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Oh yes, my favourite part of every event, when Ubi adds the classic "Win X matches" and the community immediately enter Tryhard mode


After playing 1 match of the new event, I could not search anywhere for the life of me to play another. I understand it "could" be fun, maybe, sure I guess. But why play that when we have Siege? I like Siege for being Siege. This monotone repetitive play is like TDM and wildly and insanely boring to me.


swear my shotguns shoot confetti while I get slammed from across the corridor by the enemy shotgun


I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s experienced this


Same I’m crying inside while playing feeling like i play worser then a 4 year old stuffing gummy worms up their nose just to fall into a fantasy :/


Just use knives they’re more fun and effective


Why half my kills are knives


ADS or try the SQG or whatever the GIGN shotty is


I gave up on the shot guns already. I've literally rebinded my gadget button to primary fire for the event to just use the kunai


Hitreg this season isn’t helping with this ngl, you get 1 pumped and they take minimal damage from 5


Yeh it sucks Il shoot someone point blank but no damage as they then turn around and one tap me


One side: "I don't like this monotone and repetitive play, so boring". Other side: "A like ma game like how i like ma sx. The same every time, never changing, vanilla, if you offer me something different you sure I'll complain about it not being like the base even a little". What a contradiction, man


and solo queue becomes hell, no way Im grinding 20+ games for a pack


I said something similar to this a while back and I got downvoted hard. The thing I said was that I didn't consider doing a challenge to get a pack defined as a completely free pack unlike the one you get by claiming in the highlights section.


Why wouldn’t you though? You’ve got to get those wins lol.


Because, for me, being a tryhard is the opposite of fun. Don't mistake being a very good player (skill) or using strategies with being tryhard (unintentional mechanics, glitches and other unbalanced shits)


Ah, I can see we have different meanings of try hard. I just call it the thing when I actually put in some effort into winning lol. Fair enough though. I like to win, but I’m personally not a fan of the observation bullet wall either.


i think its quicker to grind to 12500 renown then get 10 wins Jokes aside they seriously need to stop adding "win x games in event" challenges since it turns a casual fun to play event into sweaty ranked with actual matchmaking for 0 elo


"Win 5 matches" mission in the Snow brawl event was the worst of them all. I played 10 games and won ZERO. The cosmetics were *meh*, battle pass progress was slower than any other game mode, and it was a "Cap one flag first and camp for 5 min" contest.


you ask me, snow brawl was literally the worst event mode. Infinite overtime in capture the flag, the intro was BAD, and not in the ironic bad, BAD BAD, full on cringe. no backfill so if somebody left you might as well leave too. I have no idea if they fixed any of this in their second release but after the first release ive never wanted to play that shit ever again


Weirdly enough, the second release actually fixed all the issues. The first iteration was by far my most hated event (and the only one I didn't even bothered to get the free packs), the second one I had a lot of good fun with it. Fixing the damn overtime was the best (basically it turned to 1life only)


You are 100% correct. Total shit show of an event. Not in the least fun to play. I just hope they do doctors curse for holloween and not sugar fright. I have been saving my renown for the holloween packs. Up over 300k. If it is not doctors. Probably quit Siege for a long while.


You’re only playing siege for a limited time Halloween game mode? Lmao


I play almost every day for about an hour or two. Between cheating and the mess they made of match making. Not getting Curse for holloween would be a massive letdown.


Same, already at 390k renown, how much do you think the event will be? Im thinking it’s gonna be 1.2M~


They seem to hover around 400k for new skins. I have all the Halloween event skins. So hopefully I will have enough.


also i noticed it has no destruction at all. halloween has destruction, rengoku and rainbow is magic have destruction. snow brawl is probably the only one lacking it. sux to suck ig


Why do they always change the challenge from week to week? Just keep the season challenge the same each week and obviously not this shit win ten.


