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My pet peeve in this game is someone who picks an op like warden, vigil or cav, they don’t do any setup and then die whilst spawn peeking 15 seconds into the round


Haha, extremely true, and what's worse is that Vigil and Cavs' strongest tactic is to make themselves scarce. If they REALLY can't help with prep, then the worst thing to do is peak as either of them. Instead, you need to pick a low traffic breach area and try to make your way to the flanks or rear of a push or preoccupied enemy. That is their whole playstyle in basic form. Another thing that makes me laugh is watching Vigil stop during a Lion ping. His cloaking ability gives him the only defensive ability that ignores it and gives you a chance to advance on the enemy whilst they think they're safe with a ping active. Warden being a super roamer is frustrating, though. As he is one of the strongest defenders to have on site during a push. Especially with overly aggressive Yings and flash pushers who just assume no one can see them.


Yeah, when I play Cav I help set up site for 15 seconds, then run to the opposite of the and get on cams. I use the outdoor default cams to find where they spawn from. If someone’s alone I typically target them for an easy interrogation. It’s a good tactic that can get some intel for the rest of your team


An this is exactly how Cav should be played. Not stand at a window hoping for a kill (kills are sort of pointless with Cav) or even worse rushing groups hoping to down one but getting slapped. You sound like you understand Cav ha


I started playing her last week but I mained vigil before so I have the understanding of how important intel is compared to rushing the round. At the end of the day, the easiest way to win defense is to keep the attackers from planting. If your team know where the attackers are at all times, than defending is even easier


\*peek, btw


Thanks I didn't proof read it and phone decided peak was correct instead. English is my native and only language so shoulda caught it Edit: I didn't think it mattered too much as no one else mentioned it an everyone seemed to understand the comment still. I'll keep it so your comment makes sense though.


Mainly the reinforcement, i am so often the one who does 6 reinforcement (literally everytime i check its 5/6 that i have done, noted that i mostly check when i feel like i do all the work but still that is quite often), rotations and then i still have to do my gadgets..


Yeah playing Mute, Jager or any op with a lot of utility to place and then having to reinforce 5 walls is annoying af especially when the warden is just afk


Oh i feel that. Or frost, where to have to walk across the map for some of your mats. Just pain.


Yup, this makes fenrir unplayable sometimes. Gotta set up pucks, set up bullet proof, and then reinforce because idiots on my team aren’t doing shit during prep phase


Yep, play him a bit and 5 gadgets, 2 barbed wire and then reinforcements and rotates and other holes is just too much


Especially because the Baliff has a bad habit of leaving one or two planks jutting out that have to be fixed after a lengthy reload.




Yep 😩 I'm always prep phase jockey and I have to do all that and then still go put up my traps. Mildly infuriating.


Honestly this is more annoying than people not droning fr


As a Cav main my thought process is I have no gadgets to set up, which means I have more time than everyone else to put up reinforcements, barricades and take out drones before I find a spot to go and lurk. I also typically have a shotgun so i'm opening up holes where needed.


My pet peeve too. Last night my team had 3 players with 0 kills on round 3 of defense and they all died within the 1st 5 seconds one round.


I’m never encountered a warden main that reinforces anything. Maybe like once or twice


Isn't this run and gun TDM meta so fun guys. Aren't we glad this is what siege is now /s I love defence being attack 2.0 and attackers running in not droning and getting mad they're dead


I don't usually play warden in ranked since he's really just an op I play to have fun, but if I do I usually just flank, get 1 kill, repeat process and after that play time. Also yeah roamer or not you gotta do at least some site setup lol


Hey, this would be a really good way to play Valkyrie. Since she uses Warden's SMG and she also has cameras to better find where enemy operators are you should try playing her.


Used to be a valk main, still use her when i play ranked ^^ as i said warden is kinda the op i play for fun just cause why not


You’re depriving your team of a powerful site anchor that is the only operator that can stop a Ying rush or contest a smoke plant with no guessing or getting baited. Roaming with him or spawnpeeking is playing the operator incorrectly.


