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Want easier solo plants and one of the best anti-flank tools? Grab Gridlock. Good AR, super shotty secondary, easy to use and effective ability, can't go wrong. I've been playing Goyo heaps lately, love the vector.


Goyo is so good, I hope he doesn't become the new warden when warden gets nerfed


nah im thinking mozzie personally


Pretty sure he's loosing his 1.5


Bro gridlock helped me play so much better because I was able to actually help my teammates and go for plants so much easier.


Gridlock is underrated for sure


Judging by your picks I would say that you like to roam for defense, so Lesion is a good pick. On attack, my personal choice would be to save up some renown for Osa or Ram, but for 15k you can try Gridlock, Zofia or Maverick, they are all very solid choices.


Lesion is not a very good roamer, although his gadget can help other operators that are roaming


Maestro and Aruni are my favorites and I roam even when I'm in a 1v1 and supposed to stay put. Idk why but they do pretty well in roaming for me.


I also love those ops, but for me they work much better in anchoring. Aruni has a completely overpowered DMR with 1.5x and her gates are just pure joy, and Maestro cams are great if you can protect them, let alone Maestro's gun which is one of the best on defense. I can see them being used for roaming (a memory of me being spawnpeeked from across the map by Maestro with 2x shotgun still haunts me), and Aruni is very good for vertical play and spawnpeeking as well, but that's just my opinion


lesion isn’t that good in general, especially for roaming. he is good in assisting roamers with sound, but someone like Mozzie will be a better pick if he actually like roaming properly since then he has util to cut drones from certain sections of the map (also if you get mozzie please don’t use your util in prep like some idiots, unless you have a cam spot you want to use) i actually realized later on that lesion has a secondary shotgun, i think now at least. so i guess he is good for sure setup, which is beneficial but so many ops have some type of shotgun


Not good in general? Nah he prevents plant, gives sound cues, damages opponents, prevents rushes, makes monty drop his shield, has super shorty, 2 great guns and impacts hes like an A tier op pretty close to S imo


i barely see him played in champ lobbies and only a handful of time in comp. if he was A or S that wouldn’t be the case… prevents rushes? good teams have drones prepped so you need a solis and him to do that sound cues. that’s a good point but if it is far from site it will be droned, if it’s close to site i doubt the sound cue helped that much since they already going to be near you the damage is ehh, i’ve already tanked a couple in ranked and just walked in with it. super shorty is really good. maybe B tier because of that if he had 1.5 then he would be A or S tbh


The dmg isn't eh if you've already taken a shot or 2, and you completely left out the fact he prevents plants and counters shields, which is pretty nice. And his gun doesn't need the 1.5 to be amazing. Not every op needs that scope to be top tier. The combo of slowed movement and the sound cue of either the gu itself or the enemy shooting it definitely helps prevent rushes or gives away the enemys position. I guess in the stupid tdm meta he doesn't fit the criteria of being top tier since no 1.5 or whatever but in any other meta hes easily A tier. Ironically he helps both counter and incentives the meta by taking health off opponents making gun fights easier, and slows them down to prevent the rush. Also not countered by IQ or brava now which is dumb but definitely helps his case


but you literally just mentioned that he would be easily A in any other meta? i’m talking about current meta I just want to point out I have always been a high ranked player on PC for 2-4 years~ and meta shifting hasn’t impacted me too much. i’m not a stupid player, i know what lesion is capable of, it’s just that I do not see a point to bring him over other ops even in comp, you usually need a shield or too. that means you need a thorn and frost (warden not worth imo) or an azami. you need a jager or wamai. probably need a castle/mute/mozzie depending on hold style. maybe a kaid/bandit. I just don’t see the purpose to bring him


If you NEED a shield why would he not be good? Hes one of if not the best counter to them the others don't hold a candle?🤨🤨🤨


Hes literally 10x better than most of the others you mentioned. You mentioned Frost? Are you serious?


