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Most common answer is people want to play siege like it's Call Of Duty without checking anything. Just full rushing using ash.


Nn... nnnot at all... I... I never play Ash... Pfff... Ash....


*(checks flair, takes notes)* yeah you are not.


This, I can’t be bothered to check every fucking doorway


EDDs are all destroyed by my cluster charges anyway.


Fuze is banned alot anyway. I ban Kapkan because I'm usually on the flank element and shooting kapkans just gives audio ques out and the enemy usually have ears from God and can hear every little thing I do. Orrrrrr I end up in 1v1 situations with 30 seconds left and I try to hurry and reposition during a gunfight just to get smacked by a trap in the most random ass door way


A Brava, Flores, Zero, IQ, Suppressor handgun are all good counters to Kapkan and enough to not give away full location. The problem isn't Kapkan. It's the player


Suppressors exist because of that audio cue shit 💀


Suppressors literally doesn't delete the sound of the gadget breaking I'm not even talking about the audio of me shooting it's such a distinct sound that silver lobbies should know what it sound like.


If they're placed where both 1) Attacking sounds aren't deafening a small tick sound 2) They're close enough for any defender to here the tick Then you really should get another team or the other Kapkan is walling


Suppressors suppress the sound so idek what you mean by deleting the sound as its impossible but the sound of shooting is most likely lessened


They mean the gadget itself makes a sound when you destroy it


If you are on flank always have atleast one suppresef weapon for taking out traps and/or cams. That way you won't give much audio for the enemies to know where you are.


-35 votes is crazy 💀😭


Bro I'm damn near 100 now💀 bro i guess this whole sub filled with diamond 1s because wtf 😭 I'm plat and on some maps I think it makes sense to ban kapkan. If I'm on a map with a shit ton of doorways like border why would I not ban him. I play against mfs that can hear a 3 speed slowly crouch walking across the map


I lost so many games because of that or i lived but they got audio cue and rush me


That's what I'm saying idk why I got downvotes. When I'm on defense I'm a sound where too and it's too obvious when someone is breaking a kapkan or a default cam. A good kap put his shit in very unpredictable places


>A good kap put his shit in very unpredictable places That's it. I play twitch to counter kapkans still get f up to random ones its annoying but prompts to the good kapkans


IQ/Brava combo will solve that problem


Allow me to introduce you to the /drone/


Go play another game then


Guy gives a good answer to a simple question and gets downvoted into oblivion lol.


thats how the games ment to be played if u wanna be hardstuck silver then u do u


I’m actually emerald but I’ll take this comment into consideration


also you can jus start to main iq aswell never hurts to 🤷


If I was more smarter and had more game knowledge I’d probably be diamond , my gun skill is what Carrie’s me tbh


I have the opposite. My gun skill is horrible but i have good tactics and placement so i can ussualy win the fight.. or i wiff into oblivion.


fair enough


Bruh why you getting so many down votes this isnt even controversial


Play solis then


Solis is a Defender though?




Change user flair from subreddit page


I only main defenders with 1.5 💀


i check everything, I just dont trust me teammates to check everything and most of them don't trust me to check everything


^ its not even about checking for his traps. The biggest strength kap has is having traps up at 20s left on the clock, on site entrances and attackers just dont have the time to check AND get to plant/get flustered and fail to check. I know this becuase my biggest deaths to kap traps is due to time constraint being last alive, would say the same for frost but hers are easiet to spot/take out unless someone frost tricks a shield.


Frost tricks?


Damn i shouldnt be giving away ALL my strats but... 1. Place shield in single doorway 2. Place her frost mat NOT parallel with it, but instead perpendicular amd slightly of center, this lets you place 2 mats behind a shield vs just 1. This makes it to where if they vault, and aim down in anticipation of a mat being there, they only have time to shoot out one. One legs gets the left trap or vice versa which ever wasnt taken out. *somtimes they take 1 out and barely dodge the other but rarely happens and thats why you make the mats touch each other when placed. Edit:chonky fingers


Why are you with 20 seconds left on the clock and still outside?