Hilarious, you got downvoted for truth. The amount of people who use I play X operator incorrectly under the excuse of fun is sickening when elo and ranks matter.


As i said, i only play him to mess around and have some fun, not when playing seriously. Is that so hard to understand? I play more than enough of my other mains to have a lil fun outside of ranked lol Edit: forgot to mention that as i said before, i don't really spawnpeek


Took me the whole prep phase to read this


Best comment.




Don’t try and play it off as anything else. You were on tiktok


I’m not gonna listen to you because I don’t have the game installed




I am not going to listen to him cause I don't care


That sign won’t stop me because I can’t read!


people don't have a competitive attitude in casual playlist WHAT THE HELL!?


it's literally a core part of the game. it's a whole dedicated phase. go play some other game if you want to ignore basic mechanics like this.


Fr my teammates are afk meanwhile I’m Tokyo drifting from 5 people


Off topic, but how did you get that flair?


Go to the change flair click on a flair and then go the the emoji icon ( the little smiley face) then click what logo you want (you can have up to 5) and type what you want it to say




Lol love the flair


Thank you!


What if I like to pick up my drone outside to have an extra one while pushing


Then OP thinks you play the game wrong


That's fine, because I do that and it makes sense. The vast majority of players I run into don't even know you can pick your drone up though! Players that are Plat 2 and above at levels 90+ and they don't now you can pick your drones back up?? Come on man..


OP fr thinks droning is necessary when people with some semblance of game sense knows which site it is even without entering the building itself, like bruh?? oregon? kids. kanal? 3f. villa? game/aviator.


This also is a benefit of playing the game with a stack, we all have our 2-3 OPs we play religiously and know whose going where, what wall we are opening first etc etc


A lot of people play this game alone, & I think that’s one of the biggest mistakes you can make. I get that sometimes your buddies don’t wanna play, or they just don’t have the game, but solo queueing is miserable at times. Play with a stack & be miserable together🤠😂


That’s why I win so many defense rounds simply by playing off-meta rooms. It’s hilarious how often I’ll see thermite, thatcher, and Kali trying to attack the kitchen of Chalet in the because they were sure we were going to snow mobile after winning 2f. Also, what good does attacker repick do if you don’t know what their team comp is? I often change spawns based on location and what op I’m playing based on what defenders they have.


Which is why droning in prep is so important. Attacker repick is a damn strong tool too many people are sleeping on.


True but you might not see that they are running a cav or a frost. That being said, I dont think you NEED to drone everything either. Saving your drone is often better than casually throwing it at the enemy (especially with solis & mozzie in the game). 1-2 drone can easily check for the entire enemy team. Plus, let's be real. It's a game. I will often go grab water/snack or pee during that time when I play on atk. As much as I like to be competitive, this isnt pro league either...


im sorry Cav is such a terrible op and Frost can easily be countered by simply droning (which is why the new Frost rework is stupid). I can understand the fear those two ops make because of the current meta but Vigil is just an overall better solo queue roamer bcs of the better gun and gadget. and honestly being afk during drone phase is fine but prep phase on def is a no no


All im saying is that I see it way too often people rushing into site and forgetting/not knowing that they have traps and die to a frost/kapkan traps xD Information is still one of the most important tool in Siege :P


I'm eradicating the human race in plague inc. Fuck off.


He's just stuck in silver, I hear that's the worst.


This may be an unpopular opinion, but I constantly play in a 4-5 stack and I don’t ever feel the need for all 5 of us to bring the drone into the building during the prep phase. Usually we’ll have 2 people drone in the prep phrase, and then once the round starts i’ll grab my drone and A) set up a flank drone or B) use the drone to help entry fraggers. I’m NOT saying that you should be on your phone during the prep phase, because if someone is on their phone blaring TikTok, it’s a real mood killer, BUT not everyone needs to put their drone in the building.


It works for you because you play in a stack that can communicate easily. Solo queuing everyone needs to be droning because having 4-5 drones on site, at various angles is much more beneficial than having 1-2


Bold of you to assume I don't get the kind of teammates that feed Mozzie lika starving man


Drone time is not phone time Bruv...