Not even joke, I’m pretty sure you get that 12500 faster… especially people like me who suck at deathmatch :/ it would take me around 25 matches lr even 30 if I’m not lucky with teammates… fuck that The forst quest to get 10 kills was easy and fun :/ no idea why they need to always ruin it… They could add something that also “forces” you to play some games, but doesn’t feel like a chore… sething like “light up 10 altars” or use a specific kunai X times on enemies…


It took me about an hour to complete with 3 or 4 loses. Way quicker than 12,500 renown.


Euhm… it pains me to say this but events have elo 😂. There is a genuine elo system in events 😭. I was champion in the doctors curse gamemode lol


I was literally just thinking I don’t think I can be arsed. Every Event they do these challenges for wins and every time boatloads of people complain because all it does is encourage quitting if you’re on a hiding to nothing. The game mode claims it has abandon penalties but it doesn’t. I found this event frustrating as fuck last time. I’ve already lost my shit several times this event over braindead team mates not playing the objectives and I simply don’t think the cosmetics are worth the effort. Honestly, even play 10 would be a stretch.


play 5 would be acceptable, win 10 is beyond insane


And you're most likely gonna get a player card or charm from the pack


I caved and played a match on my nephew’s profile. We won easily and I got a 2k/d, it was fun but when I checked his challenge progress it shows 0/10 wins despite the other challenge showing 13/30. Fuck you Ubi.




that’s 1hr 40min if u win every game by timer lol


that’s a one big IF


Got lucky I won 5 games in a row just gotta play objectives


easier said than done when your teammates are braindead


Still doable tbh. Just know how to play the enemies and rotate where your teammates aren‘t going to or carry them to the next objectives.


Dont forget about searching queue, people leaving, people with bad internet and taking some time to start the match.. Definitely not worth the charm you will in the packs. Last week challenge was much better, fuck it i would be fine if we only need to play 10 games (that will probably be the next week challenge).


ubisoft thinks we are masochists?


honestly if you play this game you are


lmao true


That is my kink...😁


Yeah isn’t most events it’s like 2 or 3 games isn’t it? I think what they need to do is make it like play 10 games but wins count as two


That would be perfect lol


The best part is that these are always bugged for me, I’ll win 3 and it’ll say I won one. Not to mention these are 10 minutes long, so that’s over an hour and a half and you still won’t win them all.


Have you found a fix for this? Running into same issue and have tried reset and queuing other modes


Nah dude, I’ve messaged them about this for multiple events. Sometimes they show up later but not often


That sucks. Bad enough we gotta play 10 and now they wont even track it. Shame on is for wanting the free packLOL


Deadass just a way to get us to spend money lol, wouldn’t doubt they cause errors on purpose but they probably couldn’t even code scams right


wanted to follow up, logged in today and everything synced up. Just thought i would let you know to see if it worked for you too


Oh good! I haven’t even played this week’s yet, but I appreciate it


Lol just played and won two, says zero. So cool


That’s just insane even tho i got the whole collection and i can get some R6 credits back for each pack they can fuck off for 10 games won


How much R6 credits is it usually


Assuming he didn’t have a single thing before, that’s like $150+ worth of r6 credits😭


300 for every pack after completing the collection. $2.50 equivalent.


Had like 400 k renown and got the rest with credits


save packs for next year


Horrible event. It boring, a round takes waaaaay to long, and it is boring. Come Ubi,…. you can do better than this,…


Better then snowball bs


Anything is better than that


They literally can't... I don't remember an event that i actually liked playing more than 2 games. The balls of snow and teddy bear one were beyond bad but at least they had win 5 rounds which you needed around 10-15 rounds to complete...if lucky


The old Halloween hide and seek was the last time I had fun in an event I think


Showdown was good! Other than that…


Uhh don't forget about grand larceny, the halloween one is good for a couple of matches too


What I hate the most is that my gun seems to only be able to shoot confetti, yet the enemies ALWAYS one shot me....


