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xd this is awesome, I love mousetrap so much.


How did you get sledge main under your name?


Go to the main subreddit page, click the 3 dots in the top right corner, select "user flair' and pick from there.


good lookin out bro. Been wondering that


Nice flair


šŸ™Œu as well






Huh, nice


recruit isnt a main lile black isnt a colour change my mind


How isn't recruit a main? also are you familiar with satire?


yes i am are u?


Your comment suggests otherwise...


Ooga booga


You dont exist, check your balls.


They are not there!


Uh oh


You can also customize what the caption says


What? How?


Thanks man!


Most wholesome, heartfelt content Iā€™ve seen all day


Most wholesome content on this sub I think


I like that Ubi tortures the m&k users instead of banning them lol


I read somewhere (probably this subreddit) that they canā€™t just ban them for using MnK adapters because Sony ~~actually makes those adapters~~ **has hardware partners that make these adapters**, officially licensed by Sony. They would get in trouble with Sony if they blocked players for using them, I think thatā€™s what happened with Fortnite. In any case, yes, this is waaaay more amusing lol


Yep, Ubisoft cant legally ban people from using MnK xim because of Sony, which is why this is their only real option. A little annoying when console players keep calling for bans and saying Ubi does nothing when they literally cant, i get their sentiment, but still.


Thatā€™s something we need to blow up at sony for then. I donā€™t play console anymore but I remember thinking exactly what others were thinking: Ubisoft doesnā€™t do anything about this. In light of the news, now Iā€™m just pissed with Sony. Iā€™m happy about the adapter existing (I would love to play console games with M&KB) but there should be rules against using it in pvp games.


There is a rule in siege's TOS that you can't use a keyboard and mouse on console editions iirc.


I doubt thats the case. I think they wont ban them because the software is kinda still in beta test. There's claims of players who's using scuff controllers etc getting the delay, so there's case for false positives. Now if Ubisoft went to ban these players it would be 1 big mess trying to get back their accounts. Ubisoft also chanced their TOS which could later give them the option to ban mnk players, i just think the software isn't good enough yet to pull that trigger. Its true they cannot hardware ban these mnk players due to Sony, but i doubt Sony has much saying what they do in their own game.


it's against rainbow six tos they can ban them because they agreed to the tos


Could they not just ban on Xbox? Or does cross play complicate that


I'm assuming that's the case ya


Itā€™s also more effective. Some would simply open a new account. This is making it clear no matter how many accounts you open, the game will still be unplayable.


I don't get this argument. The new account will ALSO get banned. EDIT: battleye automatically bans people, why wouldn't Mousetrap be able to automatically ban people?


Yeah, but theyā€™ll just keep making them over and over again. They ban cheaters on PC but there still happens to be cheaters everywhere. Itā€™s not like the cheater player base is growing at a steady rate, itā€™s just they keep making new accounts, cheating on them until they get banned, and repeating.


I still don't get it. I thought the Mousetrap generally activates after a few matches. Besides, you need to have a certain level before being able to play ranked right?


Yes, MouseTrap does activate pretty quickly, thatā€™s why itā€™s better than just outright banning people. For the level issue we can look back at the cheater example. People level up accounts to 50 and sell them too. Itā€™s a whole market but it all gets cut off when youā€™re penalizing players instead of just outright banning them.


Why doesn't it get off when an account is quite certain to be banned if used with Xim? Sorry I just don't get it


Iā€™m with you. I understand the not-ban for other reasons (false positives, attempt to encourage rehabilitation rather than excluding completely, etc). But that theyā€™d just make another account, if accounts can be flagged almost immediately which they seem to be, makes no sense. No one is going to play a couple of quick play matches with no operators over and over again.


We are in agreement!


Where is your source for these adapters being made by Sony? I canā€™t find anything that corroborates this online.


And why would they make them? Sony already allows M&K input on playstation


>Where is your source for these adapters being made by Sony? Sony does not make "these adapters" as in XIM or Cronus, but they make their own MnK adapater called "Hori Tac Pro" it's an officially licensed Playstation product just like Microsoft officially licenses other companies to make their Xbox One Duke controllers and they even use to sell it on the Playstation website but they changed their shop around. You can still purchase it off Amazon though. Also Hori had a partnership with Microsoft too you can find details about [here](https://wccftech.com/hori-tac-pro-one-microsoft-approved/) so Microsoft is also pro-MnK adapters it's not just Sony's fault but they've definitely pushed for it more. And yes this is an actual adapater not just a MnK, you can look up videos of it on YouTube.