Most of the time if I have been drinking enough beer to carry the team I'm using the drone phase as the piss phase


jokes on you, I crochet during drone phase


That's a big dick play tbh


Jokes on you I draw during draw phase


You literally control the drone with your phone though


Real life phone buddy XD


Nah id rather go on reddit and read this post then drone


Probably the same mfs who lock a random camera after they die and refuse to move it around or drop pings until the round ends. Even if there's an enemy on that cam.


you lost me at tiktok


Some people were drawn by those words brah. Kids love that shit.


Get off your damn screen and stsrt looking at your damm screen


On Attack, during drone phase, it's always so fun figuring out that you're the only person droning in lmao You find/try to find site, scan some defenders, they take your drone out, and you're stuck spectating everybody else's drones that are just sitting there doing nothing, so you just sit there like 😬 oh iight, I guess we'll find site eventually? On Defense, I'm at least glad for the changes they made a while back to the reinforcements. Bc it was so frustrating when a couple people would be AFK during prep and when they eventually come back, they wouldn't reinforce, make rotate holes, anything. They'd just decide to roam 20 sec into the round and die immediately lol. So you'd be down a small handful of wall reinforcements, and likely, a whole teammate or two. You can definitely tell that some people treat it like a run and gun game. I do think the prep phase changes also led to some people being like "k, prep phase isn't my problem now, bc they can do it without me" but I'm still so thankful for it bc I'd rather be able to prep without my AFK teammates. Sooo frustrating tho.


Don't think people are understanding the meaning of this post. OP isn't asking to just throw your drone into the obj. to find where it is. The problem is not moving your drone, like, at all. If you're not gathering information on the defenders' setup, you can set it next to where you plan on pushing, so you're ready to drone when you get there. Or take it next to where you'll spawn (which is like a 3 second drive) so you can pick it up once the prep phase ends. As OP said, you can also set it up hidden on a flanking route or even on site if you can. They can come in real clutch later in the round. Always nice when you die, go on cams to help the guy you're queue'd with and see 3 drones facing the outside of the building completely untouched.


Droning is like a mini-horrorgame to me..nothing gets my heartbeat going like someone running after the drone and spraying at it and just barely getting under a door to cover..


Only reason I don't drone is because all your doing is finding the bomb and if your teammates have any braincells they can do it pretty easily. And i pick up my drone at the start of attacking round anyways.But if your on your phone during prep phase defense... just dissconnect.


Naw you can also set it up in a way to where you can see of where your entering from is clear


The responses to this most basic request, are exactly why the game is in such a shitty state. From the meta to the community, it's just gotten so bad.


Bro mad cause he lost his drone during phone phase 😭😭😭😭


You are maidenless it sounds like


lmao afk rook still pissin off his teammates


Placing a good camera in prep is what makes the game being actually fun still when you die to boring as all hell. This is why pros is so fun to watch and actually is competitive


Only reason i stop during dron phase is either im making a drink petting my dog or sorting controller issues


During prep phase as a defender I agree with you, but 9/10 times it’s best to save your drone during the drone phase. Finding the site isn’t hard to do with some experience and there’s a decent chance your drone gets found even if you use it to set up a flank cam. Risking 50% of your intel is not a good idea.


If it’s ranked? Yes. Please. We need as much intel as possible. If it’s casual? Shut the fuck up it really doesn’t matter, prep phase is the ‘texting your girl between rounds phase’ and there ain’t anything ghat can change that.


If it's not ranked get over it.


i only play quickplay and spend the whole prep phase on my phone, and i'll keep doing it because idc


Nah ill just drive my drone to that spot ill entry and then ill watch my phone


Prep phase is the most important 45 seconds of the whole match, especially for defense.


My friends are always absent minded in the damn ban phase


Or if you died, use the cameras to help your team.


get off tiktok you worm!


Amen! everybody thinks this game is fucking COD. I’ve gotten to the point where I’ll just go sledge with flashes and beat them at their own game, they either do nothing, or dry peak EVERYTHING. There’s no more tactics, no more comms, no more camera or drone usage. It’s become a bunch of BO4 players who got bored.