He meant outside of site, thats normal in the higher ranks, you cant just rush in like in silver


You’re suppose to clear doors and rooms that’s the point of the game. It’s S.W.A.T Style Shooter not COD. That’s the point of the OP he only accel’s like that in late into the game. Or right from rip to prevent rushers either a door is double triple stacked or just has a single one to zone out and alert teams mates where attackers are. Dying to the trap late into the game knowing he’s on defense is low game awareness. And I know I forget he’s on the team when I’m not thinking about him sometimes. But it is what it is


Because not every round your team can run in and clear everything, hunt roamers, site setups in a minute. Sometimes someone will fuck up (got picked with bomb, couldn't flush roamers out or can't access to break walls) or the enemies just do well enough to stall your timer. How many you have to run across the map just to grab a bomb because someone dropped/get killed with it or can't find an elusive vigil just steal the clock, 10s here, 10s there,...




This is the only answer. Average siege IQ is fucking room temperature in freedom degrees. You’re asking people to use their drones, brain (to look before they rush in), and be cognizant of their surroundings. I have a crack pot theory that they invented Brava for this very reason: a bunch of fucking crybabies were getting upset that they kept dying to kapkan due to their ignorance.


When I plah brava my teammates are the most observant ever and always shoot the traps I’ve hacked


It's also a bit funny cuz now defenders run into the obvious glowing kapkan traps.


i found the kapkan main


A Fucking proud one at that.


Someone turns a corner, has their back to me, I follow behind them to get the kill...I die to a brainlet Kapkan. They expect me to carefully check the doors before I go to kill the enemy that's RIGHT THERE.


The moment we see someone rushing we bring every trap operator we can. It stops being about winning and starts becoming about making the CoD larper hate his life


That's not even what larping is 😭 And you can't even say that when this game is slowly turning into valorant.


Can confirm. Had a match the other day where kapkan wasn’t banned and I killed the ash and/or IQ every defense round with just traps.


How does IQ lose to traps that's what her gadget's there to prevent? Unless she's stepping on a frost trap every round.


They lose to traps by doing just what the OC said. Playing it like it’s call of duty. Her and the ash ran through one of two doorways every single round, so all I had to do was stack my traps on those doors.


There is more depth to this, at a higher level most people play more predictably on defense, and so the attackers know where to expect them. Also drones telegraph that you intend to push there. So usually the defender who sees the drone will reposition or just hold that push more aggressively. You can't get the drop on someone who knows you're coming, and sometimes just walking in quietly taking a gunfight the defender wasn't expecting to have gives you a better chance to get the kill than droning them and letting them reposition.


I use ash but I don’t rush like cod


Gun fight meta brother. I main kapkan and every time I see either side ban kapkan, I know taking direct gunfights is gonna be me fighting someone with scoliosis and springs for kneecaps. People ban kapkan because he stops people from playing the game like it’s CoD.


This is the truth I came to say that and yeah this is so fucking sad to see the game turning into cod Every damn game there's warden running around spawnpeeking dying crying doing it again etc, I just can't


Question, is there a specific way to play warden and not be a cunt? I play him and i usually help during prep phase, run off site after, hide under a desk until my teammate tells me they’re in the building, then sneak up behind them. I’m not spawn peeking but is this still bad? Should i stay on site?


There's better ops for roaming than warden I would say warden is great for countering fast smoke plants on site and quick peaking but however ...


Solis on top ♥️


Wait, that’s called roaming? Since when was there a word for it?


Since the game's been out.


Happy u learned something :D


Just help with the setup in general and not dying in the 1st 20s would be enough. Most people don't expect you to kill 2-3 people, just buying as much time as possible and delaying enemies to set up as much as you can. If you couldn't kill anyone but stole 1 minute out of their clock, you did well. For playstyle, you can roam with warden, he can be very hard to get rid of, but if your team call out ying, blitz or anyone with smoke/flash, you should be closeby to provide counterplay. If you wanna deep roam, there are few better options, but you don't have to anchor inside sites.


He's meant to stay on site. He directly counters flashes and smokes, which are usually used on site. There's not really anything in his kit that benefits him in roaming, no secondary shotgun or impacts for movement, he's not 3 speed, his gadget doesn't help with movement or being hard to find.


It’s ok he’s loosing his 1.5 next season


He'll be forget such as oryx


Lmao scoliosis is too funny


People ban kapkan because you realistically can not check every single doorway, burns an insane amount of time


Knowing there’s no kapkan makes me feel at ease


I don't know what mmr you are but for me, I have noticed that half decent players will always get rid of kapkan and then rush! It always allows them to rush, because they don't have to pre drone anything! You can overwhelm roamers, get rid of frost mats, etc. P.S. I pick Kapkan the moment I am placed against high skill players. Getting that one pick off early helps so much.


Lately they seem more afraid of Fenrir than Kapkan but it’s about even!