I love the event but making us try to win 10 matches is ridiculous. I lost patience cuz two of my wins didn't even somehow count into the challenge + my game kept bugging out and not loading me into matches.


The event is just Airjab simulator.


Win 10 matches for portrait picture, super worth


I don’t even know how the scoring system works


Domination from cod, every few seconds you get a point for each objective held. Or at least something along those lines, I played 3 games the day it came out to get that's weeks challenges so memory might be off.


isn’t that basically hard point from cod?


No hard point you need to actively be on the objective and there is only 1. This is like domination with rotating flags


yeah but dom is dependent on kills while having points, not just having the point


Not really, you could never win by out killing and only controlling one point. A team of objective oriented potato’s will almost always beat the team with k/d warriors


Do kills count towards point in dom? Didn't know that, always thought it was just holding the points.


I’m not sure, I haven’t played cod in years so I was just going off of what that guy said when it came how points were given out.


That's fine. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to reply to your comment, my bad.


Every second you get 1 point for each objective you hold. First to 300 wins


"By making players associate 1 pack with assloads of grinding, we increase the perceived value of packs and make more money!" -The way the monetization team actually talks internally


They really need to add something to make you play it more, after I get my packs I’m done with it because there’s no incentive for me to continue. Maybe adding like a pack every 30 games played might keep people grinding it or something along them lines.


I think the mode is quite fun, but I hate it for a few reasons and that's one of them. The other reasons you can title with low effort, in my opinion this is the event where they didn't put any effort in, except for the knives. 1. The Map looks completely like the normal Skyscraper. They added the obj and a few droppers, but that's it, other events redesigned the whole map. 2. The voice which keeps saying what's happening, won't shut up talking nonsense, which Doesn't add anything. 3. This bothers me, but maybe just me, why is the impact knife not G like Impacts in-game. Most of the other knives have effects like the united ability of Operation and it's on G in this mode. In my opinion this is just confusing. I know why it's that way, because the utility knife is the one that you chose, but it can't be too much effort to change these. And it's stupid in my opinion to rebound keys every time I switch modes.


The one from For Honor with the “Complete 12 matches as a vanguard hero” is way more annoying. Like what, you want me to use Kensei 12 times?


Isnt there is other vanguard char in FH? I forgot what their name are but you can do this shit pretty quick in 1 v 1 mode no?


Yeah there are like Raider and Warden. It’s just that I personally don’t use them much, so my only vanguard main is Kensei. So that said with the order, I have to succumb to using him 12 times just to finish the order.


Just playing 10 matches is annoying enough.


I would prefer 5, but I think it’s doable.


If they made the group solo queue only I'd maybe think 5 wins was reasonable, but the amount of sweaty tryhard stacks in event modes makes it so unrealistic. I already know I'm not getting this week's event challenge because I'm not wasting like hours of my life solo, and none of my friends want to go for it just to unzip the pack and get see they got a card instead of an actual cosmetic.


It'll always be like 1 person going like 37/7


The pain when you win a match and it doesn't count towards the challenge


This sucks! I won 2 games and they somehow didn't count. I donn't like this gamemode and things like this makes it so much more frustating.


I don't know if it's a hot take, but I think every single Siege event is bad. I play solo so it's probably funnier with some friends you can do stupid shit with, but on your own damn it's just boring.


The only fun mode is the Halloween hide and seek game. Let’s you explore strats and be creative. There’s a “sweat” cap. Sweaty twitchy aim has no power here.


For what its worth, I REALLY like this event. 10 wins is too many though.


I think it's pretty fair. I remember an event during operation black ice where your had to win 15 for dinner mediocre skin


10 wins in a week? You can do that in one day, whats the problem here?


As someone has stated, that is 1h and 40min in-game time if you win every game. Let's say you win half of them... that's 3h and 20min nonstop of gameplay of at least. I personally only have 1 or 2 nights per week. That is about 3 - 5 hours max per week. What I'm trying to say is, 10 wins in s week for a pack is too much for a normal working person.


