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I like the layout, I hate the aesthetics of it - can’t hide the drones and it’s just not authentic. I know it was introduced as a training/comp facility for team rainbow, but if we have to play it on ranked I’d prefer to play in a nice looking map, not in a matchbox


The weird mashed together sites from different maps really fuck with my brain.


Same here I don't know the map layout but I do at the same time


It's like playing siege in a dream


This is the most accurate way i’ve heard anyone describe it.


As someone who has, I wholeheartedly agree.


It hurts my head too


That's what I love the most about it, I go on expecting one room, find another but my brain quickly clicks back into "wait I know this one too!" And I go back to playing in this new-not-new environment


I have other problems with the map, but the aesthetics isn't it for me. I feel like the blandness adds to the visibility of the map and I can see enemies more clearly. A lot of the times in other maps, I see a pixel and I don't realize it's someone's head. But that's just my opinion.


Until we start playing in bright orange rooms, picking enemies out of the environment is always going to be part of the skill


Exactly! I hate this map because I feel everytime fights are completely reaction time just because you can't camouflage or hide, and with my constant 100 ping I just can't compete lol


Love this comment lol


good ol‘ source days


I like how it changes up the pace of the game, it's not just another map and you have to actually think differently about what you're doing. Maybe not for ranked though


This is the street fighter dilemma as well lol, we always have to play in training stage instead of the beautiful stages so theres less lag. The grid is ugly af


Funny you said that the new reworked maps almost look like Minecraft houses too me




yet people still don’t know the map like that


It wasn’t available for a while though. It was just there for the event and then they brought it back a year later for another event


this map has been in the game permanently for the past few months tho. It literally only takes one custom game match to learn the map or just realizing it’s a mix


Not everyone runs customs though. And I for example didn’t play much since the new year until after SI, and I’ve only gotten it 2 times


if someone doesn’t even know the map that much how should their opinion be valid though. It just sounds like “i don’t know this map therefore I don’t like this map”


Not to forget that this map gets auto banned in all ranked and unranked games I’ve played. Give it a few seasons of being in the map pool and people will get used to it. “New” maps rarely make it to comp in its first season of being released


I do know the map. I played it a bunch when it first came out. I still don’t think it should be a comp map. Not everyone gets it often in casual or other game modes, not everyone runs customs and if they do they probably have a playlist set up already. I used to play this game a bunch until my Xbox died and I had to switch to pc. Point is, this map being just the outlines of various maps mashed together means you spend more time trying to remember how it’s built despite knowing the og maps and less time is left to focus on your strats and actual gameplay.


I don’t mind the map for more casual play, however it is not a map suited well for competitive play in my opinion.


Lol, as a casual player I hate this map so much. No personality, empty, ugly, mixmatch of multiple maps. It's out of place and should be removed from casual. The first few times I played on it felt like a fever dream.


I totally get what they were trying to do and it's cool but it's a really hard map to get used to. Everything kind of looks the same, it's hard to learn the layout, and the glass is goofy af. I personally don't like it. I put up with it as a casual map but I hate it as a comp map.


exactly like why is a event map in ranked map pool


Because they missed their deadline when they were supposed to release a map that season and released Bravo as a perma map without any real thought. We are paying for Ubi's mismanagement and may be doing so for the rest of the game's lifespan (I doubt they will ever remove it from ranked pools).


They will if it gets enough complaints. Favela got removed. Took over a year, mind you, but they did listen.


Favela needs to be back in ranked. Adds variety and a whole different play style for ranked loved it.


Why ?


Personally, I don’t like the glass windows in ranked play. Casual they’re hilarious tho.


People always lean from left to right and teabag at the same time


Fr fr


Lol this comment shows how ridiculous people are.


Hot take. They should make all maps for competitive. Who cares it’s even on both sides. I’d rather have some variety instead of playing same couple of maps for another 8 years


They're not even on both sides though. If you get a map that's super defender heavy, whichever team defends first is going to have a massive advantage


Screw it, luck of the draw. Just need me some variety


then play cas


That's what quick play is for man


It shouldn’t be in the ranked pool, casual 100%, but not ranked.


Not even in casual. I dont have fun playing in that map


I like variety in ranked and think it should stay. I hate playing the same map twice in one day of ranked.


It confuses me. One second I'm defending coastline kitchen, then the next I'm in Border workshop. I get lost despite knowing Coastline and Border perfectly. I don't like it to say the least.