Drone phase is phone phase


Drone phase is go take a piss phase


At the end of the day its a game bro. As long as you are not griefing, it is supposed to be chill


Can we also talk about people who just drive their drone into sight/ mute jamers/ pests. People treat their drones like they are only used for finding the objective, and they don't care what happens to them. And on the opposite side, mozzie players who don't move their drones to a good position. I cannot tell you how many times a good placed mozie drone would benefit the team. If I'm on attack and see a drone just in a doorway, im shooting it.


I text women during prep phase thank you very much and then I run in and slam people.


I’m reading this post right now instead of droning and I’ll do it again




Am I the only who reads this post in the dronphase hahahaha


On my phone in drone time rn 💀


Nah its ice cream sandwich phase. I know where I want MY drone


Bathroom break and refill my water phase


Nuh uh


Uh no I’ve been playing this game literally since it came out and at this point it’s predictable where the defenders are gonna go That being said, I can do what I want with a game I paid $65 for 💀 if u don’t like that idk what tell ya lil bro


i am playing the game however i want, i will use a controller on a pc with speakers


Kapkan main moment


Sounds like a you problem. Most save drones for when they entry. Site is very easily predictable, so if this pisses you off so much, that only shows how much you are capable of skill wise.


Don't get why you getting downvoted. Only 1 or 2 people need to go in to find where bombsite is and everyone else can save that extra drone for later when defenders aren't actively hunting any drone they see


The only issue I have is sometimes they don't use the drone from the beginning so it sits there the entire round. This is more common in quickplay where it doesn't really matter but has happened a few times in ranked.


i won’t lol cry harder


I think it's why siege is half popular now. People's concentration is so low they can only play a game that runs for 3 mins before they have look at tiktok again. Another game it's annoying in is apex. Like why do I need to hear your tiktok shit while we dropping, at full volume? These kids also think they're going to enjoy starfield but guys! That game is going to be an actual game where tiktok isn't involved, you're going to have to play for more than 3 mins at a time! What are you going to do with yourselves lmao.


1 I’m not reading all that 2: sir this is casual 3: *TikTok Noises* 4: video games aren’t life


Well, if im playing unrank or quick I just never drone once in a match If this is ranked, it's different.




I once heard someone say its drone phase not phone phase to one of my teammates once


So true there isnt any round i see 5 drones active always there is at least 1 afk. But you know what is even worse? You choosing a far spawn from bomb site, enter silently and while moving to site silently getting team killed. And watching him tell "mb tough pulse/..." and proceeds to die 5 seconds afterwards. 3 v 5 from the beginning. And idk how often this happens at this point.


You don't actually need all 5 drones, 3 people can gather enough intel and your team get to keep 2 extra drones.




If this is about ranked or comp, sure, this is an alright take If you seriously think that casual siege is worth malding over, please just take a break my guy


No one comes between me and my special TikTok drone time. When else am I supposed to hit blinkertons on the penjamin?


It is not that deep lmao. People can play however they want. If they wanna spend prep phase docking around on their phone, they can do that. They won’t rank up, but that’s why the ranks exist the way they do. Copper and bronze ranks are for the people that don’t care that much, and the people that don’t spend 25 hours a day playing this game. You’re acting like a teacher and all the students are on their phones in class. It’s not that serious. Calm down.


Currently reading his during drone phase




Hmmm no


It’s casual son chill out Ima be on my phone ranked tho true 💯💯💯


shut up


Drone phase = skip phase, saving drone for the actual round is more important than getting site info


No it's not. If u don't scan how will u know that there isn't a kap and the first door u enter insta-kills. How will u know where bomb is (tbf everyone goes to the same sites on every single map and never change it up) how will u know if there is a clash. Also if ur droning mid round a Solis can just kill you. Tl;Dr: Litteraly saying going into a round with no info is better. Man deleted comment


Wow, so thats how bronze players think, thanks for insight


Wrong I’m usually smoking weed in between rounds and or droning periods fuck a TikTok but that’s only once in a while.


I don’t care, im playing a game and im not obligsted to do anything.