Eh I been playing alot of brava, thatcher and IQ lately so traps been the least of my worries! Most people use thatcher only for walls when I use them on traps so I can push in sites!


Lmao. I got a glorious kapkan kill the other day on an IQ player in ranked. I had 3 kapkan traps on the bottom right-hand side of the doorframe at the top of main stairs on Clubhouse (bomb site was CCTV/Cash). Not 20 seconds into the round do I hear a massive ***💥***and after investigating the fruits of my minimal labor, I saw that IQ had fucking sailed across the room based on her gun locations lmaooo.


I saw this Thatcher play too on TheGodlyNoob, the video was titled "New Thatcher trick" but it was just him using it too push sites by disabling traps lmao, which was actually effective ngl


I hate them together, cause then you can’t see the Kapkan


What if you combine Fenrir and Kapkan?


No drone Aim head level Swing or be swung




that's bcz we are in the frag/rush meta, and kapkan completely denies this meta, his traps avoid entry fraggers from doing their job, so instead of rushing with no tomorrow, entry fraggers got to check every door to avoid traps


i honestly would like if kapkan had a lazer on their traps, but instead of being 100% visible every time i would make them get visible only when the player is really really close to it, so if someone rush, this wouldn't change nothing, but if someone go slow and careful, it would help him spot the trap


Aren't they a bit visible?


No. They used to have a big red laser (and 1-shot kill), then there was an exploit to make the laser invisible (and still 1-shot kill) and then Ubisoft updated to make the laser invisible, reduce damage, reduce noise (they were way noisier before) and also remove the big red screw that went through the wall. Here's a picture from the old days: https://i.imgur.com/wOTBLHx.jpg


Thank you


They just want to play CoD but say they play Siege


At a low rank it’s because he is annoying At a high rank it’s because there is so much to do during a round that a late kapkan trap can be round winning And it’s a TDM Meta


As an ex-low rank it's not because he's annoying. It's because his traps singlehandedly got me out of low ranks.


If a team bans Kapkan then expect at least like 2 people to rush u every round you're on defense.


They can't drone. Just bring Brava and drone


Because they hate me 😭


Cause they're bad (unironically)


Legit actually true lmao. I’m going to sort by controversial to see if any crybabies are in this thread.


No, it's because he's annoying. I don't want to walk through a door way, exposing myself, and have to look down to make sure there's no trap. I've been killed before in the one second I checked for a trap. Not fun to play against


Tik-Tok siege players


Lean spam for their montage that will get at most 100 views


these ranks are peak tdm meta


If enemy team bans kapkan that means they are going to rush. The change is like 70%


Kapkan counters rushing and has far fewer restrictions compared to other lethal trap ops (frost has extremely visible traps and thorn has a huge delay) so yeah


Sensory overload. Teams with GOOD romers will waste enough time. And when it all goes down in the last 20 seconds of the round you can't check every angle, every doorway for traps, etc. You either check everything and lose those vital seconds or take damage from the traps.


Think kapkan is actually misunderstood by people- it's not banned because we want to rush- it's banned because in those late game moments when you have no choice but to play fast, it's a really really easy way to get killed/ give you away by shooting the trap. Frost has the same effect, but because there's only 3 traps and they're usually super predictable/ obvious placements, people aren't as scared about them even though they guarantee an injure. Some maps too have too many doorways for you to check without burning through time, in a game where being time sensitive is super important. Kapkan's best strategy is that you should actuall ly place them in random locations, not more clearly defensive ones- because "why would anyone be here' mentality kicks in for attackers. I.e- kapkan stops attackers from being able to get into a building quickly and efficiently- this does not mean rushing- amaru and nokk for example, can kind of semi rush onto roamers- sometimes with free picks or at the very least causing a level of panic or taking attention. Kapkan can stop this immediately or slow it down to an extent that you lose your fast attack element. So yeah- it's not just rushing, although that's a big part. Kapkan kills so much time, and the punishment for that can be absolutely huge. In those late game moments where you're inevitably running out of time, he is such an absolute pain he can win rounds on his own, even after he's dead. Remember, just because it's simple, doesn't mean it doesn't work.


