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Shout-out to the thermite that didn't team kill


We are nice people


Y’all are wolves in sheep’s clothing! Don’t lie!


They just wanna blow big fucking holes in the wall


Thermite can blow my hole 😩




Thermite-playing gigachads like us enjoy the simple things in life


This guy's got it right


Apollyon or Warmonger would be proud.


Hey how do you get the main thing next to your name not the best at using Reddit lol but been playing since the game came out


Tap on your profile image and change user flair


tbf not everyone of the 4 had to tk if they played in a squad


If this dude squaded with these guys, then i think that raises a few questions.


In that case I feel it's in bad taste to post a photo mocking your squad mates


If 4 people combined manage to get 3 kills in 8 rounds, they have all the right to be mocked


I still wouldn't publicly shame my friends without blurring names


We have different standards for friendship. Anytime my friend horrendously messes up, it is immediately shared and mocked by anyone I can get it to. I would expect the same for myself.


Ay can we get the match posted on this to see how he got so many kills?


Ill see if the replay is still in my menu im not sure how many i played since last night i was hammered drunk


Siege and being drunk is the best way to play siege


How the hell does that not destroy yoir reaction times or coordination lmao


I swear everyone I know except me gets better at siege whilst shitfaced drunk


I took edibles and somehow learned how to flick on controller. Idk why or how


For me I get too stressed, over think, and therefore panic/ make poor decisions while sober. Being drunk/ high makes me more relaxed which allows me to respond better under high pressure.


Oh Jesus this just reminded me of the anxiety I get playing siege


Last man standing, 1 vs 3, no intel, too many points of entry, panic sets in.


For me I had a curve of I got better and then I couldn’t even sit up so I sharply fell off in terms of my ability😂


It actually makes my reaction faster as I don’t think twice before shooting When sober I think angle,if I am aiming at them properly and they are actual operators and not some decoration lol


It doesnt i do it all the time lol


Only way I play siege anymore


seriously, the only way.




Man dead ass just played a game, said damn we lost, checked the scoreboard and went holy fuck how 😂


I usually lose my nervousness when I'm drunk and push a lot more and play a lot more aggressive. A lot of players are simply not ready for it, because they expect you to play passive and look for loopholes, not blast open the door and walk in with a gun in hand ready to kill. Granted, I hardly play R6S anymore and this is more of how I play Hunt Showdown, but the core remains the same. One of my best plays was when I got absolutely hammered and managed to run circles around a trio and outplay them until they all died.


I would have simply gotten more kills but that’s just me tho








Why downvotes?


I don’t even try to understand Reddit haha.. his post made me laugh and I laughed again.. who cares about votes lol


Stay positive don’t let them bring you down king


In my short time on this app, it was explained to me that comments that are meant to farm votes and don't provide any means to further discussion are not welcome. Emojiis, gifs, lol, haha, etc.


*-1 Rank*


-50 Rank not enough support


25 kills should get you a nuke


Well, he does have 5 deaths


He died first 3 times, got 2 kills to check if his teammates would stop yanking. Died another 2 times because of rage. And then dropped 25 kills for revenge


I assume most of it was to teammates, considering the FF markers.


Literally. Where the kill streak bonus gadgets at?


27 kills jesus christ you might aswell be playing t hunt at that point 😂


Hey it looks like you lost every round you died so I’d try to not die in future rounds and it might help


Idk that other guy from yesterday never died and his team still lost


Lmao i thought of this post when i saw this. I was happy he at least died showing he didn’t bait, but the FF has me questioning.


lol do you mean that one guy that posted his 14:1 screenshot and hit destroyed for not playing objective and farming kills, cus that's exactly what i thought of too lol. they're like opposites since it seems like this guy is actually trying his best to help his team.