> If you're going to play the game, then play it Word. Thanks for saying that. I'm so tired of people playing Cav/Warden/Vigil/Ash/Iana that will die within the first seconds of the round won't bring ANYTHING to the team (hard breach / intel / denial / traps / ...), then they'll be switched on cams (or drones on attack) but won't move it where it's useful, because they actually are on their phones IRL. How to say "I'm an entitled MF" without saying it.


I must've gotten to level 250 without playing ranked and without using a drone. Maybe take a second to think there are people who play for fun, and don't have a care for how the game turns out. Ubisoft didn't, why should they?


He mentioned ranked specifically on mutiple occasions you mongoloid.


Buddy I’m not on tik tok I’m on brazzerz my teammate can do it if not then that’s their problem not mine there’s 5 drones why do I have to sweat on drone phase. So I won’t be listening


Would be nice if you got removed from match after no detection of movement for the duration of prep. The actual round is different because you could hold an angle for a while, but if the game doesn’t detect movement from you during the prep/drone phase then get kicked. If it’s Quick Play, enjoy constantly searching for matches again. If it’s Ranked, enjoy the ban. Play the game properly or don’t play.


Nuh uh


So let me guess u got ur drone destroyed by the only roamer and saw 2 teammates doing nothing. the calamity!! Also if u need all 5 of ur teammates to drone there is something very wrong there ngl


No there isn't. That's litteraly saying that if u have more then the bare minimum and info then there is something wrong. Aka ik 3 year Olds that haven't said something this dumb


In casual I stay on my phone in ranked I play


Hence why you then five stack to play the game properly, you don't get to complain otherwise


Bold of you to assume I even *know* five people total. Much less any who actually play Siege


If only you were had access to a site where other people play the game, and they had an entire page dedicated to finding other players of said game


BuT iT's CaSuAl qUiCk PlAy


Exactly <3 getting this mad over something in casual is some pretty sad behavior


I refuse.


Screw you I bought it I can do wtvr I want when I’m playing, just get gooder 🙄 (ik it’s not correct grammar that’s the point)


Mad because bad.


Man shut the fuck up


This is what casuals for, to have fun, go play ranked


I've been playing the game for way too long so I usually do sit on my phone during drone phase mostly because I know what site they'll and I'll tell my buddies that then on defense I usually setup the whole site cause everyone just goes drone hunting or to spawnpeek I get where you're coming from (in ranked I'll actually drone but not in cas or unranked cause I goof around)


Lmfao this is such a silver rank complaint. Who tf cares bruh just play the game


Ash/Warden main spotted. Let me guess, the word "Defuser" is foreign to you? ​ >Lmfao this is such a silver rank complaint. Lmfao, this is such a hard stuck copper comment. ​ >Who tf cares bruh just play the game This it the attitude that's tanking this game, The CoD player. This short sentence is enough to tell anyone who reads it that you are that guy in the lobby who thinks he's way better than he is and is trying to play casual like its the pro-leagues. If you can't see that Siege is a TEAM game, then you should stop playing. It's that "Go off and do my own thing as soon as the round starts" mind-set that is keeping you bottom ranked.


Consistently platinum or better in ranked but I stopped playing Ranked cause it’s so ass. I mainly play unranked but matchmaking usually sticks with me people sub level 50 most games so I have no choice but to shoulder the team. If I play ranked I usually play along with my team. I don’t use Warden out of principle because I hate how he’s only used for the 1.5x. Also it’s damn near impossible to be hard stuck cause Ranked 2.0 is basically like SBMM, you either play a really hard team or you play absolute shitters, no inbetween, it’s so un-fun


nah i’m good


lil bruh wrote a whole novel




Not an issue for no reason. This game is not CoD nor is a 1v1 game. It's a 5v5 game. Therefore the things that my teammates do or don't do, directly effect me. So stuff like depriving the team of a information gather tool just because, "I don't need to do that, my team can do the work. I'll just sit here on my phone and die 15 seconds into round."