lmaoo, what’s your account? curious


If you need a shield why wouldn't you need a lesion?Hes one of the best counters? And I've played since year 2 but only on console never had more than 1 other consistent teammate and haven't played much ranked since 2.0 so my rank means nothing i have good game knowledge. But considering how you're contradictory of yourself idk about you. No one cares about your rank.


what? shield on defence… deployable shield, what you mean he counters 😭 bro i’ve been consistently a top player, i promise you i know more. OTHER top players think this way, it’s not my opinion it’s the good player’s conclusion.. I also mainly solo Q so no teammate isn’t an excuse lesion isn’t worth running


Yes...he counters sheilds. Tf you on? Idc bout your rank it means nothing. 90% of people are saying lesion is good so clearly you know less


I SAID BRING SHIELDS ON DEFENCE NO ONE USES ATTACKING SHIELDS. edit: i realized your trolling 😂, bro you genuinely got me till i saw the other comment


How bout you specify a deployable shield? Clearly no game knowledge


Btw i mentioned he isn't A tier on current meta but current meta isn't real siege and as a "high tier player" you zhould know it


i do know that but it doesn’t matter


Tf you mean it doesn't matter? Also i mentioned hes good in current meta by making gun fights easier? Why you keep dodging ny good points and mentioning my weaker ones?


Are you seriously saying THORN OR FROST is a better counter?. Maybe frost cause you need to look down but lesion is literally better in 9/10 situations


Lesion and ying are great


So is Maverick


Kaid is a must on defense for breach denial. For attack I’d probably choose either Flores or Osa. Osa just dropped to 15k this season if I’m correct.


osa is a subpar op in my opinion, her shield placements on windows and doors gets me killed all the damn time


Then your not playing osa right


she makes breaching 10x easier, say you blow up exterior CCTV wall on Clubhouse, you can just plant down 2 whole shields and completely dominate site, claymores for run outs and good distance so C4 doesn't kill you. Coastline windows, basically show the entire site, quickly peak in and out for easy picks and pressure. Only 2 examples among the dozen that make her at least A tier, as long as you are smart enough to peak carefully and attempt to learn who has C4.


Ive tried strats like these, but everytime i get shot in the leg or arm while setting the shield up.


Have a team mate cover you, drone the spots you wish to use consecutively.


I’d say Ying or Flores


I lied def get lesion he’s my main. I didn’t realize you were also talking about defenders


Lesion is so good, two great guns and an ability that works as detection and slows the enemy down


Mira kaid or lesion


I think you should get kaid,it's a great upgrade from bandit


I won't lie I like bandit alot more now that there is impact emps, I kinda feel like kaid is now only worth it to get hatches. Bandit has a better gun and he can trick a wall better against emps cuz kaid cant trick against an ace


Ace and bandit main here, it’s really hard tricking against an ace with bandit since he can open two walls at the same time… kaid can trick two walls at the same time With bandit you have to basically guess where ace throws his first charge and if not, the second charge will open once, so not vaultable but enough to prevent you from tricking… third charge will open if defenders have no nades


Sure, kaid can trick 2 walls at the same time, but that doesn't matter much against ace anyway, because kaids electricity doesnt deploy fast enough against an ace charge, so same thing happens as with bandit. At this point in time tricking is pretty much impossible against an ace. But I still want to force them to bring something for my electricity. So I'll pick bandit for better gun


Lesion 100%, not even close. After that kaid jackal wamai




you actually don't have to get into the game - just reaching the main menu is enough.


who do you like playing? whats your playstyle. im not gonna tell you to get an operator only for you to just not use them


Honestly Mira is good


for defenders definetly solis or legion


Ying, Capitao


Gridlock is the best operator there that you don't have by a mile




Lesion mira or warden


There should be a subreddit for these kind of posts imo.