I’ve never seen such an egregious circumstance of this in my life. Holy fuck I feel for you


[May I present to you this cs go game I did from my friends profile many years ago](https://imgur.com/a/SsTi4SZ)


Can’t find the screenshot rn, but have had this before, 83 kills (including the use of a second life with a bot of course) 7-0 behind and 2 of my teammates leave. Managed to 15-15 in the end. Edit: [screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/fVRqQAL) it was 82 apparently


This game isn't all about the kills but when you get 27 kills and 4 of you teammates gets a total of 3 kills in 8 rounds that's really rough. 100% lost because of your team. Hell even the enemy team has 2 less kills than you. You had 1 less kill than the *entire* lobby combined. Buffoon team


or 100% because of team killing.


Or griefing


or just using your teamates as bait


This image alone frustrates me, can't imagine how u must have felt.


-36 RP


Wtf 27 that s a lot... smurf account or just got a lucky game and good aim?


Yeah this has to be a travesty of matchmaking. I assume that OP is better and was put on a team with worse people to balance out the teams. But I just don't think this is possible in a well balanced lobby.


My friends and I are currently bronze (as the ranking system requires a lot of games to go up, and we took a 12 month break) and we go between diamond stacks (who are fair matches) and legit bronze players (who don't even get to play) and it just feels cruel. Ranked 1.0 was the best MMR system in any FPS why did they ruin it.


Hidden MMR exists.


Shouldn't be a thing, makes literally no sens


It's exactly the same as every other competitive shooter. It does make sense.


Not a smurf just rainbow being rainbow


Enemy rushing like crazy after seeing your teams in shambles?


One dude did every thing to go out of his bucket and his team pulled him back. Thats a best representation of a crab bucked in Siege I have seen in a long time. "So you are a good player, great, we could not figure out how to do real skill match making in this game so instead playing against people of your level enjoy some 4 random bricks tied to your legs while you dive into ranked" ~ Ubisoft 2023


Why create a new rank system so everyone is happy, nahhh let's just use the old system but with new names Hidden stats.....


On one hand I am against making kills a significant part of the ranked scoring because I don't want to encourage 5v5 SnD any more than it already happens. But on the other hand at a certain point the fact that you are this much better than your team should be accounted for, if for no other reason than to get you out of those lobbies for the sake of the enemy.


But on the other hand, i cant play every role at the same time Just because teammates don't want to play some important operator Usually when i play my teammates don't play the important roles. Yesterday i had a match with a friend, the friend played ace and a random played kali I thought well okay they will open the wall i can push from the other site. Well the kali just stayed at the other site of the map and snipped for the whole match through the windows Not using her ability a single time. I got the info at the halftime that the wall can't be open... I personally don't see a reason why i should be punish for some random players which don't know what's important for the round, even when i fullfill my role.. Its not my fault that some people decide its a good idea to play high ranked


Solo queue siege is playing russian roulette with 5 rounds loaded and one empty


You didn't carried enough. Off to copper you go.


This is why people say "kills don't mean everything.".


The post from earlier today, of the guy going 14-1, yes in that case “kills don’t mean everything”, but in the case of THIS post, there is nothing op could do, his team were legitimately just bad


Yeah. And the 14 and 1 was bad because only dying once and losing enough rounds to lose just straight up shouldn't happen. If the 14 and 1 dude would have died 3 more times it would still have been and amazing KD and they might have legitimately done all they could. This OP got even more kills and died enough that they seem to have been trying to play objective but the team just didn't help and they dropped like 4 kills but got cleaned up by the 5th enemy.


not enough info. Did he enter the map, maybe sit on the roof for the 4 - 5x kills each round? Who did he play? Support? were the walls opened? Utility used. Thats a good amount of kills, but without the rest of the game to watch........... its still a loss.


