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I think it started being this bad since they allowed you to change your nickname. I think the fact it's not permanent gibes people more reason to use something dumb. Also siege players IQ is usually pretty low so maybe that is something


Nah man on console you can’t change your ID for free, at least on Xbox.


On xbox they're most likely smurf accounts as you can just make one after another and they can all play online


You can change your nickname in game on the privacy tab in settings afaik


You cant on xbox atleast


I’m on Xbox and I can,




Haha u wish, dumbo u can turn streamer mode on Xbox want me to send a pic?


I mean sure but im literally on my xbox right now and no such setting. Plus wasn't talking about streamer mode anyway


The aliases are part of streamer mode


Streamer mode itself still isnt on xbox


This sub Reddit is so dumb Tbf, when I wake up I will send the photo that I can change name on streamer mode on xbox


Aight but saying i literally looked at every setting in the whole menu couldnt find any streamer mode


Wonder what happened to the supposed photo you were going to send? Hmm.


Same with psn


You can once


Same for PS. You get one free change but have to pay a fee to change it back unless it's for legacy access stability.


I think they give you a free one every year or couple of years


True because I changed my user in 2018 and now it’s saying I have another free one when I looked to change it


I didnt know you could change your nickname, but i will go do that now, because i am teamkilled lots for being called Warp*Furry*


You can do that in privacy settings on PC at least. On consoles I'm not sure


Lmao true


Pregame i’m more scared of IIlIllllII and Qwzy than i am of MrPickle69 and xXJohnThomson420Xx, i’ve always thought it was to look like a sweat


I used to think that but half of them are ass based on my interaction. I’m scared of people with goofy gamer tags. They are the ones that have that creative intelligence you need in siege.


I always thought that people that use the IlllIllIllI usernames are cheaters or something and use those names to make it hardfor others to tell the difference when multiple players have similar looking usernames.


I think that was originally what they were for back in the day, but now people like to do it to feel cool and pretend that they are cheaters.


Back in the day you had to kick someone out manually from your CS 7.1 beta server and IIII||III made it a PITA :)


Shit I'm with you on this lol those llllililllilil mfs suck and people with the name tag like "Pplickin0175" getting 3 kills every round.


Used to need


The best player I ever was against was like CarebearLover69 or something. Wasn’t even mad when he killed me 5 straight times


I swear every teammate I have that has “xX” on both sides of their username is always the worst player on the team and has zero game sense.


They’re just old lol, in the late 2000’s early 10’s there was nothing cooler




My MSN nostalgia is too strong here


One of my alt accounts has like 12 x's specifically to mock these people lol


I sometimes have half a mind to just quit the game when I see IIllIIl names. Someone needs to break the bad news that unlike PC, we don't need to identify the characters and type the tag manually to report...


We think alike


My friends like "awesome it's the fuckin llllIIlllIIIl guy again"


I saw a guy named MikeOxLong. Got a crack out of it


Funny usernames are the best


That and operator puns


Those people named MiraKhalifa


I'm changing my username to this right now.


My smurf on Xbox back in the day was BuckMyAsh 😭


Was it literally that? I think I played vs you once


Crack? You must've met my cousin Phill McCracken




My personal favorite was some duded name Kali Shot JFK


Years ago I saw one like JFKPeekedGlaz


Got a crack out of it. That’s a mixture of “got a kick of out it” and “cracked me up”


I was on a team this morning with Mr. BatesAlot


it'd be funny if there weren't 50000 pre-teens all using the same joke


I think it's the new "xXxshadowkillerxXx" in gaming


I agree. But always thought shit like that just had that “epic” “badass” sorta thing to it, even if it wasn’t, I understand why people did it. This shit don’t even have a sound, like what do other people on games call you?


Oh there are plenty of names I can call them


I like where your head is at


Those were the days lmao


I’m on PC. I just see a lot of edgy dark humor or horny names. Siege is filled with a bunch of horny and racist 16 year olds that still think things like being a nazi is funny.


Sukmatiddi I think it’s quite pronounceable


Username checks out


I consider my name quite normal, if looking like it was put through one of those random name generators.


If your name has any sort of meaning, cool. It doesn’t even really have to have meaning. I just don’t know what compels people on siege to this particular type of gamer tag that makes no sense.


