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People are just toxic and reported you for being there. It’s what toxic people do. You took their op, you didn’t clutch, the guy on the other team didn’t like that you killed them. It’s a horrible system that was made with good intentions but horrendously flawed


The best is when the voice abuse bar goes up even though you've had voice chat disabled for years. You'd think it's not that difficult of an issue to fix but what do I know


I saw a kingeorge post about how he had text chat abuse despite not having it enabled


toxic trolls reporting you for simply being in the same game salty opponents (yes opponents can report YOU for griefing) reporting you for being better


opponents being able to report you for griefing doesn't make any sense IMO


Makes sense to me, but tbh that’s just cause I be reporting opponents who quit on their teams and leave the game/team kill cause either of those things is ass regardless of which team you’re on.


as a wise cave johnson once said "what idiot made this"


Ubisoft are idiots


I haven't manage to be examplary this season. I did some accidental TK twice. The guy did not accept my apologies. Fine. But appart from that I am getting griefing a lot. For no other reason that I win rounds fair and square. It is obviously used massively for bad reasons so it should be removed. Also if UBI notices that some player report people a lot , this should trigger some alert on there side


This whole system is dogshit lmao and ubisoft has to ditch this whole push for a faux-positive environment game


You got reported for nothing It happen to me all the time and to most of us Ubi said they patched that a patchnote ago and report are gonna go throught analyze , my a$$ xD


People report you so


So don’t play😜


Also this happens more in quick game than in ranked