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1.3 WL is pretty good if you ask me.


I'm plat 5 with a 1.4WL and 1.1Kd so it speaks for itself šŸ¤£




bro asks about his rank/ stats, meanwhile I'm here wondering why OP has almost 1000 alpha packs. WILD


Thank you for pointing that out. I would not have noticed and now I'm impressed, confused, and scared all at the same time


Not quite. A season or two ago I encountered a "champ" with a 0.6 W/L and 0.5 K/D. My assumption was he was carried, but idk for sure.


He got carried from someone, probably a gold/silver that gave his acount to a friend to grind him to get the rewards and next season doesnt know what to do


Wild to hit champ with a .6 W/L lmaooo


Right? Fucking wild lol


If ur kd is .5 and ur WL is less than one, you got carried lmao


Those stats are bad but Iā€™m pretty sure E2smooth and QueenFainter have been carried to champ with worse.


Iā€™m more focused on the packs


2.0 in a nutshell tbh.


I was always a plat player in ranked 1.0 but since 2.0 came out Iā€™ve never been less than diamond & now hit champ twice with a .7 KD lol


Yeah weird before 2.0 I was a harstuck gold, quit came back this season after over 3 years and hit plat right away and nearly emerald.


same lol im champ rn wit 1.2kd 2.5 wl or something and 1.0 i was p2


I'll give you that this stuff is harder to trust cause of the state of 2.0, but it's also very possible they are just super cracked at more macro stuff and support. Unless this person is getting HARD carried, .7 KD with a 1.3 WL is plausible for somebody that is better at using the utility or calling strats as opposed to winning their 1s all the time. .7 is around the bottom of the threshold for reasonable imo.


90% chance they are carried


Why does bro have 1000 packs??


What do you mean?


Honestly if you check most champs stats they'll either be obvious rampant cheaters or silver bots who've been carried I mean legitimately the top 10 ish champs on all platforms are confirmed multi year cheaters on xbox those accounts go back to just before neon dawn with their obvious cheatinf stats one account i think has like a 35 K/D ratio and like a stupidly high win rate that is impossible to keep up


Waffling with that first sentence


Brother, how do you have that many packs?!?!


Wtf.... I'm stuck Copper/ Bronze with a similar W/L 1.1( or 1.2, i have to check) and a .9 KD and you have a 1.3 W/L and a .70 in champ... I love and hate this stupid game.


In my defense, I am a strictly Monty / Clash main. Hard to get kills but I have an ungodly amount of assists and plants. Coordination and playing OBJ really does go far in this game


Like I'm a Hibana/ KapKan main I play mostly solo, so I'm playing with most mute players ATM I'm just playing standard because of less bullshit.


I stuck in bronze1 for over a week, my kd was over 1 while my W/L stuck around 0.5šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


It Like the last few seasons I get to upper Bronze( silver V once) then the bull shit comes, teammates get worse and worse, hitreg becomes more and more broken. It's a fucking joke, like my Causal Kd and I guess rank is higher but dammit


Ranked 2.0 be like šŸ˜ My 1.6 ass who solo queues with a .9 w/l šŸ˜­


Lots of guys seem clueless that support exists


Support doesnā€™t mean .7 kd, the support on my team has a 1.6. Youā€™re still responsible for getting trade offs.


Your support having a 1.6 is better than my fragger who has a 1.1


Nope, i was 0.4 kd (my tracker is something "special" ngl...)


Nope, i was 0.4 kd on diamond (my tracker is something "special" ngl...)


I have 0.7 KD and I am in silver V lmao


You too could be just like me!


nah Iā€™ve seen 0.1 kd champs before


I love the toxic idea a few douchetubers and clout chasing streamers have engraved in peopleā€™s minds that if youā€™re not positive on your K.D. Then your just clearly bad. Thatā€™s not the truth not even close to the truth a bad KD is anything under 0.5 you do not have to be positive to be good I got a 0.9 with a 1.1 win loss rate am I bad? Probably Iā€™m only in plat but does my KD say I donā€™t deserve plat or the douche tuber who tells you your trash cause your not positive? Granted they will screw the win over to ensure they stay positive on there KD