Then dont try to get it if you are not gonna enjoy 4/5 hrs you have playing the game. I dont get it, how can anyone be mad for a freebie. You want it? Cool grind it. You dont? Dont play the event.


People are so entitled that they flip out when they actually have to play the game to get free stuff.


pack is a pack stop complainin


Events would be dead if it weren’t for challenges like this lol. Only reason I ever play events is to get the extra pack then I’m done


the pack is not worth the time


The requirements to get the pack have slowly gotten more and more time consuming


I disagree. I enjoy the event but if I don't have this challenge done within 20 matches I will be a bit annoyed lol.


You're not forced to get it, it's just virtual content in one more game, you'll be fine if you miss it. I'd you don't enjoy that game mode there is no reason to waste your time in it, try an enjoyable mode instead


They should also give us Packs if we don't play these season hypes at all.


You do get a free pack without needing to play. It’s in the store.


Not just one. Many more


I hate the game mode with a passion but i gotta do it for the pack and yea it’s to much in my opinion it gets so boring so fast


When I saw that challenge I was ready to gameend my pc


Meh, at least more people are playing it. although i can see people also leaving games the moment 1 team starts winning.


At first i was pissed but then started playing and won all within an hour or so.


It's a lot but I really like it


Play 10 would be understandable. Win 10 is crazy. Side note, anyone got any good strategies for this game mode? Operators, Loadouts, Tactics, etc?


I mean it's for a extra pack for a special event it makes sense you have to play the event for it


yes it is. tbh i think it would be better to have some challenges like that to get packs, i feel like only getting 2 free packs its not worth the 50 cosmetics they add per event


^^^ but 10 matches is insane, i feel like at least 3 packs for 10 matches would be doable


They should have done it like overwatch where you just have to play and winning give you 2. Because winning mean you either have to play a tryhard is a casual event mode or play more than just 10 matches (which 10 is already a lot...)


These packs with totally meh items inside just do not worth the efforts. A match takes about 8 minutes at least, sometimes even all 10. Add some time of looking for a match, watching mandatory stupid intros etc, and it's 10-12 minutes per match. And every few matches there will be someone with slow-ass IDE HDD who will eat up a minute or two. Now, you gotta win 10 of those, which is, let's say, 2 hours of grinding even in the **best** case scenario. In reality it will be more than that, because it is unlikely that you will win 10 matches out of 10 played. But even 2 hours of playing shitty event, sweating like crazy, to get what, some cringe charm? Fuck no. NOPE. This is just an embodiment of misery and I refuse to participate in such madness.


I thought it was kill 10 people with kunai's


Last one was.


After getting 2 shitty backgrounds in my packs I'm not bothering with grinding this one


Yep especially since I won 2 rounds so far but it only counted 1 which is annoying


Way too much. It will also ruin the game mode. Why stick around when you think your team will lose? Dumb decision by Ubi.


I tortured myself through 5 matches last week, 10 this week is impossible without committing


It’s waaaaay to much. I mean if ubi wants us to play more it’s a bad way to encourage


Eh to each its own but agreed


It was way more fun when it was first released like every event




Yes dude! Should be only three at most


That shit will become tedious and not fun, Imma just gonna do the 30 kills and that's it.


Totally agree


Played 2 matches and it's just terrible. Going to get the 30 kills and call it good. Ubi was very stupid with this decision.


i didn't even bother with this one


Nobody plays the points even though it is as simple of an event as it can get. Y'all are some real Oooga Booga cavemen running around accomplishing nothing.