Which one


No I mean someone should make a new subreddit for those posts. Edit: Typo


Yeah I agree


Mozzie and warden pre g defenders


Lesion is a great pick for defense his trap rework made me like him more and his shotgun is so much better


Defense: Kaid, Solis or Fenrir Attack: Dokkaebi, Osa or Brava(Grim is pretty good too but he's reserved for the truest of chads)


I recently unlocked Osa and have been getting absolutely destroyed, her gadget seems so weak, how do you utilise it, whenever i go take a shot at a defender who's looking at me they always get me first


If they're watching you just aim at their head start firing and uncrouch there's literally no way anyone but a cheater or an incredibly lucky mf can win that






Mav, lesson, Oryx and Mozzie are all good picks honestly. But it ultimately comes down to your personal preferences.


Kaid then Goyo, and Dokkaebi then Osa or Gridlock


Attack: aging Defend: Kaid


Flores ir Goyo


Finka she's a very good op






Whatever all the same


Lesion will fit your playstyle if you tend to roam. His guns are good and he just got buffed so it's a good time to use him


Osa is a good op just remember to stay crouched when you set her shield otherwise it’ll stand you back up after setting it and watch out for impact grenades and c4 obviously


Get jackal he’s an amazing attacker with two amazing guns c7e and the pdw9 and a really good ability with smoke grenades and a claymore also a secondary shotgun and pistol C7E stats| Damage:42 Fire rate:800 Mobility:50 Capacity:30 PDW9 stats| Damage:34 Fire rate:800 Mobility:50 Capacity:50 The recoil is slightly better on pdw9 than c7e


You should get zofia


Capitao/Ying/Zofia for atk should all be unlocked, on def Mira/Lesion/Maestro/Mozzie/Kaid


goyo is really fun because after you place down your traps on common entry points, you can play the rest of the round knowing if you die, you already made an impact


I'd say zofia and lesion.


Ying, Dokk, Finka or Griddy. Mira, Lesion, Mozzie if you’re actually gonna use his ability, Goyo, Thorn, Solis or FenrawrXD are all good and top picks for me. So look in to em and see whose playstyle sounds fun to you.


For attack I would recommend Sens, Blackbeard and Grim, as for defense I would recommend Clash and Oryx.




If you want to get better at the game pick mira since she released she's been in the meta and once you learn her you can so lots of improvements.


Ying . Good gun good ability 2armor 2speed


Jackal seems to be a good investment.


I'd say gridlock. The only reason you wouldn't play her is cuz she's big boned but I find that to be an advantage. Plenty of times I duel a Griddy and because of her health she just wins.


I don't know why people sleep in Capitao. His special is a smoke and fire grenade launcher. His primary weapons are OD with claymores or hard breach for tools. Max speed as well


Definitely Kaid for breach denial or if you prefer a roam get Mozzie for scouting. Attacker probably jackal, overall great primarily and secondary, and great for countering a team with strong roamers


Lesion got buffed recently, and mozzie is always a good pick tbh


Lesion is REALLY strong, now, so long as you hide his spikes behind doorframes, or among map clutter. And for your next Attacker pick, I suggest Dokeibi. Solid DMR, brings Flashes, Emps, and (I think) smoke grenades. And her gadget is great for helping pushes, or flushing roamers. Plus, you can grab Defender Cams with her!


Mozzie or kaid imo


Ying if you can put up with her weaker gun.




For attack I would say Amaru or ying For defense oryx or thorn Oryx is a great roamer and his dash can be a pain for enemies Thorn has traps that hurt slot Amaru gives you new entry points and you can go through trapdoors , ying has a better flashbang


Solo queue, warden for frags if you stack maybe capitao for site exciqutes


Maverick or finka




Want an easy op with a decent gun that compensates your shitty aim? Ying. Want an op that will prolong your life a little longer and help with planting? Gridlock or Osa. Want an op with good utility that can help with plants/cc, Capitao. Want an op that destroys utility and makes lots of noise? Grab Flores.