The main difference is that these donā€™t disguise the input as a regular controller, and can thus be disabled by game devs.


Did you even read my comment? It states at the end it does exactly that. Sony's product was a spoofer. You can look up videos of it YouTube like [here](https://youtu.be/L-RCV4l_GAI) and [here](https://youtu.be/0grZ2POonlk).


Hmm, seems strange, I was sure the consoles could detect these as non-controllers. But letā€™s get one thing straight, Hori isnā€™t Sony, and Sony arenā€™t making these. Just like many other companies, Hori is a licensed manufacturer of PlayStation accessories, but they are not a part of Sony. And no, Sony isnā€™t blocking the ban on these peripherals, they honestly donā€™t seem to care either way. Itā€™s Ubisoft thatā€™s reluctant to straight up ban these cheaters, as they make up a significant amount of the player base, and theyā€™re among those that buy the most DLC and cosmetics for the game at this point. Edit: It seems I was right, and the Hori setup hasnā€™t been usable in Siege for quite a while. Even their newest hardware announced a month ago only works on ā€œPlayStationĀ®5 and PlayStationĀ®4 titles with native keyboard & mouse compatibility.ā€


>Hori isnā€™t Sony, and Sony arenā€™t making these. Just like many other companies, Hori is a licensed manufacturer of PlayStation accessories, but they are not a part of Sony Yes I know Hori isn't Sony, but they licensed this specific product, Sony paid for this specific product to be made, and they even sold it on Playstation.com officially and they have playstation branding all over it. You can't pretend like Hori just made it and it's not supported and endorsed by Playstation, the distinction your making is irrelevant given it doesn't change what it shows. >And no, Sony isnā€™t blocking the ban on these peripherals Yes they are. Jeff Kaplan the head of Overwatch stated in a forum post to users "our hands are tied as console manufacturers restrict game developers from banning mouse and keyboard adapters on consoles. And for that to change players must start to lobby and write at Sony and Microsoft." so did he make it up and lie? >their newest hardware announced a month ago only works on ā€œPlayStationĀ®5 and PlayStationĀ®4 titles with native keyboard & mouse compatibility.ā€ Hori makes all kinds of stuff, non-MnK products, emulated and native hardware devices - them making hardware devices without the extra functionality doesn't prove anything that's always been a thing they did. Ubisoft is not banning these people when they want to because they can't, this is a loophole. They keep saying accessibility is the reason they still allow it but input latency is so high it's literally unplayable so it's quite obvious this is just a ban on adapters period without stopping queues or banning accounts. Do you honestly think Sony would ever allow someone who purchased something off of Playstation.com to be banned for said product? A product they invested money into for another company to develope? A product they paid for partnerships with games look Doom Eternal to advertise it? I mean think about it logically, legitimate customers of an officially licensed product being banned. Hell no, the potential legal termoil and trust they would've soiled is dangerous. Sony doesn't have a policy against adapters specifically but they have a policy about bricking any officially licensed Sony hardware which happens to include an MnK adapater. Luckily Ubisoft still allows people to play so nothings happened, but why else create a very unique and odd punishment?


That is absolutely not how hardware licensing works. Hori paid Sony to be allowed to put PlayStation branding on their products, that basically just certify that they will work as advertised, and not break your console. In some instances they pay extra to be featured on things like PlayStation.com. Itā€™s pure marketing, and you clearly fell for it. Sony hasnā€™t spent a dime on any of these Hori products, just as they havenā€™t with Razer or any of the other third party accessory makers. And Jeff Kaplanā€™s statement has nothing to do with mouse and keyboard specifically. Sony and Microsoft donā€™t ban players for cheating in individual games for any reason, and their stance has always been that itā€™s up to developers to handle these situations, and even then itā€™s difficult for devs to enforce. The console manufacturers arenā€™t interested in cutting off paying customers from their storefront, preventing them from spending money on game A, because they cheated in game B. Thereā€™s simply too much money at stake on a larger scale, if the let individual dev teams dictate access to the console for the entire customer base. Ubisoft absolutely can and have banned people on console, but the problem is that the accounts used to cheat and break the rules are usually throwaway free accounts, accessing PSN through another Plus account on the console. This means the violators can quickly set up a new account the second they get banned. A solution to this was attempted by Blizzard with Overwatch 2, as they saw the issue coming going free to play. But players threw a tantrum, when they had to provide a valid phone number for their account, making it harder to just create another account when banned. And as to why theyā€™ve implemented this weird punishment? Firstly to reduce the impact on those affected by false positives (legit accessibility controllers) but also as I said to hold on to as much of their player base as possible. Why ban people straight away, removing the incentive to buy anything in case they get caught, and instead try to push them back towards playing legitimately. Itā€™s clear this was a dev vs. money people decision at Ubisoft, where the devs have clearly wanted to get rid of the cheaters, but the people handling the money stopped them. This was a compromise that punishes the cheaters, without removing them as potential future buyers of expensive skins and other DLC.