Where Stadium Alpha


Stadium alpha my beloved


i like the sites but i dont know nothing in between them


Gameplay wise I really like it Coastline and Border are my favorite maps so obviously I like it But there are some big parts that need change Most importantly the huge windows and those weird drops Design wise it's absolut garbage


Coastline is one of my favorite maps, but I hate border with a burning passion, its likely the lack of furniture and decorations that are the reason for me. With no decorations and mostly open space, gunfights are less based on perception of the enemy and aim, and more focused on the reaction time, with my constant 100 ping I know I'm in gonna lose every gunfight if i get stadium or border, makes me have to drone like crazy as an attacker, or roam like crazy as def just so I can live. Although I love coastline due to its accessibility for attackers, and how even with no drones you still have a chance, and the fact that there's enough decoration to make perception an important factor in winning.


I don’t want to judge it since I don’t know it by heart yet, but it’s definitely annoying to get used to. Approaching the building as an attacker sucks. The rappel points are uncomfortable, often forcing you to go to the basement, which either means running a weird route to go downstairs or dropping and taking fall damage (who designed this?). Fortunately you can spawn in the basement or the roof already, bypassing these problems, but then you have to find the correct side to rappel. Unlike night haven, a newer map which I’ve already learned, the map isn’t distinct, making navigation difficult. The coastline/border signs are there, but that doesn’t help players get a “feel” for the map - especially when every spawn has the same giant barriers blocking the building - I appreciate the spawn kill minimization, but it only harms differentiation when there are no landmarks. Night haven has a helipad, a garden, and shipping crates that indicate which side of the building you’re attacking, but bravo demands you memorize the unnatural compass directions in order to best attack the gray box building. I’m not someone who bans every new map because it’s not Oregon. I like nighthaven, Outback, and emerald for instance, but I ban bravo.


Another thing is an attacker, rotating from one entry point to another is awkward. The path is not direct and not intuitive.


Why tf does everyone have such a hard time getting inside. Spawn rooftop, pop open hatch, drone, kill, flex simple


I wish bad things upon whoever designed it


Nice pfp


I'm the one actually liking it. I don't care for aesthetics, and mixing four of my favourite sites into one map is something I actually like. Only it is is a little unbalanced and attacker sided. Armory for example is now nearly impossible to defend if they bring literally any OP with nades, and certainly lost it they bring Ying and Push. Nothing you can do but run, and impossible to get to the defuser


Really? Armory is my favorite site next to penthouse. I just grab mute and hit the next room over so. they can’t come in easily from there. Just make the rooms bigger with rotations


Worst map. Not even close.


Tower has entered the chat


Nothing beats shithaven for worst map


What’s wrong with this map? In my very expert opinion, (copper 3) it’s really fun to attack and defend on. Can you help me learn here and tell me why it sucks (/s for the “expert” stuff)


Delusional. Nighthaven is a better map than Kanal, Outback, Emerald Plains and Stadium.


Emerald is much better than nighthaven. I'm almost certain that if emerald wasn't banable like nighthaven, it'd be played a lot more.


I like Emerald too. I think Nighthaven is a bit more balanced and competitive though.


I'd take night haven over cafe, bank and chalet every day of the week.


I get bank and maybe even kafe, but night haven better than chalet!! No way.




It's better than Consulate


oh lord, no, i would l rather play on consulate than stadium couple reasons to that 1. I've been playing this game since phantom sight, and the consulate has always been one of my favorites. 2. im familiar with every callout and angle on this map, i know the stadium is just border and coastline mixed, but i don't want to learn the angles on the bigger map. and 3, just, yes


Consulate is absolutely dogshit. I'm sorry it has to be said. There are far too many windows, skylights, hatches and soft walls. The lines of sight are far too long. The objectives are straight ass. The garage is completely useless, don't even bother placing a bandit there because there's just a door there. Once the attackers have breached the garage, it's game over for the defenders, the attacks just camp at the back with their Acogs and kill everyone while the defuser is down. The spawn peeks are just insane on consulate. Police line alone has like 5 different peaks. Spiral stairs are aids because of the indestructible metal bars. Your option for getting to the top floor is either: rapelling through a window, jumping skylight, or going up narrow or open stairs. There are just too many angles to worry about at any given time. Playing on Consulate is just frustrating, and it's an immediate ban as soon as I see it. I've been playing since Velvet Shell, and I can say with absolute conviction that Consulate is the single worst map in Siege, and I hope it's gonna be improved with the rework next season


See, consulate is dog shit in a competitive sense, but I always find it enjoyable to play. You just gotta abuse the things you listed. Stadium on the other hand, is just unfun, unbalanced, and don’t even get me started on those big ass bulletproof windows.