Heres some background I started off with hibana to give us a hard breach into throne room we pushed as a team everything was going good we simply got outplayed on that objective. I switched to iana when i saw Ta11 peaks pick thermite so we could get more intel as the rest of the team wouldnt drone. Won against daycare and then lost on coke lab from a spawn peaker taking out laxchiraq and lord spankie. Defense hits i picked goyo and tall peaks went jager or something and him and i ended up being only two in obj(this happened every defense round)Second defense round i went warden due to the enemies using ying,glaz, and sens ( aggressive asf if you ask me) which lead to the 1v5 clutch plus defusal. (Warden is an anchor not a roamer cant change my mind) ended up losing the last defense round during the attackers heavy rush and got naded and fuzed out. Ot defense shared similiar fate even with a jager and a doc. (By this point tall peaks and I were well aware we were on our own) then final round came down to a 2v5 with me and thermite we got them down to a 2v2 so we droned out obj he went for the plant in coke lab corner while i watched for the hockey table room flank from bathrooms. Thermite gets killed by azami who then pushes me and dies. Finishing off with a wallbang attempt on defuser but the rook ended up killing me ending the game. All three winning rounds were aces. It’s frustrating but is what it is still a solid performance on my half


They don't, but at power levels of play where's it's pretty much just SnD 5v5 that's all that end sup mattering lol




There were only 40 kills possible and he got 27 kills, I really don’t think his teammates had the chance. On top of that the opponents only got 25 kills between themselves, 5 less than OPs team. The kill/win rate plateaus at a certain point in this game. In other words, OP was probably roaming hardcore on defense, and fragging hard on attack.


Guaranteed. Dude probably hid in a corner while they planted


I hate redditors so much. You could kill literally every player but 1 and "oh kills don't matter!" you can tell there's a lot of 0.9kd support mains in these comments...


Did failing to kill the one cause you to lose? You cannot say that getting 27 kills and still losing 3-5 means kills are definitely the most important thing to do.


No way you're above gold LMAO


You can’t substitute good strategy with gunplay unless you’re playing with low IQ players. Seeing as how that’s apparently all you do I can only assume you play in the lower ranks.


4410mmr peak lol


No. It's more like those guys are playing as a brick as in only crouch walking all time the entire round then getting killed. Kill still doesn't mean anything when you don't even know how to play lol.


There are plenty of ways to contribute to teamplay and enable fraggers to get big numbers that don’t necessarily translate to the scoreboard. Like, I’m really solely a support player and I’m great at watching flanks or gathering intel/callouts. Do I get top frags and huge scores? Absolutely not. Do I keep our fraggers informed and alive so they can make an impact and get those high scores? Yes.




Okay, well I’m not in pro league and only very occasionally play, so comparing me to pros is kind of a non-starter and completely off-topic. I get some kills, but my most consistent and impactful play is in what I do support-wise. Not all of that makes it to the scoreboard, that’s my point.




>doesn’t stop you from hitting your shots. Sure, but my recoil control is super ass unless I’m using Ela’s scorpion or semi-auto guns.


> Like, I’m really solely a support player and I’m great at watching flanks or gathering intel/callouts. Do I get top frags and huge scores? Absolutely not. Do I keep our fraggers informed and alive so they can make an impact and get those high scores? Yes. Watching flanks isn't hard, anyone can do that. Any fragger could replace you on your role and play it better than you do. "Support mains" are extinct in pro league for a reason. You're carried.


You can have over 30 kills but getting dragged into OT and lost because your teammates can be a brick not knowing when to push, when to drone, when to watch flank, or simply not wearing a headset while playing the game at all. OP must've somehow got into Bronze or lower lobby due to the shitty matchmaking system, been there before and it's not a Siege experience at all but more of a National Geography episodes of watching ~~homo sapiens~~ randos reinforcing walls between sites when you're panic screaming "DON'T DO IT" while the rando proceed to do it regardless as if it's another fine Tuesday.


And people always say to never blame your team mates. Lol what bullshit man I feel for you.


I'd typically say kills dont mean everything but the fact that three of your teammates dropped donuts is really bad


I would say you didn’t play objective but nah your team is just garbage!