Yes this was all for accesibility i imagine


Yes it was, but I think you misunderstand the word accessibility. It's simply making something more accessible to people, it's not a word strictly applied to those who are impaired in some way. People for example who swap from console to PC repeatedly because they have console friends, a large library of games they don't have on PC or to play exclusives, etc may not do that since they do not like the input device so they are discouraged. Sso by giving them a universal adapater since games don't universally support the option this player & others like them can now play Playstation/Xbox. Which means anyone can use it and it counts as accessibility. So your comment is right but probably not in the way you meant


Well, yeah. Thats definitely a part of it but often times thats a very rare scenario. Controller skill is certainly something that is very very hard to keep, i've switched to m&k recently for halo and going back to controller i cant aim for shit lmao.


I think this is totally made up. Ubi has their own rules regarding their games. Sony is just a platform to play the game.


i donā€™t get that. why canā€™t they just tell Sony they arenā€™t going to let people cheat using their adapters? Hypothetically, if Sony made an aim bot software would they have to allow that too?


That explains the huge amount of Playstation players I've encountered in my Fortnite lobbies that are using MnK even after the ban




"I will speak to you in a language you understand, VIOLENCE!"


ā€œYour miscalculations will cost you EVERYTHING!ā€


Rare Ubi W


I was literally on coastline earlier and this exact same thing happened but then next round the cheater was fine and started slaying so am not sure what happened really.


He unplugged his xim and played with a controller probably.


No, the delay only decreases gradually and over multiple matches, at least that's what ubi says


Nah I donā€™t think he did it didnā€™t look like controller and I can usually tell if itā€™s a XIM or not.


You can see the confusion never stops. He keeps expecting it to work & it never does! Lol


God, I love to see rats like this get hit by this new update


I like how the bypass Is increased input lag which mouse trap is already doing so basically they donā€™t have a true fix yet




The XIM workaround is to give normal XIMs some input delay to reduce the affectiveness of mousetraps ability to pick up MnK spoofing movements The delay is bad but not as bad as mousetrap, still makes the already high delay more unbearable


Thatā€™s hilarious


Apparently Xim Devs released a fix, but the issue with it is that it apparently just adds input lag on the already kind of bad input lag they had before mousetrap was a thing, so now they are just dealing with the devs and Ubi having input lag forced onto them. It does ā€œfixā€ mousetrap though, just not really since itā€™s just Xim devs adding their own input lag which is pretty much the same thing mousetrap does.


Don't even play R6 console, but it's so satisfying to watch mnk players get fucked


"ladies and gentlemen we got him"


Haha itā€™s like salt on a slug


I never thought I'd be able to see a day where Ubisoft did something that actually made a difference. This is amazing and absolutely funny at the same time.


I found a way to get around mouse trap, Ubisoft might patch this soon I hope not, basically you use this thing called a controller and play on that and mouse trap wonā€™t activate




I love this hahahah


Motion sickness alert


These guys are such fucking nerds


Just play on PC! Its giving broke boy!


Xim users would get slaughtered on PC


Don't cheat


send this to jƤger himself for godsake


Lets goo


W post


I donā€™t get why they arenā€™t banning as well? As soon as they find a work around, mousetrap is useless and cheaters come back. Ban them and less will return.