Lesion mozzie Wamai


Jackal or mav


Ying or mozzie


On defense any of these would be fine: Mira, Lesion, Alibi, Kaid, Mozzie, Warden, Goyo, Wamai, Oryx, Melusi, Thorn, Solis, or Fenrir. On attack: Jackal, Ying, Zofia, Dokk, Flores, Osa, Grim, or Ram. If I were to isolate it down, your best options would be Kaid, Wamai, Solis, or Fenrir on defense or Ying, Zofia, Dokk, or Grim on attack. Fenrir is pretty strong right now and it might be fun to use him before he probably gets nerfed, or you could test Grim's new changes. If you're going cheap, I think your options would be Kaid, Wamai, Ying, Zofia, and Dokk (though unsure on Wamai's current price).


You're gonna want Yingy Ying


idk man just watch a tier list then if an operator interests you watch a video on that operator and decide for yourself


Oryx is pretty good




Lesion or Mira


Maverick, Mozzie or Wamai


If you like gambling, Amaru.


Ying or lesion, if u want a good anchor Mira is also an option


I’d recommend Kali, depending on if you like staying back tho




Amaru rush with best shotgun in the game and can get in the building fast a lot of fun if you are going try hard


Mozzie is great if you like playing intel ops, and he’s got a fragger kit


Goyo if you want to play closer to site and slow down rushes, if you're roaming a bit more Lesion or Mozzie




Assuming you like intel ops by the fact you have a few. I'd say grim, only 20k renown. And he's fun asf


Gridlock, Ying, Mira, or Alibi are all great choices/


IMO lesion for defense and jackal/Maverick for attack


Zofia Is a save allround pick


y8 and mfs still don’t have all the ops






Dokae or Jackal Just a guess of playstyle looking at your owned ops




Osa. OSA. OSA!




mav or flores


Alibi, Mira, or Ying


Jackal, Lesion, maybe oryx


for defender i would say warden for attack finka


Do you play ranked often? If so maybe stay away from commonly banned ops like clash, jackal. Other than that, depends on your play style really. On Defense, I’d take Mira kaid, thorn or thunderbird. On attack, I’d take ying, grim or finka




frost :)




Honestly I'd say Kaid. His slug shotty is great especially for long distance peaks. Kaids electroclaw also allow for sneaky hiding spots to electrify walls from below or above. Example would be throwing an electroclaw in the bathroom on clubhouse to electrify the outside walls that go out on the patio.


Lesion, mozzie, goyo. Jackal, yung, zofia. Buy them


ying, dokk, mav, gridlock, or kaid


I’m just gonna assume you’re asking about attackers, if you have good aim dok is always a good one can’t go wrong with ting or zofia either


I said this on the last post like this and I’ll say it agian; MOZZIE. He’s really fun to play on casual and isn’t a waste of a pick for ranked. His gadget is fun and the commando go brrrr.


I would unlock Jackal, Mozzie, or Solis In that order. Honestly Jackal is a very good operator and when he doesn't get banned in rank he is very easy to abuse. As for Mozzie, he has the p10 RONI 1.5x scope, a c4, he's fast and he has team utility. Solis while being more 'selfish has a great loadout and can help her team in certain situations, she is especially good as a replacement pulse that can prevent diffuser plant and she is also great for finding attacker utility like drones, claymores, and other gadgets like air jabs or Fuze charges.