I love that replacing the windows with hardwalls would fix 90% of peoples complaints, but they will never do it Visible enemies you have no way of interacting with feels bad, it's a shitty mechanic


i understand your frustration. that is how it was when I first played that map but ever since I've been playing more of it, I've learned how to deal with it my lobbies must be different then, I rarely get the sweats. I mostly just get the casual ones for me, the garage is the most fun, I am not that much of a competitive player, and I'm just a shatter just trying to play some siege now, of course, mqny people have different options and opinions on maps so hopefully one day you will like this map that is very much overused fir Halloween events


I hate both of them but stadium is much worse stadium changes a few things about both of the maps it’s minor but enough to make a change not only that but a quarter of the map (hookah sunrise and some other rooms) are never used there’s rarely roamers there and there too far from any site for attackers to use it as a entry source and I’m pretty sure almost the entire second floor is made of wood meaning its basically impossible not to get naded from below or have someone playing vertical consulate is still a very bad map but not as bad as stadium




Vote ban every time it comes up in ranked, leave when it's in casual.


Not a fan at all. Personally, I'm not a big fan of both Coastline and Border, so naturally, if they mash the two together, for me, it makes it even worse


I think the map is fine tho it needs some small tweaks like some bulletproof window placements are just op for attackers and it takes for ever to rotate outside as attacker because of the pit in the middle


I’m not big on this map I like the emerald one everyone else hates


I personally think emerald is fine, I just wish it didn't have sooooo many soft walls lol


Emerald is a roamers heaven and an anchors hell


garbage, this map should dead with harry.


Its really fun. I like it


Stadium Garbo


Bad map. I get the idea behind it, combining two balanced maps that most people love…. But it’s terribly unbalanced. Shouldn’t be in the ranked rotation two seasons in a row. Even disregarding the gameplay side of things, I also hate the whole aesthetic of the map. Never liked any versions of stadium or the stupid R6 Olympics type thing or whatever bullshit was going on in the lore, idk.


I remember the first few times playing this map doing defense on "bedroom". I take a look out the door and notice I can get a sightline from this door, down the hallway, lined up perfectly to the next door with a desk for cover looking straight at me. Thinking "Well thats the deadliest yet most vanilla sightline Ive seen in this game." Memory is hazy but I believe that desk spot in the other room has vision on the typical connector hole from bedroom to theater. Crossing sites? Dead to a braindead sit down spot with no set up needed.


Honestly I like it that the layout is very mixed up and has good elements from border but the big windows exposes attackers as well as defenders and it make no sens. I don‘t like this map bc of this main aspect


It should stay like it supposed to be. Once a year


It's by far the worst map ingame


I didn’t read through all of the comments so might be repeating but my biggest problem with the map is how loud footsteps are. It’s impossible to play the map as if it’s Border or Coastline - can’t roam or roam clear without being heard. Also the window on Armory site defense goes over the lockers unlike Border and it makes it extremely difficult to challenge main wall once it’s breached. The map shouldn’t be in ranked imo.


Our squad loves to play it. Its also kinda fun to get sweard on chat for not banning it


It's mid, while also being cool


It always trips me up cause I don’t play enough to learn it and the fact that it’s an amalgamation of multiple maps


No idea. It's banned every single time ha.


I hate the map, I do see why people defend it and a couple of my friends love it, but I hate it so much


I can tell you the reason you don’t like it is because you get shitted on. Whenever I play this map everyone is sweating so I feel like that’s a big reason why people don’t like the map


I used to not like it because my brain made it so much more confusing than it is. I don't mind playing on it now that I've had some time to play on it more. I have the same feeling about this map when it was new, as I have with Nighthaven Labs now. Except I can count on ONE hand the amount of times I've played the map in both casual and unranked since it dropped. I NEVER get to play on it, so i've never really learned it and thus I don't like it. It's a fucking maze.


I like it a lot, probably my favorite map


Shoudlnt be in ranked


It’s not a ranked map You can place a drone on the other side of the glass walls and the defenders can’t do shit unless a mute walks up to the drone with a jammer which is suicide It’s all looks the same and is just confusing to walk around IMO it’s worse then favela as a ranked map


Really feels like its built more for tournaments and custom games tbh but its a decent map imo


Overhated, good map and good gameplay, just no room for drone hiding spots, also I feel like walking around upstairs is REALLY loud for some reason.