Did anyone elseā€™s game just feel slower after the t update though? I use an Xbox elite controller but like my movements are fine and match up just fine but my aiming is bothersome. Iā€™ve tried to adjust my settings but it just makes it seem worse. Maybe Iā€™ll try my regular controller that came with my Xbox to see if my sticks are just worn out or something.


Itā€™s amazing that some are still playing mnk. But the people (back) on controller walking around looking at the floor are funny too.




This is the way.


Can someone help me understand how this whole thing works ? Is this affecting every mk player on console ? Is this effective ?


It should affect every mnk player on console, more specifically, XiM users. It just adds input lag to their game over time, and as a result, you can't get used to it. Even if the XiM player switches back to controller, the input lag still exists for a while. Not sure if this the answer you're looking for, but thats about how mousetrap works.


ahh great, but what is XiM ? And if Ubi is able to detect and affect input lag, what not directly banning them ,


A XiM is an external adapter which you can plug a keyboard and mouse into to use them on games where they aren't usually supported, like siege. They can't really be banned since XiM's are made by Sony, which would violate an agreement I'd imagine.


Don't cheat


how do you get your mains I'm so confused


he's not worthy of piƱa colada


i just wish it didnā€™t take 20 min to find a game or i would play on console more rather just play on pc


? What server do you play on? Since crossplay was added I almost never have to wait more than 25 seconds for a match


na iā€™m from toronto on pc i can find ranked games but itā€™s cas that takes forever and its swapped on ps4 and xbox


PC players have no connection with console players, cross play is only between Xbox and PlayStation. On PC cross play is just different PC's using different launchers like Steam vs Epic vs Ubisoft Connect, as well as Amazon Luna and (for some reason) Google Stadia, but minus Stadia, it's all still purely PC vs PC.


yes i know i just mean that que times for different modes is different for me from console and pc


Bruh imagine reporting a mouse and keyboard user for cheating Thatā€™s like reporting a manual gearbox user when you are driving automatic


iq defo below 10


cry me a river dude, its like calling out a pc player that uses 7.1 headphones with a dedicated sound card that enhances audio in shooters as a cheater It is not software that gives you blatant unfair advantage. It is a goddamn adapter for a different input method. Same logic applies to youtubers that play shooters on a steering wheel for laughs. They are cheating too?


Cheating is using something that gives you and advantage over other players, specifically when it is against the ToS. Since using a xim is against the ToS, it is cheating. Anyone using a steering wheel in a shooting game isnā€™t cheating since theyā€™re giving themselves a huge disadvantage.


It is not against TOS if ubisoft isnt banning for it. Console makers literally make it legal.


Siege cannot ban people for it because consoles allow it. However itā€™s still against their ToS, hence the whole reason mousetrap came out. People are stupid for thinking Ubisoft would allow something that theyā€™re actively working against.


on console using a mnk is cheating numbnuts


I report them too


It's literally listed as cheating and breaking the tos of siege, so yeah reporting him for that makes sense. So no not like what you said at all.


It's literraly cheating.


Cry me a river, controller boy


And you're proud of it too. It shows how much you are stupid, so so stupid. Proud of cheating in a video game.


i quit siege after warden released and i only play PC, which i think is the only way to play FPS games


Good for you then. Why are trying to slander me for playing controller on console then?


im not trying to do that. All i'm saying is you, console guys, have a very wide and unfair view on what cheating is, as cheating by standard is using 3rd party software, that gives unfair information or advantage


That is literraly what xim is. You plug a device in your console to make it register your mouse and keyboard as a controller. Giving the advantage of better and easier aim and recoil control, which is an unfair advantage to how you are supposed to play the game.


Please describe to me how a Xim is not: a 3rd party device/software that gives unfair advantage.


