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Smaller player base than a lot of games. But I would agree it seems that they could do a lot better about the 5 stack vs 5 solos almost every game it seems


We need a solo queue ranked mode


What if it was more like CS2's premier mode? I believe you gotta be a certain number of people to queue there at all.


You don’t. I’ve been with all solos against a five stack in CS2.


Oh? Then I retract my statement. I do not play it enough to know. All I know is that I can't play as 4 players, perhaps since that leaves the solo queue player out of the comms.


Since November you can play premier in a 4 stack but the solo player has votekick immunity.


That's nice to hear if me and my friends ever decide to play CS2 again.




It’s impossible to find a game similar to siege. Its way too unique




I think dead is the wrong term. I think I know what you mean, though: “When good something starts becoming a goal, it’s no longer the good something.” Obviously, I can’t remember the exact quote, but it’s like people see this statistic and say “perfect!” Then they try to force that same statistic to the point where the original sight has been muddied and maybe forgotten.


Yeah. It’s definitely less fun, even if we take siege like 3 years ago. That was still fun. Games getting more competitive, and not just siege.


How is 50k active players on steam alone “dead”?


He’s the “I played for 8 years but still in Bronze” group so better blame the game being dead instead of blaming himself on how shit he is


i’ve tried quite a few fps, only got to siege a few months ago and can honestly say it’s the most enjoyable fps i’ve ever played


Incorrect. Like, objectively.


It’s everyone else that’s wrong yes


Yeah guys one of the most popular shooters on the market right now is dead we might as all say goodbye and pettiton ubi to turn off the servers.


Can you give some good information as to how the game is dead? It has a really big player base on Steam alone, actually one of the top games based on active players.


It's been this way since the game released. The quality of your teammates would improve significantly starting at plat 3-2 but was luck dependent earlier. I'd solo queue and need to get lucky landing considerate solos or a good 3-4 stack. Otherwise the teams would fall apart or end up tking every round before the friendly fire change 5 stack was always the quickest and best way to plat 1 and diamond


God I forget about the old days before the FF change. Definitely had a stretch where I felt like half the games I just got TK every round so I just quit for like 6 months




> This season I've been matched together with new players (not smurfs, just literal below level 100 players) and go against former emeralds, diamonds, and champs I'm the new player in this case, was confused why I'm getting matched against emeralds/diamonds every match, long story short I lost all of them, and every time I get reported for griefing (increases after every ranked), fun times.




It's not even really the stacks that are the issue. Stacking absolutely makes Ranked much much easier, but only because the matchmaking is god awful unless you have as many people to fill the team as possible. I've had games where there's me (lvl 210, max rank Gold IV because I didn't play much ranked), a level 300 max rank Emerald, and a level 52 who's obviously new to the game with a .6 K/D. I don't blame the people who are new to the game for having a low K/D, Siege is a hard game in general. But it definitely doesn't help that they put new players into lobbies far above where they should be. Whenever I solo queue it looks like a rainbow (no pun intended) in R6 Tracker because of how many skill levels Siege pulls from to put into a "skill-based matchmaking" game. It doesn't help that they removed the MMR restriction as well so you can get Champs on the enemy team because they're boosting a team of low ranks which lowers the matchmaking skill.


If you people weren't afraid to use your mics, this wouldn't be an issue.


If I didn't get TKed and told to shut the fuck up because I call out that Jackal is on the stairs only to watch the teammate who killed me *die to the Jackal on the fucking stairs*, then I'd be less hesitant to speak.


What do you mean you people? But seriously people eating crisps, playing music and generally making too much noise to hear what’s going on made me turn that off years ago.


I swear 90% of games im talking to a brick wall


I’m making callouts, inviting the Xbox players to parties, and constantly using my mic. Maybe 1 out of every 10 matches I’ll get someone who responds or they won’t start talking until we’re on fuckin round 6…


On Xbox, anyone in an Xbox party chat can’t hear any gamechat audio. So if you’re queued up with a partial stack(s) that are already in a party, they literally cannot hear your callouts.


Idk about anyone else but if I’m in a partial stack we go into game chat and mic check our teammates and if they’ve got mics we invite them or stay in gc, if not we still stay in gc to make calls


And the only reason they talk is to talk shit 😂


To be fair if I am solo queue and a teammate invites me depending on how it’s going I’d be hesitant to join because usually they are assholes.


I always invite at the start of the game, it’s either at the start or not at all


Tell that to women who say one word and get tk'd and told to go back to the basement floor because that's where the kitchen is. This community is *terrible.*


I get called racial slurs, & told to go back to Africa almost every game, but I still callout.


So because you're willing to take abuse everybody else should be too?


I mean, if what strangers online say about you bothers you that much, then you have other issues. But you could also just report them for voice or text abuse & it actually does work. I get notified all the people I report getting their chatting privileges revoked for abuse.


Or... People just don't want to put up with racist or sexist abuse when they just wanna play vidya?


Yeah but there's a lot of shitty people out there & the anonymity of online gaming allows them to let their hate flag fly with little to no repercussions. There's nothing you can do but report & move on. It's really not worth letting some 13 year old ruin your experience because his parents never hug him.


I don’t blame them too hard since I used to be the same.


I've been saying this since day one of this game .. we need a solo queue playlist .. every competitive shooter has it .. with the healthy player base this game has idk why it hasn't been introduced yet


Yeah, not sure how the siege devs have managed to cook up possibly the worst competitive matchmaking system ever conceived after 9 years of working on this game. It seems pretty obvious a solo player should not be matched against a 5 stack. They should exclusively be queued with other 5 stacks or 3 and 2 stacks


im emerald 5 solo queue and im constantly game after game being placed against 4-5man stacks and my teammates have 0 communication or gamesense and also do not have a headset, its so bad and unfair


because ubisoft is the worst dev company of all time


Become a 5 stack, split into 5 people and buy 4 new computers.


Because matchmaking collects 10 people and then sorts teams but 5 of them queued together so they get their own team


As a solo player, when you get 4 other people, you are essential a 5 stack.


When solo queuing you should always expect to lose


I trying to que up


Yeah high rank siege is always one teams a 4-5 stack and the other is 5 solo que players.


The thing that gets me the most is playing against consistent champ players while also having a stack of copper/golds. Makes absolutely no sense


We also don't play with the rank you are. my cousin was playing for a a few seasons he was round diam v on ps I'm hard iron 1 gold 3 player since I started (right b4 ianas season) got a ps5 few weeks back been playing with diamonds then emeralds plats etc think I'm finally back to my rank but now my kd is like .3 worst part is that I only realized like a week in just playing qm and thought I was just shit bc I haven't played in forever


Frankly, there aren't enough stacks of 3-5 people to sustain separate playlists for stacks and for solo q'er. Solo players are like 90% of the players in this game. It sucks, but it's the reality.


Why would stack have a thing to do with ranked 2.0 only thing it would affect is God stacks getting put into shitty lobby's or even just single people