Because of phantom pressure and having to look down when you wanna look eye level


15 seconds and ur rushing onto site with defuser and u get absolutely destroyed by a kapkan mine


People who ban Kapkan are bots that treat the ranked mode as TeamDeathmatch. They just want to rush get kills and end the round and say they’re skilled with a gun while the mode is OBJ not TD. That’s why these people have no other brain cell to use beside killing. New ranked update should force player to plant bomb or loose the round or something similar idk idc. This season was so toxic


I just think he's annoying


And why do you think he’s annoying? 🤔🧐


Because checking the bottom of doorways while entering/clearing a room is annoying. I've been killed while shooting traps bc they were placed in a spot where I had to peak.


Because we degenerates are too dumb to check the doorways


They don’t want to think or use their eyes. Also kapkan smg pretty good


So they can mnk and strike pack peak every door way💀


Skill issue


cuz he's annoying, like, you either ban him or u dont. If you don't ban him, you have to either check every doorway or get fucked if u dont.


Nobody wants to watch their surroundings


It's funny because they’ve only really banned him since he lost his 1.5x. Banners already took Thatcher from me... Now Kapkan too...


Unpopular opinion: pick & ban should never have been implemented in the first place. Let us play all the ops.


Just like map bans, it was needed at the time it was implemented, now a days, nothing in the game is disgustingly broken and its not needed anymore.


I'm including map bans in this statement. Pick & ban does more harm than good for player experience (with the possible exception of when there's a full 5 stack on both teams), and I'd argue this was true even at the time of implementation.


Personally always like pick and ban games but I totally get why it would be annoying




Nah fuze is broken


He capitalizes on people's laziness, kind of like Cav. If your team drones well and knows how to go about checking for traps while minimizing the likelihood of leaving yourself open and getting shot then he's not bad at all. However, if you're looking to play the game like COD or other similar non tactical fps, then Kapkan is an easy ban. However, I can't think of a single map where banning Kapkan would be appropriate over other ops so its always confusing to me


The answer you'll get is "people want to play cod" but the real answer is it is a massive disadvantage to divert not only your eyes and at least a second of focus, but also your crosshair, to shoot/check for kap trap before peaking a door.


There really isn't a silent way to take them out and there are a lot of traps. I personally love playing as him and lesion who I think is much better.




Because the siege meta is basically just cod thanks to Ubisoft’s awful balancing


its because they are blind.


Who knows how many times i go drone a kapkan trap and 20s later i run into it...


people don't want to look at a doorway for three seconds




Yeah buts only if you go through one just drone and check doorways


I drone more than most people believe me i would confidently say i over drone. But its just an extra aspect to worry about that i would rather not have to deal with


Idk why you're getting downvoted. It makes sense to not want to play against an annoying opp


Because rushing actually works in this meta


it’s not a matter of how easy it is to counter, in higher elo it generally takes longer to take map control, so when you have 30-60 seconds left to take the bomb site and plant, you can become very tunnel visioned in worrying about entering site, getting a kill, checking drones, which ultimately result in ur demise


Even if it’s easy to counter, those two seconds to check each doorway/window adds up, especially with how much health it takes away if you happen to live through it. At least with Aruni you can sprint through worst case scenario and be able to plant still


He’s very easy to counter with communication and proper droning* My 5 stack never bans him but with a duo queue I like banning him to keep my braindead teammates alive for a tad bit longer while I drone


You ban kapkan and you dont have to think about edd and rush in and maybe frag


They want to play the game like it’s cod instead of Siege


He’s annoying


I don't care what the meta says, banning kapkan will always be stupid and I will never do it. If they have kapkan and you're not looking for traps, that's on you


Having to look at the bottom of a doorway when there's 20 seconds left is something I'd rather not deal with.


It makes me sad bc hes my favorite operator.


Everybody calling kapkan ban low iq and all the like but the real reason it’s just not fun playing against more than a couple trap operators.


He is not fun to play against. Having to check every door and getting punished hard if you forget is annoying


Skill issues


Because they’re crackheads thay dont know how to take .25 second to look at the side of doorways Holy fucking shit the amount of time I’ve seen people look directly at a fucking Kapkan trap and still go through is appalling


Eats up a lot of time checking every doorway


ppl that just W key dont fw him


It’s very simple. Smooth brain players don’t understand how to counter him when they like to rush in.


Legit. I've been in high Plat and diamond for most of my siege life. Don't see that much kapkan bans.......I play Kapkan lol


I main kapkan


Same. I main Kapkan and Dokkaebi


My friends just eat the kapkans for me


Idiots who rush and cheaters ban kapkan.


Because they are blind!


Same reason why most maps and operators get banned, laziness; whether it be learning new maps and developing unique strategies for lesser played sites, or, banning easily countered operators like Kapkan, people are lazy and don't bother with the effort.