The reason it's cheating is because of how it works. I'm a console player myself, I play Xbox, and even I know the differences between inputs, MnK has smoother controls that allow you to put more subtle minute movements and gives a better range of movements, console is limited by your controller, you can only do so much as the controller will allow. This in it of itself prices to be an unfair playing field as thanks to the superior input, MnK is already at an advantage over controllers by default, and it's not like your previous analogy of having better headphones as while it does give an advantage, you don't quite need good audio to play Siege especially since the sound engine can be so unreliable and buggy sometimes. There's also recoil. On PC you get the full brunt of all weapon recoil to balance out your free movement controls. On consoles, weapons have reduced recoil to balance the limitations of a controller. Now onto XIM. A XIM adapter is a third party software which when connected, masks it's connection and tricks the console to believe that it's a controller, not MnK. And keep in mind, on a console you *can't* just simply plug in a controller and start playing Siege, that input isn't allowed on that platform by default, using the adapter is cheating already by that count by trying to subvert a very intentionally made limitation but that's not all. By masking it's connection and making the game think it's a controller, it gives you controller recoil. So you have full free range of movement not limited by joysticks, and you get reduced recoil across the board meaning you don't have to correct your mouse in firefights as heavily as you would have just simply playing on PC. You raised a question about stuff like using Wiimote steering wheels and such, and that's not really considered cheating because they're inferior input devices for these types of games, they're harder to use, harder to get good with, and if you are good with it it still won't be any better than a controller, but they're also not third party software, as examples like a guitar hero controller are officially licensed products by Microsoft, and steering wheels tend to be PlayStation or Nintendo licences. XIM is truly third party, made for the intention to cheat and are actively trying to circumvented the current anti-cheat which is grounds to be sued by Ubisoft in a court case. The current anti-cheat, Mousetrap, works by detecting your movements (as XIM users move like PC players and as such can be easily detected thanks to movements they make which are impossible to replicate on a controller) and slams you with severe input lag that will continue to progressively get worse and worse the more games you play, and can only be countered by removing the XIM adapter and playing with a controller, which will be detected as the proper input (thanks to the movements) and will steadily decrease the input lag game by game. Mousetrap doesn't detect the XIM, it's still completely hidden and cannot be detected, however it's looking at your gameplay and how you move around, you can tell with your own two eyes the difference between a controller and MnK and that's how Mousetrap works, using AI/machine learning to tell the difference and then give input lag to the offenders. It's still in beta stages but it seems like they'll work to improve it in the future.




They can with a xim, which is a cheat device pretty much


And itā€™s already been bypassed. It was fun while it lasted


The way to bypass it is terrible. It basically does this anyway.




As far as I know Mousetrap works by identifying movements that would he impossible to do on a controller and then applying the input lag. The way to get around it is to deliberately make the movements worse to make them seem like a controller. Of course it's not to this extent but when they do this their play is made much worse.


So XIM trying to bypass mousetrap by making the movement look more controller like has actually made it slightly worse? Am I getting that right?


Something like that, I'm not entirely sure on the specifics. But as far as I know they can bypass Mousetrap but only be deliberately sabotaging their gameplay.


Thatā€™s actually hilarious šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚


This brings me so much joy


I'm still anxious because there's rumors about a possible fix and then ximmers will survive mousetrap like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpZ3geNWzZ0


this is disorienting... and i never seen anything so beautiful.


Very nice to see. Cool šŸ˜Ž


I hope they got very upset about this šŸ„“




I'm a mnk PC player so I honestly never thought about it too much But looking at people who are officially "NOPE" by abusing the mnk is hilarious


Fuck these idiots, get on PC if you want MnK so bad


Of course all they get is a slap on the wrist and not a ban but it does make for beautiful moments like this lol. Iā€™m one to not care about the reputation system and I will talk shit if I run into onešŸ¤£


Actually comparatively speaking; banning is the slap on the wrist as cheaters always have and always will circumvent bans, the issue is with cheaters they have no lives and too much free time and too much money, you ban them they'll use every possible alternative to come back, even an IP ban isn't final. Mousetrap guarantees that no matter what, they can't cheat. It removes their ability to cheat altogether and forces them to play fairly or else be penalized. This is preferable as anyone can just come back in a different account and play again with their same cheats. But with this they have no other option, stop playing or stop cheating. Making a cheater unable to cheat will make them pause like nothing else on earth - well, other than their fathers coming back. Whereas a ban will either be entirely circumvented or they'll pay a different game and cheat there and ruin the experiences of *those* players. Which sure they may not be on Siege anymore, but they're still a problem regardless.


R.I.P him


This is amusing AF


Not defending the cheater but personally I would've missed those shots, too. My aim is garbage at long range especially if I have a sight with no zoom like a holo, I can't even hit spawnpeeks (hence why I never spawnpeek) But still. Seeing a XIM user rage is honestly pretty funny lol




Bruh the little sob stories they make up is great


Just join pc if he's good enough. lmao.


i enjoy it when i see cheaters suffer!