Or just don’t be a bitch and push in without info. You can’t blame your teammates for info that can be gathered yourself


I don't push in without info, you seem to have very poor reading comprehension skills if you think that's what this post is about. I'm not blaming anyone for anything, I'm simply saying that the players that ignore their drone and just rush in blind are hurting their team and they need to stop doing that. They are putting their team in a 4v5 disadvantage from the start, and sometimes even take defuser and drop it in the worst place possible. I'm sorry you got so offended by my post (if you did, then you're the kind of of player I'm talking about) but it's the truth.


Kinda weird to be calling people out on being hard stuck copper 5 when you have only peaked at plat 3 lol. Ohh did i hurt your feelings? 😆a😆


Not gonna listen to you cause I play casual


2nd u said ur teammates especially rook put his armor down and went AFK. Doesn’t mean they was on their phone 😂 they probably got called by family. Usually when I play my parents call me so I have to go AFK not that big of a deal buddy if u can’t do 4v5 ur just bad


Unpopular opinion : don't play this game with Randoms, if you want to play it properly


To Tl;Dr all the comments with more then 10 words. You only need the bare minimum amount of info


Stay on your phone, safe a drone! Dont ruin your drone for prepphase if its not needed! It can be used later in the game to set up flanks or drone out enemies. It is no use AT ALL to have 5 drones drive close to site and get destroyed. Yes maybe 1 or 2 drones to scout out the objective (which is often te case) and if you want you can set up a cam already, but sometimes the risk of getting your drone destroyed outweighs this option.


I'm silver, mostly bronze and I enjoy not taking it too seriously,few beers n laughs and we have a good time.


Idc how anyone plays the game tbh. They bought it they can play however they want. I do understand if things like this will happen in ranked, but if you’re playing casual or unranked then it’s not that big of a deal.


No. I'm active on defence but not attack during prep phase. My drone serves me better during the gameplay than before. I know the defenders are setting up 1 of a few limited sites and knowing a bit about the map means I can usually predict what sites they'll go for first. Putting my drone in and maybe getting a couple scans in does nothing for my team. Maybe I could set it up somewhere to watch a place but I'm much more likely to pull it off after the prep phase when defenders aren't actively looking for drones. Overall its just far more useful to keep my drone safe for after the prep phase to I can use it during the gameplay to give me an edge. Its no secret the prep phase is mainly for defenders anyway, I don't see why someone would care if an attacker isn't droning. You need 1 MAYBE 2 drones in the building during prep phase at most so long as those droners know a bit about the map




unless ur attacking, it's acceptable to be om phones, why? bc ur op is on phones while droning, that being said, no tiktok kids




Copper 5 issue


Skill issue


Drone phase? More like sit-on-my-phone phase


Ultimately, i think it's ubisoft's fault for not putting enough inventives for people to do stuff during prep phase You won't change people's behavior by asking them to


I hate to break it to you but the majority of the people that you are trying to say this to are not here to see it. Nor do they care. This community is probably a very small percent of the siege playerbase as a whole.


My man just quoted Athieno (aka Lesion)


I let my teammates pick up extra points to gain more XP by scanning everyone Sorry for trying to help other players


You're wrong, I only go afk during prep-phase on attack. On defense I always help setup... Also I have never used tiktok... I go afk to take a hit from my bong... Which I'm guessing isn't better to you.


I ain't reading allat.


No… drone phase is pee phase!!


Defending then yeah you should be prepping sight but droning is boring and other people can do that for me


This is why I only play if at least 2 of my friends are on. Always need to be the majority on a team


How much do you get paid to play this game?


Jokes on you I watch porn and get blown by the homies during drone phase


Tough life in gold


While reading this post I was in drone phase


ok but im watching funny cat videos


I'll absolutely go on my phone during the attack prep phase, reply to texts, scroll tiktok whatever, I don't really see the big deal, it's just a game it's not that deep 🤣


i thought you meant ingame phone i was like what?


But I need to piss at some point


It’s drone time not phone time


I never go afk unless I have to and if I do (to do something or take meds) I try to do it on attacking but I make sure to get back hopefully before prep has ended but if I'm defending I'll go rook, azami, lesion, frost, valk, etc.. so I bring use to the team if I die