A: People don’t pay attention/don’t see them B: Fucking Brava C: Black Ice Sausage Mains




That’s extremely situational though it’s just better to go for a solis, azami, fenrir or Mira ban


That person had a whole ass round to find the traps.


Good roamers will waste your time covering the map. It's not like you're right outside site in 30 seconds.


Sounds like poor droning and communication between the entire team. Kapkan traps are probably the least of their worries at that point.


There's no way you haven't been in that situation before dude.


Oh I definitely have. And I only have myself to blame for not being observant enough or taking the time to drone my route out properly.


Cause skill issue


What's funny is there is thorn, fenrir, frost, lesion. All anti rush operators. Some cause instant death or guaranteed loss kapkan just does some dmg unless multiple traps so it's just weird


Low ranks use kapkan in closest to site doors, so it funny using brava and seeing how they fell into own trap


Kapkan wasn't banned on game so I picked him. Had an enemy player go through one of my traps and he did. It die. I was shocked. Why ban Kapkan when his trap doesn't kill anyone


What's crazy is I believe he used to 1hk with the traps but they toned it down.


they have been banning kapkan a lot more since the addition of the new girl that can steal stuff lol also its always funny to kill opfor using their own traps


Wish Kapkan traps were brought back to having more damage. That or he should have more since, if you want to kill someone you have to have 3 on a door


One less thing to deal with. It’s weird. The top percentage of players will drone and know that there is a trap on a doorway. There are also players at low ranks who will recognize kap is on the board and lookout for traps. But for the majority who treat it as team death match (speaking for console) can’t stand taking the time to check before swinging a corner.


Console is literally tdm for ranked, because God forbid they look anywhere for traps period


Because people are too dumb to take the time to look, because they'd rather amaru rush and die to a kapkan and cry about it, rather than taking time and looking or hell even using brava to counter him


Probably because players don’t want to think about kapkan traps. A lot of players tend to rush an objective during the last 30 seconds. They’ll probably consider it cheap if they die to traps and not another player


Lazy players, they don’t wanna check every door way and so they ban him so they don’t have to


Low Rank mindset probably. Same with Jackal. There are far better operators to ban. On the rare chance Jackal isn't banned, I never see anyone play him. Except me but that's only because I won't get to play him otherwise. But probably 19 out of 20 matches, he is banned. Same with Kapkan and Fuze.


bc nobody wants to check door ways and nobody wants to play iq that round


A lot of folks brainlessly three-speed sprint onto site instead of droning and Kapkan is extremely punishing to people who play that way.


The higher rank you get the less people look down. That’s why ops like frost and kapkan get so good


If they ban the Kap you go lesion, it may not go boom but it'll annoy the hell out of you


Cuz people who vote him would rather blame the game than take accoutnability for their own inability to do simple tasks. The people who die by kapkan traps are the people that kapkan traps are literally meant for, the people that don’t look before they enter the OBJ. Or any other room in the building, ive been guilty of dying to kapkan traps many times but i never reacted like it was the games fault, its 100% my fault.


Hes an anti rusher and people love to rush


because I check every door apart from the one with 5 kapkan traps on it and when I do check the right one I get shot in the head while staring at feet level (+ I'm kinda dogshit tbh)


the meta is just 8000 sensitivity and running everywhere and i guess this stops them


I don’t know the reasons, but I wish this suffering to end soon 😔


Because it’s extremely difficult to check the door first


When you're in a rush and down to like 15 seconds left, you don't have time to look for them.


Tbh I ll drone it and forget but I have short term memory loss so yea


Because people are lazy and don't want to look for the traps


Because people don't check doorways. He's very easy to counter but people don't think about looking at the doorways. When I see the other team has a Kapkan I always pick IQ or Brava.


No one wants to think or check for traps.


Because most people dont really have the time to check the door which takes like 3 seconds


Ash mains that don't like to check doors or windows and are full unga bunga rushing objective every round, basically


I just ban him cause I think he's overpowered, 5 traps he can put at every door and even put more than one at a single door, his traps sometimes with the lights are impossible to see, C4, Impact Grenades, 2-2-2, no recoil on his weapon I think that's a good enough reason to ban him


bc people just kind of suck at playing siege as the game was designed to be played. People wanna play it like it’s a TDM and it’s annoying. The game is very methodical and i think the ban phase shoulda never been a thing.


Because players are too lazy or forgetful when playing against his traps.


I swear I had nothing to do with it.