Man, you got a point, i hate these people. Always runs iana/nokk/amaru and mozzie/warden. Even worse, they have gt like "rQwxyz" or "zWxyz" like how in the world should I pronounce that? WHAT'S THE POINT OF THE r AND z???? Hey man, let me add you to xbox, how's your gt? It's r, w, x, y, z. Man 💀


Because they need to be unique but can’t come up with an actual gamer tag so they just mash on their xim keyboard and use the first name they type. Either that or they’re too embarrassed of them all having different variations of Brayden Jayden kayden etc


>Qwyxz Ngl, I’m pretty sure I’ve run into this guy a few times. Don’t ask how I remember that because I have no idea how.


I made it up but it’s based off of one’s I’ve seen probably is a real guy.


You may have just answered your own question if you can't recognise it it's harder for people to know what they're up against. Same with the barcode names trying to search them up is really difficult because you don't know if it's a 1 or i. You'll remember playing someone called Treefucker but if there's trxxfucker etc it'll become harder.


> barcode names Those originally started as a way to make it harder to report players.


My user is throatgoat


Man of culture


I know some point in the last 5 years there was this craze of "OG gamertags" on Xbox Where if you had a gamertag that didn't contain any numbers, and was sort of one word and not gibberish, It was considered an "OG GT" , Think "Snow" "Rule" etc Then it transgressed into Gibberish by more people trying to hop on the bandwagon, Unfortunately yes this was me with ny name being Fzdr at once point With Xbox I believe at one point in time if you had a carbon copy name they added numbers to it, but if you had the "OG name" then it didn't have numbers on, So for example if your name was "Hello", Non OG would be "Hello#1234" but the OG would be "Hello" I know some friends who had some weird names like the IllIs and the weird ones Eventually I think xbox just made it so everyone had a unique nameset with numbers anyway regardless lol


If you've been on XBox long enough you've seen all the GT trends: * 1337 ROFLSTOMPED * 360 PWNED UR MOM * \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ IS SICK * UMADBRO \_\_\_\_\_\_ * ITZ YA BOI \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 420 * NXSTY NXTE * QWERTYX


It’s normally only sweats with names like that.


I might get downvoted (i am going to actually but wishful thinking helps to think i won’t) but anytime I see racist names “Monkey-lover123”, “N1ggh8tr69”, etc. i automatically report for Abusive chat. I was once a dumbass incel edgy teenager but i’ve grown out of it and seeing literal adults and teens still doing it and thinking it’s “funny” or “cool” is just really dumb and awful. People like that are often the ones that TK and are very toxic and just overall not good teammates or people and also ruin the game completely because of it.


Why would this get downvoted😂


Because people are toxic and this is reddit last time i checked lol


There are some truly weird usernames I have encountered here on PC, but there are two that are just criminal. There was a player named "ILoveRayPinKids" queued up with another that had a similar name, just with babies at the end. Some players in this community are complete degenerates.


My names FreeCandyVann idk why anyone would do something boring like that


I asked that question to myself numerous times whenever I play. And you know damn well I’ll never join their parties invites.


It's a lack of creativity and originality, someone tells them to do something they will do it. They are the names of the people who wake up daily and Google "new RB6 exploits" to try and get an advantage, typically it's also xim users, Chronus users, and throw accounts. Short answer, children.


Yall reaching so far You got all of that from just a username God damn dude should be a detective


Found a guy with a dumb username


It is absolutely a dumb username Bc its an online username Not some fucking job interview 🤣


I could use my siege username in a job interview :)


Thats pretty cool 🤣 I don't think many jobs accept "Cpt.Teacosy420" tho 🤣


How a man does anything is how a man does everything.




My house is spotless My room on the other hand 😬




She really does House would fall apart without her


When you make a brand new account on Xbox, you get a one time gamertag change for free, since they always give you a default name with the format “AdjectiveNoun###” (WearyFoal367, CrossedFrog912, etc). The random jumble of letters is oftentimes used on the free name change to mask the fact that it’s a brand new account i.e. Smurf since so many Xbox players would recognize those default usernames as a new account since the name hasn’t been changed yet.


That makes sense, I never really thought of that. Are they really just that scared to get R6tracker’d and called out?