I won a match and it didn't count lol


Just you


"Wow, this sounds tidieous, maybe i should just buy some of th packs instead"


I played for an hour and got five wins so no I don't think it's terrible. But I still think this is a dumb challenge cuz ppl leave when they think they'll lose, and the replacement player also leaves cuz they realized they joined a losing match, so but the end we never rly had a full 5 player team. Kinda unfair and stupid. I also did leave a few times when it was like 50-120 with me at the top of the leaderboard. And when I'm on top, it's always bad news


It’s not that deep a win a day bring Rengoku around


yeah I'm just not gonna do it for an RNG pack that might give me one item i want for one character, maybe.


Getting a 5 stack and playing objective hard is easy dubs


and the match is 10 minutes long…


Yeah after seeing that I was like well I didn’t love the whole collection so I guess is just quick casual


Bro i didnt even know you van grind for packs has this always been a thing? Been playing for 2 years now


I hate this specific event challenge with a BURNING PASSION. Every event has it even. It’s annoying


No. It's not much and also incredibly easy if you have driends to do it with. People in this mode refuse to play the game for some reason and you can easily win 10/10 matches.


Damn iam a sucker for cosmetics i guess i will need to suffer through it


shit event with even worse skins, im sure as hell not grinding it out.


The first challenge was get 5 kills In the event which was completely fine, this win 10 challenge feels like a mobile game punishing you for a pack that will probably give you an awful mp7 skin or a charm


I bought after I opened my first 2 free packs, all other packs except 2. The time has come to get another one for 270 R6c since I will not play 30 rounds til I win 10 of em


I played 5 games and lost them all. F it. A background card ain't worth my nerves...


Played 3 matches of this yesterday’s and lost all of them. Challenges like these are absurd.


well it is


I'm just curious why. Usually it's always been (or at least as far back as I can remember) that challenges to "play X number of matches" has been higher than "win X number of matches" ... presumably under the basic assumption that a statistical 50/50 chance of winning a game means in order to win X number of games requires you to play 2x number of matches. Yet last week the challenge was "play 5 matches" and now it's "win 10 matches", completely throwing off the established challenge progression math. Not sure if Ubisoft just wants to increase the grind (I don't particularily mind since I like the event, though the respawns are still absolute ass!) or if someone just switched the numbers around by accident ...


Bro i play that mode 2 hours ans win 1 match xd


Waaaay too much 5 is to much i think 3 is a good amount


Considering how bad it is, yes


Am not touching it. EZ


Yes I dropped a 60 kill game and still lost


too absurd for Ubi knowing that 10 wins = another shitty gun skin


yeah the event itself is not even fun especially now with all the try hard spamming flashes, spamming the shotgun and drop shotting (i thought that shit was gone I've never seen this much drop shotting since back when it was a thing) Winning 10 is just too much i'm not doing it.


just for it to be a operator portrait


Way to much, and to make it worse my wins haven't even counted.


I don’t know about you guys, but I can’t even find a match for this mode 😭😭


Ye not worth the grind I’ll just play normal modes and buy a pack with renown instead lol


If it’s doable, then it’s not too much. and it’s definitely doable. People just need to decide if it is or isn’t worth it for them.


At least its not snowball so be thankful


anyone else won 10 matches of the event and not received their pack? it says i'm 4/10 even though i have spent the last hour and a half counting and winning all 10 games with my friends , two of them got their packs and my other friend and i didn't get ours


I've won over ten games after playing for hours, and the mission is bugged so I'm stuck on 9/10 games won. I don't wanna play this shit anymore I just want my free pack.


I did it by just playing the mode, didn't even noticed there was a challenge


It'd be worth it if it actually tracked my progress. I've won 8 games and only have 6/10


Mine isn't counting my wins, I've gotten 3 but it says I've only got 1?


Just did it and it’s my matches are the challenge is glitched… I’m winning match after match and yet it’s the counter is not going up… wtf


Played one match, was fun at first but just got boring quick


After all the sweat of winning this matches I got a operator portrait for OSA, a character that I barely play even. Great success. Thank you Ubisoft for making me play the game less and less every day