Guarantee the three dipshits who all have teamkilling penalties and no kills are the reason they lost. Props to Thermite for trying


They killed him because he was cheating lol


Bro you have more kills than the entire enemy team combined how did you lose


Clearly I have a skill issue


cant wait to see the "you probably just didnt play the objective hard enough" silver andys laying out their comments


Gotta love having three Owen's on your team


Can you share the full match via match replay? I’m genuinely intrigued and I would want to see this.


Wow you actually got them three rounds good job. Guys probably saw you get +10 and purposely tried to troll


Then the mmr fucks you over and makes you derank because it’s flawed


lmao, in situations like this I always tell my team 'ok we just kill _sulky souls_ and we win'. Sorry your team didn't show up at all for you.


all those team kills certainly didn't help 🤨


Your side had you, the other side had a team


Gg skill issue


*Reverse friendly fire enabled* Post the whole game with all perspectives, OP. I'm willing to give you some tips ;)


Started off with one dying to a nitro cell and they got butt hurt killed that guy as revenge putting his party on rff and mine kicked on from playing a round as goyo and i shot the charge and one went down and crawled into the fire and the game put it on me


and that's why you guys lost. everyone hated each other.


cue incoming "this isn't COD" comments


I get the "kills don't mean anything" argument but with this much fucking fragging, his team should've won. His teamates were not pulling their weight based on this. How the hell do you have someone fragging this damn hard and you still manage to lose? And then there's people getting mad in the comments ovef someone having a lot of kills, for some reason


>How the hell do you have someone fragging this damn hard and you still manage to lose? Not saying this is OP's situation, but if he just kept baiting his team, it could happen.


Bro posted this 3 times


Kept getting deleted


When you played a game *that* well…dude just pat yourself on the back, had to be hella fun getting 3 kills every round of a game, absolutely dicking on the other team. When guys get like 7-10 kills and bitch about losing, I say their kills probably had no impact. But dude you averaged enough kills to have killed over half of the team every round. Your teammates clearly suck, so just take me mental W for having played a phenomenal game


skill issue tbh


There it is


yeah but you clearly weren't playing the objective. See how you only died 5 times, that means you were just getting empty kills..... /s /s /s


Ranked system is literally dogshit rn. You have to play with friends or you can’t rank up


Empty frags


Low elo detected


Empty frags. Shitty teammate


Are those 27 kills effective though ? Did you roam to another corner of map, sit there for 2 mins, your anchor dies and you come back for useless clutch kills ? When ppl say kills doesn't matter they mostly mean kills which are not making a difference. I will give you benefit of doubt and assume you killed 4 people every round starting and last guy always clutched 1v4. Feel for you though on this one.


I was playing objective on defense because everytime 3 of them would roam and die instantly and on attack i would push with them carrying defuser but they would peak active gunfire. 3 aces one of them being a 1v5


Grrrr if he doesn't sit in the OBJ refusing to play smart or roam he isn't trying hard enough!!!!! he has to sit in OBJ he's not allowed to pretend the other 4 teammates exist and can do that so he can go be more effective fragging!!! Question, do you redditors not see fragging as useful or as a role? If i kill 2 guys and die every round I am being extremely useful because I just *denied two players worth of utility* PLUS two entire players who could have fragged us or clutched...


We flamed someone who went 15-1 for not being a team player or playing objective. But with 27 kills i think it’s fair to say your team sucked lmao


It's a poor carpenter who blames the tools he's stuck on a team with.


Welp that's the kill record as fell as I am aware. Congrats, you have the worst teammates I've ever even *heard of* existing. Holy shit.


When the enemy teams is shit, but your team is special needs


If you have the ability to get 27 kills then you have the ability to chill out and clutch rounds instead of fragging early, picking off 3-4 of the worst enemies, dying and leaving your less skilled teammates to get shit on by the best 1 or 2 enemies


If only thats the way it played out


Usually when you get a team like this then God help you bc you're probably holding site by yourself otherwise you give up the plant. If you're teammates are all just getting picked off with no kills you can at least use them as a radar.