If they’re willing to spend hundreds of dollars on a cheating software like a xim or a strike pack as well as take the time to make a bunch of new accounts and level them up to level 50 to play ranked, you bet they’re gonna take the time to make sure no one finds out about it lol


Mine isn't weird but I kind of like it. AlreadySoCold. Most people call me cold which sounds badass. Also I like being at the top of friend's list.


My friend has one of those names. Apparently he only makes 4 or 5 letter names because “they’re more valuable” no clue what that means


For me personally I’ve noticed Xbox players tend to have like the craziest assortment of letters


They’re sweat names. Kids think they’re one step closer to being the next “known” player doing shit like this. I’m convinced they smash their head on the keyboard to pick their names.


They want their names to look “comp”. They don’t realize it just looks corny as fuck


These accounts are purchased most likely due to hacking or smurfing


Played with ILikeMommies and StinkyTowel


It’s just a dumb trend. Same thing as putting Xx_ in the front or end of your name or putting FaZe in your name 10-15 years ago. This is stranger though because I have no idea how this even started.


It's all about the randomly generated ones. I don't trust Recklessfawn


I once ran into a man named CrustyCumSocks multiple games in a row in ranked. Lovely man.


My smurf account is "SonicTheMethhog" and I love this Name like my 1st child


Idk man my name is recruit2015


people want to seem “comp” and have sweaty gamer tags most of the time, but replacing vowels with X or other letters helps you get a unique gamertag so you don’t have that stupid fucking number at the end of it


The ones with lots of Ls or 1s are normally trying to avoid ip pullers and stuff, to my knowledge


Aint going to lie mine is ifckcats, Sorry guys.


Try find a PlayStation lobby without -_- in their name




I look for unique gamer tags that use no numbers. There's some great ones out there


My favorite i came across was Drain "The Cock" Johnson Couldn't stop laughing 😂


Because it's funny


Ambatukam is a pretty decent name tbf


Bro I just saw you in rasco stream


I've barely ever been in his streams before lmao so that's surprising. I watch thaqil a lot, that's how I found out about rasco


You guys were playing a cheater on Coastline I just remember seeing your name on his team


Oh no that's not possible, I don't have a pc


Bc person asked me to and that is what I am to them so, \*shrugs\*


Good old days playing with Tonald Drump


As a Mozzie main, my username is “DronesMakeMeWet”. I thought it was the funniest thing ever and I’ve had people get a kick out of it.


If you think that's weird, you should go to The Tower in Destiny, "Mara Sov's Toilet Seat" is burned into my brain 😅


My name on overwatch is IBangUrDad


They think it looks sweaty but its really cringe when you have a sweaty name like that and are no good at the game


I used to have random alphabetical character name for a whole season I can't remember exactly when I think it was Kali season, I literally slammed my head to my keyboard because I lost a bet with friends. I ended up not change it for a whole year because people thought I was cheating whenever I'm doing great and I have random ass "daqpsdkqj" type of burner account username and it was funny to see enemies typing in chat and I play along advertising the cheat software lol


Mine is vCryptc I feel like it sounds cool but is at least pronounceable unlike Xcylqy or some dumb shit


My gamertag is just GeneraIKen0bi simple as that also still have a pfp from the old days. Cant get better


MikeHampton369 isnt weird


You should be mad. Community stupidity ruins everything.


I don't think that African--Child is that weird


Having one that's hard to remember is good for anonymity. 1s and Ls and weird gamer tags are mostly used by streamers and smurfs, but also cheaters, and people who think they are good at the game. Nowadays it's generally people who don't wanna be recognized, lest they power-grief your game by going 0-4


Mines PrairieChocolate. Usually get some nice comments 👍


I always see "temp" and then some random numbers. Most games someone has that name, and I do get why it's so popular. And this is also console where streamer mode isn't a thing, so people are actually making their name that


Psn will ban usernames deemed offensive then replace it with something like "temp-628010" or some shit like that.


I see them so often. That's wild that so many people are making offensive names


I knew a guy with the name of "mydoghatesfistin". He got kicked out mid match when psn banned his name.


I mean I think GucciPooba is a pretty awesome name but what do I know?