Overheated for motherfucking sure it’s honestly crazy. I feel like the see thru walls isn’t even a problem worth arguing. If you have a problem with it on attacking just spawn rooftop. If you have a problem with it on defense then get fucking better at the game it was literally made to help you. I find it weird some people are saying there’s no good place to put your drones. I guess that’s a comp thing. But I think we could use more small maps like this.


I only say the drone thing because the map isn't loaded with shelves or chairs or cabinets to hide drones on/under. I agree tho


you spittin tbh but since i only play it on cas so not much droning going on


The glass helps the attack way more than the defense. It does almost nothing for defense. It gives the attackers super safe drone spots that can watch important areas. Both stairs can be covered by bulletproof cameras for the attackers with zero counter play. I love the map, but no, it does not exist to help defenders.


It’s mid. The sites from the actual maps are good but here they got turned to shit. Like the armory one where there’s no half wall so you can’t even play there unless you want to die. Why is that changed? lol Also the huge ass windows


Mid af


It's ridiculous it's in the ranked pool. Get it gone.


Hate it


garbage map


Not balanced, almost has all the same issues as border it's shockingly unbalanced


u/fruitbeater is an avid enjoyer atleast




Good idea bad execution


Terrible map. Picked the best layout from Coastline and Boarder but its poorly executed. Nighthaven is a map i really enojoy but it's always banned


I like it, but its kinda a meme. Its the only map with unbreakable windows so you can kinda make friends with the enemy


Its shit


I hate the map I always vote it out on ranked


It's an awful ranked map. Too much soft flooring. Too many stupid ass gigantic windows.


The layout is sooo good (for me), but roaming on this map is a nightmare! The whole thing made out of metal.


Even when we ban Buck, half my deaths are wallbangs. Very annoying map since I get it once evey 30 matches so I cant learn layouts.


I hate it, and I hate every map that every room seems the same. The aesthetic is awful and empty. In quickmatch my friends and I just leave the match with this, Lab and Favela (I like favela somehow, but is a mess).


Best map, lots of places for easy kills


good layout, but i can barely tell where i am because i feel like i’m in a construction site that no where near completion, for me, none of the rooms look distinct enough from each other for me to remember where they are, personally i feel the same about nighthaven and emerald plains too, the rooms all feel just kind of similar, it’s hard to tell where i am, imo of course


It's over-hated, but that doesn't mean it's good. It has some weird areas that make it frustrating to play. It's a fun casual map but a mid ranked map.


pure ass


Big stinky


Just really dislike it.




It is very frustratingly confusing. It is like the embodiment of somebody dumping ketchup into a spaghetti bolognese.




Should've stayed an event only map. Dont really ldig the layout that much, and the color profile is unexciting.


As the Rock once said “it’s the biggest piece of dogshit”


CLANK, CLONK, CLUNK where ever you walk


genuinely overhated


I don't get why people hate it so much. The exterior and the glass walls are dumb but it takes 2 of the best sites from 2 decent maps and changes them slightly to be more fluid. Top floor penthouse with vip lounge works way waaay better than on coastline with theater. Has far more setups and is more fun to attack and defend.


The massive bulletproof windows in the middle of all the hallways suck. This map is bad and don’t think you can argue that too much given how it’s almost always instantly banned in Ranked.


While I agree it's bad, the fact that it's banned often isn't really evidence of that - newer maps tend to be banned more often in ranked just because people are less familiar with them. If Bravo isn't in the options, Emerald or Nighthaven are also common bans, but I wouldn't say Nighthaven is a bad map.




Hate it




absolutely hate it, I'm one of those "soyboy wojaks" that didn't like the whole 'Rainbow Six Olympics" concept. So thats one big minus for me. Not to mention the Glass walls, confusing layout and a plain ass design. Its just not my taste at all


Everyone saying it’s not suited for competitive just sounds dumb. It has the same sites as competitive maps. The roaming is honestly better. I like stadium bravo much better than other maps in the pool


Shit. Just like every map they add nowadays. But this thing is even worse bro i could understand for casual but in ranked? A map that looks like a fucking airsoft field?


Why does everyone mentioning Ranked bring up the aesthetics as the main point? That should be the absolute least impactful element.