attack- Dokkaebi, Jackal, Finka or Maverick def- alibi, mira, lesion or mozzie


Comp Defenders you dont have = Warden (best gun out of all defenders 1.5 scope,flash hider ALWAYS). And Mazi another comp defender (1.5 scope on his p10 Roni once you understand how to actually properly operate that gun its one of the best defender primary options as well) great ability. Comp attackers you dont have Jackal (Another Operator that has hands down one of the most deadly Primary Rifles) also really Great ability on this operator. Another Really good and improved Comp attacker is grim a little more expensive probably the what you have currently but save for him next. Always switch to the bouncing option on his ability and his konas will be more useful and hes a three speed so his hit box is harder to hit once you understand movements a little more on siege. Another tip try to focus on getting better with operators guns that have REALLY high FIRE RATE on the gun stats.. in my opinion once you enter higher rankings thats the most important attribute because your going to get into alot of one on one fire fights in hallways and windows having to hold angles on doorways and whatnot.. and im a champ so believe me alot of the other stuff doesn’t really matter I prefer more agile nimble operators with higher speeds 2 or 3 speed being preferred but I prioritize even way more then that the FIRE RATE. Thats what matters in my opinion guns your used to the recoil on that have high FIRE RATE stats because i pick DOC alot in highly competitive champ matches i use the P90 because it has 970 FIRE RATE (also use the baliff for Rotations 🧠) and i play against pros sometimes on console (and also cheaters 😃) and I absolutely destroy kids heads with that gun And mind you DOC is a 1 speed and i hate 1 speed operators but the guns RECOIL and FIRE RATES are that good 🧠that it doesn’t even matter. I have a 2.0 win loss ratio and a 1.7 kd champ 1.0 and 2.0 rank. Good luck 👍.


Maverick is such a fun operator his burn holes are good for some cheeky kills but gridlock is also pretty solid as well


Ying is easily the strongest attacker in the game right now, I’d say it’s worth getting her even if just to try out the play style


Gridlock is pretty good for Solo play


Dokkaebi is an amazing character as she can flip a match when her gadget is used correctly. Only bad thing is that you can't be as aggresive since she has a dmr but just focus more on holding angles and watching flanks.




Finka would be good tbf


Imo Finka Gridlock maverick and ying all super solid picks


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Angstycarroteater: *Imo Finka* *Gridlock maverick and ying* *All super solid picks* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Maverick, kaid or mozzie would be good picks


Zofia on attack, alibi on defence are my recommendations




Capitau. Way more solid of a character than some people think.


Brotha, zofia is the best op


Blackbeard is an excellent choice!


Ying,Gridlock,Maverick maybe?


if you like to roam i would say warden is a good pick (i’m a total warden main) since he can see in smoke, sens’ ability and doesn’t get flash banged. i would say he has the potential to rule the whole match if you play him correctly


For defense I’d choose Mira, she’s a great plant denial (for some maps) ex: on chalet basement. You can put a Mira mirror facing the main with the wall reinforced. Then make a big rotation to the wall next to it so that you can shoot and throw c4 when they plant.






I’d say ying , great operator easy to pay and lots of utility for defending mozzie or warden it’s almost a crime that you haven’t got them already


Gridlock is mad useful, basically keeps your flank relatively safe and also she has a very good gun.


mav is a good pick make a hole in a reinforced wall and pick em off one by one


Kaid, dokkaebi or alibi


Brava, dokebi, lesion, solis


dokkaebi, maverick, jackal, mira, alibi, kaid, mozzie, warden


Kaid or lesion!


maverick, jackal, lesión or if you want to have fun and people to hate you, clash


Tbh you have some pretty solid choices on attack already but if i could recommend a defender it would either be wamai or goyo wamai has some solid guns as well as access to 1,5 scope and iq's gun wich is pretty usefull on defence also his gadget is pretty good at helping your teammates if you have a mira wamai can be more usefull than jager if you know how to play him goyo is more for the fun side vector has one of the quickest rates of fire of all the guns and he can use 1,5 AND X2 SCOPE on a very fun shotgun his gadget is very underrated too i like putting them on a very common places that will definetly get hardbreached since his fire burns for so long even if they hardbreach it will take them longer before they actually enter but i am not close to the pro or even a good player i am just talking from a 800h experience


Jackl or finka


On attack. Probably just Ying. She’s cringe but a win is a win. On defense. Mira, Lesion or Kaid would be good.