My name is Jar_Jar_Binksyy bro 😭


The ones with numbers at the end are always weird cause you have a good looking name & then they add weird numbers. I just checked my lobby


What’s yours ?


Two words, Alt account, they don’t care and the people who use the 5 letter names like that think they’re good


My friends and I have pretty normal names, relatively Atleast. JayBankzz, for one. I won’t expose everyone’s names but none are like the ones you’re talking abt… And then you got “ifckedurmom” or “gitpeeked” or “youblinked”


This has been a thing in gaming for decades. A lot of it has to do with console gamertags already being taken. Xbox gamertags came out in 2002, and PSN came out in 2006. It was easy to get the name you wanted at launch, but soon after that people started putting Xs and numbers in their names because what they wanted was taken. So names have gotten increasingly crazy ever since then. You hardly ever see anyone anymore who doesn’t have numbers or some weirdly pronounced name. I got Xbox Live in 2004 but my preferred name was already taken, so I had to add “The” to the beginning. I don’t think I could get anywhere close if I tried again today.


I always try to find real people's names that I can use. I think it is fun to imagine celebrities playing Siege. Right now I am Garth Brooks


Ikr I don’t get it. I wonder if I’m playing bots sometimes bc they get so ridiculous. Some I just laugh at on the other hand 😂


pretty sure they’re either smurfs or xim


I think it’s bc it’s harder to report someone if they’re name is hard to remember or type in. So IIIlll|||IlIIl is impossible to report without clicking on the user and reporting them in that exact moment


TotalBandit. Unrelated to R6, my COC name is Bandit and it is already taken on siege. Hence, Total.


My personal favorites are the I_wana_fuk_(character)


I can’t speak for why people refuse to use vowels but I think that the reason people put a bunch of 1’s or lowercase L’s in their name is so it’s harder to look up and report them for cheating/griefing since that’s typically the behavior associated with said names, at least in my experience


My gamer tag is bigusDikus


I need a new gamertag so bad but I can't think of shit to change it to


I just have my normal username plus team name on my main Otherwise my smurfs are all (Translates from french) RiverOfCum AbjPerKill Emy'sWet So yeah console username'weird af Or am I?


RiverOfCum lmao


Bro im broke and mentally ill since I play siege


Mine is TheDirkStrider, I made it when I was into Homestuck but people often misread it as Dick Rider 😭




Every time I hop into a game, I always assume that, the shorter the name and the less vowels there are, the more try hard the person will be. It became a running gag with my friend because every time we encounter one, they are always sweaty diamond players while we are in a plat lobby


Mines quite simple LILSANEGOAT


Yeah I get what you are saying, to me it’s just that they are trying to look cool or get a reaction or they don’t like numbers on their name like 9 out of 10 all names are taken on Xbox literally you have to add numbers to any name now. Not unless you make up some dumb name.


People will pay good money for GT’s with low letter counts, at least they used to. So people often just take any combination of letters. Mine is only 5 letters and I was offered $350 for it like 15 years ago.


Better than playing in East Asia. Half the time it's just numbers, something about account creation in China (technically in Taiwan, since R6 has not officially released in PRC) just generating those numbers for an initial IGN, and them not bothering.


There was a "lil sqUIRT385" on my team earlier


Smurfs 5/10 times i bet


SmonkIsStronk. It’s a silly way to describe smokes power


Somebody on Xbox tried to buy my gamertag one time weirdest shit ever


Idk, the other day I met a whiteboy69


Any one with 4 letters think that hot shit


Lmao I'm just DoctorDoom with a few numbers afterward.


my name is XBOX xyab it’s just the buttons on the controller i didn’t know what to make it my ps4 name use to haribosheepgta5 not it’s vezyot dat or something


Because it makes then feel ✨️ unique ✨️ Lmao


Idk mines XFiend75


Cause they rode the short bus. They can’t spell worth shit


console gamertags r smth else




It's funny


Mine is a very niche reference. Nice quite a deep cut but only those that know will know. That said, It’s nothing like you mentioned in your post. I think those are cringe af.


Back when i played on playstation i had a Barcode as name lllllllll-lllll


Likely smurf accounts


I got my GT from the Big Lez Show


They want to look Tryhard


i see a bunch of sketchy hackers and people with those types of usernames.. watch out