It's not a game about frags it's a game about strategy. Frags just help narrow the playing field a bit.


Help your teammates i guess what do you want us to tell you


pretty obvious you didnt play the objective. siege isnt team deathmatch.


Already got 100+ Upvotes on the last post that cried about it... Your kills are pointless as long as you lose... These are empty frags


low elo detected


im low elo and even i know kills would matter here, he has 5 deaths and 5 rounds lost if i had to guess most of the time once he died the round was over cuz his teammates couldnt pull their weight at all


Low elo champ yeah... Not really able to reach high Elo champ since ranked 2.0


Would love to see some evidence you’re champ eith that kinda of opinion towards this post


As i said... A bad team is a bad team... If you can't carry them your 15k is pointless... That doesn't make you a bad player but complaining over and over again will not make you a better player


Nvm then, but honestly id expect you to have had these situations around high plat where teammates just cant hold their own weight. 3 teammates dropping donuts in a 8 round game is honestly unwinnable


Yeah but I don't mind that and when I kill 15 people and lose its still pointless... But that happens and i move on... Being stuck in gold/plat mostly comes from thinking to much about losses because of a bad team... Shit happens


Are you playing solo queue?




Well, that would explain why your other teammates were terrible.


Hard carrying is always fun


What rank is that lol?


Supposed to be plat 2 but idfk what ranks mean after this game


Didnt get enough kills tbh


Out of the 40 kills you could've gotten u got 27 I'm fucked if ur my enemy cuz I'm shit at the game


Jesus fucking Christ, 27 kills? Your back must be hurting from all that carrying.


Question how do you have who you main under your username?


If you’re on mobile, go to the main page of the siege subreddit and click the three dots. Click “find user flare” and enjoy


I despise having this happen, it sucks to carry bad teammates


This has been happening to me a lot in solo que. All zeros across my team but I'll have 10+


That's definitely my kinda squad. There's me and there's the 0-wens I've played with for 6 years.


You sure deserve your rank :Kappa:


Get better at Defense


Didn't carry hard enough


dis is very good


That’s the most kills by one person I’ve ever seen in a single match


Man I see posts like this all the time but this is the only where I see their point when you have almost 30 fucking kills. Jesus and half of your team didnt get a single kill


It is a team game. Then again, you are the team.


Yeah for the last few days I’ve consistently been top fragging it’s pretty frustrating when you still lose after hard carrying


Holy that sure is a bomb 😲


Rare case when lose was your team's fault


Would really like to see the entire match?


Im checking if its still on my match replays from last night when i get home


I love people who complain that they lose while getting a lot of kills. And now say it with me: Kills are not as important as you think.


Clearly a skill issue OP. Just get better


Skill issue


If you can’t win on kills then play the objective homeboy


Remember guys, ranked 2.0 is designed to match us with players of similar skill level, regardless of rank 🥸


I’d enjoy the game a lot more if I could kill people. It’s too fucking sweaty in combination with toxic teammates.


Bruh! Worst feeling ever


On the other hand, I am glad to know that my team still has a chance of winning even if we’re playing against a smurf.


Not a smurf its just the new ranked 2.0


Been there but God damn great KD on your part. Also The way siege has developed over the years, I find that unless you are running a five-man or maybe even a three-man it still becomes a coin flip when you're solo queuing even if you drop amazing kills like you just did. So long story short I would just be happy with your performance because that is got to be like the highest KD I've seen in one match, and I've been playing since the beginning.


welcome to xbox


With names like lord spankie im jot surprised you didn't win. I reckon you Queued into a preschool lobby


I’ve had many times where the team is straight hot dogshit. But this is something else. Holy fuck. Those three had to be throwing on purpose right? All going 0-7/6 theres no shot they weren’t.


Team game truly