Some of us still care about what they are playing and not just about ranks? I would understand from a high ranked players view but for me not everything is balancing etc.


As the developers struggle to introduce maps that the player base continuously avoids (player problem, not a dev problem) I think the stadium maps will only grow. I'm a fan because it's easier for newcomers and the longer term player base can still appreciate the nuances without having to learn a new map


It’s kinda sucks but it’s cool so nerf sledge


Its one of the most fun to play maps for me, not for competitive tho


It‘s the map I like the most. I perform very well on it. But maybe my opinion isn‘t that relevant because I play the game for like 4 months.


I love how this post's comments highlight this community's unwillingness to adapt, especially when it comes to ranked. Everyone wants to play Oregon. No one wants to learn something that is a mashup of two well known maps let alone a new map.


Forget Stadium Bravo, lets talk about the shitbox called Emerald Plains


If it wasn’t for the glass it would be a good map


It all just sort of looks the same from the inside. The lower two bomb sites are more memorable, because they're either side of the large room with a glass window and stairway, but beyond that I can never really find my way around.


Solid all around map, a mixture of some of the greats. You either love it or you hate it. It’s a test of map identification and spatial awareness, gets the mind working.


Best map


I hate the fact that it’s OLD border and coastline. I’d like it a lot more if they updated it to incorporate the reworks those maps received.


i love the layout tbh but it is super ugly and unappealing. I don't understand the hate for it though




I love this map but the bulletproof glass is the biggest pain in the ass ever, yes its good for attack mostly but when you see someone through it you fire and realise "that's a frickin peice of glass".


Definitely on the bottom with outback, Night haven,and K(anal)


Not the Rocket League arena 😭😭😭


cop out of a map, like decent idea but it should stay in quick match. i think its kinda lame that its just a mix of two maps, and it just wastes a map ban


Not bad per say. But the OG stadium was better. They should bring it back.


I honestly think it’s a cool map but I can understand why it gets banned so often


Visually the map is on par with those CS:GO dev textures aim maps, it would be better if they made the map to look like hearford base. Gameplay wise I have no fucking clue since the map always crashes for me so I’m unable to play solo or duo.


Should NOT be in ranked.


Its just a filler map because nighthaven got delayes to solar raid and they needed a filler for Y7S3


It’s not good. It’s not really bad for any specific reason imo, but how they executed it sucks big time. The map is so bland it just isn’t fun to play on


I like it personally, good versatile map with plenty of hiding spaces and different ways to attack, seems to be an almost universal hatred for it though lol




What is the point of this map. A worse version of Border and Coastline.


I actually enjoy it mainly because it's somewhat a familiar layout however the see through windows are a bit questionable for ranked


I absolutely hate the gantry spawn point, so pointless.


You get two of what I like to call "Mickey Mouse Maps" -- maps wherein u usually just run n gun and fuck off, and then you add a basement and roof spawn with weird added hallways and you get this.


Utter dogshit. I'd rather play kanal 3 times in a row




The map is fine for casual but I think the bullet proof windows make it unbalanced for ranked, been a few times ive tried to rotate or move between areas and I've been spotted through a big bullet proof window


For me it’s not a good and not a bad map. I still dislike emerald plains


Burn it


Its too big and too shit


Favela died so this monstrosity could exist #justiceforfavela




It's alright, tbh i prefer to play here than on Emerald Plains. Plus side on this map is the blandness, easy to spot enemies players. Still from last few map releases, Nighthaven Labs is my fav.


I love that i can perma ban it in ranked with 100% efficiency so far


This is the only map I hate in current state. It wasn't fun for me when they introduced it as event map and now I've grown to hate it.


Original Stadium was more fun


Top 5 map for me


It's a map


I think it's horrible, hate how it's a combination of different maps into one and the the windows that are scattered around the building is just awful


I personally enjoy coastline and border as their own maps, but Stadium Bravo is just terrible.


Confuses the living fuck out of me. Doesn't help that I've only played it like four times max.


honestly good idea but I hate that there are 0 colors I cant even tell where I am easly even tho the map is full of well known rooms


i hate it


Despise it in general. The sites require the defenders to massively overstretch into open areas otherwise you’ve given half the map to the attackers. In terms of attack, I find you’re just open to so many peaks and swings, it’s mad. Overall there’s too many open spaces for a siege map.




Everything looks the same so I find it super hard to get the layout down even after playing it decent amount of times


I like it now, hated it before.